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Labor points, my reason for not wanting to play.

zanfirezanfire Member UncommonPosts: 971

The fact that they take a long time to build, are used for SO much and they designed the game to pretty much get you to spend money to get more back constantly is just a big negative in my book. 

Every piece of gear needs to be identified, every bag with some silver uses it, every time you do anything thats pretty much not hitting things uses it, far faster than you get it back. I can see this getting worse later on in the game when you want to do a lot of farm work or gathering at high levels. I get they need to make money and the games decent so it sucks to see they are doing something that is pretty well built into the system to make money.

I still find it funny games feel like they need to do this when there are games out there that make so much and restrict so little, a prefect example coming from the MOBA genre with game like LOL and DOTA2 which at most sells skins and they seem to be raking in the cash. If your game is good you would not need to have crap like this, simple things like skins, character changes, maybe bag slots or very minor things like those would sell reguardless.

Now to hope and pray EQN is good and does not do this kind of crap (though my faith in that game keeps dwindling)



  • xenoracexenorace Member UncommonPosts: 205

    Players that are die hard over AA will give you a ton of pros to this labor system, but after hearing most I still cannot stay on board with the system. If it was just used for harvesting nodes I could probably live with it, but it's used for to many aspects of the game.

    I guess the reason I have been so active as of late on this forum section is I know the game has potential and there are just a few areas that a portion of us would like changed or removed to reach a broader audience, not just the die hard. This is not the Asian market. There are obvious game developed decisions that feel like it's made for a different audience. Waving a hand and dismissing a portion of the Western market for expecting certain mechanics to be different or not present should not happen.

    <Sights, Clouded, In, False, Illusions>

  • PaRoXiTiCPaRoXiTiC Member UncommonPosts: 603
    I don't know anything about the game because it never caught my attention or interest, but it sounds like you guys just want instant gratification instead of having to work for something. That is exactly the problem with this genre these days.
  • jesteralwaysjesteralways Member RarePosts: 2,560
    Originally posted by zanfire

    The fact that they take a long time to build, are used for SO much and they designed the game to pretty much get you to spend money to get more back constantly is just a big negative in my book. 

    Every piece of gear needs to be identified, every bag with some silver uses it, every time you do anything thats pretty much not hitting things uses it, far faster than you get it back. I can see this getting worse later on in the game when you want to do a lot of farm work or gathering at high levels. I get they need to make money and the games decent so it sucks to see they are doing something that is pretty well built into the system to make money.

    I still find it funny games feel like they need to do this when there are games out there that make so much and restrict so little, a prefect example coming from the MOBA genre with game like LOL and DOTA2 which at most sells skins and they seem to be raking in the cash. If your game is good you would not need to have crap like this, simple things like skins, character changes, maybe bag slots or very minor things like those would sell reguardless.

    Now to hope and pray EQN is good and does not do this kind of crap (though my faith in that game keeps dwindling)

    AA is not MOBA, it is mmorpg. Are you sure you will want to subscribe to a mmorpg that only allows you to buy some exclusive pretty costume but no other benefit for your subscription? AA is designed to be a subscription game, in fact it was subscription only game until xlgames decided to open a free to play server just to see what happens and people in that server started spending shit load of money to buy labor pots and also the game that was very niche became quite popular with the f2p server. currently in korea they only have f2p server which has no lp regen and the only way to get back lp is to wait for weekly reset or buy LP pots, In trion's version f2p at least gets 1 LP regen per 5 min. so before you start complaining you should go to a church or any other religious place you visit and pray for trion's continuous success so that AA don't fall into companies like PWE or Aeria who will most definitely copy-paste the korean payment model.   

    Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.

  • xenoracexenorace Member UncommonPosts: 205
    Originally posted by jesteralways
    Originally posted by zanfire

    The fact that they take a long time to build, are used for SO much and they designed the game to pretty much get you to spend money to get more back constantly is just a big negative in my book. 

    Every piece of gear needs to be identified, every bag with some silver uses it, every time you do anything thats pretty much not hitting things uses it, far faster than you get it back. I can see this getting worse later on in the game when you want to do a lot of farm work or gathering at high levels. I get they need to make money and the games decent so it sucks to see they are doing something that is pretty well built into the system to make money.

    I still find it funny games feel like they need to do this when there are games out there that make so much and restrict so little, a prefect example coming from the MOBA genre with game like LOL and DOTA2 which at most sells skins and they seem to be raking in the cash. If your game is good you would not need to have crap like this, simple things like skins, character changes, maybe bag slots or very minor things like those would sell reguardless.

    Now to hope and pray EQN is good and does not do this kind of crap (though my faith in that game keeps dwindling)

    AA is not MOBA, it is mmorpg. Are you sure you will want to subscribe to a mmorpg that only allows you to buy some exclusive pretty costume but no other benefit for your subscription? AA is designed to be a subscription game, in fact it was subscription only game until xlgames decided to open a free to play server just to see what happens and people in that server started spending shit load of money to buy labor pots and also the game that was very niche became quite popular with the f2p server. currently in korea they only have f2p server which has no lp regen and the only way to get back lp is to wait for weekly reset or buy LP pots, In trion's version f2p at least gets 1 LP regen per 5 min. so before you start complaining you should go to a church or any other religious place you visit and pray for trion's continuous success so that AA don't fall into companies like PWE or Aeria who will most definitely copy-paste the korean payment model.   

    In the hands of PWE or Aeria, lets also put Gpotato in there too, the game would crash and burn the Western market. There are a lot of games that make money off of skins alone. There is no need for the LP pots. Players will spend money on skins and mounts. Also that said I did hear something about Trion doing away with needing LP to open bags with gear in them. But that's just what I heard.

    <Sights, Clouded, In, False, Illusions>

  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455
    The Labor system is giving me pause also I cant deny; however, there so many amazing features in this game I will have to give it a try once it launches.  Are labor pts an issue even with patron status or sub?   There will be labor pots in the cash shop.  We will still have to be buying these pots with patron status?  I think at that point I would be turned off to the game.  Sub fine, but if even more is required from me as the player then I would dismiss the game at that point.  
  • jesteralwaysjesteralways Member RarePosts: 2,560
    Originally posted by xenorace
    Originally posted by jesteralways
    Originally posted by zanfire

    The fact that they take a long time to build, are used for SO much and they designed the game to pretty much get you to spend money to get more back constantly is just a big negative in my book. 

    Every piece of gear needs to be identified, every bag with some silver uses it, every time you do anything thats pretty much not hitting things uses it, far faster than you get it back. I can see this getting worse later on in the game when you want to do a lot of farm work or gathering at high levels. I get they need to make money and the games decent so it sucks to see they are doing something that is pretty well built into the system to make money.

    I still find it funny games feel like they need to do this when there are games out there that make so much and restrict so little, a prefect example coming from the MOBA genre with game like LOL and DOTA2 which at most sells skins and they seem to be raking in the cash. If your game is good you would not need to have crap like this, simple things like skins, character changes, maybe bag slots or very minor things like those would sell reguardless.

    Now to hope and pray EQN is good and does not do this kind of crap (though my faith in that game keeps dwindling)

    AA is not MOBA, it is mmorpg. Are you sure you will want to subscribe to a mmorpg that only allows you to buy some exclusive pretty costume but no other benefit for your subscription? AA is designed to be a subscription game, in fact it was subscription only game until xlgames decided to open a free to play server just to see what happens and people in that server started spending shit load of money to buy labor pots and also the game that was very niche became quite popular with the f2p server. currently in korea they only have f2p server which has no lp regen and the only way to get back lp is to wait for weekly reset or buy LP pots, In trion's version f2p at least gets 1 LP regen per 5 min. so before you start complaining you should go to a church or any other religious place you visit and pray for trion's continuous success so that AA don't fall into companies like PWE or Aeria who will most definitely copy-paste the korean payment model.   

    In the hands of PWE or Aeria, lets also put Gpotato in there too, the game would crash and burn the Western market. There are a lot of games that make money off of skins alone. There is no need for the LP pots. Players will spend money on skins and mounts. Also that said I did hear something about Trion doing away with needing LP to open bags with gear in them. But that's just what I heard.

    if you have any idea about PWE or AERIA or gpotato(dead now, bought off by webzen) then you would never say AA would crush and burn western market under their publication. do you know how many games PWE or AERIA release every year on western market that becomes dead in 6 months? AA would be the same.

    And please give the names of the free2play AAA quality mmorpg that lives only by selling skins and mounts. and how many players spend money on just skins and mounts in those games? 100K? 200K? a million?

     No there is no "need" for LP pots but why would a sensible business manager not make money off of something that will make him millions in a month?

    And let's drop all of the points above, answer this : will you subscribe(pay 15$ a month) to a mmorpg which only allows subscribers to buy some pretty costume as a subscription perk but gives no other benefits and not only that; subscribers are treated same way as someone who never pays a single buck? 

    Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.

  • adderVXIadderVXI Member UncommonPosts: 727
    How many of these posts must we hear? I mean really??

    Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

    George Washington

  • jesteralwaysjesteralways Member RarePosts: 2,560
    Originally posted by flizzer
    The Labor system is giving me pause also I cant deny; however, there so many amazing features in this game I will have to give it a try once it launches.  Are labor pts an issue even with patron status or sub?   There will be labor pots in the cash shop.  We will still have to be buying these pots with patron status?  I think at that point I would be turned off to the game.  Sub fine, but if even more is required from me as the player then I would dismiss the game at that point.  

    Patrons will have 5LP regen per 5 min while f2p will have 1 per 5min. no, you don't "need" to buy LP pots as patron unless you "want" to buy them to take advantage of the cash shop convenience.

    Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.

  • DancwithDancwith Member UncommonPosts: 28

    I have almost 200 hrs through all 4 of the CB events.  I didn't play on 4 simply because I don't want to deal with the labor system.  Don't get me wrong, it does have its good points, but i think the penalties for the F2P player and even for those who don't invest heavilly into Labor Pots are such that it will essentially drive players away.  The world is large, the things you can do revolve around crafting and exploring on a large basis.  Crafting requires RIDICULOUS amounts of Labor per piece and honestly, i don't think that is going to change.  Housing requires as big an investment.  You spend labor for essentially everything.  

    Now the fanboi's will have an argument to keep the system that involves "Get a guild, world pvp! rawr" but in the end, i think it will be you and your guild running around by yourselves killing the random dude that happens to log in for nostalgia.

    With 95% of the game requiring labor to progress I can't honestly invest in something that I really believe will be a ghost town.

  • MithrandolirMithrandolir Member UncommonPosts: 1,701
    Originally posted by flizzer
    The Labor system is giving me pause also I cant deny; however, there so many amazing features in this game I will have to give it a try once it launches.  Are labor pts an issue even with patron status or sub?   There will be labor pots in the cash shop.  We will still have to be buying these pots with patron status?  I think at that point I would be turned off to the game.  Sub fine, but if even more is required from me as the player then I would dismiss the game at that point.  

    I played the Alpha fairly casually ( 3-4 hours per day) over this past weekend. I never even came close to dropping below 3500 LP's and for most of the time I was above 4k. The offline regen suits me fine. If you play a lot or are a hardcore crafter, you might run into issues but I will leave that for somebody else with more hardcore experience to answer. 

    I also saw Trion post that XL was considering removing the need for LP to identify quest rewards, which should help quite a bit for F2P peeps.



  • jesteralwaysjesteralways Member RarePosts: 2,560
    Originally posted by Dancwith

    I have almost 200 hrs through all 4 of the CB events.  I didn't play on 4 simply because I don't want to deal with the labor system.  Don't get me wrong, it does have its good points, but i think the penalties for the F2P player and even for those who don't invest heavilly into Labor Pots are such that it will essentially drive players away.  The world is large, the things you can do revolve around crafting and exploring on a large basis.  Crafting requires RIDICULOUS amounts of Labor per piece and honestly, i don't think that is going to change.  Housing requires as big an investment.  You spend labor for essentially everything.  

    Now the fanboi's will have an argument to keep the system that involves "Get a guild, world pvp! rawr" but in the end, i think it will be you and your guild running around by yourselves killing the random dude that happens to log in for nostalgia.

    With 95% of the game requiring labor to progress I can't honestly invest in something that I really believe will be a ghost town.

    Perhaps you will like to play the original korean version of the game? you know in korea players are perfectly happy to play their pay2win AA and keeping it lively at the same time. It appears to me that western market is filled with people who wants everything for free and don't want to spend a dime on a game which actually brings what the players "want" on table. 

    1. i want a open world, no phasing, no instancing.

    2. i want meaningful owpvp

    3. i want player driven economy

    4. i want meaningful crafting

    5. i want awesome exploration, a sense of thrill

    6. i want ow housing with a meaningful effect on my entire gameplay experience, not just some instanced crap.

    7. i want all of those above for free of cost, i don't wanna pay you  a cent, game devs can eat grass and continue developing game for me.

    Seems like that is the current consensus of western mmo players. 

    Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.

  • botrytisbotrytis Member RarePosts: 3,363
    Originally posted by Mithrandolir
    Originally posted by flizzer
    The Labor system is giving me pause also I cant deny; however, there so many amazing features in this game I will have to give it a try once it launches.  Are labor pts an issue even with patron status or sub?   There will be labor pots in the cash shop.  We will still have to be buying these pots with patron status?  I think at that point I would be turned off to the game.  Sub fine, but if even more is required from me as the player then I would dismiss the game at that point.  

    I played the Alpha fairly casually ( 3-4 hours per day) over this past weekend. I never even came close to dropping below 3500 LP's and for most of the time I was above 4k. The offline regen suits me fine. If you play a lot or are a hardcore crafter, you might run into issues but I will leave that for somebody else with more hardcore experience to answer. 

    I also saw Trion post that XL was considering removing the need for LP to identify quest rewards, which should help quite a bit for F2P peeps.



    As it is, the F2P peeps should just ignore this title. What you PAY INTO IT, YOU GET OUT, not what you play into it. This one is all about P2W. Then with the F2P people not being able to own land or farm (on your own land - you can in a communal farm) - it is ridiculous.

  • LacedOpiumLacedOpium Member EpicPosts: 2,327


    Yay, we really needed another one of these "I want to play for free" threads.  Listen, if you want to play without restrictions ...  Subscribe! It really is that simple.  Stop being a cheapskate and support the company that is bringing you quality entertainment.  It's obviously worthwhile entertainment or else we wouldn't be having dozens of threads talking about the same thing over and over again.  Pay for it the entertainment already.  It all boils down to pennies to the day.  If you don't want to pay for the entertainment, then don't play.  Whatever you decide, please stop it with these entitlement threads already. 

  • MakidianMakidian Member UncommonPosts: 208
    Originally posted by LacedOpium


    Yay, we really needed another one of these "I want to play for free" threads.  Listen, if you want to play without restrictions ...  Subscribe! It really is that simple.  Stop being a cheapskate and support the company that is bringing you quality entertainment.  It's obviously worthwhile entertainment or else we wouldn't be having dozens of threads talking about the same thing over and over again.  Pay for it the entertainment already.  It all boils down to pennies to the day.  If you don't want to pay for the entertainment, then don't play.  Whatever you decide, please stop it with these entitlement threads already. 

    Yes !

  • deaths185deaths185 Member UncommonPosts: 4
    I think the main reason people{me} hate the labor point system is becasue it makes u feel like u have some sort of restriction and just knowing that there is a restriction when playing. I like to play an mmo knowing that i have nothing holding me back and i can play at my free will and pay for items on the cash shop or pay a membership if i desire. now some of you are gunna say u dont have anything holding back all u have to do is wait.... and here comes my point why should we have to wait to play a game if i buy patron status why should i still be limited under this stupid system. if im going to pay for anything in this game it only seems fair to get the item and not have to wait for it to regen. its like going burger king and buying a soda and only getting a cup and u have to wait to fill it and refill every 10min's that your there.... i understand the f2p players having a limit but if u buy patron status this limit should be removed. it only seems like a scheme made by this company to give them an excuse to not have to pump out content as fast becasue they are either to slow to make content for players to keep playing or they are not very creative to create a game that can really hold the players attention. i give this game a 1/10 for crappy  service.
  • botrytisbotrytis Member RarePosts: 3,363
    Then they shouldn't call the game a FREE TO PLAY Game. Call it as it is - a sub game CS cash grab.

  • HanthosHanthos Member UncommonPosts: 242
    Originally posted by botrytis
    Originally posted by Mithrandolir
    Originally posted by flizzer
    The Labor system is giving me pause also I cant deny; however, there so many amazing features in this game I will have to give it a try once it launches.  Are labor pts an issue even with patron status or sub?   There will be labor pots in the cash shop.  We will still have to be buying these pots with patron status?  I think at that point I would be turned off to the game.  Sub fine, but if even more is required from me as the player then I would dismiss the game at that point.  

    I played the Alpha fairly casually ( 3-4 hours per day) over this past weekend. I never even came close to dropping below 3500 LP's and for most of the time I was above 4k. The offline regen suits me fine. If you play a lot or are a hardcore crafter, you might run into issues but I will leave that for somebody else with more hardcore experience to answer. 

    I also saw Trion post that XL was considering removing the need for LP to identify quest rewards, which should help quite a bit for F2P peeps.



    As it is, the F2P peeps should just ignore this title. What you PAY INTO IT, YOU GET OUT, not what you play into it. This one is all about P2W. Then with the F2P people not being able to own land or farm (on your own land - you can in a communal farm) - it is ridiculous.

    And hopefully they will. Calling it P2W is laughable however. At some point, you gave to realize that no matter what label someone puts on it, you have to cough up if you want more than scraps. Welcome to life...;)

  • LacedOpiumLacedOpium Member EpicPosts: 2,327
    Originally posted by botrytis
    Then they shouldn't call the game a FREE TO PLAY Game. Call it as it is - a sub game CS cash grab.


    Can you play the game without paying?  Yes you can.  It is,therefore, a free to play game.  Are those that choose to play for free saddled with restrictions?  Yes they are.  That does not negate the fact that it is free to play.  It is free to play ... with restrictions!  If you don't want to be inconvenienced with restrictions then you must subscribe.  Not that difficult really.

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Originally posted by LacedOpium
    Originally posted by botrytis
    Then they shouldn't call the game a FREE TO PLAY Game. Call it as it is - a sub game CS cash grab.


    Can you play the game without paying?  Yes you can.  It is,therefore, a free to play game.  Are those that choose to play for free saddled with restrictions?  Yes they are.  That does not negate the fact that it is free to play.  It is free to play ... with restrictions!  If you don't want to be inconvenienced with restrictions then you must subscribe.  Not that difficult really.

    You'd think it wasn't all that complicated but years later and people still seem to think " If I find anything in the game I want and it cost money the game isn't free!!!" a valid argument against it.

    The best free to play systems are not the games that give everything for free. It's the games that show you it has things worth paying for.

  • GrumbsGrumbs Member UncommonPosts: 20

    Having played CB4 for the past several days, I can say that the Labor Point is the single worst idea I have ever seen in my 15 years of playing MMORPGs.  The. Single. Worst. Idea. Ever.

    A severe artificial restriction on how much "gameplay" you can enjoy unless you pay?  That tells me that the developers don't want any f2p players clogging up their servers at all.  Pay us monthly or GTFO is the clear message, to me.

  • hayes303hayes303 Member UncommonPosts: 435
    The Labor point thing reminds me too much of facebook games. I have no issues with it being a sub game, but if I was to sub, I'd want to do what I want without the labor clock limiting me. 
  • GinazGinaz Member RarePosts: 2,582
    Originally posted by jesteralways
    Originally posted by Dancwith

    I have almost 200 hrs through all 4 of the CB events.  I didn't play on 4 simply because I don't want to deal with the labor system.  Don't get me wrong, it does have its good points, but i think the penalties for the F2P player and even for those who don't invest heavilly into Labor Pots are such that it will essentially drive players away.  The world is large, the things you can do revolve around crafting and exploring on a large basis.  Crafting requires RIDICULOUS amounts of Labor per piece and honestly, i don't think that is going to change.  Housing requires as big an investment.  You spend labor for essentially everything.  

    Now the fanboi's will have an argument to keep the system that involves "Get a guild, world pvp! rawr" but in the end, i think it will be you and your guild running around by yourselves killing the random dude that happens to log in for nostalgia.

    With 95% of the game requiring labor to progress I can't honestly invest in something that I really believe will be a ghost town.

    Perhaps you will like to play the original korean version of the game? you know in korea players are perfectly happy to play their pay2win AA and keeping it lively at the same time. It appears to me that western market is filled with people who wants everything for free and don't want to spend a dime on a game which actually brings what the players "want" on table. 

    1. i want a open world, no phasing, no instancing.

    2. i want meaningful owpvp

    3. i want player driven economy

    4. i want meaningful crafting

    5. i want awesome exploration, a sense of thrill

    6. i want ow housing with a meaningful effect on my entire gameplay experience, not just some instanced crap.

    7. i want all of those above for free of cost, i don't wanna pay you  a cent, game devs can eat grass and continue developing game for me.

    Seems like that is the current consensus of western mmo players. 

    You do know that AA tanked in Korea, right?  Maybe some changes are in order.

    Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?

    Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Originally posted by Ginaz
    Originally posted by jesteralways
    Originally posted by Dancwith

    I have almost 200 hrs through all 4 of the CB events.  I didn't play on 4 simply because I don't want to deal with the labor system.  Don't get me wrong, it does have its good points, but i think the penalties for the F2P player and even for those who don't invest heavilly into Labor Pots are such that it will essentially drive players away.  The world is large, the things you can do revolve around crafting and exploring on a large basis.  Crafting requires RIDICULOUS amounts of Labor per piece and honestly, i don't think that is going to change.  Housing requires as big an investment.  You spend labor for essentially everything.  

    Now the fanboi's will have an argument to keep the system that involves "Get a guild, world pvp! rawr" but in the end, i think it will be you and your guild running around by yourselves killing the random dude that happens to log in for nostalgia.

    With 95% of the game requiring labor to progress I can't honestly invest in something that I really believe will be a ghost town.

    Perhaps you will like to play the original korean version of the game? you know in korea players are perfectly happy to play their pay2win AA and keeping it lively at the same time. It appears to me that western market is filled with people who wants everything for free and don't want to spend a dime on a game which actually brings what the players "want" on table. 

    1. i want a open world, no phasing, no instancing.

    2. i want meaningful owpvp

    3. i want player driven economy

    4. i want meaningful crafting

    5. i want awesome exploration, a sense of thrill

    6. i want ow housing with a meaningful effect on my entire gameplay experience, not just some instanced crap.

    7. i want all of those above for free of cost, i don't wanna pay you  a cent, game devs can eat grass and continue developing game for me.

    Seems like that is the current consensus of western mmo players. 

    You do know that AA tanked in Korea, right?  Maybe some changes are in order.

    Tanked as in it's shut down or tanked as in it switched to free to play, you don't like it but it's making millions ? I'm never sure what people mean by that and your sig makes me think it's the latter.

  • GinazGinaz Member RarePosts: 2,582
    Originally posted by DamonVile
    Originally posted by Ginaz
    Originally posted by jesteralways
    Originally posted by Dancwith

    I have almost 200 hrs through all 4 of the CB events.  I didn't play on 4 simply because I don't want to deal with the labor system.  Don't get me wrong, it does have its good points, but i think the penalties for the F2P player and even for those who don't invest heavilly into Labor Pots are such that it will essentially drive players away.  The world is large, the things you can do revolve around crafting and exploring on a large basis.  Crafting requires RIDICULOUS amounts of Labor per piece and honestly, i don't think that is going to change.  Housing requires as big an investment.  You spend labor for essentially everything.  

    Now the fanboi's will have an argument to keep the system that involves "Get a guild, world pvp! rawr" but in the end, i think it will be you and your guild running around by yourselves killing the random dude that happens to log in for nostalgia.

    With 95% of the game requiring labor to progress I can't honestly invest in something that I really believe will be a ghost town.

    Perhaps you will like to play the original korean version of the game? you know in korea players are perfectly happy to play their pay2win AA and keeping it lively at the same time. It appears to me that western market is filled with people who wants everything for free and don't want to spend a dime on a game which actually brings what the players "want" on table. 

    1. i want a open world, no phasing, no instancing.

    2. i want meaningful owpvp

    3. i want player driven economy

    4. i want meaningful crafting

    5. i want awesome exploration, a sense of thrill

    6. i want ow housing with a meaningful effect on my entire gameplay experience, not just some instanced crap.

    7. i want all of those above for free of cost, i don't wanna pay you  a cent, game devs can eat grass and continue developing game for me.

    Seems like that is the current consensus of western mmo players. 

    You do know that AA tanked in Korea, right?  Maybe some changes are in order.

    Tanked as in it's shut down or tanked as in it switched to free to play, you don't like it but it's making millions ? I'm never sure what people mean by that and your sig makes me think it's the latter.

    Tanked, meaning it hasn't done well in Korea at all.  Its hanging on but thats about it.  I actually really like AA and was able to build my clipper last weekend and became a wanted man for chopping down someones secret forest of 30-40 treesimage.  The worst part about the game, for me, is the LP system.  It really is a game that requires you to be part of a guild and to also be a subscriber in order to get anything out of it.

    As for my sig..I keep it because I know it annoys people and has probably been reported by the GW2 fanboys.  Maybe I'll replace it with an AA one to annoy the AA fanboys because they're just as bad.

    Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?

    Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.

  • MMOredfalconMMOredfalcon Member UncommonPosts: 167
    Originally posted by Grumbs

    Having played CB4 for the past several days, I can say that the Labor Point is the single worst idea I have ever seen in my 15 years of playing MMORPGs.  The. Single. Worst. Idea. Ever.

    A severe artificial restriction on how much "gameplay" you can enjoy unless you pay?  That tells me that the developers don't want any f2p players clogging up their servers at all.  Pay us monthly or GTFO is the clear message, to me.

     And this is a problem because?? I'll be more than happy to see a minimal F2P crowd and more of a P2P crowd in this game. F2P brings nothing to the game but complaints. Probibly one of the best ideas I have seen to date. I personally am sick of the F2P crowd going into MMOs and bitching and crying cause those who put money towards a game get more perks.

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