Square Enix has revealed both a new trailer and a teaser site for the next major content upgrade to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Called "Defenders of Eorzea", the update will feature new quests, bosses, recipes and much, much more. Check it out for all of the details.
YoshiP said they are planning an epic story line that leads to the expansion just like 1.0 ended and 2.0 started. He said the world won't be destroyed this time, but everything we're doing now is slowly building towards the story content in the expansion.
I'm really looking forward to it. BTW, the female elezen in blue in the video is probably Shiva in disguise.
This is the best mmo development team no doubt about that.
So much quality content delivered every 3 months and at the same time their attitude is so down to earth.
Yup. Really enjoying it. Got my Paladin at lvl36 at the moment.
Graphics are also one of the best. On par with The Secret World.
"Everything the light touches is our kingdom" -- Mufasa
The population is just fine, people like me play both. So now I'm kind max at everything in FF14 im playing Wildstar, when this patch comes out ill play that until the wildstar one and back and forth, back and forth.
I'm happy with the amount of content we're getting constantly.
Both games will be around for a long time so don't worry.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.