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[Column] General: Blizzard’s Titan is Dead

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

Luckily, the MMO is not as dead as Blizzard’s Project Titan. It seems like it can’t be true, right? After seven years of development, reassessing, and waiting… Blizzard is officially canceling Project Titan. As they did with Warcraft Adventures and Starcraft: Ghost, it seems the legendary studio just didn’t see the merit in making Titan a reality… at least right now.  Polygon broke the story today, and I think I can speak for many when I say it made me really sad.

Read more of Bill Murphy's Blizzard's Titan is Dead.





  • ArawulfArawulf Guest WriterMember UncommonPosts: 597
    Too bad we probably won't get to ever see details about what they actually were working on for those 7 years.
  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    Originally posted by Arawulf
    Too bad we probably won't get to ever see details about what they actually were working on for those 7 years.

    A shame really

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • SteamRangerSteamRanger Member UncommonPosts: 920
    And so they diverted the lion's share of their best talent from World of Warcraft and Diablo and turned their best franchises over to be Activisioned. Pitiful. 

    "Soloists and those who prefer small groups should never have to feel like they''re the ones getting the proverbial table scraps, as it were." - Scott Hartsman, Senior Producer, Everquest II
    "People love groups. Its a fallacy that people want to play solo all the time." - Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, Rift

  • orbitxoorbitxo Member RarePosts: 1,956

    greeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat 7 more years of wow....



    good thing for D3.

  • BattlerockBattlerock Member CommonPosts: 1,393
    Hope you're all happy now.
  • KabulozoKabulozo Member RarePosts: 932
    For me it makes no difference, I don't play Activision-Blizzrd games. The only exception still is Diablo. CoD, WoW and Destiny are just terrible.
  • C.L.O.U.DC.L.O.U.D Member UncommonPosts: 365
    Too bad that they spent $100+ million dollars on the game and then scrapped it. -From the mouth of a someone who worked on the game.
  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    Originally posted by C.L.O.U.D
    Too bad that they spent $100+ million dollars on the game and then scrapped it. -From the mouth of a someone who worked on the game.

    Any chance Blizzard will buy the Star Wars Galaxies name, partner with Disney.  Modernize SWG put their spin on the game, add content to it and bring SWG 2 with a Pre CU into the MMO world?  That would be a cheap easy win for Blizzard and it wouldnt be hard to get people to play.  And it would be profitable.  

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    I guess they think that MOs like D3 earns more money for what they cost but I think they made a mistake here just like CCP did when they canceled WoDO.

    Wow wont bring in those huge monthly fees forever and not having a game even close to replace it while they still spent 5 years and used a lot of their best people (Kaplan comes to mind) for creating nothing does seems like a weird tactic to me.

    A MO is cheaper to develop than a MMO but I am willing to bet my hat (and I love that hat) on that D3 won't be a big game 10 years after release but rather something a few people still play, like the first 2 games were after that time.

    A good MMO outlasts any other type of game and while they do cost more to develop they also earn in that money pretty fast during it's long lifetime.

    Of course in Titans case the game just could be bad and that be the reason of them canceling it (even talented people can make crap now and then) or Blizzard might have put in as much work on Wow 2 already and choose to put their money on it instead but from what we know the whole thing sounds rather stupid.

  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Meh, I've seen enough horror movies to know that if nobody sees it, it didn't happen. IE, you don't take someone's word for it that they killed the killer, like ever! I've seen no evidence to suggest otherwise, so until they start laying people off, I'd tend to think that something's still going on, whether it's Titan or whether it's Demigod. 


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  • dreadlordnafdreadlordnaf Member UncommonPosts: 88
    Originally posted by C.L.O.U.D
    Too bad that they spent $100+ million dollars on the game and then scrapped it. -From the mouth of a someone who worked on the game.


    They probably got so into making it they forgot to look around and then realized they basically made another WoW-clone type game that wasnt that great, heh.



  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Originally posted by danwest58

    Any chance Blizzard will buy the Star Wars Galaxies name, partner with Disney.  Modernize SWG put their spin on the game, add content to it and bring SWG 2 with a Pre CU into the MMO world?  That would be a cheap easy win for Blizzard and it wouldnt be hard to get people to play.  And it would be profitable.  

    No. Just wont happen. Why share the profits with Disney and LA when they own IPs themselves that would earn just as much money.

    World of Starcraft is a possibility though, that would get tons more players than SWG 2.

  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829

    They're probably trying to judge what's the next hot thing that they can jump on.

    They're getting on board with the MOBAs with HotS. They got into the online TCG business with Hearthstone.

    So maybe next in line is something voxel bases, like Minecraft and the gazillion others it spawned in its wake (seven days to die, life is feudal, etc...)

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • noluknoluk Member UncommonPosts: 22
    They may have cancelled the title but a lot of that development can be reused somewhere down the line.  I suspect the probably figured out that their "success" with Titan would only come at the expense of WoW's current subscriber base.  People generally play one MMO at a time and 3 million people moving from WoW to Titan would be a net wash.  I suspect the reason they created Titan and the reason they canceled it was the threat from ESO and Wildstar that has not lived up to hype.  If ESO and Wildstar had garnered millions of subscriptions, all the news out of Blizzard now would be about what is coming with Titan.  As it exists currently WoW is fine and Warlords will only improve that situation.  They do not need to release a new game when their next expansion will pull back a few million subscriptions for a few months anyway. 
  • FelixMajorFelixMajor Member RarePosts: 865
    Lame, at least tell us what it was xD

    Originally posted by Arskaaa
    "when players learned tacticks in dungeon/raids, its bread".

  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829
    Originally posted by noluk
    They may have cancelled the title but a lot of that development can be reused somewhere down the line.  I suspect the probably figured out that their "success" with Titan would only come at the expense of WoW's current subscriber base.  People generally play one MMO at a time and 3 million people moving from WoW to Titan would be a net wash.  I suspect the reason they created Titan and the reason they canceled it was the threat from ESO and Wildstar that has not lived up to hype.  If ESO and Wildstar had garnered millions of subscriptions, all the news out of Blizzard now would be about what is coming with Titan.  As it exists currently WoW is fine and Warlords will only improve that situation.  They do not need to release a new game when their next expansion will pull back a few million subscriptions for a few months anyway. 

    I honestly doubt they ever got far beyond the concept phase. And even that sounded like it went back to the drawing board several times.

    Kinda like Tabula Rasa before it eventually came out. FireFall had similar problems I think. And of course there was World of Darkness...

    Probably better to cancel it if they are stuck with a concept that's going nowhere.

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    You guys are so slow. For the past year I've been saying Titan is/was Hearthstone!

    It's no coincidence that on the leaked project slate Titan was scheduled for release in 2014 and Blizzard always said that Titan (hearthstone) would not compete with WoW. That it was casual game made for different audience.

  • nbtscannbtscan Member UncommonPosts: 862
    They're probably doing just fine between HotS and Hearthstone.  They'll just keep milking WoW for as long as they can.  Only time will tell if they're shooting themselves in the foot by not working on a more traditional MMORPG though.  I was really hoping to see something based in the Starcraft universe.
  • nyxiumnyxium Member UncommonPosts: 1,345



    7 years work down the drain? I knew something was  up when Blizz restructured the dev team a while back.

    This has got to be the biggest MMO project disaster story of all time! ALL TIME!

  • ArclanArclan Member UncommonPosts: 1,550
    Must've been in terrible shape.  Why else wouldn't they just release it for free and let gamers do what they want with it.    Id software created a multiplayer game called Wolfenstein: EnemY Teritory and then for some reason decided to give the game away for free.   Blizzard could have done that.

    Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
    In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by bcbully
    You guys are so slow. For the past year I've been saying Titan is/was Hearthstone!

    It's no coincidence that on the leaked project slate Titan was scheduled for release in 2014 and Blizzard always said that Titan (hearthstone) would not compete with WoW. That it was casual game made for different audience.


    +1 to me.

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407

    I am going to say what many people here are thinking.




    There. I hope that release of stress soothed others here mourning the lost...

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    Originally posted by bcbully
    You guys are so slow. For the past year I've been saying Titan is/was Hearthstone!

    It's no coincidence that on the leaked project slate Titan was scheduled for release in 2014 and Blizzard always said that Titan (hearthstone) would not compete with WoW. That it was casual game made for different audience.


    So what the hell was Project hydra than?

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • sketocafesketocafe Member UncommonPosts: 950
    Well, the decision to pull talent from wow and send it to Titan certainly paid off.
  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    Originally posted by danwest58
    Originally posted by C.L.O.U.D
    Too bad that they spent $100+ million dollars on the game and then scrapped it. -From the mouth of a someone who worked on the game.

    Any chance Blizzard will buy the Star Wars Galaxies name, partner with Disney.  Modernize SWG put their spin on the game, add content to it and bring SWG 2 with a Pre CU into the MMO world?  That would be a cheap easy win for Blizzard and it wouldnt be hard to get people to play.  And it would be profitable.  


    Blizzard doesnt do licensing

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

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