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Elder Scrolls Online: Panel - The Future of ESO



  • TamanousTamanous Member RarePosts: 3,030


    That is entirely my fear for any large budget mmo. With the exception of Wow nearly every mmo in history that is/was known for it's dedicated community (long term player base) was smaller budget games targeting the exact audience it aimed for.


    Today's f2p rotating door mmos face massive challenges trying to secure a solid community foundation or simply cannot support them. Often their core systems prevent this.


    I have zero idea if some or even any of the new upcoming indie mmos will succeed but simply looking at a game like CU in it's development clearly shows how fundamental core game systems are being engineered to facilitate community growth. Most large budget mmos over the last 10 years slap in the prerequisite, cut and paste guild mechanics and go no further. Every other system other than that is designed to separate players from each other into smaller and smaller groups. It is not coincidence that community based game systems often are exactly the opposite in effect compared to f2p systems designed for cash generation. F2p systems fundamentally are designed for exclusion, not inclusion.

    You stay sassy!

  • Sector13Sector13 Member UncommonPosts: 784
    People here have some twisted ideas of what F2P games actually are.  Almost like they never actually play them.  : P
  • kp695304kp695304 Member UncommonPosts: 26

    Open world is great and all, but it is hard to think of a system that would work any better for a MMO with a playerbase as broad and diverse as ESO was bound to have. If they stayed true to the design of the single player games it would of probably done much worse because not all MMO players could appretiate that.

    I find most mmo's need a year or two to really get going and hopefully they will sitck with what they are doing and imporve on it instead of doing what some players suggest and overhauling everyhtin g and going nowhere in the process.

  • CrusadesCrusades Member Posts: 480
    Well look at the bright side, sunglasses are going to be on sale for a long time.
  • DhampirDhampir Member UncommonPosts: 191
    I enjoy the game...been playing since launch and will continue .... why u ask? I am in a active guild and I am having fun.....
    “Nothing is trivial.”
    ― James O'Barr, The Crow

    “Sarah: "Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever...”
    ― James O'Barr, The Crow

  • HokieHokie Member UncommonPosts: 1,063

    If Zenimax wants there to be a future to ESO they should.....continue what they are doing and not listen to all the butt-hurt people who really are complaining about the most asinine things.

    . . .

    . .


    Ohh, wait a second. That is what Zenimax is doing.


    "I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Originally posted by TheQuietGamer
    The whole debacle is a shame.  They are desperately trying to fix it and pull people back in- but I think they lost this battle in the initial feasibility meetings when the decision was made to develop a generic, on-rails mmo with an Elder Scrolls skin, rather than an Elder Scrolls game adapted to support many players.  That is a decision that cannot be undone.  

    The game at it's start was great.  I was instantly addicted.  But went downhill from there.  Low priority on bug fixes.  Balance skills lines that were broken and not fixed first.  Putting PVP bslance in PVE.  Each patch causing more problems.  Releasing without proper testing.  On and on.  

    The game was good, they just treated it like a Skyrim game where players would fix all the bugs with mods.  I really think player added content would save this game.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Nzscorpion80Nzscorpion80 Member UncommonPosts: 54
    Hope its good pvp news, campaigns are pretty dead except for a few, think they need to merge them. I would like to see other pvp zones like areas of each alliance able to be raided etc, say Falkreath hold where DC & AD could invade to capture etc. 
  • SlyLoKSlyLoK Member RarePosts: 2,698
    I think one priority is for them to do something about the phasing.. 
  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    Looking forward to this Panel discussion. Depending on what they say i will either resubscribe or forget i purchased the game and move on for good.

  • Juice2000Juice2000 Member UncommonPosts: 95

    DMKano you are right but none of us know how many subs are needed by ZOS to keep them happy.  ZOS dont have investors to answer to so as long as they hit their minimum number of subs similar to Square-Enix and FF14 they will just keep trying to win subs back while introducing new content.


    Using  FF14 as an example they lost alot of subs after the first month but they stuck with their plan and over the last 6 months have introduced tons of content either bringing in a ton of new players or causing some old players to return. (you can spot new players as they have a symbol over their head if they have not played for more than 40h in game time) The game now is 10 times what is was 1 month after release so theres no reason to think that ESO couldnt do the same. 


    Who knows if SWTOR would of gone F2P if EA wasnt telling Bioware what to do.

  • ZiezoZiezo Member UncommonPosts: 45
    I don't understand all the complainers..... Love Eso, for me the best game out there atm. Hope it improves ofcourse, but having alot of fun. Beautiful,deep rpg and with a great community to play with. Haters gonna hate I guess. When you did not try Eso, plz do, you will not get dissapointed. I hope, its not going f2p.

    Playing: TESO (great!)
    Most looking forward for: Everquest Next
    Have Played: World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, Guild Wars, Lord of the Rings Online, Vanguard, Everquest Online Adventures, Everquest 1, EverQuest 2, Dungeons & Dragons Online, The Chronical of Spellborn, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Aion, CoH, Loong, Dragon nest, LoL, Alods, Diablo 3, NWN, Tera, Poe, Guild Wars 2, Rift
    Most favorite; Everquest online Adventures (EQOA, 2003, PS2)

  • DrignockDrignock Member UncommonPosts: 1
    I hope it doesn't too. And I know those lazy wall-Ers are probably too lazy to read the comments. But here's some food to shove into their swollen cheeks. IF it goes free to play, all the thing that are going to be available in the cash shop are going to add up to be ALOT more expensive than paying for gametime. If people are to lazy and poor to pay for gametime. What the hell is going go motivate them to buy things in the cash shop? You want to next to spend next to nothing on the game? Yet you want updates and patches? I literally almost threw my face through my phone trying to fathom you're thought processes.

    EDIT:Trying to rant through words on my phone late at night calmly is leading to alot of grammatical mistakes. Deal with it Wall-Ers
  • Nicco77Nicco77 Member UncommonPosts: 145

    First of all they must do something in order to balance the classes and builds,yesterday I saw a video of a guild doing a raid with 12 people all doing AOE with staff and nothing more,I think this it's the big problem of the game.

    I still hope that at some point,maybe before the end of the year the game will get an important update to the class and combat system,then they should give a free week to all the old subscriber to test the improvements,of course I will never buy game time to test at this point I want a free time to give another chance at ESO.

  • Nickhead420Nickhead420 Member UncommonPosts: 251
    Originally posted by Nicco77

    ...then they should give a free week to all the old subscriber to test the improvements,of course I will never buy game time to test at this point I want a free time to give another chance at ESO.

    Y'know, every time Blizzard sends me a free week return to WoW, I end up resubbing.  At least for a month.  

  • VorthanionVorthanion Member RarePosts: 2,749
    Originally posted by Sector13
    People here have some twisted ideas of what F2P games actually are.  Almost like they never actually play them.  : P

    I don't play them unless they offer a subscription option that gives me full and complete access to the game without any roadblocks or popups for the stinking cash shop.  I'm done with being nickel and dimed over content that is designed from day one to be incredibly tedious and torturous in order to make the cash shop more alluring.  Don't even get me started on the complete lack of a critical part of any MMO for me, the suspension of disbelief that goes out the window every time I come across a cash shop road block.

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