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EVE online is losing players, many lost in past year



  • CalfisCalfis Member UncommonPosts: 381
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    Originally posted by avelarth

    'EVE' is not friendly for new players, new players is importand for an mmo. a new player spend months for a ship and 10 year skill trained and experienced troll coming to destroy all of them. you can gain experiance in pvp but  you'll never be equal, these people skill trained for ages.  


    and experianced eve players will say carebear, crybaby or noob. but you shouldnt say to new players while your kingdom is dying.

    you are wrong

    EVE is very friendly game for new players,just , new  players should forget past mmo theme park experience

    skill points are only numbers ,my new character has 11 mil skill point and that character is good and can done every work in yourself  pvp role  as my 50 mil skill point character

    bigger ship , it not mean better ship ,

    most veterans are friendly peoples & they ll help new players,just need ask

    read this before starting misinforming ;



    What? looking for newbies to kill?

    Actually there is a huge newbie corporation that has formed over the past year and they are out there killing vets and taking control of space, its top leadership are one year old eve players, how do you explain that?


  • avelarthavelarth Member UncommonPosts: 17
    Originally posted by Calfis
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    Originally posted by avelarth

    'EVE' is not friendly for new players, new players is importand for an mmo. a new player spend months for a ship and 10 year skill trained and experienced troll coming to destroy all of them. you can gain experiance in pvp but  you'll never be equal, these people skill trained for ages.  


    and experianced eve players will say carebear, crybaby or noob. but you shouldnt say to new players while your kingdom is dying.

    you are wrong

    EVE is very friendly game for new players,just , new  players should forget past mmo theme park experience

    skill points are only numbers ,my new character has 11 mil skill point and that character is good and can done every work in yourself  pvp role  as my 50 mil skill point character

    bigger ship , it not mean better ship ,

    most veterans are friendly peoples & they ll help new players,just need ask

    read this before starting misinforming ;



    What? looking for newbies to kill?

    Actually there is a huge newbie corporation that has formed over the past year and they are out there killing vets and taking control of space, its top leadership are one year old eve players, how do you explain that?

    also my point is the game itself againts new players, for example skill train system, you'll never catch up to old ones, no matter how much you help new players, old players has an advantage. 

    and i know its normal that old players coming and killing new ones, but in 'eve online'  new players lose everything and this makes eve is not a friendly for new players naturaly. For new players it can be very hard to break out of the bottom of  food pyramid(more than one reason surely). If you play EVE you know that some of experianced eve players seeking new players to add a kill stat to theirrside. and salvage them. i've been there. its kinda 1-7 brasil vs germany game. it happens to fast bamm you lost everything. months of efforts gone to pirates.

    its so important problem that new players not coming your game. its kinda lake that has a dry river. Dont blame patches, most of them were nice, game run smoothly. 

    I see veteran players dont understand that why pop. going down who killed thousand of newbies in safe space. 

  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751
    I dunno, I just resubbed to my 6mil SP character.  Was worth it over my other toon but I have had fun.  Lots of help in chats, most people willing to help.  And as long as you read the damned quests, and your questions aren't too stupid, you will get lots of answers.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    Originally posted by avelarth
    Originally posted by Calfis
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    Originally posted by avelarth

    'EVE' is not friendly for new players, new players is importand for an mmo. a new player spend months for a ship and 10 year skill trained and experienced troll coming to destroy all of them. you can gain experiance in pvp but  you'll never be equal, these people skill trained for ages.  


    and experianced eve players will say carebear, crybaby or noob. but you shouldnt say to new players while your kingdom is dying.

    you are wrong

    EVE is very friendly game for new players,just , new  players should forget past mmo theme park experience

    skill points are only numbers ,my new character has 11 mil skill point and that character is good and can done every work in yourself  pvp role  as my 50 mil skill point character

    bigger ship , it not mean better ship ,

    most veterans are friendly peoples & they ll help new players,just need ask

    read this before starting misinforming ;



    What? looking for newbies to kill?

    Actually there is a huge newbie corporation that has formed over the past year and they are out there killing vets and taking control of space, its top leadership are one year old eve players, how do you explain that?

    also my point is the game itself againts new players, for example skill train system, you'll never catch up to old ones, no matter how much you help new players, old players has an advantage. 

    and i know its normal that old players coming and killing new ones, but in 'eve online'  new players lose everything and this makes eve is not a friendly for new players naturaly. For new players it can be very hard to break out of the bottom of  food pyramid(more than one reason surely). If you play EVE you know that some of experianced eve players seeking new players to add a kill stat to theirrside. and salvage them. i've been there. its kinda 1-7 brasil vs germany game. it happens to fast bamm you lost everything. months of efforts gone to pirates.

    its so important problem that new players not coming your game. its kinda lake that has a dry river. Dont blame patches, most of them were nice, game run smoothly. 

    I see veteran players dont understand that why pop. going down who killed thousand of newbies in safe space. 

    You keep missing the point, you don't need to catch up to the veterans, ever.  I have about 5 years worth of training on several of my characters, they are as combat ready as any player with 10 years experience, no one has more skills in areas such as gunnery, since one of my pilots has perfect skills in that area, along with almost every combat hull possible short of capitals.

    Specialize in a few hulls and weapons and you'll be competitive very quickly, team up with a few friends and you'll be rolling people in no time.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206

    I started playing when 6000 players were connecting at once.  I saw this game grow from a hugely talented upstart company to what it is today.


    They had some noble goals but there have been a few mistakes.  It is an interesting company with an interesting game.  I love and hate Eve.  From my perspective there is a fundamental problem.

    Eve allows human beings to be like human beings but the truth is civilized society enjoys something that can not be enjoyed when there is a break down in civil order. 

    Eve, just like in real life can be allowed to run by sparce groups of viligantes and that can be fun for some.....but as soon as you introduce a sandbox where human beings are able to affect other human beings you actually limit the spectrum of social interactions possible.

    I can't be off part of a great alliance forging a new constructive destiny if I'm always looking over my back in paranoia.  I may find fun in being part of an alliance whose focus is to go out and destroy someone else or affect someone else.  However, I have never really found the need to shit all over someone else's pancakes to have a fun time.


    At the center of Eve's convergant game game play is the need to have a flock of defenseless targets to insult, berate and otherwise affect.   You can only do this for so long before all you have left are a bunch of psychopathic wolves.


    Eve's options are lacking because it offers plenty of destruction but trying to plant a seed and grow something in Eve is almost counter productive to the reality of the current game universe's design.



  • QuesaQuesa Member UncommonPosts: 1,432
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Every game out there has  space for particular type of players, EVE online has that space for gankers, pvp hardcore, pvp regular etc etc. 

    Eve also has a substantial base of PvEers so I guess you forgot to mention that in your list.

    Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-DPBM-Z2P4
  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    Lol does it, appart from industrialists perhaps all pve is basically farming to fund pvp. There are no pve long term goals.

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    Lol does it, appart from industrialists perhaps all pve is basically farming to fund pvp. There are no pve long term goals.

    There aren't?  I can think of:

    Perfect Refining

    Perfect Mining and be able to effectively fly all mining ships

    Incursion running



    Industry master

    Trading/Market Master

    Level 5 Mission Running

    Level 10 Complexes

    Start and run your own EVE Bank or Lottery

    Scam the heck out of other players for billions (some folks are very creative)

    Those are just the ones off the top of my head, and it takes many years to master them all.




    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342

    Originally posted by Bladestrom

    Lol does it, appart from industrialists perhaps all pve is basically farming to fund pvp. There are no pve long term goals.

    Yet, in high-sec, there is almost as many ships being destroyed in PVE as in null-sec PVP.

    This ignorant, myopatic view "EVE=PVP game" is saddening and irritating.

  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    I do not know anyone that talks about the great PvE in Eve.
  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Horusra
    I do not know anyone that talks about the great PvE in Eve.

    PvE is not what is the most interesting thing ergo rarely do you hear stories...unless you are in vent and hear the orgasmic squeal of delight as someone solos a mul-zatah in a non-snipe kite fit and gets a deadspace nanoadaptive and a ashimmu bpc...or running around doing escalations and getting a buddy to help you get the low sec end and you both walk away with 500 mil isk in 10 min.

  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    Lol all of a sudden Eve is a pve golden land it seems.

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • Bastian_StarBastian_Star Member Posts: 36
    Originally posted by Aeonblades
    Originally posted by DamonVile
    Why have people suddenly got such a hard on for hating on eve?

    I think it has to do with all the horror stories of players scamming/cheating/harassing others with no action taken by the company that owns the game. Basically in the eyes of most gamers, CCP condones cheating stealing and lying, which isn't going to sit well with most people.


    Me personally, I dislike the community of Eve, but the game is solid. There is nothing wrong with the game at all, it's just mismanaged.

    I actually really enjoyed EVE for awhile. Had to stop playing after a few months...playing EVE makes me start feeling slightly paranoid lol. Oh and no disrespect meant but what do you mean by, "in the eyes of most gamers"? I'm sitting here looking at an EVE career paths chart that lists piracy, scamming, and "missioner griefing" as actual career goals...and under scamming it lists "Corp Theft" as an example; and I quote, "Corp Theft: join Corp, build up trust, then steal everything". So am I mistaken in believing that CCP published this? Because it looks pretty legit. I know I've come across it before when I was learning the game, I just can't seem to find its source and I don't feel like spending the next hour searching Evelopedia. :P

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by Bastian_Star
    Originally posted by Aeonblades
    Originally posted by DamonVile
    Why have people suddenly got such a hard on for hating on eve?

    I think it has to do with all the horror stories of players scamming/cheating/harassing others with no action taken by the company that owns the game. Basically in the eyes of most gamers, CCP condones cheating stealing and lying, which isn't going to sit well with most people.


    Me personally, I dislike the community of Eve, but the game is solid. There is nothing wrong with the game at all, it's just mismanaged.

    I actually really enjoyed EVE for awhile. Had to stop playing after a few months...playing EVE makes me start feeling slightly paranoid lol. Oh and no disrespect meant but what do you mean by, "in the eyes of most gamers"? I'm sitting here looking at an EVE career paths chart that lists piracy, scamming, and "missioner griefing" as actual career goals...and under scamming it lists "Corp Theft" as an example; and I quote, "Corp Theft: join Corp, build up trust, then steal everything". So am I mistaken in believing that CCP published this? Because it looks pretty legit. I know I've come across it before when I was learning the game, I just can't seem to find its source and I don't feel like spending the next hour searching Evelopedia. :P

    That awesome chart was made by a player. 

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • Charlie.CheswickCharlie.Cheswick Member UncommonPosts: 469
    The only thing that can kill Eve is WoW.
  • Bastian_StarBastian_Star Member Posts: 36
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by Bastian_Star
    Originally posted by Aeonblades
    Originally posted by DamonVile
    Why have people suddenly got such a hard on for hating on eve?

    I think it has to do with all the horror stories of players scamming/cheating/harassing others with no action taken by the company that owns the game. Basically in the eyes of most gamers, CCP condones cheating stealing and lying, which isn't going to sit well with most people.


    Me personally, I dislike the community of Eve, but the game is solid. There is nothing wrong with the game at all, it's just mismanaged.

    I actually really enjoyed EVE for awhile. Had to stop playing after a few months...playing EVE makes me start feeling slightly paranoid lol. Oh and no disrespect meant but what do you mean by, "in the eyes of most gamers"? I'm sitting here looking at an EVE career paths chart that lists piracy, scamming, and "missioner griefing" as actual career goals...and under scamming it lists "Corp Theft" as an example; and I quote, "Corp Theft: join Corp, build up trust, then steal everything". So am I mistaken in believing that CCP published this? Because it looks pretty legit. I know I've come across it before when I was learning the game, I just can't seem to find its source and I don't feel like spending the next hour searching Evelopedia. :P

    That awesome chart was made by a player. 

    My bad lol... damn good job :)

  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    I hope its not true. Those greifing ganking players need a home. I don't want to see them flowing into other games.
  • EvgireonEvgireon Member Posts: 71
    Nerfs, carebearization and pointless ship stat shuffling instead of new content will do that. In 6 years they added 4 t3 cruisers, 4+1+4 bc, 4 destroyers, 1 mothership, and a lot of useless shuttles and carebear ships and that's it! Nobody would even accept you into a fleet within your alliance if you were in a BC in 2008 and CCP keeps beating their chests every time "luk vi aded zis super kool betlkruzer CCP stronk! HTFU HTFU!!"
  • gothmog99zgothmog99z Member Posts: 22
    Originally posted by mrmeloni

    CCP used to reguarly release subscription numbers for EVE online

    In February 2013, EVE Online reached over 500,000 subscribers

    This was the last time CCP would reveal subscription numbers

    In March 2011, CCP announced EVE online has over 360,000 subscriptions, at the same time, they recorded 63,170 players logged in to the game at one time. They would often hit the 55-60k mark at primetime on weekends.

    These days, EVE online will see a max of about 40k players during primetime at weekends. During weekday, it's much less, 30,000 or so.

    There's not a single word from CCP these days about sub numbers, or attempts to break the old concurrent user record of 61,170 players. They are not even trying to break it. Why would they do that? Because they will look bad when they fall hugely short of the previous record. They know they've lost a lot of players and don't want to look bad.

    If in march 2011 they had 360k subs and made the record at that time with 63k concurrent users, and now they only get 40k users at prime time, how many subs would you estimate they have right now? I would guess around 250 to 300k, the 250k being the most likely and the 300k being very generous. That's about 200k less subs than February 2013, a drop from 500k to 300k or less.

    These past few months the average user count has dropped faster than usual, an article on themitani website explains this in detail.

    Griefing of players in hi-sec is rampant and nullsec is all controlled by a single group, many of whom seem bored with not having anyone to fight so many of them have formed organised groups who terrorize and grief players in hi-sec, adding to the problem.

    During this past year, dust was a flop and they pulled the plug on World of Darkness, laying off many employees. Many developers also left EVE online to work on other games and there was even a story in the press from an ex CCP developer that shed some light on what has been going on

    TDLR EVE is dying, for real this time. It was a good run.

    this is what happens with open pvp,no one wants to start a new char,cause its pointless,they in fact cause more harm to the game,and will end up killing the cannot name a single open pv that lasts any time cause,it is NOT fun.who wants to play a game that is NOT fun.

  • shingoukiehshingoukieh Member UncommonPosts: 126

    Eve is a great game..I just don't believe it has changed much over the years. Its like when I went back to wow after like 6 years. I Could notice change everywhere. In Eve I wouldn't be able to notice too much. Small subtle changes basically. I also believe that when eve grows its mostly because 1 person decided to open up more accounts rather than a spike of new players. I believe walk in stations would help Eve a lot. Make it something like the ps3 home inside stations. Yeah its kinda a waste but at least new players would have something to do if they don't want to mine or do missions. It would also make for a better social experience....and that's what mmorpgs are mostly about.

    I been gone from eve for 1 and half years. Everytime I think about coming back I just think of how much time consumption the game has. If you want to do anything involving other people that isn't mining or missions prepare to spend a lot of time. Got to get on Vent or something first, then wait for everyone to get together, then roam or something, wait around at a gate while scout checks all around, then if u live fly back like 20 jumps lol. Very time consuming but its not a bad game.....just wish it was more bam in your face style.

    Im sure a lot of people out there really want to love Eve but just find themselves wanting more out of it. I would play it if it was free. But activating 3 accounts makes for 45 bucks a month. I could buy plex but that would take well basically most of the money I earned that month.


  • BruhzaBruhza Member UncommonPosts: 391

    I think EVE is different enough to stay up and running with just that alone.


    Not to mention it is the last game I would want to see "die". In brings so many good things to the MMO genre for those who enjoy it. Personally I would play EVE if even the leveling system was changed slightly, though I know that will never happen.

  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529
    Originally posted by gothmog99z
    Originally posted by mrmeloni



    TDLR EVE is dying, for real this time. It was a good run.

    this is what happens with open pvp,no one wants to start a new char,cause its pointless,they in fact cause more harm to the game,and will end up killing the cannot name a single open pv that lasts any time cause,it is NOT fun.who wants to play a game that is NOT fun.

    No, this is what happens when it becomes Open PVP but you gotta be a 'vet' to survive.

    A year ago, before the EVE Player Activity crashed

    Before 'spider tank' ruled everything, player activity was actually at its peak during June / 13. Ironic that CCP is defending the low activity data now as 'It is summer' excuse. Now all you have is 'supercaps GG' online with new players having no chance at doing anything.

    B-R5 got great publicity. The new players that came with that? Gone. I mean just look at that graph.

    And you want to know a dirty little secret? B-R5 caused tension within alliances since 'only supers allowed' rule was enforced. Your alliance is taking part of the biggest gaming news story in history but only super cap pilots could say 'I was there'.

    I never flew a super cap in my EVE career but the 'every ship counts' vision EVE had made me feel I could contribute.

    I can't say that now. Might as well go back to tracking Titans.




    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • RylahRylah Member UncommonPosts: 194
    Originally posted by jpnz

    Now all you have is 'supercaps GG' online with new players having no chance at doing anything.

    This happens when you reduce your EvE experience to SOV wars in 0.0 with the "big guys".

    You are right in principle of course. This "supers+titans only" gameplay is a major PITA for the game as a whole and I sincerely hope they change something there. 0.0 as a suburb of rented apartments is an abomination.

    But if you set your goals differently you can have a shitload of fun. Every day.  There's more to PvP than mega battles which make the press (and are about as fun as slowly cutting yourself because of TiDi) and more to community than being a  drone in a zerg.  But surprisingly (for me) many vets have a quite onedimensional view. I play since roughly 1.5 years and I want to experience everything the game has to offer. And though I have 4 accounts there is still a LOT on my ToDo list.

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    Originally posted by Gdemami

    Incarna in 2011 was their last successful expansion, since then the game is struggling to increase the player base or just add any (expanding) content at all.

    The 500k mark is just a marketing gimmick as they added the numbers from chinese re-release.

    Imo, the issues with development direction/management go long back to 2008(icelandic crisis and Quantum Rise failed expansion).

    Current EVE is a very sad reminiscent of it's former was a blast, alas nothing lasts forever.

    EDIT: I am in no way agreeing with OP, the numbers are off and ridiculous.

    The game isn't dying, it is just a sailing ship without a captain...or a crew...


    I think you may be the only person ever to describe Incarna as a "successful" expansion, even as a troll. Incarna was an utter disaster in every respect.

    As the OP says, CCP haven't released figures, but it's pretty obvious that numbers are down.  By how much is guesswork; historically speaking, the APC and the number of subscriptions have not been closely linked.  However in the past, the PLEX system has helped to buffer the effects of player discontent; a lot of players who weren't logging in would convert ISK into game time and keep the skillqueue ticking over against the chance that they'd return.  Now that PLEX are over 800M ISK each, that's an expensive proposition.  Anecdotally, a lot of the people I know in EVE are trimming down their accounts because of PLEX prices.

    I think it's helpful to distinguish EVE as a piece of software from EVE as a dynamic player community.  On the software side, EVE is the best it has ever been: CCP has made a giant effort to refactor and debug many of the game's features.  However, the features that they have fixed are not the ones that most urgently needed fixing.  That choice has been dictated by development constraints rather than game design considerations, and I have considerable sympathy for the EVE team for the unpleasant choices they've had to make for the long term good of the game.

    On the community side, things aren't so good.  I can't speak for hi-sec, but I can confirm that nullsec is utterly stagnant.  There's just not much to log in for while the "Cold War" between the CFC and N3PL drags on, and I have let my subs lapse and many others have done the same until things change there.  I know for a fact that CCP are aware of this situation, and CCP Seagull confirmed yesterday that there will be a change to sov mechanics this year.  I very much hope that, whatever this change is, it provides a powerful incentive to break up the mega coalitions and drives a more diverse political map.  If it does, I'll happily start giving CCP my money again.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    Originally posted by Loktofeit

    The OP is a great example of one of the reasons why MMO devs don't give out sub numbers. As soon as they stop giving them out the assumption is that the game is losing players. "Many lost in past year." I must've missed that memo. ;)


    The PCU records were often the result of multiple events at the same time in EVE, and were in no way indicative of peak averages at the time. If they were, the records probably wouldn't have been such a big deal. I think several of the records were on days when there was a tournament going on at the same time as a lot of activity in game. PCU records were always the result of player activity. CCP "aren't even trying to break it" because, to the best of my knowledge, they never did.


    Anyway, it's July. EVE players are always less active in July. They're probably on a beach somewhere with their families or BBQing in their backyard. My educated guess is that the same is true for most MMOs. 


    Whatever the case, welcome back from your 3.5-year hiatus.



    Oh come on man, be real.  APC numbers are down to the level of the Summer of Rage.  And there are other factors as well.  You know as well as I do that the outlook for the next 9-12 months is pretty grim.  I'm prepared to believe that Seagull's plan will work and that people will return but to try and deny that player numbers are through the floor is pretty insulting.  If CCP want people to stop making wrong assumptions about subscription numbers, they always have the option of returning to their long-standing policy of publishing those sub numbers.  If there's nothing to hide, then why not?

    If nothing else gave the game away, then the announcement of the CSM9 election results did.  For the first time ever, CCP did not announce what percentage of the players voted, which in the past has been considered an important statistic.  Why?  I think you know perfectly well why; we certainly do.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not on any kind of "grrr CCP" kick.  I know perfectly well that the dev teams are working hard, I know that there's a valid and sensible development plan, I agree it makes sense.  But have the courage to admit that right now, there's an issue.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

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