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Why I left EVE -- and why you shouldn't bother with this game.



  • RelaskiRelaski Member UncommonPosts: 6
    LOL i cant imagine you living in my part of space ( 0.0) xD we have one specially retarded goonswarm memmber  that kills of mobile tractor units in missions and no matter how many times we gank him he comes back,but thats a beauty of eve other people making things interesating.Only hard time in eve i had was when i was getting stalked in c3 wh by some crazy Russians  but even then i just stayed  alligned to pos and attacker couldnt do  much. Btw 10 months of playing,by that time if u  trained proper fighting skills u should be able to fly frigates,cruisers,or strategic ones very  effective so that guy that stalked u shouldnt be much of problem if u know what  you are doing.
  • SybnalSybnal Member Posts: 261

    The OP's post is why EVE is such a cool game.  I mean what kind of universe has safe zones? What kind of adventure can you have without danger?  What kind of story doesn't have villains? Granted EVE is mostly full of them. But that makes the danger even more palpable. 


    I played for about as long as the OP (other games called have called me away for now but I know I'll be back someday) I actually worked at running missions, playing the markets a bit with my paltry 50 million ISK that a friend gave me and took super cheap explorers out into null (no cloaking device, no warp stabs, no guns, no clue) and hauling.  Over the course of the summer of casual play I managed to get about 900mil saved up. Got killed a few times with a full cargo coming back from null, but they were learning experiences and I didn't count any of the loot mine until I made it back to the station anyway.


    Then one day, I took a stupid risk based on bad information. I was under the impression that if you put your cargo in containers, it couldn't be scanned (stupid I know).  So I found a particularly nice deal on some T3 mods in Jita and loaded up my freighter and started my 400th run to Aamar.  Halfway there, BOOM, instagibbed at a gate.  650mil turned into spacedust and kill mail gloating. A paltry sum I know, but at the time, that was a fortune to me.


    My point is, I FELT that shit.  No game before or since could invest me emotionally like that. I actually wanted real  I didn't bitch or moan or run to the forums crying like a little girl though.  I found out what my mistakes were, vowed to never repeat them, and made the money back in a couple weeks.  Eventually, I found a small merc corp that agreed to grief the suicide ganking prick and his partner at their gate camps. @#$% him.


    I guess my point is, it's a big dangerous universe out there, if you aren't smart enough, willing to do your research or don't have the intestinal fortitude to overcome adversity. Just stay the @#$% home. Space isn't for you. The people who love EVE wouldn't have it any other way.


  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Originally posted by Datawarlock
    I commend CCP for sticking to their guns. The players have always come first. The players built the community, they built the economy, they built a good majority of the ships you've picked up after getting podded... it's the players that make EVE what it is.  CCP is like  the only company left on earth that isn't swinging ban hammers or dumbing things down for every whiner that comes their way. You've played for 10 months, so compared to those that have played for the past 10 YEARS your gripes are insignificant, been heard a million times, and mean nothing new to anyone now. [mod edit]

    IDK if still the case but CCP hired 2-3 people for the sole purpose of monitoring the game economy.If it was all about the players making it happen WHY would CCP care to monitor it?To me it is obvious to make sure the ISK is controlled in a fashion that continues to net them a large profit.

    I mean seriously why would you allow isk spam sales outside the game to be spammed inside the game proving you don't care but then hire a few people to monitor it,it makes no sense.

    Also the same gripes about the game have been going on since day 1,CCP simply had a unique game that catered to a market that had ZERO competition.CCP COULD have improved the game and STILL maintain the good side of pvp but they have done NOTHING at all except sell you some more empty space to fly around in,a few new ships cheap looking stations whatever,nothing they have done cost them much money to pull off.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • KrematoryKrematory Member UncommonPosts: 608
    10/10. Best QQ post I've read so far about CODE. Buy a mining permit next time :D

    "EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran

  • turinmacleodturinmacleod Staff WriterMember UncommonPosts: 166

    Ahhh, and the wolves have started attacking the wolves.


    /sits back and enjoys the show



  • PaskePaske Member UncommonPosts: 135
    Originally posted by Krematory
    10/10. Best QQ post I've read so far about CODE. Buy a mining permit next time :D


    Love it :)

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,098
    Originally posted by cerulean2012
    I tried eve on a free trial pass about 2 weeks ago.  Second night out a couple of ships approached me (not sure what guild they where) and demanded I give them all of my money & other stuff I had.  I refused and the blew me up.  I thought oh well and went out the next night, same thing.  Haven't been back to the game since and have no desire to return to a game that I can not even level out of a starting area in.

    Just wondering, how did they find you the 2nd night?  Did you go back to the place they blew you up the first time?  If so, the mistake was yours.

    Also, did you report them? Generally speaking CCP does take griefing of new players somewhat seriously, so perhaps you should have made a complaint.

    Now as for the OP, appears he did something to piss someone off, somewhere, likely running his mouth.  Never a good idea in EVE to talk smack if you don't have the corporation/alliance to back you up.

    Never fly a ship you can not afford to lose.

    Never, ever talk in local, especially to talk crap.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • PaskePaske Member UncommonPosts: 135

    Think of EVE as Darwin simulator.


    The strong and cunning survive and thrive. They survive and thrive on meak and sickly, like OP.


    If you went to low sec or no sec, then only logical assumption is you got gate camped, blowned up, ridiculed.

    Then you went QQ you guys are ahalls. And then they made it their business to make your life hell while there are no fleets/ roams / stuff going on.


    EVE demands different mindest. Also you need to be a grown up person with some backbone and patience to enjoy this game.

  • GregorMcgregorGregorMcgregor Member UncommonPosts: 263
    If something loud went off in fanfest the world would only grin.

    No trials. No tricks. No traps. No EU-RP server. NO THANKS!


    ...10% Benevolence, 90% Arrogance in my case!
  • mayito7777mayito7777 Member UncommonPosts: 768
    Eve Online the best social experiment that proves how low humans can descend.

    want 7 free days of playing? Try this

  • UhwopUhwop Member UncommonPosts: 1,791
    Originally posted by GregorMcgregor
    If something loud went off in fanfest the world would only grin.

    Edit: responding was the correct way to deal with such a comment.  

  • UhwopUhwop Member UncommonPosts: 1,791
    [mod edit]

    My god.  

    Is it irony that many of the people that condemn the game have a habit of demonstrating a far worse attitude than the people they condemn the game over?  

    If you're going to blast people for their attitude in a game, wouldn't it at least be prudent for you to demonstrate a better attitude yourself?  Or am I just not able to grasp the validity in, essentially, calling a community of people douches, while being a douche yourself.  

    I really don't get it.  

  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Originally posted by cutter666

    I also commend CCP for sticking to its guns.

    All of you that have played EvE and say the attitude of the players is getting worse you are completely right.

    I've played a long time and to be fair I've managed to avoid a lot of really bad episodes  by luck more than skill.

    The EvE population is bored so naturally it turns on itself, CCP has run out of steam and as an excuse it lets the shit  most of you are talking about happen and calls it, "player driven content".

    CCP isn't really interested in new players, its about holding onto its elite fanboys now. Disenchanted creeps with nothing to do except flex their God complex.

    EvE will eat itself.

    So yep CCP stick to your guns, and I'll happily watch the whole thing burn.


    This so much! 


    EVE has a LOT of really interesting gameplay elements, but little to no actual content. I would agree that players are generally bored. I read an article about this group who basically hunts other players exclusively and how they hunted this one person for 3 years. 3 freakin' years!! Until he finally logged on with his trophy ship and was quickly dispatched. 


    First, how much effort is required, how much energy do you need to spend to be this much of an asshat? Seems like it must take a great deal of work.


    Secondly, why do people even play a game where they can't take their crowning achievements out and show them off? It's like buying a Ferrari, getting it delivered, then tarping it in the garage and never driving it. I mean it might not be efficient as a daily commuter, but I'd be taking it out on a weekly basis just to show off, and there aren't people out on the roads just driving around trying to ram me. 


    I agree that CCP probably doesn't care about getting new users. They're quite content with the crowd they currently have, but it should be interesting to see what happens when Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous come out. EVE might just go dark. I doubt it, but having some/any compoetition in this space should be an interesting experiment.


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
    Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
    Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US

  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476
    I've heard of a rumor that several top sony exec's have been given copy's of Icelandic Rosetta Stone. Not saying that EvE will end up on All acess pass. It will depend on weather Brad is busy or not.
    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    Eve was bad when i played around 2007 but now the game has some of the sickest players in any mmo i've ever seen and it will get worse. Non of the OP's post surprises me.  The player base is nothing but twisted people running the game. Its all they probably have in their lives to make them feel powerful. I aways tell people to stay far away from Eve online. To the  OP thanks for that link,i will make sure it gets around the web so people can see for themselves what a sick playerbase this game has.
  • AhnogAhnog Member UncommonPosts: 240
    Been playing the game since 2005. Never been griefed.


    Hokey religions are no replacement for a good blaster at your side.

  • greatskysgreatskys Member UncommonPosts: 451
    I did try EVE several years back but didn't find the community very friendly . I heard years later its mostly male so perhaps thats the reason . Too much testosterone . 
  • kakasakikakasaki Member UncommonPosts: 1,205

    There are tons more theme-park MMOs out there than games like EvE. Find one and give EvE a pass if the play style does not suit you. But to come on a forum to cry about it and rag on a great game that many players like... well, says more about you and your character than it does about the EvE player base...


    There is no crying in EvE. 



    A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...

  • mayito7777mayito7777 Member UncommonPosts: 768
    Originally posted by kakasaki

    There are tons more theme-park MMOs out there than games like EvE. Find one and give EvE a pass if the play style does not suit you. But to come on a forum to cry about it and rag on a great game that many players like... well, says more about you and your character than it does about the EvE player base...


    There is no crying in EvE. 



    Calling some a crybaby because they are shedding light upon an evil social aspect of a community is a low blow. Refute his argument with evidence no calling him/her names.

    want 7 free days of playing? Try this

  • RodentofdoomRodentofdoom Member Posts: 273

    Is Eve a harsh, unforgiving and uncaring environment ?

    - Yes, yes it is.


    Are Eve's Players Sociopaths because they enjoy playing a harsh, unforgiving and uncaring game ?

    - No, no they aren't.




    I'm sorry to hear you didn't enjoy playing a game. After all, we all play games to have fun.

    The tl/dr is "Eve isn't a game for everyone"


    It's frequently mentioned that eve has a 'step learning curve' .. there's even a rather amusing graphic for it.

    Most people mistakenly believe that the learning curve mentioned relates to the mechanics of eve's game play.

    It doesn't.

    The systems and mechanics in eve are actually quite straightforward and simple to understand.

    The 'learning curve' refers to the mindset needed for eve.

    When you undock you are a valid target, this is the part that almost everyone fails to understand.

    Eve is a pvp based game that has elements of pve.

    The [undock] button should read [I agree], and it should have a tool-tip that reads 'There may be explosions'.



    Almost everything in eve is a tool for you to use to have fun :-

    Your Clone - is just a tool

    The implants in your clone - are just tools

    The ship you fly - is just a tool

    The ISK in your wallet - is just a tool

    The ship modules in your hanger - are just tools


    In eve, tools are an expendable resource, they are disposable.


    I hope you find another MMO to play that meets your requirements for 'a fun experience'

    but you may find that experience to be a shallow one, that is ultimately unfulfilling.



  • kakasakikakasaki Member UncommonPosts: 1,205
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Originally posted by kakasaki

    There are tons more theme-park MMOs out there than games like EvE. Find one and give EvE a pass if the play style does not suit you. But to come on a forum to cry about it and rag on a great game that many players like... well, says more about you and your character than it does about the EvE player base...


    There is no crying in EvE. 



    Calling some a crybaby because they are shedding light upon an evil social aspect of a community is a low blow. Refute his argument with evidence no calling him/her names.

    Its a game. Going on crusades over things that happen in a game is silly. Condemning an entire gamer and player base over the actions of a few is childish. But I would expect nothing else from most of the crows. I swear this site is the home of some of the whiniest malcontents this side of the net.

    The adult thing to do if you don't like a game is to not play and move on. But oh no, why do that when one can engage in a quixotic crusade... 

    A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...

  • mayito7777mayito7777 Member UncommonPosts: 768
    Originally posted by kakasaki
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Originally posted by kakasaki

    There are tons more theme-park MMOs out there than games like EvE. Find one and give EvE a pass if the play style does not suit you. But to come on a forum to cry about it and rag on a great game that many players like... well, says more about you and your character than it does about the EvE player base...


    There is no crying in EvE. 



    Calling some a crybaby because they are shedding light upon an evil social aspect of a community is a low blow. Refute his argument with evidence no calling him/her names.

    Its a game. Going on crusades over things that happen in a game is silly. Condemning an entire gamer and player base over the actions of a few is childish. But I would expect nothing else from most of the crows. I swear this site is the home of some of the whiniest malcontents this side of the net.

    The adult thing to do if you don't like a game is to not play and move on. But oh no, why do that when one can engage in a quixotic crusade... 

    Because that is the reason since the birth of human race that have cause many men and women to fight for freedom, against injustice and is the main reason why you today are not a slave but a free man, because many people before you fought against why they considered to be unjust, evil and inmoral. 

    want 7 free days of playing? Try this

  • SoandsosoSoandsoso Member Posts: 533

    I went to Aufay and watched Code in action.


    They hide and spam "Code always wins" in local chat.


    When they finally get a target they rush out in their cheap desi's, get podded, and go back into hiding and spamming local chat.


    I am guessing they are on another account doing other stuff while they wait.



  • n3v3rriv3rn3v3rriv3r Member UncommonPosts: 496

    It is simple really: don't play the game and tell everybody about your experience in this game.

    Eventually only griefers and psychotic players will remain and they will love to play with each other. Let it go and play another game.

    Imho EVE has one of the worst community in gaming because even if in mobas (known as a bad community environment) there is  more raging and bad attitude nothing is done primarily to cause harm. EVE on the other hand thrives with schemes and malicious intent.

    Let people who likes to do harm play between themselves.

  • UhwopUhwop Member UncommonPosts: 1,791
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Originally posted by kakasaki
    Originally posted by mayito7777
    Originally posted by kakasaki

    There are tons more theme-park MMOs out there than games like EvE. Find one and give EvE a pass if the play style does not suit you. But to come on a forum to cry about it and rag on a great game that many players like... well, says more about you and your character than it does about the EvE player base...


    There is no crying in EvE. 



    Calling some a crybaby because they are shedding light upon an evil social aspect of a community is a low blow. Refute his argument with evidence no calling him/her names.

    Its a game. Going on crusades over things that happen in a game is silly. Condemning an entire gamer and player base over the actions of a few is childish. But I would expect nothing else from most of the crows. I swear this site is the home of some of the whiniest malcontents this side of the net.

    The adult thing to do if you don't like a game is to not play and move on. But oh no, why do that when one can engage in a quixotic crusade... 

    Because that is the reason since the birth of human race that have cause many men and women to fight for freedom, against injustice and is the main reason why you today are not a slave but a free man, because many people before you fought against why they considered to be unjust, evil and inmoral. 

    It's a game that allows player to fill the roll of a pirate or "the bad guy".   Not real life.  

    At some point we should all be able to separate what is real and what is not, so as to not confuse real unjust, evil, and immoral actions from people just playing a game as it's intended to be played.  

    I feel that it's far more concerning that some people don't appear capable of making the distinction between the two, and are comfortable equating mining bumping to real world actions that are unjust, evil, and immoral. 

    It's a game, not real life; you shouldn't be investing that much emotion into it.  

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