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Literally all I want is Original EQ with better graphics.



  • bentrimbentrim Member UncommonPosts: 299
    OP, EXACTLY what I have been looking for! Count me in.....if it was only that simple......
  • bentrimbentrim Member UncommonPosts: 299
    DEVS...look at the number of responses to this thread...probably does not mean anything to them....MORONS!
  • YamotaYamota Member UncommonPosts: 6,593

    Problem is not many people else would want that type of game anymore. Forced grouping and spending 5 minutes between each fight, staring at your screen and waiting for your mana/health to regen.

    Sorry but that was not fun but I do see your point. Modern MMOs dont have any flavor, they are just bland and souless. However going back to EQ is not the answer. The answer is sandbox and living virtual worlds.

  • strawhat0981strawhat0981 Member RarePosts: 1,224
    Originally posted by Yamota

     The answer is sandbox and living virtual worlds.

    I agree, but hey lets all join in the themepark revolution!!!!!

    Originally posted by laokoko
    "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".

  • baphametbaphamet Member RarePosts: 3,311

    EQ1 is my favorite mmo of all time but i could not play a game like that anymore at this point in my life.

    i played EQ1 6-8 hours at minimum every day, up to 15 hours on my day off. screw that, i can't do that shit anymore.

  • iixviiiixiixviiiix Member RarePosts: 2,256
    Originally posted by Flyte27
    Originally posted by iixviiiix

    Problem is how much it cost to have better graphic EQ.

    I known that a lots money was spend on something like storyline quests , voice over ect ...

    But how much it cost to remake graphic of a big game like EQ ?

    I'm pretty certain EQ won't be remade or even a spiritual successor.  The main problem is the company will say it's a spiritual successor, but the game is actually much different.  It's happened many times before to try and capitalize on certain demographics.  This is a game you hard core people will love too and it ends up with RMT, instant transportation, a bazillion quests, no death penalty, lots of instances, limited exploration, and basically is the same as other AAA MMOs these days.

    Sure , we all know there are no remade ,

    but the question i ask is if we remake EQ with new graphic , how much will it cost.

    It not about it will be remake or not , but the cost to remake a game like EQ.

  • CallsignVegaCallsignVega Member UncommonPosts: 288

    Basically, EQ was a game that was difficult, entertaining, diverse and actually had a risk element. Virtually everything modern MMORPG's lack. EQ came out in an era when the game's original players were adult male role players from MUD's. Today's MMORPG players thrive on easy, trivial theme park garbage in which you don't need more than two brain cells to play. 


    There could be a market for the mature player of the EQ1 era, but the developer wouldn't get super rich off of it. That's why it's not made. 

  • doomingdooming Member Posts: 17

    I am always amused by these nostalgia threads.  You know what I recall from back in 1999-2001?  A lot of B!ITCHING and COMPLAINING about how bad EQ was and how much SOE sucks.  Sure, people continued playing but eventually they moved on when new games arrived on the market for the very same reason you want the game back.    So, it wasn't all rosey and perfect back then.    I think it's important to understand that.

    Personally, I do miss the challenging gameplay and grouping with my friends.     Are those days long gone? Unfortunately, I think they are.  However, that's more about capitalism than anything else.  Why make an expensive game to only get back 20% in profit when you can earn 200%?    That's really the crux of it.    



  • BurntCabbageBurntCabbage Member UncommonPosts: 482

    OP :

    i feel your pain i love org. EQ as well not that watered down version thats out now..i also loved pvp servers back in the day also that was some really great times

     but imo the grafix isnt that bad or far off imo..hell i still play shadowbane lol so grafix dont bother me much..but ya i get your point


  • sludgebeardsludgebeard Member RarePosts: 788

    Im so glad that this thread has been given such a positive response, and that for the most part everyone has stayed respectful about their opinions. 


    I think what this shows people on either side of the fence is that EQ is a classic example of MMO's, that sticks to the core idea of what a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game should be. 


    It is truly one of the few that utilize that acronym to its full potential, especially in regards to Roleplaying. When you play alot of modern Combat driven MMO's you lose the sense of playing a Role, because most class's blend into the same hack n slash style of gameplay. 


    Look at ESO for example, I enjoyed the game immensely for a few weeks, but when you cut down the amount of class's to 4, and all of them are strictly based around combat, with magic and ranged being more alternatives rather than playstyles, it makes the game very streamlined and "samey" looking during each fight.


    Again its not a bad game, its not even the worst MMO in my opinion, but it certainly is a deviated style of MMO. In the strictest sense EQ was about playing a fantasy role in the same vein as DnD or any tabletop game.


    You picked a class, you picked a race, you configured your stats, and then you ran with that build and tried to play your role as effectively as possible, and built it around other players that did the same. The mere combintions of players made each adventure something risky, something fun, and even a bit rediculous at time. 


    Having a group that was a Magician, Bard and Enchanter - was a favorite of mine. Enchanter would Mezz the mobs, Bard would be this odd pseudo-tank hybrid, and the Magician would send a fire-elemental in as a seconday tank in case things got out of hand, and barrage spells like mad. I was the magician obviously haha


    Anyways Ive just started rambling and reminiscing and probably lost all semblance of order in this thread, but I think what EQ provided is still viable to players now, and it would certainly be worth a shot in my eyes.

  • RimcyRimcy Member UncommonPosts: 44

    This is the best thread in years. I have been wanting to write a similar post for awhile.

    I only wish game makers would read this and stop trying to make more cookie-cutter versions of the same thing.

    Make the "REAL" eq2 and I will play it for years!



  • inmysightsinmysights Member UncommonPosts: 450
    I have been saying that SOE needs to redo the graphics on EQ1 for the last 8-9 years. This would breathe life into the game like nothing else.

    I am so good, I backstabbed your face!

  • UsualSuspectUsualSuspect Member UncommonPosts: 1,243
    Originally posted by nariusseldon

    All of your general rant about modern MMOs is irrelevant on this very bad mechanic of staring at a spellbook.

    Oh my god, I'm a little scared now, I'm actually agreeing with nariuss. First, I have to say, I absolutely loved EQ, I played it from pre-expansion when the raids were Nagafen and Vox, up to just after Planes of Power. In the early days, when the spellbook was all you could see when you were meditating, I never ever played a caster. Well, that's a lie, I played one up until about High Keep, but by then I was tired of looking at my spellbook and quit for something more interesting.

    While I did enjoy conversing with the different people I'd group with, not being able to see the game world and what was happening around me REALLY frustrated me. I wanted to play the game, even if that meant sitting in one spot waiting for my little blue bar to power up, but looking at a spellbook when I really wanted to be watching a Fighter tanking a couple of angry Orcs while the Rogue backstabbed the hell out of them, just didn't make me happy.

    The only caster I played because of that was the Bard, but that was because they didn't have mana issues. When they finally let you meditate just by sitting down, that's when I started trying out the other casters. Nariuss is right, staring at a spellbook instead of the amazing world around you is really a bad design decision.

  • Fenrir767Fenrir767 Member Posts: 595
    You know they tried getting funding for an EQ style game it's called Pantheon and there was not enough interest to get it off the ground.
  • radagast777radagast777 Member Posts: 80

    I think there would be a market for that slow and brutally challenging gameplay, just look how popular Dark souls is. Pantheon failed because it was just bad quality and a not very organized presentation from the start, it needed a better team. I also wish for a game like everquest  with more modern graphics and UI.

    Sadly a large part of the communities in mmos today are just so salty and toxic for no reason like nariusseldon, though in a group oriented game like everquest they probably wouldn't last long as they get blacklisted by everyone.

  • SephrosSephros Member UncommonPosts: 429
    Yeah Pantheons marketing was horrible. Stick a vilified person out front as the face of the game and you are guaranteed to fail.

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  • AldersAlders Member RarePosts: 2,207
    Originally posted by Fenrir767
    You know they tried getting funding for an EQ style game it's called Pantheon and there was not enough interest to get it off the ground.


    Fairly certain that had more to do with the man in charge and his mismanaging of the KS.

  • VicDynamoVicDynamo Member Posts: 234
    It's more than graphics. I tried to play EQ recently and wow...I couldn't stand it. I consider myself a patient gamer, but it was a bit more boring that I could stand.
  • DJJazzyDJJazzy Member UncommonPosts: 2,053
    Originally posted by Yamota

     The answer is sandbox and living virtual worlds.

    Indeed. I'd rather see UO remade than EQ but whatever.

  • tayloronlinetayloronline Member UncommonPosts: 2

    I completely agree with the OP. Absolutely articulated my feeling on where modern MMOs have gone wrong. I have little hope of this ever happening. The big MMO companies are the ones who failed to grasp the nuance of EQ in the first place, not sure why that would change now.


    As to other points in this thread. Some of the very things you all are complaining about are what made EQ a step above the rest...

    1. Death Penalty... This was harsh and it should not be changed. It was one of the many "small" things that created community. Dying in the lower depths of a dungeon required getting help from either a Necro or Rogue, or small party to fight your way back down. Losing the XP and possibly a level was perfect. A true penalty for dying. Removing this penalty in modern MMOs was a mistake.

    2. Spell Levels... Having you upgrade your spells every 4 levels was another small, but important feature. It gave real meaning to gaining that 4th level... a true upgrade and you felt the impact. Having to acquire them instead of just popping them in your book was also a nice feature. For this (and other reasons) I felt more tied to my home city and class guild.

    3. Downtime... The downtime was part of the strategy of the game. Do I blow all my mana now? or save some for the next fight? It was a matter of management and required planning and coordination. It also had a bigger impact on the importance of mana and when/how to use your spells. Fight-time decisions had impact on not only this fight, but the next 10 mins as well.

    4. Spell Book... First off, looking at the spell book to recover mana was genius. I was surprised at those complaining. They obviously never made it far enough to realize the necessity of this went away past a certain level (meaning you still had to sit to recover mana, but no longer had to look at your spell book). It was another small touch that made the heroes "growth" meaningful.

    5. Forced Grouping... Ironically, EQ "forced" you to do things far less than any modern MMO. No requirement to group for a dungeon, or to have a specific group. My favorite group was my Enchanter and my brother's Necro. I would charm and mez, and he would be the main damage dealer. It was dangerous, it was chaotic at times, but it was a total blast. Other games feel like they have to limit this and force you to be in a certain group make-up.


    These things reminding me of the many small touches I loved about EQ:

    1. Limited abilities... having to choose your 8 spells out of 30+ was a great design decision. It made your wizard YOUR wizard. You chose hpw to play him, what flavor. The WoW talent trees tried to mimic this idea, but failed miserably. Utility and control spells had a much larger impact and mattered a lot more.

    2. Locations... My first experience in EQ was as a Dark Elf Enchanter in Nektulos forest. It was a dangerous place and you felt it. It was brutal, It took weeks just to make it out of that first zone. In that time I became very familiar with the forest, but more importantly Neriak became my home. This has never happened for me in a game since. Without the harsh nature of the game, this would not be possible.

    3. Zone design... Many places in the game had their own name, but not an assigned name by the game designers. The names came from the players. They came about organically through the interactions of players in meeting, trading, helping, or describing what they had seen and where they had been. Additionally, the zones had wide level ranges. You could stay in some zones for 25+ levels. This also allowed for zone quirks that were unique and interesting. Shadowed men in Nektulos Forest, Griffin in EC, and as the op mentioned the adventures of Kithicor Forest.

    4. Player interaction... EQ did a number of small things early on that really encouraged player interaction. Ports from Druids and Wizards, corpse summons from Necros, corpse recovery from Rogues, Bard taxi service, large scale AOE buffs, etc. Even the need for spell reagents was an unintended way for players to interact. My first pp came from a higher level Necro needing bone chips. Grouping and interaction wasn't forced through requirement, but through player need.

    5. Epic weapons... I have seen nothing to compare with acquiring an epic weapon in EQ. It was a brutal grind for sure, but it had a major impact; both as a weapon and as a status symbol.

    6. And on an on...

    I recognize the game had plenty of flaws, but few of those enumerated in this thread were really a flaw. Ironically, I found the most flaws related to decisions that made the game more like modern MMOs (mob immunity that relegated the fight to tank and spank only, crafting that mattered little by the time you could make the item, nullifying player abilities through portal stones, rez stones, corpse summons, etc.) The biggest improvement I would want to see is a design that made the grind more exciting. Haven't found a game that has done this yet, but I haven't given up hope.


    I really miss the days of EQ. They may be gone forever, but I hope not. This thread was a nice read. Thanks to the OP!!

  • JemcrystalJemcrystal Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    Outside of having drow Everquest was kinda boring.  It was as the title implied.  Ever questing.  And questing.  And questing.  And questing.  I liked Skyrim better.  That world felt alive.  It just was to advanced graphically to be an mmo because we don't have the computer tech yet to make the game we're looking for.

  • psiicpsiic Member RarePosts: 1,642

    Ok first let me apologize for how hard I came across in my post to this thread. 


    Nothing is ever an absolute.


     I am just really depressed over where everything has come to.


    Gaming just personifies for me just how screwed up it all has become. 


    There was a time when gaming was a place us nerds, geeks, dweebs could escape to so we did not have to face just how much the real world sucks.

    There was a time when you would never find the jocks or cheerleaders using a computer much less playing a video game.

    There was a  time when the hatred, anger, rage, and bullying that is the real world had no place here.

    We, the geeks, dweebs, nerds, we were above it.  


    But then like everything else it became all about the money, the social circus.


    Creativity, passion, love all took the back seat to production and money.


    Just like every other aspect of  this lie we have convinced ourselves is life. 


    As someone who has been here a very long time and watched humanity  become the walking dead, this is not how life is suppose to be.


    Joy, beauty, creation that is what matters.


    Until games are once more made by artists,  and not tech school certified drones this industry will continue its spiral just like the rest of the world.

  • Alec_StormAlec_Storm Member UncommonPosts: 19

    You consider A Blackburrow Gnoll


    A Blackburrow Gnoll glares at you menacingly

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,011
    Originally posted by bentrim
    DEVS...look at the number of responses to this thread...probably does not mean anything to them....MORONS!

    1, you are assumimg there are developers swarming these pages. I'm sure some do come here but it's not like they are using as the barometer for "what to do next".

    2, I'm sure any developers that have the same ideas/preferences as the OP has are heartened by such threads.

    3, creating a company, getting backing, planning to develop and maintain a game requires a bit more than a positive thread with "how many people"?

    4, Have you noticed that every time a seemingly old school indy project advertises on this site that there are many players who essentially post "whoa, welcome to the 1990's!" because good graphics and animations kind of cost a lot.

    5, You then have projects like Pantheon that fail and even though "we" know that it was because of the lackluster attempt at marketing the thing along with a somewhat infamous developer driving it, others will point and say "see, no interest".

    Even Vanguard, a game that was playable though it was still a bit "creaky" couldn't gather and retain enough players to keep it open. Heck, I was still as suscriber and still played it as I firmly believe that my dollars help inform what is being made. Unfotunately not enough people could get on board with the thing.

    These developers need to be able to make a decent game that has "ok" graphics and animations and be able to stay afloat with a small amount of players. Not millions. Maybe not even what seems the average amount that these games eventually have, about 250k to 500k. but stay afloat with maybe 90k. Or a bit more. But still it's not going to be a lot of players.

    That's not a lot of money if they are going to charge the standard sub fee.

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    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Flyte27Flyte27 Member RarePosts: 4,574
    Originally posted by Jemcrystal
    Outside of having drow Everquest was kinda boring.  It was as the title implied.  Ever questing.  And questing.  And questing.  And questing.  I liked Skyrim better.  That world felt alive.  It just was to advanced graphically to be an mmo because we don't have the computer tech yet to make the game we're looking for.

    You liked Skyrim better?  That game was made recently.  EQ did have a number of things similar to the elder scrolls games and was pretty similar to morrowind I believe.  One thing the elder scrolls games were always missing was having people online.  I believe EQ was more line an elder scrolls MMO (originally) then ESO is like an elder scrolls MMO.

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