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Project: Gorgon Alpha - Play Today



  • Charlie.CheswickCharlie.Cheswick Member UncommonPosts: 469

    This game is a breath of fresh air. Thanks for the thread OP ( & subsequent posters)!

  • DaakkonDaakkon Member UncommonPosts: 607
    This game looks/sounds amazing! As a beta tester and live player for years in AC1 this game tickles my fancy in all the right ways. My nostalgia itch has been going on again as of late. Been playing UO on the Renaissance shard which is amazing. I also have been playing EQ1 on P99, Shadowbane on SBemu, and Earth & Beyond on E&Bemu. As much as I love those games they have been played to death there and back again so this is nice.
  • thecapitainethecapitaine Member UncommonPosts: 408

    For me, the best part of the game is that it feels like a bonafide adventure.  I know that most sandboxes try to have some adventurous elements to them but I always feel like the main intent is to make a simulation (economical, political, social) with the gameplay taking a subsidiary role.  Not so with Project Gorgon.  It embodies the very stuff that got me reading fantasy as a kid and playing games like Zelda on the NES.  Go and see what's out there.  Test your prowess against beasts and monsters and evildoers.  Get yourself in trouble, walk towards that dangerous-looking statue, or try to pick your way through the murderous hive of giant praying mantises.  Why not?


    Where so many games are intent on either providing "artificial adventure" in the form of canned sequences and window dressing, or try to fastidiously recreate economies and grim societies, this game feels as if it's going for a classic world out of our imaginations where the point is to round up some friends to go off exploring, killing stuff, and generally letting the hours fly by in the process.  Will be the first game I back on KS.

  • ExiledTyrantExiledTyrant Member UncommonPosts: 69
    Just popping in to say  saw this thread yesterday and decided to give the game a try.  All I have to say is absolutely awesome. It's mature without being overly serious, the systems are good and can only get better, and it has to be one of the smoothest testing environments ( especially in alpha) that I've been a part of in over ten years. Definitely worth a try.

    "Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord

  • RateroRatero Member UncommonPosts: 440

    I'm happy that so many have found this thread and enjoyed playing the game.  Right now the game is down for a new update patch so I thought I'd pop back in and list a few things this game has to offer.

    • Play the entire game as a COW with Cow Gear and Cow Weapons.
    • Play the entire game as a Deer, Spider, Pig and possibly others for all I know (don't remember seeing gear for these)
    • You can become a Wearwolf and you'll have to stay in Wearwolf for the 3 days surrounding the Real World Full Moon.
    • No Hand Holding.  Quest giver tells you to go to the "Sewer" to do something, there is no quest map icons to lead you to the Sewer.  You can gain Skills that you can level up that will point you in the right direction for your current quest and level it up a bit more and you will get a glowing line to your destination.
    • Tons of crafting and a lot of it is very useful to those that use it but a lot of the components needed for crafting are also needed to boost faction with NPC's.  So do you gain faction first to gain access to NPC's so you can shop or place items to sell on consignment or do you start crafting and work your skills up?  Up to you.
    • Tons of skills to learn and use and you can use any two of them at the same time to play the way you want to play: Fire Magic, Necromancy, Sword, Staff, Mentalism, Psychology, Animal Handling, Unarmed, Battle Chemistry and Archery are in right now with more coming.
    • Learn Calligraphy and create Mineral and Metal survey maps to locate Minerals and Metals you need for crafting and it also teaches you Mining so you can Mine those Metal nodes in dungeons and caves.
    There's a great community and tons to do so please pass the word and see if we can get their Kickstarter off the ground running. 
    Take care.

  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657
    Blue team won last night. Cows rock.
    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • RateroRatero Member UncommonPosts: 440

    BAH! you had super-sonic Cows on your team...



  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657

    I've got Pig juice and Un-pig juice but I haven't seen a single piece of equipment with pig buffs.  I've seen deer, cow and werewolf but no pig. Still I'm thinking of making a pig avatar.

    Let's see now. Un-armed and Psychology?. Necromancy and Psychology? Unarmed and Necro? Will vendors buy and sell with pigs? Will elfs want to have sex with pigs? Can pigs cook? or chop wood?  I dunno.


    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,643

    Found out about this game in another thread here and after playing for 2 or 3 days got to say the game is really fun. Really why are the devs/gm of this game not posting and getting the word out about it? 


    Seriously it's hard to pledge on kick starter when you do not know about it.

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • RateroRatero Member UncommonPosts: 440

    Not sure... However, when I log in tomorrow I'll ask them when they log in.  If they could get someone from a Gamers website to do a review of the Alpha and how well it's currently running it may draw in more people to play and to pledge.


  • SirBalinSirBalin Member UncommonPosts: 1,300
    Whats the pvp about in the game?

    "You're either with us or against us"

  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657
    Originally posted by SirBalin
    Whats the pvp about in the game?

    Pvp? Well there is pig vs pig.  Haven't lost a fight yet even against Old Snouty.

    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • BoneserinoBoneserino Member UncommonPosts: 1,768

    I was reading the blogs and I really like the way these guys think.   Even the harsh death penalty,  which I normally despise, seems well thought out and implemented.


    This looks like a great game for those that think they want a sandbox, to get their feet wet without going for a swim.


    Will definitely give it a try and 5 bucks for a sub sounds perfectly reasonable to me.    Thanks again to the OP for getting this game some attention.  I think it deserves it, in a big way.

    FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!

  • AcidonAcidon Member UncommonPosts: 796

    I was pretty much sold after reading the little note in your inventory when or shortly after starting. I may have had to pick it up off the ground first, I can't recall now.


    Yes, a cow.



















    That and there are shinies!  Shinies I tell you!

  • AlumicardAlumicard Member UncommonPosts: 388
    Originally posted by SirBalin
    Whats the pvp about in the game?

    So far there isn't much pvp. There are pvp potions* and I saw an arena portal but the focus is on pve. I mean they are in alpha and are still adding zones, (parts of) dungeons, trying out new/different systems(f.e. mob dmg/health vs armor mitigation) and if the added content meets the intended goal(too hard/easy?). So there isnt much time for balance yet which is imho needed for pvp. So the alpha really is an alpha.


    That means real pvp might get added in the future. Maybe it will stay as is which means open world pvp and they will "just" add some sort of reward or they maybe add a siege zone or something like that. But from what I heard they want to keep it optional like the hardcore death is atm. So if you dont want to pvp you dont have to which makes sense because the focus is on pve and char development.



    *those are kind of special but if you get some ppl together a mod might give out some so you can kill each other. Feedback is needed after all :D

  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,643
    Got to say I am liking the skill system and how you can combine different ones and swap to different ones on the fly.

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • RateroRatero Member UncommonPosts: 440

    Project: Gorgon is seeing a nice influx of new players to the game.  If you have downloaded, played the Alpha and you have an impression of the game please post your comments.  If there is one thing that people are in these forums then it would be "opinionated".  Some people even have more than one opinion so let's hear what you have to say.

    If you have questions concerning the game please ask them and I will try to find you an answer.

    cya all in game!


  • OmaliOmali MMO Business CorrespondentMember UncommonPosts: 1,177
    Originally posted by DavisFlight

    I have no idea how this game isn't getting more attention. Is the press too busy putting out the fires they caused with Gamers Gate?

    Luckily I have plenty of free time by not getting involved, and managed to put out a few pieces on Gorgon.


  • BigdavoBigdavo Member UncommonPosts: 1,863
    I will definitely check this game out, thanks for bringing it to our attention OP.

    O_o o_O

  • ubermutubermut Member UncommonPosts: 275
    very old school feel, but liking this so far.  like the skill based progression.  It's nice how they let you test the game before you throw money at their kickstarter.  what a novel concept :P
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,643
    Originally posted by ubermut
    very old school feel, but liking this so far.  like the skill based progression.  It's nice how they let you test the game before you throw money at their kickstarter.  what a novel concept :P


    People need to come check this out, it is worth the small amount (100k) they are asking for in the kickstarter.

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • DeathageDeathage Member CommonPosts: 146
    Originally posted by DavisFlight

    I have no idea how this game isn't getting more attention. Is the press too busy putting out the fires they caused with Gamers Gate?

    Media is less likely to pay attention to something if there are less potential clicks and page views for it.


    Which is really a shame, this game sounds awesome. Having read & watched the video, the creator's take on death, curses, classes, and the player's interaction with the world it something that I have wanted to see for a while. Thanks OP for posting, definitely throwing a few bucks into the ring hoping this thing gets funded.

  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,643
    Originally posted by Deathage
    Originally posted by DavisFlight

    I have no idea how this game isn't getting more attention. Is the press too busy putting out the fires they caused with Gamers Gate?

    Media is less likely to pay attention to something if there are less potential clicks and page views for it.


    Which is really a shame, this game sounds awesome. Having read & watched the video, the creator's take on death, curses, classes, and the player's interaction with the world it something that I have wanted to see for a while. Thanks OP for posting, definitely throwing a few bucks into the ring hoping this thing gets funded.

    Aye I agree with this.

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • RateroRatero Member UncommonPosts: 440

    I forgot to add that Project:Gorgon is also listed on Steam as a Greenlight game so if you have a Steam account please up vote this title.



  • TheHiveLeaderTheHiveLeader Video MaestroMember RarePosts: 234
    I'm going to be doing a video on Gorgon in the coming week or so. WATCH FOR IT!
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