Nothing in the cash shop is "p2w". Only thing that could be remotely considered "p2w" is the double labor gain from being a member. XP pots?Race to 50?Land grabs? Doesn't matter. THOUSANDS of people called FOUNDERS get a 4day headstart from everyone else. All the best land will be taken, there will be tons of clippers, and plenty of people already 40+. Those speed boosts? No. Not even in pvp. Not nearly enough to let them get away. Labor pots? They're 1use with a 12hour cooldown. They're only worth 10-15g. You'll have that before you hit 25 just from quest rewards. And being a freebie, there isn't any NEED to spend your labor at that low of lvls. If you have labor problems then your wasting it. Like I said, the only thing that should/could be considered "p2w" is the patron status. Freebies get 5 labor every 5mins. 0 offline, with 2k cap. Patrons get 10 every 5mins, 5 every 5mins offline, with 5k cap. I played through both closed betas. I hit 41 in the first 5days with just over 200gold. I was 50 by the 2nd day of the 2nd CBT with almost 500g. I was a freebie and didn't spend a dime on the game. I grouped with 2 other guildies and lvled together. You can throw all the money you want at the game. If you don't have a good guild, your screwed. Not a solo friendly game.
The expansions for bags, chest for house, faster mounts and the better armor for them seem worth it. Honestly these are convenience and should be paid for. I can't expect a game to give out everything for free. Let's be real and let a company make a little money. I much rather have a game that is primarily free and have paid items like this. So the opponent may level a little faster. They paid for it. You are still getting to play the whole game for free if you choose to do so. The expectations of everything should be free from companies is getting a little out of hand. How dare a company be in business to make a profit. Other games that are F2P limit content, but oh no ArcheAge lets you level 10% faster.
so let us get this straight this is what TRION has to offer,BUT other countries have better item THEY can buy. how about POTS?the in game pots are worthless,you lose more hp's taking the pots and being hit than you gain. the heal spells are worthless.i have to cast heal over and over on my char who was a healer.
been there done this,see perfect world,exact same thing,but pwi had flying mounts,which beats the hell out of gliders.farming is a joke,again been there,runescape had this kind of farming where it took HOURS ,if you did not log on after it was ready it not know if this is the case as it said 2.5 hours and i just pulled up the plant.
either be ftp or a sub,don't try to do both.eso is the same way and it is crap as well.the real killer is of course the no opt out of pvp.
why build a boat when you can teleport.,all in all this game is a hodge podge of failed ideas.wrapped up in an expensive bow.
Originally posted by disantia Nothing in the cash shop is "p2w". Only thing that could be remotely considered "p2w" is the double labor gain from being a member. XP pots?Race to 50?Land grabs? Doesn't matter. THOUSANDS of people called FOUNDERS get a 4day headstart from everyone else. All the best land will be taken, there will be tons of clippers, and plenty of people already 40+. Those speed boosts? No. Not even in pvp. Not nearly enough to let them get away. Labor pots? They're 1use with a 12hour cooldown. They're only worth 10-15g. You'll have that before you hit 25 just from quest rewards. And being a freebie, there isn't any NEED to spend your labor at that low of lvls. If you have labor problems then your wasting it. Like I said, the only thing that should/could be considered "p2w" is the patron status. Freebies get 5 labor every 5mins. 0 offline, with 2k cap. Patrons get 10 every 5mins, 5 every 5mins offline, with 5k cap. I played through both closed betas. I hit 41 in the first 5days with just over 200gold. I was 50 by the 2nd day of the 2nd CBT with almost 500g. I was a freebie and didn't spend a dime on the game. I grouped with 2 other guildies and lvled together. You can throw all the money you want at the game. If you don't have a good guild, your screwed. Not a solo friendly game.
p2w is not about leveling,in a sub game all players are equal.there is NO advantage based on a ftp or p2w game how much you pay in effects what you get.ftp used to be just cosmetics,now more and more are game items,that effect game play.fine make all cash shops non tradable.and watch the far as guilds i have NO desire to join a guild.i see no point in is just more spam.
yes they need to make a profit.than make it a sub game,but they know it will fail as a sub game,hence the p2w cash shop.they will offer more and more in the cash shop,they may even add some things that the subs do not get,to get them to buy in as well.
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so let us get this straight this is what TRION has to offer,BUT other countries have better item THEY can buy. how about POTS?the in game pots are worthless,you lose more hp's taking the pots and being hit than you gain. the heal spells are worthless.i have to cast heal over and over on my char who was a healer.
been there done this,see perfect world,exact same thing,but pwi had flying mounts,which beats the hell out of gliders.farming is a joke,again been there,runescape had this kind of farming where it took HOURS ,if you did not log on after it was ready it not know if this is the case as it said 2.5 hours and i just pulled up the plant.
either be ftp or a sub,don't try to do both.eso is the same way and it is crap as well.the real killer is of course the no opt out of pvp.
why build a boat when you can teleport.,all in all this game is a hodge podge of failed ideas.wrapped up in an expensive bow.
p2w is not about leveling,in a sub game all players are equal.there is NO advantage based on a ftp or p2w game how much you pay in effects what you get.ftp used to be just cosmetics,now more and more are game items,that effect game play.fine make all cash shops non tradable.and watch the far as guilds i have NO desire to join a guild.i see no point in is just more spam.
yes they need to make a profit.than make it a sub game,but they know it will fail as a sub game,hence the p2w cash shop.they will offer more and more in the cash shop,they may even add some things that the subs do not get,to get them to buy in as well.
That's not p2w because leveling faster isn't winning at all...
Anyways, the labor point issue CAN BE a pain since labor points are required to do most end game content in some form.
Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher