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I stuck up for ESO, but now I'm done ( list )



  • LagKingBongLagKingBong Member Posts: 54
    I will say as someone who has put 200+ hours worth of gaming time in, the dungeons and ALOT of the content are copy/paste, rinse & repeat. It's all about what you, as a player & consumer, will put up with.
  • cronius77cronius77 Member UncommonPosts: 1,652

    I dunno while I hate the bugs and some of the design decisions in the game I still find it better than most others out there on the market even in its current shape. Its not the shiny new game that makes me stick with it still . Its the fact I do not spend 4 or 5 hours a day playing it and grind through content at some insane pace that dev teams cannot even pretend to keep up with. While I do like alternatives to leveling and absolutely hate the VR content level cap raise , as long as they continue to raise the Cyro level cap stat wise for auto bolstering I do not see the need to be VR 12 as fast as possible. The game offers just about everything other games in the past has though buggy at times I can deal with it. 

    People here seem to forget launches of games though guild wars 2 for example just got promised features at launch a year later after release. All these games launched with maybe half of what ESO launched with so in terms of the game itself I think they did better than most with their first patch being for end game content that wasnt ready at launch. Granted all the bugs and breaking things suck its still one of my favorite launches so far but then again I didnt race to end game like I have no life outside of video games either so I didnt have to experience all the crap some did here, I learned my lesson in Rift being one of the first warriors on our server and having to deal with all the end game grinding and bugs there in experts that blocked progress.

  • NobleNerdNobleNerd Member UncommonPosts: 759
    Originally posted by flizzer
    OP sounds like the type who would spend 150 for ArcheAge.  

    Yes. Spend the money on it then 3 months later be in here with a similar post of how they wanted to love it but have ended up hating it. 0 validity in a post like this for me.

  • obocoboc Member UncommonPosts: 189
    So happy I DIDN'T buy this game. But credit to you op for giving it a go. Best of luck on the next one !
  • MagikarpsGhostMagikarpsGhost Member RarePosts: 689
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus
    Originally posted by delete5230

    I tried desperately to like Elders Scrolls Online. I tried to re-convince my friends to play that waited for this mmo, only to find it buggy during bata.  I talked about it in a good way at work. I joined that good Guild with voice chat.....Well I just can't anymore, I tricked myself long enough.


    - Bugs, abilities delays, dodging does not execute all the time. Chain quest that you cant complete unless you re-log, some you have to restart all over. Some, that if you die, the dialog will not let you retry and grayed out.

    - Only 5 abilities that gets boring after awhile. Unable to execute any new tactical strategies unless you swap out abilities. WHY ONLY 5 ? Because you have 18... do the math.. 

    - No matter how cool class abilities sound, dual weld abilities are way stronger.....No real reason to use anything else besides Dual Weld and Bow. Try veteran content with dual wield templar... it hurts so much.. you die

    - Mega server blows period.  Big deal the world is full of life.  At times too full.  The mega server is the root cause of most of the bugs......See that guy struggling over their ?.....Why help, why make friends with him ?....Not even any reason to say "thanks".

    - Mounts.  Besides PvP you don't need them.  They give storage cappacity, which is worth every dime i spend on it

    - Zones are big, that's nice.  But the reason I like big zones is because I would like to get to know players in them, but the mega server destroys that.  try interacting with the people you meet, i have been very succesfull at making friends and chatting and even roleplaying with them

    - Exploring was nice, and I say WAS.  By the time you hit around level 25 you know what too expect. If you dont like this general part of MMO´s why play MMO?

    - So much copy and past. Building interiors, private and public dungeons.  Many things are exactly the same.

    - Dungeons are short, way too short.

    - LFG tool.....strangers !  LFG is a PUG building tool, what would you expect?

    - World Bosses, mindless zerg fest.  At times it's even impossible to get a shot in.  

    - Ever notice that random mobs are ridicules easy, yet you come across one that will one shot you and impossible to kill, what's with that ?....You can't use tactics because you never know when. Those are not solo mobs, try grouping for them

    - Other than PvP you don't need a Guild. Most important reato have guilds is for trading...son 

    - Crafting is for the most part worthless, just hang out in a public dungeon. Equipment problem solved ! You obviously have no clue about this... 

    - Inventory and bank is listed, no arranging nothing.  get a mod or two for this

    - I cant stand the UI, some like no clutter, but they turn around and download mods.... what's with that crap? Abilities disappear out of combat. I can't stand that ( this could be me, but I hate it ).  get a mod or two for this

    -Forever load screens.

    - Sloooow voice acting. I started clicking through it. But quest are nice. Solo but nice. And you never know if the end boss of a quest chain will one shot you. No preparing, because it's random. Could be easy could be hard, you never know :)  And by showing that you dont have any patience, you ruined most of the story immersion for yourself.



    I never had this in Vanilla WoW, EQ2, LOTRO, D&D Online, even Vanguard was much better than this ! 


    On a serious note.... you are a zergling that wants to rush trough content and in that case, this just isnt your game, its aimed at people that love good content and have the patience to enjoy it.

    I am upset with ZO atm due to the last patch and the random roll backs on the stonefall map. BUT i still love this game and i agree with the post i am quoting. If you play ESO to rush through it and get to this "endgame" you will end up unhappy. ESO leaves it for you to find your own adventures at times. I have leveled 2 toons to 50 one is V5 now and DW is not god me. I got smacked around to the point my gear broke on my DW DK.

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  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308
    Originally posted by delete5230

    I tried desperately to like Elders Scrolls Online. I tried to re-convince my friends to play that waited for this mmo, only to find it buggy during bata.  I talked about it in a good way at work. I joined that good Guild with voice chat.....Well I just can't anymore, I tricked myself long enough.


    - Bugs, abilities delays, dodging does not execute all the time. Chain quest that you cant complete unless you re-log, some you have to restart all over. Some, that if you die, the dialog will not let you retry and grayed out.

    It's odd how people manage to come across so many issues, while others come across barely any. The only bugs I've come across, such as the combat action lockup, or a quest issue, could always easily be remedied by a quick hit of the ESC, or a quick re-log, respectively. At least as I'm nearing level 30. Sucks, you got the short end of the stick on this one.

    - Only 5 abilities that gets boring after awhile. Unable to execute any new tactical strategies unless you swap out abilities. WHY ONLY 5 ?

    Uhhh... you should know this, but you get 12 abilities including Ultimates. You can always switch out your main weapon choice for a second set of the same weapon with different abilities on the bar if you want.

    - No matter how cool class abilities sound, dual weld abilities are way stronger.....No real reason to use anything else besides Dual Weld and Bow.

    It's true, I've found Dual Wielding to be a bit better in most situations, although I am using Great weapons anyway.

    - Mega server blows period.  Big deal the world is full of life.  At times too full.  The mega server is the root cause of most of the bugs......See that guy struggling over their ?.....Why help, why make friends with him ?....Not even any reason to say "thanks".

    To be honest, this is your issue. Try and make friends, and you eventually will. You can add them to your friend list, and you will see them across all their characters as they play, and you can even right click them to port to their instance of the mega server, at the nearest Wayshrine (might be in group only, but not sure. Not a big deal regardless.)

    - Mounts.  Besides PvP you don't need them.

    Mounts are never a necessity in nearly all games they're a part of. They are a convenience that make you go faster. Hence, they're useful for their intended purpose.

    - Zones are big, that's nice.  But the reason I like big zones is because I would like to get to know players in them, but the mega server destroys that.

    No it doesn't, read my message above since you're repeating.

    - Exploring was nice, and I say WAS.  By the time you hit around level 25 you know what too expect.

    I don't mind the exploring, but I really only consider the exploring (aside from finding Skyshards, Lore Books, etc.) to be not a whole lot different than running from hub to hub. Just that you're not tied to a specific order of doing them.

    - So much copy and past. Building interiors, private and public dungeons.  Many things are exactly the same.


    - Dungeons are short, way too short.

    Talking about actual instanced dungeons, or the little shit ones you find for a quick Shyshard and a boss to complete it?

    - LFG tool.....strangers !

    So you say you want to make friends, but you're afraid of strangers? Quite the conundrum.

    - World Bosses, mindless zerg fest.  At times it's even impossible to get a shot in.

    Pretty much.

    - Ever notice that random mobs are ridicules easy, yet you come across one that will one shot you and impossible to kill, what's with that ?....You can't use tactics because you never know when.

    Not just random mobs, no. Sometimes there's a differently named one from the rest, which should be an indicator that it could be stronger, but I've never gone from fighting a bunch of random mobs easily, to suddenly dying in one hit.

    - Other than PvP you don't need a Guild.

    Once again, you want to make friends, but there's no need for a guild? Sounds like you need one. Not to mention the guild store, which I haven't fully delved into. Might only be for crafting stuff, though, since I've seen full guilds dedicated to crafting because of it.

    - Crafting is for the most part worthless, just hang out in a public dungeon. Equipment problem solved !

    I am not sure about how it will fare in the end, but it's really dependent on what you enjoy. Some will crafting in any game, others will always find it boring. Regardless, the thing about crafting is that you can create a high quality weapon with the right materials, in any style of any race, as opposed to being limited to the style being dropped in the area you're in. As well as research traits found on weapons and armor so you can have the ones you prefer on your gear.

    - Inventory and bank is listed, no arranging nothing.


    - I cant stand the UI, some like no clutter, but they turn around and download mods.... what's with that crap? Abilities disappear out of combat. I can't stand that ( this could be me, but I hate it ).

    Doesn't bother me any.

    -Forever load screens.

    Haven't had any "forever loading screens" since one of their first patches. Not sure what to tell you.

    - Sloooow voice acting. I started clicking through it. But quest are nice. Solo but nice. And you never know if the end boss of a quest chain will one shot you. No preparing, because it's random. Could be easy could be hard, you never know :)

    You want them to speed up the voice acting? Maybe make it high-pitched and chipmunk-like? Would that be better than reading the text yourself and clicking through instead of waiting? Something tells me you could turn off the voice acting, as well.




    I never had this in Vanilla WoW, EQ2, LOTRO, D&D Online, even Vanguard was much better than this ! 

    Oh man, if I had noticed this at the bottom, I wouldn't even have bothered responding.


  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus
    Originally posted by delete5230

    - Only 5 abilities that gets boring after awhile. Unable to execute any new tactical strategies unless you swap out abilities. WHY ONLY 5 ? Because you have 18... do the math.. 

    Where'd you get 18 from? There are two weapon swaps of 6 abilities including Ultimates.

  • snoockysnoocky Member UncommonPosts: 726
    @OP, Must be youre rig...i never had any problems not evrn in beta!

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    Edgar Allan Poe

  • BetaBlockaBetaBlocka Member Posts: 222

    lol such a sad excuse...blame the player...blame the rig...blame anything you can for the games failings just not the game itself ha ha...

    2009 wants its fanboy schtick back ;)
  • strangepowersstrangepowers Member UncommonPosts: 630

    Originally posted by cheyane
    You played the beta and bought the game irregardless of all the issues you had. Well might be time to pack it in if I experienced even half of the list you enumerated   I would not have bought this game. For the record I did not buy the game as a result of my beta experience.

    That's solid advice.

  • EnterTheWombatEnterTheWombat Member UncommonPosts: 112
    I finally canceled yesterday.  I've been sticking up for the game but 2 new animation bugs brought in with last patch and the boring, repetitive, alt destroying design known as Veteran content finally sunk my battleship.  It was released too early and too buggy and just not fun enough after hitting 50. Their half baked idea of Veteran content is just so shallow and void of any creativity and screams "We didn't expect everyone to hit 50 so fast and we need a barrier to slow you down"!
  • erictlewiserictlewis Member UncommonPosts: 3,022

    I never had this in Vanilla WoW, EQ2, LOTRO, D&D Online, even Vanguard was much better than this ! 

    That right there, invalidated anything the op had to say.  D&D and Vanguard was better than this?  I played both and I can say for a fact that Vanguard had just as many problem starting out as ESO has/had.  Don't get me started on Turbine games. 

    So yes saying vanguard was a better game, if it was then why is soe killing the game and getting rid of it. 


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    Having checked your posts OP you didn't stick up for ESO on here, so now I'm done replying.
  • chronoss2015chronoss2015 Member UncommonPosts: 217

    try fighting molag bal wihtout dual wield and a bow.....


    NO really this is why the above post i can also say has NOT done anyhting but bow and dual wield...


    i have a /played of 16.7 days now....that in game time NOT real time...


    vr12's already?

    now they all flood back to wabberjack and look at it.

    and im stuck with no place to get exp and no place to get loot....


    i cant afford the 13000 gold cause of all the bots


    i see they are all level 1 now and invisible ( LEVEL 1? how can they be in the game if they have not cracked and hacked the intro part? )


    then ill need to learn to use this bow and fight moalg bal and then after ill have to spend another 13000 gold ill never get...and ya know thanks im not your bot cop , nor am i paying cause i wanted frustration and bs.


    its even more ironic that in some missions you place 3 bosses that one YOU WILL either barely survive or have to level up way past what is vet 1 now doing a 43rd level mission and i died over and over on a dremora....

    cant afford the repairs....have a nice day its game over for this one and you xboxers and ps4 people your in for a real fun time.

    wonder how sony and ms feel about illegal may never see this game.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    I would say there is only one solution for you


    Delete the game...

    Wait no, duel wield and bow OP? This guy is on to something image



  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870

    I think most of the fans here know I never really stuck up for ESO.  However, in its beta I was hoping in my mind they would make a solid Elder Scrolls game and not just an another MMO.  I think they succeeded in making a standard fare MMO, but dropped the ball big time on making an ES game.  I think I have only admitted once on these boards that I actually bought and played it because before launch I said I wouldn't.  I gave in and tried anyways but luckily thanks to a Best Buy gift card someone gave a few a months earlier I only paid for about half of it with my own money.   Interesting enough, I didn't really encounter any bugs except I could never load in Cyrodil for whatever reason ( was always stuck on an infinite load screen).  Since I'm a PVP'er that is kind of a turn off.  That, along with the complete departure of anything Elder Scrolls related other than tweaked lore was just not enough to keep me interested for more than a week and a half.


    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by chronoss2015

    try fighting molag bal wihtout dual wield and a bow.....


    NO really this is why the above post i can also say has NOT done anyhting but bow and dual wield...


    i have a /played of 16.7 days now....that in game time NOT real time...


    vr12's already?

    now they all flood back to wabberjack and look at it.

    and im stuck with no place to get exp and no place to get loot....


    i cant afford the 13000 gold cause of all the bots


    i see they are all level 1 now and invisible ( LEVEL 1? how can they be in the game if they have not cracked and hacked the intro part? )


    then ill need to learn to use this bow and fight moalg bal and then after ill have to spend another 13000 gold ill never get...and ya know thanks im not your bot cop , nor am i paying cause i wanted frustration and bs.


    its even more ironic that in some missions you place 3 bosses that one YOU WILL either barely survive or have to level up way past what is vet 1 now doing a 43rd level mission and i died over and over on a dremora....

    cant afford the repairs....have a nice day its game over for this one and you xboxers and ps4 people your in for a real fun time.

    wonder how sony and ms feel about illegal may never see this game.

    edit- I see, you are saying that v12 people wont let you quest in Cyrodiil and VR content is to hard. Yeah, you may be in the same boat as OP. There are plenty of less stressing games out there. Wildstar questing was all solo and easy as heck. Have you tried it?

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by rodingo

    I think most of the fans here know I never really stuck up for ESO.  However, in its beta I was hoping in my mind they would make a solid Elder Scrolls game and not just an another MMO.  I think they succeeded in making a standard fare MMO, but dropped the ball big time on making an ES game.  I think I have only admitted once on these boards that I actually bought and played it because before launch I said I wouldn't.  I gave in and tried anyways but luckily thanks to a Best Buy gift card someone gave a few a months earlier I only paid for about half of it with my own money.   Interesting enough, I didn't really encounter any bugs except I could never load in Cyrodil for whatever reason ( was always stuck on an infinite load screen).  Since I'm a PVP'er that is kind of a turn off.  That, along with the complete departure of anything Elder Scrolls related other than tweaked lore was just not enough to keep me interested for more than a week and a half.


    Your missing out brother. AvA is geeting better and better every day, plus Craglorn is pretty dang cool, yes I said the pve area is cool. Sounds like you been gone over a month already. There's been atleast 5 patches. If you still have that card you might want to give it another go.


    The skill system and character development with regards to pvp is too good to pass up imo.

  • darkrain21darkrain21 Member UncommonPosts: 383
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by chronoss2015

    try fighting molag bal wihtout dual wield and a bow.....


    NO really this is why the above post i can also say has NOT done anyhting but bow and dual wield...


    i have a /played of 16.7 days now....that in game time NOT real time...


    vr12's already?

    now they all flood back to wabberjack and look at it.

    and im stuck with no place to get exp and no place to get loot....


    i cant afford the 13000 gold cause of all the bots


    i see they are all level 1 now and invisible ( LEVEL 1? how can they be in the game if they have not cracked and hacked the intro part? )


    then ill need to learn to use this bow and fight moalg bal and then after ill have to spend another 13000 gold ill never get...and ya know thanks im not your bot cop , nor am i paying cause i wanted frustration and bs.


    its even more ironic that in some missions you place 3 bosses that one YOU WILL either barely survive or have to level up way past what is vet 1 now doing a 43rd level mission and i died over and over on a dremora....

    cant afford the repairs....have a nice day its game over for this one and you xboxers and ps4 people your in for a real fun time.

    wonder how sony and ms feel about illegal may never see this game.

    edit- I see, you are saying that v12 people wont let you quest in Cyrodiil and VR content is to hard. Yeah, you may be in the same boat as OP. There are plenty of less stressing games out there. Wildstar questing was all solo and easy as heck. Have you tried it?

    Wildstar questing actually gets rather difficult in the later levels. Also its group content is not intended to just be blitzed threw like in many of current day World of warcraft things. It seems the OP gave ESO a shot even after having reservations about it in beta and I can respect that. I didnt pick the game up due to it not looking intresting from the moment I saw it announced in Game informer so my opinion on the matter doesnt mean squat as i played 15 minutes of beta and never tried it again. But if you are into the more traditional game type but with some nice new shiny things added Wildstar might be right up your ally. Anyone getting it by launch i believe are also getting 3, 7 day guest passes so check it out.  Please note it may have gone with a more cartoony look like WoW but it is actually very graphicly impressive 

  • udonudon Member UncommonPosts: 1,803

    For all it's flaws and ESO does have a lot of them there really isn't anything else to play right now.  Maybe when Tokyo releases for TSW I'll give that a try if the barrier to entry isn't to high (I am not grinding scenario's for access to a paid expansion area) or Minecraft 1.8 releases but until than there really isn't anything on the horizon or currently playable that I would rather play.

    I'm not sure if that is because of ESO being a good game for it's type of that MMO's in general are not in a really good place right now so a game like ESO looks good compared to everything else you could be playing.

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    On a serious note.... you are a zergling that wants to rush trough content and in that case, this just isnt your game, its aimed at people that love good content and have the patience to enjoy it.

    Oh people who love 'good' content huh?

    I mean you couldn't have a more glowing opinion of a smelly turd.

    Seriously Bachus, your agenda is showing, perhaps use less telling, opinionated, jaded, language next time.


  • Recon48Recon48 Member UncommonPosts: 218
    Originally posted by Hariken
    I heard that last patch really broke this game. I bet Zenimax going is going crazy about now. The first elderscrolls game to get so many crap reviews. Everyone calling it a basic generic mmo. It should have never been made in the first place. The next elderscrolls single player game is really going to have to be epic to recover from all the bad press this game is getting. But they will keep it going with the subs until money stops coming in then go f2p but even that won't help them. The way this game is going f2p won't help it at all.

    The latest patch seemed to be really messed up with an hourly crash-to-desktop memory leak, random world mobs that were harder to fight than most bosses (especially in VR content), getting stuck trying to enter certain buildings, and a few other things gone wrong. I was starting to get upset & wondering how they could release such a un-tested mess. Then I had a system message pop up yesterday that said they were out to sweep the game of bots, and if anyone spotted one to report them right away. I realized all those glitches weren't part of the patch, but temporarily in place for the sweep. Now that the dust has settled  it feels like ESO again. I haven't seen any bots running around, and  harvest nodes are everywhere... just like they were in early access. Mobs seem back to normal and I've noticed far fewer occurrences of  input lag since the bots were purged. I think the speed hacks they used were part of, if not the cause of the input lag.

  • BloodaxesBloodaxes Member EpicPosts: 4,662
    Originally posted by Scot
    Having checked your posts OP you didn't stick up for ESO on here, so now I'm done replying.

    Are you serious?

    His opinion is invalidated because he didn't defend ESO on this forum?

  • VoiidiinVoiidiin Member Posts: 817
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Well, most of your complaints (besides bugs) are design decisions that make ESO different from other MMOS, thing is, personal taste will determine if they are an improvement or not.

    Like the OP, I didn't care for them so much, not saying they were bad, just changed in ways I really didn't want.

    I adapted to them, but I didn't warm up to them, and I'm not missing any of them while playing my new MMO.

    None of the ones mentioned lead me to leave however, once it became clear what the VR content represented and how that bar was going to move outwards on a never ending basis I knew then I was done with the game.

    I joined ESO with the hope it would be a DAOC successor, but it really resembles it only in general, when you get down to the details, it is a vastly different game.

    Hey since you said you started ESO mainly because it might be like DAoC, can i ask what MMO you went to ?  

    For me it was the same reason to start ESO, but i have not found anything else, maybe go back to GW2, i dunno.

    Here's hoping Camelot Unchained will be what i am hoping for.

    Lolipops !

  • ArskaaaArskaaa Member RarePosts: 1,265

    I can agreed with OP.

    i have also tryed to like teso but no chance:(

    No cool or interesting abilitys, combat feels very boring. 

    bow combat feels horrible to compare skyrim.

    bots bots bots!!!

    game feels single player game most of time, why we need pay sub for SP game?

    no AH:( cant make money with trade, unless u LOVE spam zone chat.

    Others players can take materials and treasure chest, GW2 did tis right least.

    more questing then killing.


    cant be arsed list all proplems but i always liked elder scroll games, TESO dont have that quality.


    if subs get removed i will play game but currently just SP with subs.

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