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Got myself a key today and it's nothing but the same problems from past games on UPlay..... You can't download anything without it killing your connection.
I've tried every suggestion and workaround from the Ubi forums along with everything I could find on google. It's 1, maybe 2 minutes of downloading and it kills my connection. This is far from being a new issue, it's happened to many people in the past, yet it still exists.
No issues here, added key, started downloading.
Maybe its YOUR shitty connection or isp thats messing up and not uplay?
I dunno. I have Metro REDUX downloading right now on steam at full speed without a hitch. I can shut that down, start UPlay and have it download The Crew, with a minute or two my connection is gone.
I know I'm not the only one this is happening too, there's more than enough to be found with a google search about it and it's not a new issue.
Okay this sounds all screwy but hey that is how workarounds, uh work.
Ok this worked for me!
In the Uplay settings menu the bandwith limit is set to max. On max it always failed for me.
Lowering it to 1mb and retry worked for me, after that you can raise it to 2mb then 3mb etc untill it stops/crashes. So you can experiment what speed works best.
According to the people in the forums for AC 4 this seems to be the fix, Give it a try.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.