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  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,779

    Looks like the audience is getting a little restless... particularly with the lack of communication.  This is just a sample from the forums from a well known fan. 


    Unread Today, 14:37

      #35 (permalink)

    adrala vbmenu_register("postmenu_1035276", true);

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    Originally Posted by Tizio View Post

    <07@Maerlyn> gentlemen

    <07@Maerlyn> The patch came out "too big"

    <07@Maerlyn> 2,5gig

    <07@Maerlyn> which is too big for the patching system to handle

    <07@Maerlyn> we could've not forseen this sadly

    <07@Maerlyn> this means we are recompiling now in 2 parts

    <07@Maerlyn> the reason why the compiling process takes double the time is because of the added 64bit client

    <07@Maerlyn> We are looking at a few more hours

    <07@Maerlyn> Sorry for the inconvenience

    Seems this guys will never learn.

    Stop with those ninja replies burried in hundreds of users´posts or that IRC nonsense.

    The last official statement was that the patch is delayed and will be released yesterday.

    Now one day after there is still no official update.

    If I were a new client that bought the game with all that epic patch rush I would be filling a refund request already.

    Can we once and for all abolish this amatuerish way of handling the info to the community?


    -Can a man still be brave when he's afraid?

    -That's the only time a man can be brave...

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    I think they would probably be better served by just delaying the patch for a week, getting all the nuts and botls tightened... doing a little more testing.. and then launching on a full night's sleep.  I have always felt that communities deal well with bad news.. as long as it's communicated properly.  When fans that have stuck by them for 2 whole years start to turn on them, they better start listening.



    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • gothagotha Member UncommonPosts: 1,074

    How do you not know your patch size?

  • TorgrimTorgrim Member CommonPosts: 2,088

    Originally posted by gotha

    How do you not know your patch size?

    <Maerlyn>: gentlemen

    <Maerlyn>: The patch came out "too big"

    <Maerlyn>: 2,5gig

    <Maerlyn>: which is too big for the patching system to handle

    <Maerlyn>: we could've not forseen this sadly

    <Maerlyn>: this means we are recompiling now in 2 parts

    <Maerlyn>: the reason why the compiling process takes double the time is because of the added 64bit client

    <Maerlyn>: We are looking at a few more hours

    <Maerlyn>: Sorry for the inconvenience


    From the offical forums.

    If it's not broken, you are not innovating.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,779

    Originally posted by Torgrim

    Originally posted by gotha

    How do you not know your patch size?

    : gentlemen

    : The patch came out "too big"

    : 2,5gig

    : which is too big for the patching system to handle

    : we could've not forseen this sadly

    : this means we are recompiling now in 2 parts

    : the reason why the compiling process takes double the time is because of the added 64bit client

    : We are looking at a few more hours

    : Sorry for the inconvenience


    From the offical forums.

    I don't think he was questioning the patch size which was previously posted at least twice in this thread.  I think he is questioning how it's possible that after 5 days of delay they just now realized the patch size was about 25% too big for the patcher to handle.  Particularly after the were supposed to be testing the patch on a test server...


     If I had to guess... I would say that the testing was done via direct download and bypassed the patcher.  Dunno though... only SV can answer that question.  Even doing it that way should have setoff some alarm bells at the size though, unless they didn't realize there was a 2.0 GB engine limit on patches...



    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • TorgrimTorgrim Member CommonPosts: 2,088

    Originally posted by Slapshot1188

    Originally posted by Torgrim

    Originally posted by gotha

    How do you not know your patch size?

    : gentlemen

    : The patch came out "too big"

    : 2,5gig

    : which is too big for the patching system to handle

    : we could've not forseen this sadly

    : this means we are recompiling now in 2 parts

    : the reason why the compiling process takes double the time is because of the added 64bit client

    : We are looking at a few more hours

    : Sorry for the inconvenience


    From the offical forums.

    I don't think he was questioning the patch size which was previously posted at least twice in this thread.  I think he is questioning how it's possible that after 5 days of delay they just now realized the patch size was about 25% too big for the patcher to handle.  Particularly after the were supposed to be testing the patch on a test server...


     If I had to guess... I would say that the testing was done via direct download and bypassed the patcher.  Dunno though... only SV can answer that question.  Even doing it that way should have setoff some alarm bells at the size though, unless they didn't realize there was a 2.0 GB engine limit on patches...




    Sure it was a fault and missjudgement from thier part but not that big of a fuzz.

    If it's not broken, you are not innovating.

  • AjmagsAjmags Member UncommonPosts: 63

    Originally posted by Torgrim

    Originally posted by Slapshot1188

    Originally posted by Torgrim

    Originally posted by gotha

    How do you not know your patch size?

    : gentlemen

    : The patch came out "too big"

    : 2,5gig

    : which is too big for the patching system to handle

    : we could've not forseen this sadly

    : this means we are recompiling now in 2 parts

    : the reason why the compiling process takes double the time is because of the added 64bit client

    : We are looking at a few more hours

    : Sorry for the inconvenience


    From the offical forums.

    I don't think he was questioning the patch size which was previously posted at least twice in this thread.  I think he is questioning how it's possible that after 5 days of delay they just now realized the patch size was about 25% too big for the patcher to handle.  Particularly after the were supposed to be testing the patch on a test server...


     If I had to guess... I would say that the testing was done via direct download and bypassed the patcher.  Dunno though... only SV can answer that question.  Even doing it that way should have setoff some alarm bells at the size though, unless they didn't realize there was a 2.0 GB engine limit on patches...




    Sure it was a fault and missjudgement from thier part but not that big of a fuzz.

     Torgrim one or 2 or even 3 incidents are understandable when it comes to this type of problem but this has been going on for well over a year . What about the people who paid for a game and still have yet to get one ? This game is a pitiful excuse for an MMO. It has good ideas but the team cant pull them off. They should sell the game to a dev team thats capable

  • RohnRohn Member UncommonPosts: 3,730

    So far, the biggest problem with the new build has obviously been the server instabilty.  They are slowly correcting this, as stability got better through the day.  They still have a way to go.

    The problem with pets is also a significant issue, especially as it regards mounts.  This needs to be fixed ASAP.

    The graphics in-game have certainly been improved.  Not that they were bad to begin with, but the improvement is pretty remarkable.

    Likewise, the melee combat has a much better feel to it.  Much more responsive, much more "tactical".  It'll take a little more time to see what the totality of the changes can really be evaluated, though, but so far, most seem to really like it.

    The flash-based Library UI is a great improvement - far more user-friendly and useful.  The old UI was pretty bad, so this was a very welcome change.  It'll be exciting to see the changes they make to other elements of the UI.

    A lot of little changes - animations, dead bodies, etc.

    In any event, this was a major patch - with entirely new Unreal and Atlas builds.  Problems were probably unavoidable with something of this magnitude (which happens with other games as well).  Once the short-term issues of stability and major bugs are resolved, long-term I think this will prove a real improvement to the game.

    Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.

  • TorgrimTorgrim Member CommonPosts: 2,088

    Originally posted by Ajmags

    Originally posted by Torgrim

    Originally posted by Slapshot1188

    Originally posted by Torgrim

    Originally posted by gotha

    How do you not know your patch size?

    : gentlemen

    : The patch came out "too big"

    : 2,5gig

    : which is too big for the patching system to handle

    : we could've not forseen this sadly

    : this means we are recompiling now in 2 parts

    : the reason why the compiling process takes double the time is because of the added 64bit client

    : We are looking at a few more hours

    : Sorry for the inconvenience


    From the offical forums.

    I don't think he was questioning the patch size which was previously posted at least twice in this thread.  I think he is questioning how it's possible that after 5 days of delay they just now realized the patch size was about 25% too big for the patcher to handle.  Particularly after the were supposed to be testing the patch on a test server...


     If I had to guess... I would say that the testing was done via direct download and bypassed the patcher.  Dunno though... only SV can answer that question.  Even doing it that way should have setoff some alarm bells at the size though, unless they didn't realize there was a 2.0 GB engine limit on patches...




    Sure it was a fault and missjudgement from thier part but not that big of a fuzz.

     Torgrim one or 2 or even 3 incidents are understandable when it comes to this type of problem but this has been going on for well over a year . What about the people who paid for a game and still have yet to get one ? This game is a pitiful excuse for an MMO. It has good ideas but the team cant pull them off. They should sell the game to a dev team thats capable


    The big gaming MMO companies like Mythic,funcom and several others cant pull thier shit together either so who is capable?

    If it's not broken, you are not innovating.

  • RohnRohn Member UncommonPosts: 3,730

    Update today from SV:

    We have had some issues with taming and pets that caused instability on the server that forced us to disable it.

    We have now solved that and are patching the server.

    Pets should now be useable again,

    dismounting a pet should also keep its blue status.

    We also had an issue with the login server that is also supposed to be fixed now.

    Also a note on those who gave us feedback on that melee now is to weak. You still have to use a new weapon to notice the buff on melee weapons, as in a new crafted weapons since the old client to notice the difference.

    It will take a moment untill the changes goes live.

    Thank you.


    Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,779

    Sigh.. for some reason the above post had it's format messed up and I cannot go back and edit it as graphics are covering the button...


    Anyhow  here's another try.. these are the responses to the announcement linked above:






    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,779

    One last post that said:

    Could you stop bloody whining and have a bit of faith, these boys know what their doing by now I think.





    Then it was locked...

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • RohnRohn Member UncommonPosts: 3,730

    Here's a current update from SV on improving the new build:

    This week a lot of work is being done on fixing existing bugs and glitches.

    The most critical bugs have of course gotten the most attention and many of them have already been solved.

    The "Floating player" bug has been solved and the brightness level of certain areas has been tweaked. The pet system is getting an overhaul and will continue to be the subject of our attention.

    We also had some problems with the patch for new players that has now been solved.

    Some of you may have encountered problems the last few days when trying to patch or download a complete new client of Mortal Online. We’re sorry for this and would like to give some information about what has been going on and what is being done to resolve it.

    We’re upgrading our bundled installation patches so that you no longer have to download numerous small patches in order to reach current version of Mortal Online. These small patches will now be replaced by larger but fewer files. In this process it seems like a few of our old patch files were corrupted. These old patches have been rebuilt.

    If you download a new installation of Mortal Online you will now experience a faster and more streamlined installation with considerably less waiting time due to the new bundled patch files.

    Do note that in doing this we also moved the old bundle patch files to a host with less bandwidth output. So if you have a client currently patching up from them, you will experience lower speeds. If possible we’d recommend that you start the installation over to gain maximum speed and to avoid the numerous small patches that was the issue with the old bundled patch files.

    If you do not wish to start over the old files will work just as well, but it will take you longer to complete the installation.

    You’ll be glad to know that we’re also directing a lot of attention towards the most critical bugs and that it’s progressing well.

    The floating player bug has already been resolved and is currently being tested along with for example lighting tweaks, pet system overhaul and players getting stuck in an infinite “You are already online” loop.

    The hotfix with patchnotes will be released tomorrow, and the rest of the week will be dedicated to fixing bugs.

    Thanks again for your patience.


    Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.

  • belzarrathbelzarrath Member Posts: 1

    SO far NIce job MO, Excellent game. Ive been trying MMORPG forever, I was  a beta tester for UO, played OU for dare say 12 years. After its downfall Trammel, I jumped to many games, can't even count. Many Players expect and are conditioned to love what they played  in the past. Most people will expect WOW, in one way or another and will critize you based on what they expect.

    For one I am glad to see a developer be brave enough to buck the trend and go with a classic and great idea. Not ever player is equal and not ever player deserves everything in the game just becuase they play it. games like this are not for the lite of heart, or for the wimpy, winey person who thinks they deserve everything because they play.

    Please continue your work, you need development in serval areas, but for one I finally found a MMORPG worth playing again, and its been nearly 10 years of looking.  

  • AnubisanAnubisan Member UncommonPosts: 1,798
    Originally posted by belzarrath

    SO far NIce job MO, Excellent game. Ive been trying MMORPG forever, I was  a beta tester for UO, played OU for dare say 12 years. After its downfall Trammel, I jumped to many games, can't even count. Many Players expect and are conditioned to love what they played  in the past. Most people will expect WOW, in one way or another and will critize you based on what they expect.

    For one I am glad to see a developer be brave enough to buck the trend and go with a classic and great idea. Not ever player is equal and not ever player deserves everything in the game just becuase they play it. games like this are not for the lite of heart, or for the wimpy, winey person who thinks they deserve everything because they play.

    Please continue your work, you need development in serval areas, but for one I finally found a MMORPG worth playing again, and its been nearly 10 years of looking.  

    Glad to hear you are enjoying the game! I feel much the same way.

    Just a question though... why did you resurrect this insanely old thread?

  • VarossVaross Moderator UncommonPosts: 11,414
    Please do not necro 4 year old threads.
    To give feedback on moderation, please contact [email protected]
This discussion has been closed.