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World of Warcraft: New Events to Celebrate WoW's First Decade

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

Blizzard Entertainment has taken the wraps off of the first events that will usher in World of Warcraft's 10th anniversary this November. Players will be able to take part in a new PvP experience built around the classic Southshore vs Tarren Mill struggle, gain a new Core Hound mount and snag a Molten Corgi pet simply for logging into these first events.

This November marks the 10-year anniversary of World of Warcraft, and we’re cooking up a few in-game plans to commemorate the occasion. Here’s a quick preview of what’s in store:

Tarren Mill vs. Southshore: The Rematch

If you engaged in PvP early on in WoW, you might have fond memories of—and perhaps a few scars from—the endless tug-of-war between Horde and Alliance players at Tarren Mill and Southshore. To recapture that feeling, we’ll be opening a Team Deathmatch–style Battleground based on that timeless struggle. However, unlike the old days of Tarren Mill vs. Southshore, there will be a clearly defined victor, so you’ll need to work as a team or face crushing defeat.

Molten Core Gets Boosted

Molten Core provided many WoW players with their first taste of WoW raiding. For the anniversary celebration, max-level players will be able to participate in a special 40-player Raid Finder version to relive the experience of hunting down Ragnaros and his minions within his fiery lair. Downing the Firelord will earn you an Achievement and a special Core Hound mount reward (fireproof leg armor not included).


Anyone who logs in during the 10-year anniversary event will also be able to claim a feisty, fiery new pet: the Molten Corgi! Just think of the corgi-parade potential when you and your friends summon these wee waddling balls of fire for a walk.

These events and rewards will only be available for a limited time, so make sure to check back with us later for more information on when you can expect to see all of these events and goodies in-game. ‘Til then, we’re looking forward to celebrating 10 epic years with you!

Source: World of Warcraft community site




  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    I can't wait! :)


  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Nice want to see the mount
  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591

    Too bad the Southshore/Tarren mill battle ground won't be half the fun the open world version was back in the day.


    fond memories (with rose coloured glasses of course)



    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    I wonder if gear will scale in the 40-man Molten Core raid finder event? I hope so! :)


  • bdewbdew Member UncommonPosts: 192
    That might actually make me resub  for one month. Still not buying WoD as it is now.
  • SeelinnikoiSeelinnikoi Member RarePosts: 1,360

    Also, if the event is through the whole month of November, that leaves WoD to be launched in December...

    And here is the Core Hound mount from the event:

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  • DfourDfour Member UncommonPosts: 5
    now a days it will be epic CC battle of tarren mill and southshore, pvps a joke, take a way all the cc and you will have good pvp.
  • dandy230dandy230 Member UncommonPosts: 116
    Not gonna lie. Kinda tempted to get a sub just for that ol' Tarren mill battle.
  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227
    Molten Corgie... I am sold. =P

    This have been a good conversation

  • doodphacedoodphace Member UncommonPosts: 1,858

    As i posted in another thread, this is prob the best 10 year in game event of any 10 year MMO.

    The BG will also be 100 vs 100.

  • beltainebeltaine Member UncommonPosts: 7

    Looking forward to that rematch in TM. But I'm sure it will be more fair this time then when 60s were hunting lowbies.

    Molten Core... seen that way too many times in my day. But I might give it a shot.

  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    Pretty nice anniversary event.  It should've been something more epic though.  A zone-wide event involving an invasion or something.
  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726

    I was contemplating resubbing for a month the other day, but just could not bring myself to do it.

    I keep the client updated, but could not even finish the last expansion, of course it did not help that someone has stripped the entire account naked during the prior year layoff.

    I  had fond memories of all those 40 man molten core raids, but when you get down to it, getting 40 people in the same place at the same time is just absurd. 

    Wow is on the downhill slide and I have no idea what will replace it.  If only there were a developer out there who design an updated SWG like game, it would not have to use the IP, but it would need to use all the sandbox elements.

    I wish Blizzard luck, but I think their baby is finally feeling it's age.

  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619

    I know the cool thing is to hate on WoW but holy cow, a multi-million subscriber MMO that was able to keep its sub-base so high for a decade?  It is truely amazing.  Before WoW, no one even dreamed of getting 10 million subbers.  SWG and EQ had less than a million in their prime. 


    I dont play it anymore but from a business point of view the product and marketing that Blizzard has created is simply amazing.  People on the forums throw all kinds of hate at it but WoW and its success created the dream that allowed so many other MMO's to get created.  Without its success, there would be a lot less money being invested in MMO's today. 

    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308
    That Southshore vs. Tarren Mill BG sounds like it'd be fun. I won't be resubbing before WoD is released, but it's definitely a good choice as the decade anniversary addition.
  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308
    Originally posted by observer
    Pretty nice anniversary event.  It should've been something more epic though.  A zone-wide event involving an invasion or something.

    Pretty sure they said they would never do anything like that again because of the early ones pissing too many people off because they couldn't focus on their precious questing. lol

  • doodphacedoodphace Member UncommonPosts: 1,858
    Originally posted by Ghavrigg
    Originally posted by observer
    Pretty nice anniversary event.  It should've been something more epic though.  A zone-wide event involving an invasion or something.

    Pretty sure they said they would never do anything like that again because of the early ones pissing too many people off because they couldn't focus on their precious questing. lol

    There is supposedly going to be an invasion through the dark portal for the xpac event, similar to BC.

  • GreteldaGretelda Member UncommonPosts: 359
    Temptations in my heart...maybe i should time it right with the chopper mount so i get both but it also depends on WoD's release date...

    my top MMOs: UO,DAOC,WoW,GW2

    most of my posts are just my opinions they are not facts,it is the same for you too.

  • ArthasmArthasm Member UncommonPosts: 785
    Originally posted by SBFord
    I wonder if gear will scale in the 40-man Molten Core raid finder event? I hope so! :)

    I think it will  be "new" level 90 raid.

    Oh, someone from Blizzard twitted 100vs100 battleground, it's maybe Tarren Mill vs Southshore.
  • expressoexpresso Member UncommonPosts: 2,218

    Molten core - many many hours spent farming those elite Dragon kin for Black Dragscales so I could craft fire resist gear.

    Southshore & terren mill - constant back and forth 24/7, as was ashenvale and barrens, when I started in vanilia I was in ashenvale and got a random invite to 40 man group many hours later I knew WoW would stay with me for a loooooong time.

    Good times.

  • ArskaaaArskaaa Member RarePosts: 1,265
    Where is old AV with 6 hour battles?
  • expressoexpresso Member UncommonPosts: 2,218
    6 hour? I recall those went on for days.   Good times
  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105
    Originally posted by expresso

    Molten core - many many hours spent farming those elite Dragon kin for Black Dragscales so I could craft fire resist gear.

    Southshore & terren mill - constant back and forth 24/7, as was ashenvale and barrens, when I started in vanilia I was in ashenvale and got a random invite to 40 man group many hours later I knew WoW would stay with me for a loooooong time.

    Good times.

     I never bothered With Molten Core 40man Raiding.

    But Yeah... Southshore, Tarren Mill, Ashenvale, CrossRoads, the Capital cities.  My oh my.... those were the good old days of Open World PVP Madness!

    Not to mention the Alterac Valley battleground that could go on for days lol. Fun fun!

  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    Originally posted by Arskaaa
    Where is old AV with 6 hour battles?

    this, miss the ICE Lord.


    AV with reinforcements is a joke. They even havent patched it to match it to a 10-minute cycle.

    old AV battles lasting hours were epic.

    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

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