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This is the type of MMO you play for 7-8 months months, then you never touch it again! I don't think it is worth it at all. The main reason is the pvp may be really fun at first but it gets boring and ultra repetitive after 3 months. Lets say you play at least 3 hours a day, that is 360 hours in 4 months, assuming you played the game slowly and didn't enter Cryodiil until you complete all your veteran ranks. Then you spend the next 4 months pvping/doing dungeons/adventure zones. IT ALL GETS REALLY OLD QUICKLY! The PVP is nothing but a zerg fest, no one is unique, your gear is scaled. Once you clear a dungeon or adventure zone, are you really gonna wanna keep repeating that? I don't think so, even if you started a new character, I for one don't like switching alliances and I especially hate repeating storylines in elder scrolls games, there is hardly any class variety anyway.
Face it, theres just not much to do in this game, even when they release more content, you will just complete and and not play anymore once again and as time passes they will end up releasing content at a slower and slower pace once subs drop quickly (and they will). This game is TOR all over again, the only difference is TOR sold a ton at launch and died quickly, this sold some at launch (no where near TOR) and it will die slowly.
Just look at future additions, only adding pve content mostly and 2 measly little arenas. This game is not worth it at all, the pvp tries to be some merger of skill based/traditional mmorpg's but it is nothing of the sort AT ALL. It is just a button mashing no skill brawler, you see an enemy you spam your 1-5 skills at them then hit them, that is why the pvp is so bland in this, it also has auto aiming so its not really skill based. What would make an amazing fantasy MMO would be one that has gameplay like Chivalry Medieval Warfare.
Even WoW has more longevity than this, in wow, everyone is unique, you are not scaled, you can world pvp anywhere in the world (if you are on a good world pvp server like emerald dream or bleeding hollow), there is a huge variety of pvp battlegrounds, then there is arenas that makes it really competitive. What does ESO have? A big giant war where what you do doesn't really matter, theres no points for killing people, no score board for your pvp progress, just one big giant zerg fest, really, 2 little arenas are not gonna save an already repetitive pvp game.
This game is going to die faster than WoW has been slowly dying, WoW actually gained subs recently and is still sitting at about 7.5 million, I doubt this game will ever make gains once it drops, it will slowly die down, maybe it will gain some after some expansion but it will quickly die down again. The game engine simply isn't good enough, it makes pvp very boring after 3 months.
Can I have your stuff when you quit?
Here I would like to make the argument that ESO is more action combat than anything we've seen outside of maybe Tera.
You know that ESO has an entire system of attacks that use no action bar and have no soft target? Fast and slow attacks + Block button = True action combat.
It really seems to annoy some people that others are enjoying a game. You like WoW - go play it. I'll worry about whether I still want to play this game 8 months from now...8 months from now.
2025: 48 years on the Net. does that even mean.
He's yet another in a long line of people who haven't played it but somehow just are certain that it's terrible. It is pretty amusing to see him spouting nonsense about a combat system that he clearly hasn't used, however.
OK, I have to ask you OP, what's the reason for your rant?
I have 8 toons, all between levels 3 and 21 and I'm having a great time. I get 10 -15 hours/week to play and always feel like I've enjoyed it.
This is not a game to rush through quickly and yes it is a solo players paradise.
Assuming you got 360 hours out of this for $100, please tell me why you think 30 cents an hour is expensive. Then again, I'm about to take my wife on an 11 day cruise that will cost about $56 an hour.
Playing: Darkfall New Dawn (and planning to play Fallout 76)
Favourite games have included: UO, Lineage2, Darkfall, Lotro, Baldur's Gate, SSX, FF7 and yes the original Wizardry on an Apple IIe
I played pvp in the beta and someone I know who didn't like the game let me use his account, I hated it. Even though the PVE is great, it is just like a regular elder scrolls game, who the hell wants to pay money every month for an anti-social elder scrolls MMO? I have the money, I just don't wanna waste it on a MMO that I will end up not playing anymore 8 months from now anyway. Simply put, once you complete all the content, there is just no incentive for me to start another character, I am not gonna go through repetitive non sense with the same damn quests. The pvp is also not enough to keep me hooked, sure there is a system of different attacks without using the skill bar but its damn easy, all you ever do in pvp is mash your skill bar then spam your attacks, the auto aiming ensures that there is really no skill involved at all, it basically comes down to who attacks first and who is a faster spammer of their attacks, everyone has the same scaled gear, it is bland and BORING.
I want a fantasy MMO that has gameplay like chivalry Medieval Warfare, even though there are 2 medieval sandbox mmo's being made, they look very boring with no lore at all, no magic, no fantasy setting, more boring garbage.
Seems I will have to rest my hope in Everquest Next and Project Titan in terms of fantasy MMO's (assuming titan will be a fantasy/sci-fi mmo). Possibly Black Desert Online also (which will have superior graphics and gameplay compared to this crap) Those MMO's are the only ones doing something truly different and innovative unlike this smoldering piece of trash that no one will care about 1 year from now.
I play MMO's that capture my attention for 2+ years, not some half mmo like this that has a little multiplayer component in 1 zone and in dungeons, screw that. There is not even any incentive to group in this mmo questing anyway, once you complete dungeons and adventure zones, most people are not gonna wanna keep repeating them, especially since it doesn't matter what damn gear you have , it all gets scaled in Cryodiil anyway. 2 little added pvp arenas is not gonna change things, have fun wasting your time and money with this game, 1 year from now most of you will regret playing it.
There Is Always Hope!
To be honest I don't know why they made such a point on PvP anyway Elder Scrolls has ALWAYS been about PvE. All the PvP did in this game was hold it back from its potential.
OT. 5 mil unique hits on this site says otherwise. Closest at 3.5mil is FF14 ARR.
Like it or not ESO gonna stay, up until somehow they screw up with patches/expension, like SWG did.
Sadly, it is happening to be more common to read people just running their mouth, producing some very obscure statements but this made my day.
Ryoshi1 as Rikimaru
7-8 months? am i missing something? Last time i checked mmos were not launching with enough content to play that long.
It's not even going to be a success in the short run. I have 5+ friends that bought TESO, guess how many resubbed? Zero
The only other time that's ever happened with us is with Warhammer Online. TESO is a major insult to it's name, which more and more are realizing every day.
I have one question to the op.
WHY?! Whyyyyy Why are you doing this?
Citizen: Preach your filth elsewhere!
@Imperator you are the poster who supposedly purchased the game and was scammed(?) then had issues installing. You did a thread about that, and it was your first post on this site.
You have then done post after post having a go at TESO. You are looking forward to Everquest Next and Project Titan, so you clearly have no agenda here. Right.
I assume you are no longer playing TESO, but no doubt you will delight us with more threads and posts bashing TESO on the run up to a MMO you do like is launched.
OP - Have you tried Darkfall.
If I was in the US I'd probably be playing it.
Playing: Darkfall New Dawn (and planning to play Fallout 76)
Favourite games have included: UO, Lineage2, Darkfall, Lotro, Baldur's Gate, SSX, FF7 and yes the original Wizardry on an Apple IIe
Nothing like a good belly laugh when you are getting ready for work. Thanks!
Absolutely right. I have got roundabout 2-4 hours a day and can't play at many days, too.
While the game already is at my liking in many things, I expect it to become better and better and my subscription will help to achieve this. The announced features already sound promising.
To OP, didnt you try to bump another of your thread in the same direction just a couple of hours ago... Why?
You hate ESO, you have already made your point, why trash this forum any longer?
Its not a bit constructive. Please go on with your life and continue play whatever you play.