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Star Trek Online: Sending the Captain to School

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

The first in a three-part series of articles discussing upcoming and massive changes to the Star Trek Online crafting system has been posted on the game's official site. In the first, Systems Designer Jeff “AdjudicatorHawk” Hamilton discusses the new "Research and Development" (R&D) schools where captains will learn how to make high quality equipment to better outfit their ships and crew.

Your skill at making things depends on your level in the school which you are crafting from, and the difficulty of your task depends on the level of item you are trying to create. As long as you have the materials, you can try to create Mark XII items at School Level 1 – but your chance of creating a Very Rare will be nonexistent due to the task’s high difficulty and your low starting skill. As you progress by crafting items, your Skill Rating increases, causing the overall quality of the items you craft to increase on average. By the time you hit the maximum level of any school, you’ll regularly craft Rare and Very Rare items, and you’ll completely eliminate Common items from your potential outcomes.

Read more on the Star Trek Online site.




  • LeGrosGamerV2LeGrosGamerV2 Member Posts: 90
    I haven't played STO in AGES, I own the collectors edition, which back then was a total rip off, but I'm really liking how the game shaped up to become from it's release to now. :)
  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    If only the ground combat wasn't so,....meh.

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • bdewbdew Member UncommonPosts: 192
    Originally posted by LeGrosGamerV2
    I haven't played STO in AGES, I own the collectors edition, which back then was a total rip off, but I'm really liking how the game shaped up to become from it's release to now. :)

    I've played the game at release as well... and it sucked.

    A round a year a year ago i decided to try it again and wow the game has changed so much and is orders of magnitude better now.

    Crafting is still one of it's weak parts, so it's nice that they want to rework it.

  • hestahhestah Member UncommonPosts: 12
    I also got this game at release and was disappointed started playing again a couple if weeks ago after needing a break from eso and got to say it's a very fun game to play now and I can't wait to see what they do with crafting
  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381

    I love for more then 40 years now I guess Star Trek and wonder how they allowed this crap to use that IP? Movement, combat, ... everything looks and feels weird, graphics, ... all. This game would need some good team to recode game from scratch.


    Check also this post: Daily Digest Email/utm_source/MMORPG/utm_medium/email/eatrack/[email protected],8

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