Another I would like would be quest for glory, someone said this already though.
Originally posted by laokoko "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
Hopefully Crystal Dynamics stops making Tomb Raider games over and over again and finally decides to do this. Not that I'm not looking forward to the rebooted Tomb Raider franchise's sequel, as I like the direction they took with that series.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
The final fantasy series 9 and below would be good to remake but SE has become lazier and lazier which is just sickening tbh. They used to be good at making hardcore games that lasted forever, now you see them re-release the same stuff that they had 10 years ago like FFVII and FFVIII which look pretty much the same only with cheat codes added so they can make a quick buck off of stupid people.
Originally posted by laokoko
"if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
Homeworld (it's getting remastered right now, so that's cool)
MechWarrior (MWO is an appallingly horrid step for the MW RPG franchise.)
i would totally play a reboot of the single player Ultima games with next gen/latest pc technology and graphics.
Single player only.
my wish list :
shadowbane 2 PLAY2CRUSH!
ultima worlds with steam punk
Probably not the reboot you were hoping for.
I don't count that as a reboot, more a bastardization of the IP.
Yes Please!!!
Oooh someone mentioned Legend of Dragoon.
Best PS1 RPG all time imo, even if they just reskinned it for modern consoles I'd be all over it.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
Legacy of Kain, the whole series.
Hopefully Crystal Dynamics stops making Tomb Raider games over and over again and finally decides to do this. Not that I'm not looking forward to the rebooted Tomb Raider franchise's sequel, as I like the direction they took with that series.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Maybe not rebooted but rather renewed like same settings but a completely new gameplay..
Emerald Mines - as 3D puzzler
Supremacy - updated with bigger world and pvp
Lemmings - Something new
Descent - But how can You renew the perfect true 3D fps shooter ?
Port of Call
"I am my connectome"
Twinsen/Little Big Adventure
They would have to keep it very original though.
O_o o_O
Planescape Torment
Fallout (yes, the turn based RPG not those retarded shooter-rpgs)Hodor!