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If your first reaction to reading the title of this article was, “Wait, Firefall hasn’t been released yet?” I don’t think anyone would blame you. Originally announced way back in 2010, this MMO shooter has been struggling for the past few years to finally grasp hold of its original vision. From the overly convoluted original progression system, to a hampered PvP mode, nearly all facets of the game have undergone extreme renovations in the past couple years.
Read more of David Jagneaux's Firefall: Just How Much Has Changed for Launch? A Lot.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
They are down until 1 pm EST Tuesday for a major patch, then I'll be able to take a big look at a good portion of the new content to be introduced, including a major increase to the New Eden enviroment area, and, other locations. New designing to the Battleframes, and, how they plan to do the crafting.
Older MMo's have forgotten a great deal on what really makes gaming Fun nowadays, Basically all the major studios think players only want to jump in for a few hours, hack and slash, or, fight something, then, jump to another game. BUT!!, especially with crafting, dumbing down, has killed me for a major portion of my gaming, I'm not a WOW fan, nor, do I like the fact that you place Material A plus Material B in mixer, and you get something out that covers 10 different stats. I loved how Anarchy Online tested your mind, on getting armours, weapons, on, or, cybers, in. made for one heck of a challenge. Other games, like, Eve, made you think of the types of ship builds you wanted to work with. Other games start out with wonderful ideas on challenge players, but, in the end, they are so eager to run to the dumber is faster quotion marker.
R5 seems to want to stick with a good unique system, hopefully they won't dumb down the game after 2 or 3 years, all because someone can't understand how 1+1=2.
"His favorite two were spitting giant fireballs/rocks at hurling them at players – something almost assuredly could one-shit anybody"
Should probably reread and revise your articles before posting them (or get someone else to). That's two in one sentence, I ignored the rest.
Aside from that, I will likely go back to Firefall to try it out at launch or a little after launch once things settle down. The current direction it's taking may be far different from several iterations, overhauls and "promises" they made but personally, I don't care much. Imo it's probably for the better, the game wasn't that fun after a while especially as they began to focus more and more on resources and gathering them.
I heard they will wipe the game, or resources before launch. Is this true?
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Where have you been? The comments here are 90% hate.
they screwed the buzz pooch on this nd ps2 does it much better
so say we all
I mean, no fanboi here, but isn't the whole article about how they struggled over the past four years but are now on track and made a great game for launch? And your point is that once upon a time you didn't like it so we need to stay away? Hell, I want to try the game in spite of you now....
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
Oh Geezus, really? lol
Well let's see you have bad experience so it means people should "stay away" right? people should be able to decide if they want to play or not.
... since when do you get "banned" for posting negative, either you have something to say or you don't lol.
Dude, not a 'fan boi' but do think it is a fun game that deserves a chance. You make a bunch of vague statement disparaging FireFall then hide behind the faux threat of being banned .I visit R5 forums quite often and have read comments denouncing the game for various reasons of which the posters were quite specific.
FireFall is a fun MMOFPS with a unique lore and setting. Some of it is dated because the technology behind it is getting a bit long in the tooth. However that does not stop it from being a good game .I never make post here defending any game but wanted FF to be given a chance to succeed because I personally feel there is nothing out there like it. R5 had leadership issues that slowed development to a crawl but the ideas conceived from that time are still rock solid.
Anyway I suggest you go to the R5 forums and post your issues. Assuming you are not abusive and are instead constructive I will be surprised if you get banned.
I have an account that is 3 years old and i been there through all the changes.
The game always was incredible fun to play because it is fast paced, fantastic looking graphics and has a solid crafting and upgrade system with vertical and horizontal progression.
I am looking forward to the launch on Tuesday. Happy Thumping!
You lost ALL credibility with your 1st 4 words. If you really want to advise players to try this game, don't open with a negative statement like that, I really does scream "I'm a Fanboi"
Although to be fair, I do agree with some of your other statements in the thread.
I have always liked the concept and feel of the game. What kept me away:
1) extreme lack of content - ARES frequently were completed long before I could reach them, and the only other activity people seemed engaged in was, killing tornados, which amounted to shooting flying rocks so you could get resources or thumping for resources, which leads to my next point.
2) Complex and neccisary crafting systems - I could wrap my head around EvE's systems, but for some reason FF's system seemed overly convoluted, tedious, and just a turn off. This also really seemed like the ONLY way to progress a character, and since im mostly a progression minded player, it killed the game for me. I also, couldnt even comprehend as to why they added that many different resouce qualities to the game, I guess for customization, but at some point choices and RNG just overwhelm and intimidate.
Looking forward to checking out whats changed, especially the ARES missions and leveling.
When this game first went into Alpha, even before that you could buy a lifetime membership. I was one of the first to do so. The game in the beginning while alpha na closed beta was fun as heck, you had different battle suits to choose, we had fun dropping thumpers and killing mobs, it was fun, real fun. One day the CEO decided to change the whole thing, the whole game was scrapped and rebuild without taking in consideration the comments of all the founders who oppose to these changes by a huge vast majority. Many were banned, even moderators of the game were threatened by the developers so they quit, no named need to be mentioned, the founders know whom I am talking about, so please dont go even there. They added the damage to your equipment and a new crafting system where you need millions of ore to do the smallest things. Whatever play it if you like it.
I hope the game does well under the new leadership.
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I'm also a founder logging tons of hours of fun playing Firefall. I eventually lost interest in the game along the way with the slew of the changes under Kern's rath. Regardless, the game has tons of potential and under this new leadership IMO definitely worth checking out at launch.
Everything sounds great looking forward to launch!
I played this back in dec 2012 and I have to say it was nice to look at, and controls were good but you had the "chosen" spawning in random places and never really knew what to do other then kill the chosen that continuously spawned. It got to the point where you wouldn't leave the base you were at cause they were spawning so much.
There have definitely been issues in the past like I just mentioned, but I will give the game another go. Maybe not right at launch but near it, it was entertaining to play but got old real quick. I look forward to giving this new re-working a go and see if it has actually gotten better or if it has new bugs that are even more annoying.
In either case, I'm glad it is finally launching.
C'est la vie
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
Maybe they meant that you had the 'potential' to access all frames without paying a cent. That being said, the only T2 I unlocked were Recluse, before the tech trees were removed and Bastion with pilot tokens.