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So how about a gamecompany trying to do a planetside2 type of game but within the fantasy genre?
This type of game has a clear objective and smaller objective's within it's main objective, how you get there is totally up to you. You don't have to run from quest to quest since that seems to be a common complain among almost any MMORPG. The gameworld is still persistant.
I really believe there is a hugh market for that type of game but it has to be in a fantasy setting. And I think FURY failed because I don't believe that PVP players in MMO's seek lobby based games. Still think they want to play in a "world" yet they don't need too much story/quest or guidens to get there what they love most which often ends in endgame PVP.
Or could I be wrong?
<Welcome to my world>
In a way yes.
I think there arn't many fantasy based multiplayer games like we have with fps games so I asume many who do like the multiplayer aspect of PVP but want it fantasy based will seek that in MMORPG.
This isn't about PS2 being special, this is about having planetside2 type of game in a fantasy settings, since as said I don't know many fantasy based games that do it like that.
It's also slightly based on reading the complaints about people that don't want quest "grinds", get to cap lvl to PVP and ignore most other things in a MMORPG. So thought this could be somewhat a solution for those type of gamers to have their PVP game.