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NCsoft earnings for 1q 2014... not looking pretty...



  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by Gaia_Hunter

    1Q13 still saw something like 500K box sales.

    1Q14 is like $2M below 2Q13 and $1M up 3Q13.

    I would say those are pretty consistent revenues.

    With China release GW2 will see some sales increase via royalties next quarter (so don't expect to see the GW2 sales number to increase since NCSoft doesn't include royalties in there).


    Yeah, it will be interesting to see if it will go above Lineage 1, that would really be accomplishment (and not talking about 1st chinese quarter but steady reevnue over time)

  • SeariasSearias Member UncommonPosts: 743
    There are people still playing this game? Hehe, jokes aside, I believe that the influx of players who were buying the game has calmed down since most people who were going to buy this game already owns it by now and the remaining players aren't spending enough money in the cash shops. 

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  • DEAD.lineDEAD.line Member Posts: 424
    Originally posted by Malabooga

    So dudes?

    Official EA numbers on SWTOR? No

    /double facepalm with cherry on top because you couldnt provide ANY official number on SWTOR at any time

    Yes im aware of EA reports and their hiding of SWTOR numbers lol mentioned it quite a few times by now

    Yeah, i missed that one. I'll have to find it better, but it's abit late, so.... Anyway, it's important to remember TOR does have 400k or so subs, last i check, so there's also that revenue.


    BTW, how are people able to check GW2's exact revenue? I can't find it in the report. If it did make the equivelant of 550k subs, i'd guess TOR is ahead if you had F2P revenue.

    Honestly, putting TOR aside, GW2 is losing money. I do remember a revenue report for the game that placed it at the equivelant of 630/50k subs, so it's lost close to 100k worth of subscriptions. Just don't remember if it's from last quarter, 2 quarters ago, or even a year.

    But it's losses like this that make me wonder why Anet isn't considering an expansion. Atleast it seems that way.

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by DEAD.line
    Originally posted by Malabooga

    So dudes?

    Official EA numbers on SWTOR? No

    /double facepalm with cherry on top because you couldnt provide ANY official number on SWTOR at any time

    Yes im aware of EA reports and their hiding of SWTOR numbers lol mentioned it quite a few times by now

    Yeah, i missed that one. I'll have to find it better, but it's abit late, so.... Anyway, it's important to remember TOR does have 400k or so subs, last i check, so there's also that revenue.


    BTW, how are people able to check GW2's exact revenue? I can't find it in the report. If it did make the equivelant of 550k subs, i'd guess TOR is ahead if you had F2P revenue.

    Honestly, putting TOR aside, GW2 is losing money. I do remember a revenue report for the game that placed it at the equivelant of 630/50k subs, so it's lost close to 100k worth of subscriptions. Just don't remember if it's from last quarter, 2 quarters ago, or even a year.

    But it's losses like this that make me wonder why Anet isn't considering an expansion. Atleast it seems that way.

    You have the report in first post...made 24,5 million $ (25,142 million KRW) yeah it dropped from last quarter but its somewhat steady.

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by Searias
    There are people still playing this game? Hehe, jokes aside, I believe that the influx of players who were buying the game has calmed down since most people who were going to buy this game already owns it by now and the remaining players aren't spending enough money in the cash shops. 

    Depends what are you looking for. If theer are 5 million players, yes, they arent spending much. But since thats not realistic ;P

    If you take that player spends 10$/month on average (which i still think is quite high) you can get in the ballpark of active players. Though its quite a speculation and it would only raise more crap around here ;P

    Personally i would look in 7,5/month on average/player

  • IceDarkIceDark Member UncommonPosts: 207
    Originally posted by doodphace
    Originally posted by DEAD.line
    Originally posted by Malabooga

    Dude you still havent posted ANY offcial numbers. ANY. for ANYTHING you claim.

    Come on: how much money has SWTOR "raked in" in last qurter? Simple question, simple answer.

    Man, some people just cant get it through their heads.

    SWTOR is 4th or 5th game in teh west (depends on FF really)

    Doesn't have the link to the report, but i should be able to find it. Honestly, finding this link was an easy google search. Is it really that hard for everyone?


    ...but but but...Bioware LIES......thats all ur gonna run into bro lol

    Actually bro .. run back to that link and show us only SWTOR numbers. No Fifa , no consoles .. just SWTOR numbers pl0x.

    I must say , that I meet some very bad posters around this site, but man! OP and .. other one, can't recall his name, are ... impossible. You give them real and official numbers, they hit you back with "inventions" .

    OP, I hope you will post the Q2,Q3 and Q4 reports too, as GW2 just released in China ( I think they will double the income ) and in June , the game which will make ESO feels like a little kid will go live.

    Yes, GW2 is the second game in the West, and I think Eve is also ahead of SWTOR.

    The Ice is dark and full of terror.
  • BeelzebobbieBeelzebobbie Member UncommonPosts: 430
    Wow!! what a huge thread about nothing of value. 
  • KabulozoKabulozo Member RarePosts: 932

    1Q14 earnings.

    Item promotions through cash shop in L1 have been limited during the quarter, the variety has decreased, as consequence, the earnings were weaker than 4Q13.

    But if you look at Sales by Region, the royalties were pretty strong thanks to B&S in China, with the royalties included, they made a total of 178 billion KRW in the quarter, which is pretty decent, against 133 bi KRW without royalies.


  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by Beelzebobbie
    Wow!! what a huge thread about nothing of value. 

    but but but...yeah, all SWTOR stuff is redundant

  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066
    Originally posted by DEAD.line
    Originally posted by Malabooga

    So dudes?

    Official EA numbers on SWTOR? No

    /double facepalm with cherry on top because you couldnt provide ANY official number on SWTOR at any time

    Yes im aware of EA reports and their hiding of SWTOR numbers lol mentioned it quite a few times by now

    Yeah, i missed that one. I'll have to find it better, but it's abit late, so.... Anyway, it's important to remember TOR does have 400k or so subs, last i check, so there's also that revenue.


    BTW, how are people able to check GW2's exact revenue? I can't find it in the report. If it did make the equivelant of 550k subs, i'd guess TOR is ahead if you had F2P revenue.

    Honestly, putting TOR aside, GW2 is losing money. I do remember a revenue report for the game that placed it at the equivelant of 630/50k subs, so it's lost close to 100k worth of subscriptions. Just don't remember if it's from last quarter, 2 quarters ago, or even a year.

    But it's losses like this that make me wonder why Anet isn't considering an expansion. Atleast it seems that way.


    People are able to see the exact GW2 revenue (excluding royalties, that include stuff like China sales) because NCSoft discloses this information.


    One thing our friend caeftl forgot to mention is that 1Q14 isn't even the weakest quarter of GW2 - the weakest quarter of GW2 was 3Q13 (although I expect 3Q14 to take the spot).


    2Q13 - $28.2M

    3Q13 - $23.9M

    4Q13 - $32.7M

    1Q14 - $24.8M

    Total last 12 Months: $109.4M


    One interesting thing to see in the future is how the April patch influenced the cash shop sales (we should see it reflected in 2Q14).


    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • asmkm22asmkm22 Member Posts: 1,788
    Originally posted by Tbau
    Originally posted by asmkm22
    Originally posted by Tbau
    Originally posted by asmkm22
    Originally posted by Malabooga

    Its No.2 in the west. Beat all those huge IPs and 200-300 million $ MMOs. And all that as a B2P game. Somehow that isnt good enough? 

    And when China joins (well it joined but no numbers until next quarter ;P ) it will be quite a presence in MMOs, probably trumping even bastions like Lineage 1.

    Being in 2nd place doesn't mean a whole lot when you're still only 7% of what 1st place is doing.  That's why you can't just sit back and say, oh it's in 2nd place so that's pretty great!"

    Now I'm not not saying GW2 is bombing (or that NCSoft is).  Just that the numbers its posting aren't really anything special.  They are very average for an MMO.

    Then it means that EVERY MMO is doing bad and so things are looking fine for GW2 and so the OP is still wrong.


    The revenue still adds up to what would be 555k subs which is nothing short of amazing for a game with no sub option.

    Well, most MMO's are doing poorly.  It's why they all changed course to convert to cash shops and focus on PvP where the "content" doesn't have to be as frequent, and can get reused more often.  Not exactly sure what your point is here...

    You are the one that is lacking a point. The point is, 24.5 million for a quarter is not low and having to compare it to WoW just proves the desperation in trying to make the game look bad.


    I mean seriously, GW2 is a horrible game and to have to try to create something out of nothing to make it look bad, makes people look bad.

    The only reason I mentioned WoW is because the other guy was spouting off about how being in 2nd place means the game is doing great.  I simply explained why that logic is flawed.

    Back on topic, however, the reason why 24.5 million in revenue isn't that amazing for GW2 is because it's revenue.  When you start looking into the costs and overhead, the numbers are less rosy.  Like I said before, I'm not claiming the game has failed.  I'm also not claiming the game sucks or anything.  Just that the money they are making on it isn't really that amazing.  Not bad, just not amazing.  The word I used before was "average."

    So don't get your panties in a wad, and stop acting like I just kicked your dog.  GW2 could very well be thriving financially, since they aren't licensing any IP's or engines or anything.  I don't  believe they ever created the game with expectations of bringing in 100's of millions each month.  Unlike other studios, they seem to have set realistic goals, and are sticking to them.  That's a good thing.

    You make me like charity

  • nastyjmannastyjman Member Posts: 161
    Originally posted by Beelzebobbie
    Wow!! what a huge thread about nothing of value. 

    It's the Seinfeld post of today.

  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    Hmmm, is it THAT time again already?  Well I guess it does make sense to get one of these threads about every 3 months.

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607
    So, what's this supposed to tell us exactly? Are they going to stop making and publishing games? Are their current games going to close in the near future? 
  • PemminPemmin Member UncommonPosts: 623
    Originally posted by simsalabim77
    So, what's this supposed to tell us exactly? Are they going to stop making and publishing games? Are their current games going to close in the near future? 

    no it just means that if their games don't make over 2 mil net profit a quarter ncsoft will shut them down like CoH

  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    Wow, this thread sure blew up in a pretty much less-than-active forum these days.
  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,074

    So much fighting because GW2 fans are completely unwilling to accept that GW2 is declining and SWTOR makes more money.

    Judging by the angry reception bad news is not welcome in the GW2 community.

  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066
    Originally posted by Xiaoki

    So much fighting because GW2 fans are completely unwilling to accept that GW2 is declining and SWTOR makes more money.

    Judging by the angry reception bad news is not welcome in the GW2 community.

    If you have an official revenue number for SWTOR please post it.

    Otherwise you are just comparing real numbers against estimations and wild guesses.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,074

    Originally posted by Gaia_Hunter

    Originally posted by Xiaoki So much fighting because GW2 fans are completely unwilling to accept that GW2 is declining and SWTOR makes more money. Judging by the angry reception bad news is not welcome in the GW2 community.
    If you have an official revenue number for SWTOR please post it.

    Otherwise you are just comparing real numbers against estimations and wild guesses.

    So when it comes to SWTOR revenues SuperData is untrustworthy because only official EA numbers will be accepted.

    But when VG Chartz posts GW2 box sales numbers based on estimates and wild guesses it is completely trustworthy right?

  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    Some companies would be delighted with only 1 million profit, what's the problem here?

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • An4thorAn4thor Member Posts: 524
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    Some companies would be delighted with only 1 million profit, what's the problem here?

    Haters trying to make a point thinking players give a crap about this stuff ^^

  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066
    Originally posted by Xiaoki


    Originally posted by Gaia_Hunter

    Originally posted by Xiaoki So much fighting because GW2 fans are completely unwilling to accept that GW2 is declining and SWTOR makes more money. Judging by the angry reception bad news is not welcome in the GW2 community.
    If you have an official revenue number for SWTOR please post it.


    Otherwise you are just comparing real numbers against estimations and wild guesses.

    So when it comes to SWTOR revenues SuperData is untrustworthy because only official EA numbers will be accepted.


    But when VG Chartz posts GW2 box sales numbers based on estimates and wild guesses it is completely trustworthy right?

    VGCharts and Superdata are both non official numbers.

    But luckily we don't need VGChartz to have numbers of GW2. Last announcement as of August 2013 by Arenanet talk about 3.5 million box sales.

    The truth is you have official numbers for GW2 but you don't have them for SWTOR.

    NCSoft earnings report is official and it is legally binding.

    Superdata numbers are a market study (


    "Founded in 2009, SuperData is the leading provider of market intelligence on free-to-play and digital games. By collecting behavioral data directly from publishers and developers, SuperData identifies key trends, establishes revenue estimates, and analyzes market changes for popular online games, including MMOs, mobile, and social games.

    SuperData is the leader in digital games market intelligence

    SuperData publishes industry-relevant key performance indicators. Using our proprietary data set—pulled directly from publishers and developers—on millions of paying digital gamers, we establish monthly benchmarks such as ARPPU, conversion rates, lifetime value, and revenues. Customers use our data to evaluate their performance, identify key growth opportunities, assess revenue potential, optimize their efforts, and better understand their audience’s wants and needs. SuperData’s client base includes brand owners, developers, retailers, publishers, VCs, and payment service providers."


    It is an estimate and for example they do not work with NCSoft.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • ArskaaaArskaaa Member RarePosts: 1,265
    NCsoft is dying slowly. they lack innovation in games. too many chinese farmer game+ wow clone wanna be.
  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by Xiaoki


    Originally posted by Gaia_Hunter

    Originally posted by Xiaoki So much fighting because GW2 fans are completely unwilling to accept that GW2 is declining and SWTOR makes more money. Judging by the angry reception bad news is not welcome in the GW2 community.
    If you have an official revenue number for SWTOR please post it.


    Otherwise you are just comparing real numbers against estimations and wild guesses.

    So when it comes to SWTOR revenues SuperData is untrustworthy because only official EA numbers will be accepted.


    But when VG Chartz posts GW2 box sales numbers based on estimates and wild guesses it is completely trustworthy right?


    GW2 is dying and SWTOR is next best thing since sliced bread?

    come on dude:

    How much money did SWTOR rake in in last quarter?

    VG Chartz? dude....thats the claim when you have absolutely NOTHING to back upa ANYTHING you say?

    You had it backwards. it wasnt GW2 that failed miserably and:

    - had to layoff 2/3 of their staff

    - had to reduce servers from 216 to 17

    - had to charge for free update

    - had content slowed downt to galcier magnitude

    - had to cut any serious development and cut spotlight of the game due to lack of people working on it

    - had to call patches "expansions"

    - cannot fix th engine due to lack fo people working on it

    - delays everything

    - calls recolored crap new content

    OTOH GW2 hired people and grew to over 300 people post launch

    Once more:

    How much money has SWTOR "raked in" in last quarter?

  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by Arskaaa
    NCsoft is dying slowly. they lack innovation in games. too many chinese farmer game+ wow clone wanna be.

    Man, if i could "die slowly" like NCSoft i would be VERY pleased.


    Where do these gems of wisdom come from?

This discussion has been closed.