How many years did consoles last without any hardware upgrade.?
and when they did one this year it was by all measures substandard by PC comparisions
till the company want to launch a new one to make you guys buy a new console and start all over again?
check the time line on speed limits for processors over the internet, if you putting computer sales on it you have to consider the ones who have a computer used only work, be it laptop or desktop, and unless you are a graphic design or use CAD or other software who request more of the processor (also fun fact it ahve GPU especific for this kind of work) they won't change computer till its fried.
and I sure hope you didn't hurt your face too much.
I'm hoping in the next 10 years or so, technology will advance to the point where all my CAD, Gaming, Phone, Music and Computing needs will be met by a product that fits conveniently in my pocket and wirelessly transmits to a big screen, monitor, keyboard etc. etc.
How many years did consoles last without any hardware upgrade.?
and when they did one this year it was by all measures substandard by PC comparisions
till the company want to launch a new one to make you guys buy a new console and start all over again?
check the time line on speed limits for processors over the internet, if you putting computer sales on it you have to consider the ones who have a computer used only work, be it laptop or desktop, and unless you are a graphic design or use CAD or other software who request more of the processor (also fun fact it ahve GPU especific for this kind of work) they won't change computer till its fried.
and I sure hope you didn't hurt your face too much.
Console hardware changes about once every 7 years and when then do its not much of a change
PC hardware changes every 18 months. Who in the f9ck thinks PC do not change...really? seriously?...compared to what exactly? lets try not to be completely idiotic here.
Regarding business use vs personal use the last time I checked consoles have ZERO exposure in the business use so maybe we should focus on games? just a thought.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Originally posted by Hanthos Wow. In all the cards I've ever bought when building for myself or someone else, this is the first I've ever heard of them. I guess I haven't been and won't be missing much.
You can't be serious, OP. Before reading this article, I had never even heard of the GPU manufacturer called Galaxy, and I have bought several GPU's and assembled a series of computers throughout the years.
Wow thank you so much for your amazing predictions ... and sorry didn't quite catch that name ... Nostradamus did you say ? ...
Sigh .. yet another genius making BS predictions ..
Shame you forgot to tell people that PC use is actually growing , especially PC gaming.
Wow so many attacks only to follow up with a single refute that was wrong and not even relevant to the topic.
PC sales are down 5 years in a row which translates to less business for MS, you know, the company being spoken about. As for PC gaming, this has nothing to do with Microsoft 10 year plan......and apparently you skipped the part where I pointed to the WORDS OF MICROSOFT THEMSELVES at the unveiling of the Surface Pro 3 about how it is the END of the Laptop market.
So yeah, call me Nostradamus, I will call you Mitch Fatel.....yeah, go look him up.
Sorry ... I don't as rule get into arguments with Dead people ..
Says the person that replied twice to a dead I said, Mitch Fatel.
Yes, there is a hardcoded date for PC gaming to die. Everyone knows that it dies on October 18, 2014. Your PC will shut down and erase all content and then promptly explode. This true story has been brought to you by whatever trolling association paid for the OP's post.
Until multiplat games start not showing up on pc, pc gaming's more than alive on the AAA scene. Obviously, no point in going to the indie scene on that one.
And while some games don't come to PC, like RDR, Destiny, and GTA V( probably will come with the HD remakes for next gen), more and more games coming to pc.
MGR Revengeance and Castlevania LoS about 1 year after launch, not to meantion LoS 2 PC came along side the console version, so clearly it did well. teh desire for DS1 and The Division on pc was so high, they got it too, and DS2 came close. And of course, even Titanfall got a PC version. And interest for Final Fantasy and MGS V on PC was shown.
So no, it's not dying. If anything profits on multiplats, mainly because of DD, is rising on PC, also do to the increase in PCP gamers, as shown by Steam. Will it bypass consoles? No. Will it continue to grow? Probably.
Of course, there's the chance consoles will come to life and mass murder all gaming pc's on the planet while they're hybernating.
I'll repost this statement from Chris Roberts every time it's applicable. While his statement doesn't directly address this issue it is related and shows that no matter what PC Gaming will NEVER die.
Chris Roberts addressed this wild speculation in a new dev post, stating: "Star Citizen IS a PC game. It will NEVER be dumbed down for a lesser platform. We will NOT limit the input options or supported peripherals to the lowest common denominator. We will NOT pass on features and technology just because they will only run on some hardware configurations."
Hey listen, I liked Consoles when I was a kid but then I grew up and started gaming on a real machine. Consoles are for kiddies or weekend gamers. Real gamers will never suffice for such mediocrity in gaming, in passion and in their hobby.
Sandbox means open world, non-linear gaming PERIOD!
Subscription Gaming, especially MMO gaming is a Cash grab bigger then the most P2W cash shop!
Bring Back Exploration and lengthy progression times. RPG's have always been about the Journey not the destination!!!
Well lets just say Nvidia is the most trusted or most bought card as of this day. But still, I prefer AMD since it is a budget friendly GPU and lets not set aside their CPU's. =p
A video card maker going out of business has nothing to do with this.
Microsoft on the other hand, that's a different story. They have once again shown their hand at killing the PC market with their announcement of the Surface Pro 3 calling it the end of Laptops stating that people don't want laptops anymore they want Tablets with more PC abilities.
Their push to end the PC by slowly turning it into mobile only is well underway. Windows 8 with its touchscreen based UI bringing mobile mini-apps to the PC was the first step, Windows 9 will be close to the final step as they move OSs to the cloud, pushing PC users to needing a touchscreen and making mobile apps replace full PC programs.
They are slowly making it so PCs lose their power, usability while expanding mobile devices as far as they can go so people have fewer reasons to buy PCs and instead buy mobile devices.
PCs will be niche in another 5-8 years and everyone will be using shatty mobile devices that cant do half what PCs can do today.
Just because I like proving people wrong with facts & statistics:
HP was one of the big companies who thought laptops and PCs were going to die as well, since 2013 they have recanted their story and their sales actually have improved throughout all of 2014. Check the Wall Street journal, check the quarterly reports.
Yes we know. People told us it was going to die 10 years ago, then 9 years, it would die again 8 years ago and so on. People tell us is going to die this year, or is going to die next year.
till the company want to launch a new one to make you guys buy a new console and start all over again?
check the time line on speed limits for processors over the internet, if you putting computer sales on it you have to consider the ones who have a computer used only work, be it laptop or desktop, and unless you are a graphic design or use CAD or other software who request more of the processor (also fun fact it ahve GPU especific for this kind of work) they won't change computer till its fried.
and I sure hope you didn't hurt your face too much.
All this talk is pretty useless.
I'm hoping in the next 10 years or so, technology will advance to the point where all my CAD, Gaming, Phone, Music and Computing needs will be met by a product that fits conveniently in my pocket and wirelessly transmits to a big screen, monitor, keyboard etc. etc.
Super computer in your pocket.
PC dying, Console dying blah blah blah.
Nothing truly dies, it just evolves.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
And then Valve shows up with a their mini pc design with high end pc compononents and take over a large chunk of the pc market !!!
Oh wait ? !
Does this post belong here :P ?
What i mean is 1 man's death is another mans bread, does that makes sense ? :P !
Console hardware changes about once every 7 years and when then do its not much of a change
PC hardware changes every 18 months. Who in the f9ck thinks PC do not change...really? seriously?...compared to what exactly? lets try not to be completely idiotic here.
Regarding business use vs personal use the last time I checked consoles have ZERO exposure in the business use so maybe we should focus on games? just a thought.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
this is exactly how I feel hehe.
i wanted to post but nvm...
Don't care about that card maker.... at all.
Sure, I'm sorry if this costs people jobs, but really I've never purchased any of their products.
Says the person that replied twice to a dead I said, Mitch Fatel.
Until multiplat games start not showing up on pc, pc gaming's more than alive on the AAA scene. Obviously, no point in going to the indie scene on that one.
And while some games don't come to PC, like RDR, Destiny, and GTA V( probably will come with the HD remakes for next gen), more and more games coming to pc.
MGR Revengeance and Castlevania LoS about 1 year after launch, not to meantion LoS 2 PC came along side the console version, so clearly it did well. teh desire for DS1 and The Division on pc was so high, they got it too, and DS2 came close. And of course, even Titanfall got a PC version. And interest for Final Fantasy and MGS V on PC was shown.
So no, it's not dying. If anything profits on multiplats, mainly because of DD, is rising on PC, also do to the increase in PCP gamers, as shown by Steam. Will it bypass consoles? No. Will it continue to grow? Probably.
Of course, there's the chance consoles will come to life and mass murder all gaming pc's on the planet while they're hybernating.
I'll repost this statement from Chris Roberts every time it's applicable. While his statement doesn't directly address this issue it is related and shows that no matter what PC Gaming will NEVER die.
Chris Roberts addressed this wild speculation in a new dev post, stating:
"Star Citizen IS a PC game. It will NEVER be dumbed down for a lesser platform. We will NOT limit the input options or supported peripherals to the lowest common denominator. We will NOT pass on features and technology just because they will only run on some hardware configurations."
Hey listen, I liked Consoles when I was a kid but then I grew up and started gaming on a real machine. Consoles are for kiddies or weekend gamers. Real gamers will never suffice for such mediocrity in gaming, in passion and in their hobby.
Sandbox means open world, non-linear gaming PERIOD!
Subscription Gaming, especially MMO gaming is a Cash grab bigger then the most P2W cash shop!
Bring Back Exploration and lengthy progression times. RPG's have always been about the Journey not the destination!!!
Just because I like proving people wrong with facts & statistics:
You say PC gaming is dead?
They prove you are wrong.
You say laptops and PCs are dead in general?
HP was one of the big companies who thought laptops and PCs were going to die as well, since 2013 they have recanted their story and their sales actually have improved throughout all of 2014. Check the Wall Street journal, check the quarterly reports.
And more facts:
These are FACTs, not some forum dwellers opinion. Microsoft themselves have stated in 2014 they underestimated laptop & PC sales, and tablets have NOT taken off like they thought they would. Let's ask a leading retailer his take on it using FACTS derived from sales numbers:
Looks like even Best Buy has proved laptop sales up compared to tablets.
So go head with your "PC IS DEAD, PC GAMING IS DEAD", those who think that are wrong. Please come back in another 10 years.