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Is this game good for PVP?

RaventreeRaventree Member Posts: 456
As a PVP'er I have looked at GW2 more than once and asked myself what the point of PVP is on this game if there is no gear grind and nothing to really strive for.  Normally, gearing up and handing out some righteous justice to the gankers is my motivation to keep going on MMOs, but it seems that this doesn't exist in GW2.  Is that right?  Are there any PVP players out there that could comment?  I am looking for an MMO with decent PVP because I have been playing Rift since launch and need to take a break for a while.  GW2 is supposed to be a very good MMO, but I don't get into raiding.

Currently playing:
SWToR, Aion,EQ, Dark Age of Camelot
World of Warcraft, AoC


  • nastyjmannastyjman Member Posts: 161
    Originally posted by Raventree
    As a PVP'er I have looked at GW2 more than once and asked myself what the point of PVP is on this game if there is no gear grind and nothing to really strive for.  Normally, gearing up and handing out some righteous justice to the gankers is my motivation to keep going on MMOs, but it seems that this doesn't exist in GW2.  Is that right?  Are there any PVP players out there that could comment?  I am looking for an MMO with decent PVP because I have been playing Rift since launch and need to take a break for a while.  GW2 is supposed to be a very good MMO, but I don't get into raiding.

    As a PvPer, yes, it's good for PvP.

    In sPvP, everyone is normalized, and you don't have to grind for PvP gear to face-roll noobs. To best anyone in sPvP requires knowledge of one's class and some knowledge on others.

    In WvW, your gear in PvE is used in WvW, so if you have an Exotic or Ascended, your stats port over to WvW. It's recommended that you reach 80 first before heading into WvW as everyone is 80, and upscaled folks are easy pickins. But do check WvW out, and if you see a blue dorito on the map, try to head there as it's most probably be a zerg ball. There's also EotM (Edge of the Mist) which is a short-term WvW map that has its own objectives.

    In the end, why PvP in GW2? It's for fun, really. In previous MMOs, I'm tired of people out-gearing me when I take a break from the game. In GW2, you don't have to catch-up with others since everyone is normalized. You can tweak your build in sPvP by choosing which runes and amulet you equip. The runes and amulet are available for everyone at start.

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977

    Well, i guess solo/small group roaming is what youre asking for. But gearing in WvWvW is very easy so you cant really outgear anyone, and in sPvP (battlegrounds 8vs8) stats are normalized so its just skill in play.

    Anyhow, its best PvP on the market.

  • DEAD.lineDEAD.line Member Posts: 424

    It seems you want owpvp, maybe FFA even. Then no, that doesn't exist in GW2.

    There's Structured PVP, which are basically arenas/BG. It's quite good imo. If you enjoy a "e-sports" type pvp, they'll you might like GW2. Everyone is boosted to 80, so no gear grinding.

    Then there's World vs world. A 3 way rvr type pvp between ranked servers.  It's 4 maps that can hold 500 players each (3 of the copy pasted though. I always hated that). Basically, players fight for controll of keeps and towers in siege warfare. But the maps aren't big enough to give the owpvp feeling, again imo.

    You can find out more info the official wiki OP. 

  • StarS0ftStarS0ft Member UncommonPosts: 124
    Originally posted by Raventree
    As a PVP'er I have looked at GW2 more than once and asked myself what the point of PVP is on this game if there is no gear grind and nothing to really strive for.  Normally, gearing up and handing out some righteous justice to the gankers is my motivation to keep going on MMOs, but it seems that this doesn't exist in GW2.  Is that right?  Are there any PVP players out there that could comment?  I am looking for an MMO with decent PVP because I have been playing Rift since launch and need to take a break for a while.  GW2 is supposed to be a very good MMO, but I don't get into raiding.

    Gankers will cry in GW2 PvE, they can't gank, because in PvE areas PvP is not allowed.

    Main difference with other MMO: no dedicated healer/tank, every calss can heal himself (effectivnes depends of the build/gear type)

    1. You can PvP in arenas 5x5 ... 8x8, from level1, in random teams or in organized teams (2 different ladders), output: rank, ladder, a lot of other matearial rewards. Everebody has the same gear level normalized to 80. No gear grind. Wins - who is the best/has better teamplay. Also teams can parcitipate in global tournaments.

    in my opinion PvP is very fluid, smart, fun, deep,

    in general very easy just to play, but very hard to be a master. IMHO Best PvP in MMO market (I played swtor, wow, teso, etc). May be GW1 only was better.

    2. You can PvP on Word vs World global maps, absolutely different type of PvP, for ppl who likes sieges, catapults, castles, defences, etc, for zergs or small teams, main objective is to win in WWW tournaments between servers. Also solo gankers like this type of the game :-)

    Alll PvE gear used in WWW normalized to 80-level, exotic and ascended give little advantage (5-10% in stats).

    Also very fun to play. I suggest to select Gold League server to have more fun. (I played 1.5 years)

    also you can become a commander who will organize ppl on your server to defeat all other Worlds  :)


  • BaitnessBaitness Member UncommonPosts: 675

    I have to say I am really disappointed in GW2 PvP.  Currently the game does a pretty good job at balancing classes overall, with the powerful classes not being insurmountably better than the weaker ones.  My issue with it is the very poor implementation of damage over time (condition damage).


    In any 1v1 or 2v2 situation conditions are completely devastating.  There is no class that can self cleanse enough to beat a heavy condition build.  In larger group fights, though, AoE cleanses being tied onto other healing abilities quickly drops the usefulness of conditions drastically.  There is no real point where they are "balanced" - they go from completely dominant to completely awful based on the size of the fight.


    In WvW the conditions are more or less useless due to the large scale fights, but I advise against participating in WvW because ANet is letting the players make a mess of it.  Right now if you play in EU, WvW is completely infested with hackers.  You will get killed by people under the ground that you cannot see or hit.  Meanwhile in NA, you are in one of several crappy situations.  Either you are on one of the many servers playing in a ridiculously terribly uneven matchup, where one server has as much population as the other two combined, or you are playing on one of the three servers with full coverage and population.  Unfortunately in the fight between those three servers, two of them have decided to team up to trade wins at the expense of the third.  If you want to play on those servers right now, expect to get yelled at and harassed constantly if you so much as suggest attacking the wrong server.  God forbid you actually do so.  Unfortunately ANet is ignoring every one of these problems, making WvW a place best avoided.


    In small teams PvP the game is pretty fast paced and interesting excluding my above complains about condition balance.  There is one other issue I have with it, though - Skyhammer.  The map is awful.  Do not play on it.


    If you stay away from WvW and Skyhammer, and manage to stick around enough other players to mitigate condition domination, you can have a pretty darn good time with the pvp in this game.  I think that is a lot to avoid but hell, it is still better than other games I have tried.  It could really be something special if ANet would put some more intelligent people in charge of it.  I feel like they started with a solid base and have just been consistently disappointing since.

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