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GM asks customers to completely uninstall their AntiVirus Software

KangaroomouseKangaroomouse Member Posts: 394


The incompetence and potential law suite creating idiocy of asking your customers to uninstall their AntiVirus Software:

Click to see full size.


Hey all!

I am reporting this issue getting by Hackshield to the team for you, so please bear with me. If any of you have tried the game again, and now it is working, let us know. For those of you who are able to do so, try completely uninstalling your anti-virus application temporarily. With it completely removed, restart your PC and try the game again.

If the issue continues, let us know.



  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • FoobarxFoobarx Member Posts: 451
    Heaven forbid they try and help you narrow down the issue... and antivirus software is usually a culprit in most installations, not just games... they tell you to do the same thing for those apps as well.  Eventually the issue with the antivirus software is resolved, but they can't change the code of someone elses' software now can they?
  • krondinkrondin Member UncommonPosts: 106

    Amazing, lol. 


    I was going to try this game and got a "bad feeling", so i decided not to click and grab a beta key that day. ALREADY glad i didn't !


    I bet they are having major problems with all there games, I also play Defiance and when i tried to update it yesterday , it installed there game client <Glyph or what ever its called > Which didn't recognise i already have defiance installed on my PC and only had a Download 14 gig game button.  I wont re install, i will simply just not play it till if and when they fix this problem.

  • KangaroomouseKangaroomouse Member Posts: 394
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    How am i angry? Do i sound angry, i think not, just reporting facts here.


    A. No, you NEVER ask your customers to uninstall their firewall or AntiVirus. That is a law suite in the making. At least not in professional software development and trouble shooting.

    B. You ask for log files, they will show if the firewall or the AV is the reason.

    C. If you are to stupid to have a logfile/debug option for your software then stop developing software.

  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012

    Its apart of their Cant get past HShield thread on the ArcheAge Forums.  I can see being asked to disable their AV software however to completely uninstall it is honestly a bad policy especially with home users.  I am an IT Professional for 11+ years.  The OP has a point about their troubleshooting.  

  • KangaroomouseKangaroomouse Member Posts: 394
    Originally posted by Foobarx
    Heaven forbid they try and help you narrow down the issue... and antivirus software is usually a culprit in most installations, not just games... they tell you to do the same thing for those apps as well.  Eventually the issue with the antivirus software is resolved, but they can't change the code of someone elses' software now can they?

    No you don't narrow it down by endangering your customers.


    Antivirus is NEVER the problem when your game does not work or you use 3rd Party Trojan Software like HackShield. Your Software is the Problem or the crap you install.

  • nerovipus32nerovipus32 Member Posts: 2,735
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    How can you tell if he is angry? oh wait you're trying to start an argument.

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    Disabling yes, completely removing? I've never been asked to do that by any company during troubleshooting.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    Originally posted by Kangaroomouse
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    How am i angry? Do i sound angry, i think not, just reporting facts here.


    A. No, you NEVER ask your customers to uninstall their firewall or AntiVirus. That is a law suite in the making. At least not in professional software development and trouble shooting.

    B. You ask for log files, they will show if the firewall or the AV is the reason.

    C. If you are to stupid to have a logfile/debug option for your software then stop developing software.

    A: No you dont asked them to uninstall their AV software however you can ask them to disable the service.  Its a common thing I do when installing 3rd party accounting software on servers.  

    As for log files I hate to say it however I known so many developers who do not even think of log files or error trapping.  It makes troubleshooting nearly impossible because they do not spend time on this. 



  • FoobarxFoobarx Member Posts: 451
    Funny thing about pixels... everyone can change them.  Screen shots aren't legal proof of anything... unless there is a flying saucer involved.
  • KangaroomouseKangaroomouse Member Posts: 394
    Originally posted by Foobarx
    Funny thing about pixels... everyone can change them.  Screen shots aren't legal proof of anything... unless there is a flying saucer involved.

  • SwampDragonsSwampDragons Member UncommonPosts: 352
    Originally posted by Kangaroomouse
    Originally posted by Foobarx
    Heaven forbid they try and help you narrow down the issue... and antivirus software is usually a culprit in most installations, not just games... they tell you to do the same thing for those apps as well.  Eventually the issue with the antivirus software is resolved, but they can't change the code of someone elses' software now can they?

    No you don't narrow it down by endangering your customers.


    Antivirus is NEVER the problem when your game does not work or you use 3rd Party Trojan Software like HackShield. Your Software is the Problem or the crap you install.

    nah he clairly says:


    try completely uninstalling your anti-virus application temporarily. With it completely removed, restart your PC and try the game again.

    Temporarily is the keyword he is using, and you are clairly overreacting. I can just assume this is a troll thread as no one can be this cranky as you are :)

  • CharlizdCharlizd Member UncommonPosts: 923
    Well tbh i don't see what the actual issue is here, it is only a temporary solution and besides the fact it really should not affect you if you don't go snooping around dodgy freaking sites...jeez, i have not used ant virus software for year and have not had any viruses or malicious attacks...why?? because i'm not an idiiot that goes around on sites that can attract that kind of thing.
    Andrew "Charlizd" Phippen | Lead World Builder | The Saga of Lucimia MMORPG
  • mentoplusmentoplus Member UncommonPosts: 73
    antivirus are for people that shouldn't have a pc
  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Kangaroomouse
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    How am i angry? Do i sound angry, i think not, just reporting facts here.


    A. No, you NEVER ask your customers to uninstall their firewall or AntiVirus. That is a law suite in the making. At least not in professional software development and trouble shooting.

    B. You ask for log files, they will show if the firewall or the AV is the reason.

    C. If you are to stupid to have a logfile/debug option for your software then stop developing software.


    Actually they do, Gaijin asked me to do that as well and no logs do not always show if the AV is at fault ( behavioral blocking can snipe P2P clients completely with no trace in your logs).

  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    disabling is one thing, and i dont do it ever

    uninstalling is quite another.

    i've been an IT professional for a long time and I'm here to tell you this is terrible, terrible advice

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,107
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    I think the part that is holding him up is the "temporarily".


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  • DrannyDranny Member UncommonPosts: 279
    Originally posted by Kangaroomouse

    Antivirus is NEVER the problem when your game does not work or you use 3rd Party Trojan Software like HackShield. Your Software is the Problem or the crap you install.

    Wrong I had a problem where I couldn't play any games at all and it was just after I updated my anti virus and guess what it was blocking all my games from connecting to the internet. 

  • adam_noxadam_nox Member UncommonPosts: 2,148
    Originally posted by Rekindle
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    disabling is one thing, and i dont do it ever

    uninstalling is quite another.

    i've been an IT professional for a long time and I'm here to tell you this is terrible, terrible advice

    Um, many AV programs make resident and persistent changes to the system while they are installed.  Sometimes even after uninstalling.  In fact, all the big name suites do.  They are invasive and cause more problems than they help prevent.  Many cannot be fully disabled from running a service in the background without a full uninstall as well.


    lol IT professional.  You know that means about anything today right?

  • koira1koira1 Member UncommonPosts: 264
    I, for one, fail to see the problem here? many, many AV-programs wont stop doing its thing even if you go press a button to disable it. but if you un-install it temporary (being the key word in the thread you linked), you can at least try to see if your AV is what is making the game/installer/whatever stop working as intended. and after you done that just report back to the devs if it was AV's fault so they can fix it..
  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    Originally posted by danwest58

    Its apart of their Cant get past HShield thread on the ArcheAge Forums.  I can see being asked to disable their AV software however to completely uninstall it is honestly a bad policy especially with home users.  I am an IT Professional for 11+ years.  The OP has a point about their troubleshooting.  

    11 years? are you sure? are you a certified one or just read the must ask from all support, if you are that drone who only read  the memo your boss told you then if that don't solve you have to transfer to who really will solve it you are NOT a IT professional, you are at most a secretary.


    if you was a serious IT you would know even jsut disabling a AV or anyother monitoring security software, even disabled or even configured to permit access of the softwares they can still block, hence the uninstall, restart(so teh system can be clean) and try again and see if teh game launch, if it works fine, nice then they will try to contact with the antivirus company(hence why most of time they even ask what anti virus you are using) for then to stop teh fake positive warnings.

    in the end they asked for you do to something with you are not obliged to do so, and if you think that is bad and you paid already you can ask for a refund or wait till they solve the issue.


    but hey if oyu really are a IT professional, you jsut confirm why I diverge from that area, and yes the problem was not only with users.

    FOR HONOR, FOR FREEDOM.... and for some money.
  • KangaroomouseKangaroomouse Member Posts: 394
    Originally posted by Dranny
    Originally posted by Kangaroomouse

    Antivirus is NEVER the problem when your game does not work or you use 3rd Party Trojan Software like HackShield. Your Software is the Problem or the crap you install.

    Wrong I had a problem where I couldn't play any games at all and it was just after I updated my anti virus and guess what it was blocking all my games from connecting to the internet. 

    That was your firewall, i never heard of AV software blocking programs from the network.

  • FoobarxFoobarx Member Posts: 451
    Honestly, just connecting to the internet is a terrible terrible thing to do... merely doing so opens up your computer to all sorts of things.  You take risks every day... temporarily disabling your AV software to test something out is neither unheard of nor likely going to make your machine implode.  Remember folks... AV software only protects you from what they already know is out there... it doesn't protect you from what they don't.  Common sense.  It's not rocket science... nor a class-action lawsuit.
  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206
    Originally posted by adam_nox
    Originally posted by Rekindle
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.

    And yes, if that's the issue, you have a choice, play without AV software, or don't play.

    What ever did they do to you to make you so angry?

    disabling is one thing, and i dont do it ever

    uninstalling is quite another.

    i've been an IT professional for a long time and I'm here to tell you this is terrible, terrible advice

    Um, many AV programs make resident and persistent changes to the system while they are installed.  Sometimes even after uninstalling.  In fact, all the big name suites do.  They are invasive and cause more problems than they help prevent.  Many cannot be fully disabled from running a service in the background without a full uninstall as well.


    lol IT professional.  You know that means about anything today right?

    There are things called RFCs and standards.  Hardware vendors, AAA software vendors, people with brains -- they come together and decide upon standards and then professional companies adhere to those standards in their design.


    These birds obviously have a process or some type of networking thing going on that is out of line with these standards and instead of addressing the issue professionally they are telling people to uninstall a piece of software that should never be uninstalled.

    Yes , I'm a professional.

  • KostKost Member CommonPosts: 1,975
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Standard procedure when trouble shooting a problem like this, you temporarily disable your virus checking to see if it's causing the problem.


This discussion has been closed.