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Looking for MMO - Focus on Raids

JiyuuishiJiyuuishi Member UncommonPosts: 22

Hiho there.


To make it short: I am currently looking for an MMO with good Raid Content. (Not WoW. Seriously, no. Played it for 1 1/2 year.)


The more ways to make teamplay etc. necessary, the better. And if its difficult thats even better.


I tried WildStar and I have to admit I failed with that combat system.

Elder Scrolls Online... no. Let's just leave it at that.

Guild Wars 2 - well I loved Guild Wars 1. And the combat system was nice. But overall the lack of contant was... meh.


Would be nice to hear some opinions :)


Oh and I don't mind F2P, P2P or B2P. But no Item-Shop that influences the game itself. (Even GW2 is... borderline. LoL f. e. is okay.)





  • FINAL FANTASY XIV has too much raids at end-game. Theres free trial for 14 days,

  • ChrisboxChrisbox Member UncommonPosts: 1,729
    Originally posted by Ekadd

    FINAL FANTASY XIV has too much raids at end-game. Theres free trial for 14 days,

    ^ This guy beat me to it.  But yea, FFXIV is in my opinion the best themepark out there right now for raiding.  8 man groups and new content on the reg.  


  • JiyuuishiJiyuuishi Member UncommonPosts: 22

    At the moment I am downloading the Trial :)


    Any other game that I should try?

  • Juice2000Juice2000 Member UncommonPosts: 95
    FF14 and SWTOR are full on themeparks with a ton a raids in each if thats what your after. FF14 has 2 raids split into 10 individual raids and SWTOR has about 8 or 9 raids. Both games are doing well due to expansions and free trials.
  • jbriskeyjbriskey Member UncommonPosts: 43
    Rift has a ton of raids and its free...and is my favorite :-)
  • centkincentkin Member RarePosts: 1,527
    I suggest the original everquest.
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