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Hate source?!?!

Has anybody noticed that when a "Hate" or "Flaming" thread is started, the OP's usually only joined this site either same day or a week before? I'm going through some and in the last 16 day's of may, all the flamers and haters just joined within this month, all who claimed to have played mmo's since the dawn of time. So i's hard for me to believe that just 3 years ago, me, a non mmo fan found and joined this site and hardcore mmo players and elitist are just now jumping on board? I don't think so.

People are creating accounts just to flame peoples favriote games.

So if your new to ESO and is going to base an opinion off of a thread, read and see when they joined and you'll see who the trolls are. Chances are their there to troll or cause an uproar. Be careful.


  • snoockysnoocky Member UncommonPosts: 726
    The people who are flaming are people who just stick to one game and hates it when a new one comes out.

    The think that the mmo they play is the best on the market...forever...

    Mostly imo are these people wow players.
    And i noticed that Wildstar fanboys have there share in it to.

    Let them be, let everybody play their game and act like adults instead of all those hating threads.

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    Edgar Allan Poe

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Because hating on games is what this site has become all about. Many places will moderate that type of thing. Here it's open season. Anything but direct personal attacks go here.....even fabricated reasons why games are doing evil.
    That type of free speach always devolvrs conversations down to the lowest common denominator. ...aka
  • cronius77cronius77 Member UncommonPosts: 1,652

    most of the people that have been here awhile are well aware that most hate threads in all games period with newly made accounts are just the normal trolls with their 5k posts on a dummy account just to troll. Some of the guys and girls on this site are rather pathetic period in life and you can tell it here with all the nonsense they post. A couple even have blogs here that spew off complete nonsense that half of it isnt even half coherent. You got spotlight posters here also that spew nonsense just to bait people into bans and arguments. All of this of course goes pretty much unnoticed by mods at all especially the ones with the high post counts and the ones who actually say something back are the ones banned a lot of the time. 

    They really need to clean this community up and start perma banning some of these guys regardless of their post counts and join dates. This would go a long way on this site to stop the blantant bashing and arguing over video games that are supposed to be about fun and not this nonsense from half these trolls here. Just think to about 99% of them spewing off the nonsense are grown men and women....says a lot about the character of people on this site.

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    This MMO has had more hate threads over the years then any MMO I have seen. Started the day they announced what was going to be in the game. My guess this will not stop as ESO is for sure the game to hate!!!! I hate it so much I bought a copy of the game just to line the cage of my pet rats. 
  • spizzspizz Member UncommonPosts: 1,971

    Its the question if this is even a gamer community or just analysts working in this branche.

    You see more toppics about   "sales numbers",  "cancel or resub", " successful or not" "review here and there"

    Almost no threads and discussions about gameplay, tipps, character builds,  infos or anything what you expect from a gaming forum.


    And yes you are right, I have seen a lot of commenter who used an account which had only some handful posts.

    Iam very sure that some are doing their kind of biased viral marketing, at least posts with a certain agenda instead of constructive critic. I doubt  if some of those posters are even playing ESO.

    These forums here on changed into a very questionable information pool.


  • cronius77cronius77 Member UncommonPosts: 1,652
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    This MMO has had more hate threads over the years then any MMO I have seen. Started the day they announced what was going to be in the game. My guess this will not stop as ESO is for sure the game to hate!!!! I hate it so much I bought a copy of the game just to line the cage of my pet rats. 


    I remember guild wars 2 at release getting very similiar amounts of hate threads and star wars the old republic still to this day gets daily hate threads dedicated to it. I think ESO takes the cake at least for now but wildstar release will have the wow fan boys out gun blazing also adding to their hate so it will be interesting to see the amount of hate spewed off at that game to here.

  • DEAD.lineDEAD.line Member Posts: 424
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    This MMO has had more hate threads over the years then any MMO I have seen. Started the day they announced what was going to be in the game. My guess this will not stop as ESO is for sure the game to hate!!!! I hate it so much I bought a copy of the game just to line the cage of my pet rats. 

    For the mmorpg community? Nah, just normal.

    From general population, including official game sites? Yup, i'm even surprised it got such average scores.

    To the OP, my account's new, but i've been here for some years. BTW, your post also goes for the defenders of the game. And like i said, there game's getting "hate" (guess you could call it that) from all over the internet. 

    Funniest thing is, this site actually has more people being positive about the game than the majority of other forums and sites.

  • UhwopUhwop Member UncommonPosts: 1,791

    I didn't like the game at all. 

    Im not currently playing any mmo, because the ones I want to play are in development.  

    Im not a "hater", I'm just disappointed they chose to make a generic theme park mmo, as apposed to a AAA sandbox that could blow AA out of the water.  

    And I didn't create my account here a week or two ago.  '10 is actually misleading because I've been here since '03.   


    PS, most of my posting is dictated by what shows up on the front page of the site.  Guess what's been popping up with a lot of frequency.  

    And threads like these are more of a troll thread than someone expressing their opinion over the game.  You're outright denying anyone with a complaint has any legitimacy.  Way to go guy, way to go.  

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    Originally posted by DEAD.line
    Originally posted by Nanfoodle
    This MMO has had more hate threads over the years then any MMO I have seen. Started the day they announced what was going to be in the game. My guess this will not stop as ESO is for sure the game to hate!!!! I hate it so much I bought a copy of the game just to line the cage of my pet rats. 

    For the mmorpg community? Nah, just normal.

    From general population, including official game sites? Yup, i'm even surprised it got such average scores.

    To the OP, my account's new, but i've been here for some years. BTW, your post also goes for the defenders of the game. And like i said, there game's getting "hate" (guess you could call it that) from all over the internet. 

    Funniest thing is, this site actually has more people being positive about the game than the majority of other forums and sites.

    I been a fan and following this MMO a long time, you ask anyone who has been very active on this forum and they will tell you. You could not post anything positive about this game without a storm of haters making every thread about why this game sucks. Mostly was because of PvP and people who claim to be the real TES fans saying it should not be part of the game. Start a thread about crafting and the haters would turn the thread into something else lol. 

    I think its gotten more hate because, much like Star Wars, people grew up playing these games and it has a huge following. Depending what in the series you grew up on set the expectations on what ESO should be. I know kids 15-18 years old who think Jar Jar rocks. IMO the hate wont die down till people who dont like the game get it out of their systems that they are not getting the MMO game of their dreams. As most people who played TES always thought, this would make a great MMO.

  • TimzillaTimzilla Member UncommonPosts: 437
    It's just that we've become so weak as a society that we can't even quit a video game without having some sort of support group.
  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611



    Go look at the Archeage forum, it is not very active. But that game should have ,pre hate than any of the opnes coming around witht he price tag theyre putting on a free to play game for early access, a 'failed' Korean platofrm, and a 'failed' Russian platform. But the hate threads are minimal at best.


    Reason for this, people who are actually playing the game (paid or got free invites) like or love the game so they dont get a bad experience and run to the forums.


    ESO is a mediocre game at best, hundreds of thousands of people have played it. Many dont like it at all, more think it is Meh, and a few like it, and a tiny tiny portion love it.


    People will give their thoughts on games good or bad. This site is mostly bad, but most of it is well deserved. But when games deserve some defense they get it. But it is also easy to recognize fanboyism from truly deserving some praise.


    Just because people join and say something negative doesnt mean its a conspiracy, it probably means the game isnt that great.

  • BeansnBreadBeansnBread Member EpicPosts: 7,254

    I think a lot of people are just disappointed with how little they achieved with an Elder Scrolls MMORPG. At least I was. Expectations were extremely high and people just generally felt let down by the mediocre attempt.


    Also, when I say mediocre, people interpret that as hate. When I say that I dislike the extreme amount of questing required, people interpret that as hate. When I say I don't like the linear nature of the game, people interpret that as hate. When I say that there are too many bots in the game, people interpret that as hate. When I say that I think the combat feels clunky and that there is ability delay, people interpret that as hate. When I say that PvP is extremely unbalanced and there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel, people interpret that as hate. When I say everything I've said in this post, people interpret that as hate.

  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870

    Sure there are a few a "hate" threads here and there in these forums, but just because something is posted that isn't positive doesn't mean it's hate.  There is this the term called CRITIQUE which is an important part of anything art related.  Ask most artists and they will tell you that even though critique can feel hurtful at times, which is due to pride, that it is an important tool that  should be used to improve oneself and/or their work. 

    Like I said, sure there are a few obvious hate threads, but I think the majority of the negative threads are from honest critique.  It's all opinion based anyways.  I think it's ridiculous to believe there is some big conspiracy that is trying to bring ESO down.  ZOS has done that on its own.  Yet, there are fans who seem to take it personally when something isn't positively said about ESO.  People that are posting their critiques about ESO aren't initially saying anything bad about the players, just the game.  Yet we are still labeled as "haters" because we have critiques of the game? 

    This isn't just happening in ESO forums.  It happens in most other MMO forums too but it's just more prevalent here on the ESO forums due to how new the game is and how much of a let down it was.  Believe it or not, there were a lot of people cautiously rooting for this game during development but were just disappointed with how it turned out.  So naturally we come here to a third-party site to discuss it.  It's not like we can go over to the official forums and post.  I would assume most of the fans would want to hang around there instead of here anyways to find all the nice and friendly posts of ESO there to discuss amongst yourselves.  /shrug

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • evilizedevilized Member UncommonPosts: 576
    yes it's all a conspiracy, ESO has no problems at all. in fact it is the most perfect thing ever made by humanity or even nature itself.
  • summitussummitus Member UncommonPosts: 1,414

    I think its something that the owners of should be concerned about , this is a great site but it is being overrun with these kind of organized hate trains.

    Hate on this scale is not good for the mmo industry and certainly not good for this site.

    I would even be willing pay to be a part of this community if they would get rid of all the Trolls ! :)

  • AmanaAmana Moderator UncommonPosts: 3,912
    This is off-topic, but it's also kind of stirring the pot so I'm moving this to Off Topic but keeping it locked.

    To give feedback on moderation, contact [email protected]

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