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To all of those posting to avoid this game



  • ArchlyteArchlyte Member RarePosts: 1,405
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by Archlyte
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by Archlyte
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by Archlyte
    Originally posted by Uccisore
    Originally posted by Archlyte





    It is pretty clear you have no idea at all what EVE is about, you probably should stop posting at this point, the level of embarrassment is painful to read.

    Do those activities occur in EVE? Absolutely.  Do they happen all the time to everyone? Not at all.

    So much hyperbole in your viewpoints, when the reality lies miles away from your flawed perceptions.


    The day I start worrying about what you think of my posts is the day I stop coming to this site. Go ahead and attack me though because EVE is what I say it is. I've made my point, you haven't done anything but troll me.

    MMORPG players are often like Hobbits: They don't like Adventures
  • uplink4242uplink4242 Member UncommonPosts: 258

    No, that's just your perception which is thankfully far from the nature of the game. Source: I'm someone that actually plays it.

    Some people have a hard time distinguishing between the act of griefing and interacting with other players. Attacking other players and scamming them are all within the rules of the game and are ludicrously easy to deal with if you're prepared. Insulting them and harassing them leads to quick bans as already happened last few weeks.

    In short, you sign up for an open world PVP game, one that advertises itself as being ruthless and unforgiving and you're surprised when other people attack you. Instead of learning what happened and how you can avoid it again in future you decide to cry about it in the forums and that's the behaviour and culture that the Eve community is known for being intolerant to.

    I won't even go how it's trivially easy to avoid undesired confrontation if that's your thing (which is perfectly valid). Eve just happens to be a game that punishes those who don't put the effort into learning the rules before doing something stupid. That is the nature of the game. Bad players just mistake it with griefing.


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,109
    Originally posted by Archlyte
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by Archlyte
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by Archlyte
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by Archlyte
    Originally posted by Uccisore
    Originally posted by Archlyte





    It is pretty clear you have no idea at all what EVE is about, you probably should stop posting at this point, the level of embarrassment is painful to read.

    Do those activities occur in EVE? Absolutely.  Do they happen all the time to everyone? Not at all.

    So much hyperbole in your viewpoints, when the reality lies miles away from your flawed perceptions.


    The day I start worrying about what you think of my posts is the day I stop coming to this site. Go ahead and attack me though because EVE is what I say it is. I've made my point, you haven't done anything but troll me.

    You've managed to make no real point other than to troll EVE and paint a false picture wrapped strongly in hyperbole about what the game is and isn't. You clearly don't understand either.

    Maybe you should consider actually playing, would give you a proper frame of reference, I know it's helping me here in this discussion.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • SoaringBarnacleSoaringBarnacle Member UncommonPosts: 34

    Actually Archlyte is pretty much spot-on: the real fun to be had in EvE is to find ways to make people lose hours of playtime invested, and possibly make them rage.

    This is self-evident to anyone who has played this game and left, to those who fully and blissfully indulge in those activities, and very much repressed but unconsciously embraced by people like you who want to behave like online psychopaths, but want to be seen as nice or okay individuals,

  • mayito7777mayito7777 Member UncommonPosts: 768
    Originally posted by Prokaryotik

    I understand where you're coming from, I truly do. But you have to realize that the world of New Eden that CCP has created is supposed to be an emulation of a completely dog eat dog society where almost anything can happen. For all intents and purposes you should be happy there are even Hi-sec areas in my opinion.

    I have played this game on and off here and there for some time and I am by no means an expert in any way shape or form. But what I absolutely love about this game is that it truly is a vitrual world: one server, go anywhere, do anything. It is trying to portray a futuristic society in space where there is no government. Just those who may or may not be your friends.

    I understand you have to pay a subscription, I understand that you've put a lot of time and effort into the game, but this is something that they make you very well aware of and is something that makes the experience something that is truly unique. That fear of griefing, that fear of losing everything. But that's what makes it awesome, the fact that can actually happen, anytime, anywhere, and if you can't handle that then this game isn't for you. Can't you guys imagine that if a world actually did exist like New Eden in space there would be those griefers, those pirates, those scammers? That's what our world is like believe it or not. Just most of us don't see it as we live in a priveleged society where we play video games all day... It's sick but its an accurate portrayal of what that society would be like (I think at least). So CCP, please don't change it. Don't corrupt this immaculate world of no holds barred, deception, profiteering, piracy, backstabbing.. ugh I could go on.

    Maybe your society but not mine. I refuse to subscribe to any game where you as a player is treated by other players and the developers, gms and owners of the game like you are a piece of filthy trash.

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