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Will there be a new game brought out to use the 5E rules (the best yet)? Perhaps the new game could be set in either:
Dark Sun
And perhaps do a LOTRO and be opened world this time? Using Unreal Engine 4! Heres hoping!
It all depends on how popular the ruleset actually will be, D&D 3rd edition (including 3,5) were the big PnP game in many countries but with 4th ed they lost that to Pathfinder. I would say it is actually more likely we see more MMOs than Pathfinder online going there instead.
As for campaigns, I rather see Ravenloft than Dark sun, Steampunk horror do have plenty of potential and CCP do own the rights for it.
But you posted this in the wrong place, it have nothing to do with Neverwinter, it is very unlikely that Cryptic would revamp NV to 5th edition rules.
i think there are enough die-hard fans of DnD who would love to see an open world, possibly Faerun setting, based mmorpg.
honestly, those of us playing the game for so long have dreamt of a day when this would happen. it's just none of the attempts have really pulled it off that well.
if, as they claim, the 5ed ruleset is a return to the core principles/mechanics of 3.5ed and yet retaining the smoother combat of 4ed., then they might really have something worthwhile on their hands. i hope that is the case.
what they will need to avoid in an mmo version is trying to turn DnD online into all the things people want of it, but that the ruleset is simply not built for. an example would be PvP. the constant tweaking and balancing required would screw the majority of players as their PvE character builds would fluctuate every time someone in PvP screamed 'nerf' loud enough. in DnD some characters simply *are* more power than others, usually at differing levels. while this works well within a story driven campaign, it does not work for PvP.
also, this possible game does not need to be a sandbox. it just needs a supreme set of dungeon building tools and an interface that would allow players to run the dungeon they have created, not simply map it out.
"There are at least two kinds of games.
One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
DnDs rules are not really made for PvP, no. I would rather skip that part altogether in this case and if you want PvP then make a game with mechanics made for that specifically instead.
There are some PnP mechanics that would work well for PvP, like Warhammer (nothing to do with the mechanics of Warhammer online though, Warhammer don't even have levels) and Shadowrun. Way better to use one of them if you want to make a PvP MMO.
DnD 5th is a step forward for TSR but I still feel that Pathfinder is superior, the character customization level there is totally awesome and it is my system of choice for my Forgotten realms campaign but legally that would probably not really work in an official FR MMO.
As for how sandboxy a good FR MMO should be that doesn't really matter as long as the game is well made and fun. If devs make dungeons, players can make them like in Neverwinter or if dungeons actually are owned and crewed by a player guild (but that wont really be good in a PvE game since players would have to hire in guards and build traps but could do nothing else in a PvE game) doesn't matter as long as it is fun to play.
Sadly is really Biowares old NWN the game that really captured FR best so far in a multiplayer game.