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World First lvl 50s



  • DaessarDaessar Member Posts: 204
    Originally posted by Hedeon

    not to claim Id know what is most effective for leveling, but doubt they did quests, it is rare people power level on quests in MMOs Ive played atleast.

    I'm not sure either, but I would guess they just went after the elite mobs. Screenshot shows they were in a group, which is usually the strat, along with other party members pulling mobs to you so that you just get a constant stream of mobs with no downtime.

  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967

    The moral of the story is that levels and level gated content in mmorpgs are pointless.  Leveling skills and proficiency in jobs are okay, but characters with a number 50 or 100 next to them = pointless.  Levels only mean something if it takes a skill based accomplishment to achieve them.



    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • grapevinegrapevine Member UncommonPosts: 1,927
    Originally posted by syriinx
    Originally posted by grapevine
    The thing that slowed you down (in the early days) in WoW wasn't the difficulty, or the scale.   It was due to the lack of quest markers, so reading quests (or thotbot) was required to even get an indication of where to go.   It was also when MMOs were still niche, and still closer to RPGs than they are now.

    Even with maximum knowledge and addons specifically designed for fast leveling the record pre-BC for lvl 60 on a new server (which launched regularly) was around 6 days /played


    No such addons existed when WoW was first launched.   6 days (144 hours) was also the average player's /played, not the content blitz'ers.   


    They generally "play" completely different, to level so quickly and are often assisted.   For example (can't remember the game), one was done by a guild pulling mobs to a single player and them doing next to no questing.  For some, claim rights are part of their game.   Quite often (if they are serious) they then play through the game on another character.


  • RaymikaRaymika Member UncommonPosts: 18

    Looks like you guys are missing the point here. If you watched the screenshot, the screenshot was made by another group, who are also close to 50. And this group killed level appropriate monsters, and had level appropriate quests. I think these guys on the screenshot are already at level 50.

    This means for me the leveling in Wildstar is piss easy, and lots of people will be 50 in days or one or two weeks time. Maybe the real content is after the levelcap... or there isn't enough content. We will see.

  • SaluteSalute Member UncommonPosts: 795
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus
    Originally posted by Azmodeus
    The content locusts are on a feeding frenzy.  Just a matter of days before the cries of "Lack of content."

    Who cares what others crie about...


    Tough, this is one of those games that starts at 50 (for some of them)   gearing up and raiding


    All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1
    Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2

  • grapevinegrapevine Member UncommonPosts: 1,927
    Originally posted by Raymika

    Looks like you guys are missing the point here. If you watched the screenshot, the screenshot was made by another group, who are also close to 50. And this group killed level appropriate monsters, and had level appropriate quests. I think these guys on the screenshot are already at level 50.

    This means for me the leveling in Wildstar is piss easy, and lots of people will be 50 in days or one or two weeks time. Maybe the real content is after the levelcap... or there isn't enough content. We will see.


    Zone story and group tasks are shown, and nothing else.   Along with a very short slider.  So no other quests evidenced.


    Even what they have is not level appropriate and a few levels lower than they are.  Looks like another case of assisted mob grinding, with some convenient quests.

  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987
    Everyone knows the real game in themeparks only beginns at max lvl, so what's the deal?
  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    At this rate,  the first group of players will already be queueing for the first "endgame" 40-man raid on launch day, lol...
  • grapevinegrapevine Member UncommonPosts: 1,927
    Originally posted by SpottyGekko
    At this rate,  the first group of players will already be queueing for the first "endgame" 40-man raid on launch day, lol...


    Probably and with intent (their's).

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by grapevine
    Originally posted by Raymika

    Looks like you guys are missing the point here. If you watched the screenshot, the screenshot was made by another group, who are also close to 50. And this group killed level appropriate monsters, and had level appropriate quests. I think these guys on the screenshot are already at level 50.

    This means for me the leveling in Wildstar is piss easy, and lots of people will be 50 in days or one or two weeks time. Maybe the real content is after the levelcap... or there isn't enough content. We will see.


    Zone story and group tasks are shown, and nothing else.   Along with a very short slider.  So no other quests evidenced.



    I am no WS fanboy at all and I think this game has a plethora of issues and an art style I dont like.

    I thought I would be playing ESO for a more hardcore experiennce but was happy there woud be a theme park with a subscription for others.

    -That said- After seeing ESO flop as a single player quest grinder on rails, I am going with Wildstar.

    Its my understanding that there are very diverse ways to level (unlike ESO) and I am not surprised we are seeing level 50s now. That said, the real content is the hardcore raiding, group content and all the fun things to do at level cap. Its not an approach I prefer- But at least there is an actual endgame with very hardcore content and tons to do (even outside of combat)

    Personally I will be trying to power level when I play since I hate quest grinding.

    The real tet will be the endgame content- And its looking very good on that front. The people who will leave this game will be the more single player types who dot want specialization and complex dungeoneering- OR this will flop.


    Either way, this is the best chance we have now for a sub game to 'make it' and I am giving them the shot- Its already 100 times what eso is. And this makes me sad.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by Jacxolope



    -That said- After seeing ESO flop as a single player quest grinder on rails, I am going with Wildstar.


    What weird place these forums have become.

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by Jacxolope



    -That said- After seeing ESO flop as a single player quest grinder on rails, I am going with Wildstar.


    What weird place these forums have become.

    I know, right?


    Even single player quest grinders like ESO are discussed these days...

  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by Jacxolope



    -That said- After seeing ESO flop as a single player quest grinder on rails, I am going with Wildstar.


    What weird place these forums have become.

    Yeah, that was a weird statement.


    "Once I realized the frying pan was too hot, I made the decision to jump directly into fire".


    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
  • Moxom914Moxom914 Member RarePosts: 731

    Originally posted by IMPYRE
    Now its time for them to level up alts to 50, but honestly folks, I am playing WS as well and enjoying the game, but has themepark mmo's become to simple. So long to the days of EQ and the hell levels. Maybe the next mmo will be like, here is your level X, now go grind them weapons and gear for your raid dungeons or your arena battles.Screw this leveling ($*#, I just want to play endgame :) is the gamers mentality now and not the journey anymore.

    next will b "pay us $60 and u can have a max lvl toon now". wait..........

  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    Originally posted by rojo6934
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by snoocky
    No life at all...

    Uh, they did this on a saturday afternoon/evening... barely a day's worth of time, how does that equate to having no life?

    from lvl 1 to 50 in one afternoon/evening?



    Probably shared their account and worked in shifts, like so many games' first xxxx.

    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • Moxom914Moxom914 Member RarePosts: 731

    Originally posted by StarI
    Everyone knows the real game in themeparks only beginns at max lvl, so what's the deal?

    depends on ur idea of "the real game". i prefer lvl'ing and learning new skills and exploring new areas as opposed to grinding the same raid to get better gear to make those same raids easier.

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by grapevine
    Originally posted by Raymika

    Looks like you guys are missing the point here. If you watched the screenshot, the screenshot was made by another group, who are also close to 50. And this group killed level appropriate monsters, and had level appropriate quests. I think these guys on the screenshot are already at level 50.

    This means for me the leveling in Wildstar is piss easy, and lots of people will be 50 in days or one or two weeks time. Maybe the real content is after the levelcap... or there isn't enough content. We will see.


    Zone story and group tasks are shown, and nothing else.   Along with a very short slider.  So no other quests evidenced.



    I am no WS fanboy at all and I think this game has a plethora of issues and an art style I dont like.

    I thought I would be playing ESO for a more hardcore experiennce but was happy there woud be a theme park with a subscription for others.

    -That said- After seeing ESO flop as a single player quest grinder on rails, I am going with Wildstar.

    Its my understanding that there are very diverse ways to level (unlike ESO) and I am not surprised we are seeing level 50s now. That said, the real content is the hardcore raiding, group content and all the fun things to do at level cap. Its not an approach I prefer- But at least there is an actual endgame with very hardcore content and tons to do (even outside of combat)

    Personally I will be trying to power level when I play since I hate quest grinding.

    The real tet will be the endgame content- And its looking very good on that front. The people who will leave this game will be the more single player types who dot want specialization and complex dungeoneering- OR this will flop.


    Either way, this is the best chance we have now for a sub game to 'make it' and I am giving them the shot- Its already 100 times what eso is. And this makes me sad.

    This is the problem with today's gamer IMO, I'm all for wildstar being a success, as well as ESO, yet we've seen this time and time again. Game A launches has some problems, people get all like this about it and sensationalize their views. Then paint the next game/team as being so much better during pre-release and then the cycle starts over, it'll be the next game that's getting it right, until it doesn't.

    I'll just go back a couple years, AOC released and had issues, so the consensus became they don't get it, but Mythic does with WHOL. Which game received the most content additions and improvements? Next up SWTOR, same deal as AOC, and it turns out it's Anet that gets it, they're the good guys.. until a few months later... Rinse and repeat, which game has seen more improvement/additions to it's actual core?

    The truth is none of these games failed (except WHOL).. That's what a true failure is, it never was able to grasp a core community large enough to support it's improvement.

    I can't wait until next year so we can really see just how well both of these games in question did, because that's the only true tell of how they actually failed or succeeded...anything else is typical forum hyperbole, hysteria and sensationalizing.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987
    Originally posted by FlyByKnight
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by Jacxolope



    -That said- After seeing ESO flop as a single player quest grinder on rails, I am going with Wildstar.


    What weird place these forums have become.

    Yeah, that was a weird statement.


    "Once I realized the frying pan was too hot, I made the decision to jump directly into fire".


    àhaha, golden

    guy does seem a bit confused.. or mad, not sure which cos he's trying to cover it

  • ZebladeZeblade Member UncommonPosts: 931

    I think whats worse is someone made a thread about it and 9 pages later still talking about someone that new how and where to go  to lvl fast. This happens all the time.

    Thats just it some know where to go to get super XP.  Don't believe me? Go for it just do all the quests.. days later you will still be leveling. Thats what some of us did in beta..test quest line.  Lol some of you that play know that spot thats still glitched ..anyway.

    So no grats

  • DancwithDancwith Member UncommonPosts: 28
    yeah, realm first stuff isn't worth a crap anymore since it's trivial to achieve.  I would wager a ton of people know how to do it, but they recognize that the achievement for it isn't worth the investment to get there.
  • IceAgeIceAge Member EpicPosts: 3,210

    Well , so many "brain-washers" here.

    First, the guy(s) ( as I see, there are 2? ) who manage to get to 50 , I am pretty sure that they knew how and where to level up based on their BETA play time. Also, I am also pretty sure that they received a lot of help from their guild.

    You must keep in mind that for some, achieving max level in a MMO is something to be proud of , but the majority, 99% are going to level as it should be.

    After 9 hours of play-time , I am around level 15 . Did I do something "wrong"? I don't care, because I am having fun playing the game and understating it. 

    PS: In before , why don't you play the game beside writing on forums. Well .. queues baby :) 12 mins to go ..

    Reporter: What's behind Blizzard success, and how do you make your gamers happy?
    Blizzard Boss: Making gamers happy is not my concern, making money.. yes!

  • adam_noxadam_nox Member UncommonPosts: 2,148
    Originally posted by Scorchien

     It really is a shame that people think this is an Accomplishment in an MMO when it is neither ...


      Really to bad what gamers today except as quality , but is the result of the Red-Bull chuggin , Hot Pocket eatin , console generation invading the MMO genre .. 

    consoles?  Really?  These are people that chill on the couch and hardly have the focus and lack of responsibility needed to stare intently at a monitor that's 2 feet from their faces to make sure they squeak every little bit of progression out of each hour of the day. 

  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    Originally posted by Scorchien

     It really is a shame that people think this is an Accomplishment in an MMO when it is neither ...


      Really to bad what gamers today except as quality , but is the result of the Red-Bull chuggin , Hot Pocket eatin , console generation invading the MMO genre .. 

    Since I played the Atari 2600, Nintendo, and Colecovision consoles in the 80's (you know, before there were such things as MMOs), does that make me a console generation invader?

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by grapevine
    Originally posted by Raymika

    Looks like you guys are missing the point here. If you watched the screenshot, the screenshot was made by another group, who are also close to 50. And this group killed level appropriate monsters, and had level appropriate quests. I think these guys on the screenshot are already at level 50.

    This means for me the leveling in Wildstar is piss easy, and lots of people will be 50 in days or one or two weeks time. Maybe the real content is after the levelcap... or there isn't enough content. We will see.


    Zone story and group tasks are shown, and nothing else.   Along with a very short slider.  So no other quests evidenced.



    I am no WS fanboy at all and I think this game has a plethora of issues and an art style I dont like.

    I thought I would be playing ESO for a more hardcore experiennce but was happy there woud be a theme park with a subscription for others.

    -That said- After seeing ESO flop as a single player quest grinder on rails, I am going with Wildstar.

    Its my understanding that there are very diverse ways to level (unlike ESO) and I am not surprised we are seeing level 50s now. That said, the real content is the hardcore raiding, group content and all the fun things to do at level cap. Its not an approach I prefer- But at least there is an actual endgame with very hardcore content and tons to do (even outside of combat)

    Personally I will be trying to power level when I play since I hate quest grinding.

    The real tet will be the endgame content- And its looking very good on that front. The people who will leave this game will be the more single player types who dot want specialization and complex dungeoneering- OR this will flop.


    Either way, this is the best chance we have now for a sub game to 'make it' and I am giving them the shot- Its already 100 times what eso is. And this makes me sad.

    This is the problem with today's gamer IMO, I'm all for wildstar being a success, as well as ESO, yet we've seen this time and time again. Game A launches has some problems, people get all like this about it and sensationalize their views. Then paint the next game/team as being so much better during pre-release and then the cycle starts over, it'll be the next game that's getting it right, until it doesn't.

    I'll just go back a couple years, AOC released and had issues, so the consensus became they don't get it, but Mythic does with WHOL. Which game received the most content additions and improvements? Next up SWTOR, same deal as AOC, and it turns out it's Anet that gets it, they're the good guys.. until a few months later... Rinse and repeat, which game has seen more improvement/additions to it's actual core?

    The truth is none of these games failed (except WHOL).. That's what a true failure is, it never was able to grasp a core community large enough to support it's improvement.

    I can't wait until next year so we can really see just how well both of these games in question did, because that's the only true tell of how they actually failed or succeeded...anything else is typical forum hyperbole, hysteria and sensationalizing.



    I am the "problem with todays MO gamer"? 


    Son, Ive been playing MMORPGs since UO and everything released or recent has been sold on hype and IP cash grabs. ESO included.

    ESO is a single player, quest grinder with little to no deviation from quest, quest, quest and zerg PVP. Sorry I was expecting something a bit more than a single player storyline that leads you around by the nose and fights you every step of the way if you want to group- I am sorry ESO is EZ-mode and super casuall. I am sorry there is no endgame outside of quest grinding other factions storylines and being led around by the nose even more.


    Wildstar is a themepark but compared to ESO it is fucking EVE online in its complexity. Wildstar has harder content (and grouping) right from the get go.


    The problem with "todays MMO gamer" is two fold. Falling for hype (everytime) and then white knighting a product as they somehow confuse being critical of "their game" with someone insulting them personally.

    I am hyped for neither game. I watched and waited and made an informed choice. The choice was easy. I eithe r play an on rail story mode caual-fest and easy as hell game (with an art style I like) or I play something with some variation from questing and at least the hope of difficult content.

    They are both themparks. One only has two and half rides.

    I support the SUB model the most here. I do not want to see both games flop. When ESO goes F2P (and it will) they will blame the sub model and not their shitty design choices. At least Wildstar has a chance and I can easily see is 100 times the game right now.

    Not trying to make this about ESO/Wildstar either. I am stating my opinion. I was going to buy one of these games and was unsure which until I saw the disaster that was ESO. IF Wildstar ends up being a disaster as well- At least my money wasnt handed to a greedy ass company trying to take an IP I love and use it as the means of a cash grab.... Because thats what ESO is- A cash grab.


    Had it been called "Generic fantasy game 1007 online: Gold edition" and never had the TES IP. It wouldnt have sold anything.


    EDIT_ Also not, I am not talking about bugs. I am talking about things which cannot be fixed- Like the entire GAME of ESO. Bugs can be fixed.... Some of my most fond memories are in games which were buggy. Single player MMORPG quest grinder is unfixable.

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