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This MMO Doesn't Have Much Re-playability, Not The Type Of MMO You Play for 2-5 Years!



  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308

    I'm personally struggling to log in after playing for like a week. The quest grind with little reward from other features makes it a bit of a bland experience while leveling. I'm gonna continue trying to push to 50, though and finish the story.

    Yes, this is coming from someone who has read everything in the quests, and even the optional information not necessary to completing them (for most anyway). There are a few exciting quests, but most aren't a lot of fun or rewarding.

    Enjoying the exploration, though, for what it's worth.

  • Member UncommonPosts: 1,131
    Originally posted by Joejc7135
    I tried grouping in ESO but I spent more time fighting to get in the same phase as my group then actually doing content.

    That's not something I'd brag about it takes about 10 seconds to get everyone into the same phase

  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916
    Originally posted by
    Originally posted by Joejc7135
    I tried grouping in ESO but I spent more time fighting to get in the same phase as my group then actually doing content.

    That's not something I'd brag about it takes about 10 seconds to get everyone into the same phase

    10 sec? More like 5 :D

    Originally posted by GeezerGamer
    Originally posted by ImperatorBellus

    ESO doesn't really feel like an mmo, there is not much incentive to group and no world pvp outside Cyrodiil, you only group for dungeons and pvp groups. It is a good game but it seems like it is the type of game you beat and never touch again instead of an MMO that captures your attention for playing even after you complete end game content. 

    Lets say someone played this slowly and completed all the content and pve quests in cyodiil and achieved the top veteran rank. This would take about 1-3 months depending on how long you play each day. After you do this, you are not gonna wanna repeat it with a new class, not me anyway, I hate repeating quests in Elder Scrolls games. So now you can run dungeons and get some gear, they also have the adventure zones but those will get old quick, there isn't many but will be more with content updates and the eventual expansion.

    Still, I like PVE in a MMO but what keeps me playing long term is PVP, the pvp in this is simply repetitive! It is fun at first but gets boring quickly, I didn't sub after playing the beta because of this. If you have played large scale pvp games before as I have, like planetside 2 then your standards will be very high. Planetside 2 has a lot of variety and almost every single battle feels new and different, it only feels repetitive if you are zerging the enemy and outnumber them a lot, but if you can find big battles where both sides are almost even or smaller battles like that then it doesn't feel repetitive at all and always feels new, every battle progresses different with the positions of the enemy and your team and coordination among the group if you are in an organized outfit or even just in the chat.

    ESO pvp has no strategy a all, its just a zerg vs zerg fest. All you do is seige a keep, then rush it, that is it, it gets old quickly because the Terrain has almost no variety, it all looks similar, there are no vehicles or air vehicles (obviously not because its a fantasy mmo but still, it makes it have less variety).  Simply put, ESO is not for anyone who likes PVP more than PVE in a MMO, there are no arenas, no battlegrounds, it isn't truly open world pvp since all pvp is limited to Cryodiil and it just becomes a zerg fest in the end. 

    If you want good pvp, play planetside 2 or wait for everquest next, warhammer 40,000 eternal crusade and Wildstar.

    I'll be critical of ESO where criticism is due, but it's not here.

    Any game that tries to reduce the need for alts and make a game that tries to keep the focus on one character is good IMO.


    I agree. That's why the secret world appealed to me so much. I think ESO would be even better if all 12 class trees were available to your toon. Would've made for some really interesting combinations.

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • ImperatorBellusImperatorBellus Member UncommonPosts: 35
    Originally posted by ohioastro

    I find that sandbox games get boring far more quickly than ones with stories.  In MMORPG it seems as if "sandbox" is a glowing term of praise and "themepark" is something that people say with a sneer.  Well, not everyone likes to play Minecraft.  And sandbox games are limited by the tools that they provide and the structures in the game; killing mobs without a reason is not more engaging than following a story line.

    My real issue with MMOs is that the story lines have become so sloppy and thin, and the things that you have to do to progress them are so repetitive and trivial.  In that respect, ESO stands out in the quality of the stories and in tying the tasks to the story lines in some coherent way.

    There are 300+ hours of things to do at launch.  If you play 10 hours a week that's eight months of things to do, and that is a hell of a lot of content for a newly released game.  If you don't like the style, of course, that's a defect.  But for people who do that's a lot - and we'll have to see what else they add.  The longer term game is still being formed, with PvP and adventure zones.  But I'm perfectly OK just noodling around for a few months and letting them shake out the end game structures.


    Not exactly, most MMO gamers play 1 MMO at least 3 hours a day. That is really only 3-4 months of playing, I doubt there is more than 300 hours of things to do. There is just not enough incentive to keep playing this game once you complete all the content, even though I love Elder Scrolls games and have been playing since Oblivion, I don't think I will buy this game, even if the PVE experience is great, it is just not worth it for a MMO.

  • ImperatorBellusImperatorBellus Member UncommonPosts: 35
    Originally posted by Necropsie

    In that matter, ESO makes the same mistake that all mmo's released after WoW did: It puts you on stage for the story.

    You are the hero. You are the world savior. Everything shapes around you. Your choices do matter.

    Thing is, these are bad ideas in a mmo. They are the core aspects of a single player rpg, but not a mmo.

    Think of WoW: You start the game as a nobody. There is a big story going on but you are not the part of it, you just watch (in the beginning of the game at least). You try to explore. Nobody takes you serious. Some stories expand in front of your eyes but you just watch. You are just another peon in a very very big universe, story continues you are there or not. You are unimportant.

    Actually, this is the epic feeling of WoW we all try to replace.

    I believe this is the "secret" of WoW which no other game managed to do. All others went for a "you are the king of the world, story is what you want to be" approach and failed.

    I sincerely believe something this simple lies behind the success of WoW.

    Even the most succesful clone of WoW (RIFT) couldn't do that. You were not a nobody in that game too.

    Want to have a success in an mmo? Do not use single player oriented stories. Because once we finish those (SwTor, ESO, etc.) there really is nothing else left to do.

    The true WoW killer game will be made under this idea. While all others will just simply fail.

    EDIT: WildStar is probably the only game that uses this "you are nobody" idea but it will fail too: It's universe is so silly that you don't get the "epic" feeling.

    Yea, I hate that so many MMO's try to make you the center of the story, it is really stupid since everyone else is experiencing this same story, ESO does it, Star Trek Online does this, TERA probably does to. I agree, Wildstar will probably fail, even though when they fix the UI, the pvp might be really fun but the graphics really do take away any sense of an epic world, its even more cartoon like than world of warcrap. I don't know why these stupid devs are going with such childish graphics so much, the main player base of a MMO are not younger teens, most younger teens are playing on consoles. 

    The only game we can rest hope in capturing the "epic you are nobody" theme as well as WoW did is Everquest Next, I just wish they would do away with the cartoon like player models but at least the game world isn't cartoon like and the graphics are simply amazing.

  • EnglefieldEnglefield Member UncommonPosts: 22
    Originally posted by SpottyGekko



    Do you only buy single-player games that have "longevity" ? Why should an MMORPG be held to different standards ?


    This was a strange thing to say. If MMO developers expect us to fork out $15 a month it had better have some longevity and if they expect to hook my sub I will absolutely hold them to a different standard.

  • LordZeikLordZeik Member UncommonPosts: 276
    Originally posted by Englefield
    Originally posted by SpottyGekko



    Do you only buy single-player games that have "longevity" ? Why should an MMORPG be held to different standards ?


    This was a strange thing to say. If MMO developers expect us to fork out $15 a month it had better have some longevity and if they expect to hook my sub I will absolutely hold them to a different standard.

    Hate to say it but times are changing. After what Konami did with ground zero I expect more high priced demos in the future. If people will pay 30 dollars for 6 hours of gameplay. What is going to stop someone from paying monthly for something that may or may not have the content you're looking for? I'm personally waiting to see what comes with the craglorn patch. Along with any information on if pvp is getting the imperial city for the 2nd content update. Time will tell if our decisions were the correct ones.

  • ohioastroohioastro Member UncommonPosts: 534
    Originally posted by ImperatorBellus
    Originally posted by ohioastro

    I find that sandbox games get boring far more quickly than ones with stories.  In MMORPG it seems as if "sandbox" is a glowing term of praise and "themepark" is something that people say with a sneer.  Well, not everyone likes to play Minecraft.  And sandbox games are limited by the tools that they provide and the structures in the game; killing mobs without a reason is not more engaging than following a story line.

    My real issue with MMOs is that the story lines have become so sloppy and thin, and the things that you have to do to progress them are so repetitive and trivial.  In that respect, ESO stands out in the quality of the stories and in tying the tasks to the story lines in some coherent way.

    There are 300+ hours of things to do at launch.  If you play 10 hours a week that's eight months of things to do, and that is a hell of a lot of content for a newly released game.  If you don't like the style, of course, that's a defect.  But for people who do that's a lot - and we'll have to see what else they add.  The longer term game is still being formed, with PvP and adventure zones.  But I'm perfectly OK just noodling around for a few months and letting them shake out the end game structures.


    Not exactly, most MMO gamers play 1 MMO at least 3 hours a day. That is really only 3-4 months of playing, I doubt there is more than 300 hours of things to do. There is just not enough incentive to keep playing this game once you complete all the content, even though I love Elder Scrolls games and have been playing since Oblivion, I don't think I will buy this game, even if the PVE experience is great, it is just not worth it for a MMO.

    Play through all of the quest lines; you'll definitely get your money's worth if you like ES games.  And, yes, there really are 300+ hours of things to do - that's why the MMO crowd are coming in with all of these "boring grind" complaints.  It's because they don't like the quests and stories and view them as junk that they have to suffer through to reach the end game.  If you view them as the game, it's not so awful that there are a lot of them.

  • TalemireTalemire Member UncommonPosts: 844
    Originally posted by Nemesis7884

    what you say is true for most of your recommendations...

    look, its a themepark mmo - themepark mmo live from additional content being released...

    sandboxes live from meaningful player interaction - as simple as that...

    themeparks will always only have longevity if they a) release more content or b) move more towards sandbox features

    This. I would really like Zenimax to go in this direction.

    Love the sinner, hate the sin.
  • cjwilkecjwilke Member UncommonPosts: 6
    Not 300+ hours? Devs estimated 100-150 per zone, not including exploring, crafting, pvp, chatting, etc. I'm sure I'm not the norm but I have played daily since early access day 1, about 1-3 hours per day, pushing 100 hours total, and I am level 18 and only halfway through the second zone in my alliance.
  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    Thats my problem with mmo's post wow. Not one of them has the longevity to play more than a year. The only mmo that i still play after a year is GW2 and its probably because they don't ask for a monthly sub. The other games with a sub are pretty much the same thing in a different skin. But they ask for a monthly fee and not one them is worth paying for if your done with it before a year is up. Thats why a always ask if anyone can see themselves playing any of these new games longer than a year. I know from reading here its the same people that get hyped for every new game that comes out. Why are they getting hyped if the game before was the game they claim is their new game.
  • ZyxxZyxx Member UncommonPosts: 49

    You made an account just to trash talk about ESO? omfg no lifer..


    And your statement is irrelevant just for the fact you're only here to diss ESO..

    Btw, look at the map, and see how much they still need to uncover, so please get out from here and let people play this game with out no life haters goin abeshit on every little minor detail!

  • Oph8Oph8 Member Posts: 177
    Eso sucks. Swg pre-cu is still light years better. Sorry gotta troll, a lot of these comments are hilarious. I can't wait to see those sub numbers.

    "Everything is mine and your woman too"

  • JDis25JDis25 Member RarePosts: 1,353

    I can't believe you just wrote off the Adventure Zone like it was nothing...


    Trials are going to be more fun than raiding, I am fairly certain, for many people.

    I think  a zone that forces you to group for epic loot in all manner of dungeons, quests, and 12 man content is going to be a blast.


    PVP, not always, but most of the time is super fun. Especially skirmishes with 5-10 people in all manner of locales in Cyrodil. I don't see any mmo where traditional raiding is going to cut it for me anymore. I greatly dislike planning and scheduling raids..

    Now Playing: Bless / Summoners War
    Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile
  • spizzspizz Member UncommonPosts: 1,971


    They would need to implement more than just siege wars and pve alone without big raids doesnt cut it.


    There is no faction open world pvp, there are no different types of battlegrounds, no duels. ESO is a great game but I have doubts that it will hold people for longer, except they relly deliver content.

  • JHenryJHenry Member Posts: 188
    Originally posted by ImperatorBellus

    ESO doesn't really feel like an mmo, there is not much incentive to group and no world pvp outside Cyrodiil

    I stopped reading there. I should have stopped reading on the first word of the title, but I gave it a chance.

    SOLA -
    (christian guild. Being christian is not required for membership though)

  • ImperatorBellusImperatorBellus Member UncommonPosts: 35

    I am glad I never subed or used my own money to buy this game. 

  • versulasversulas Member UncommonPosts: 288
    Originally posted by Hariken
    Thats my problem with mmo's post wow. Not one of them has the longevity to play more than a year. The only mmo that i still play after a year is GW2 and its probably because they don't ask for a monthly sub. The other games with a sub are pretty much the same thing in a different skin. But they ask for a monthly fee and not one them is worth paying for if your done with it before a year is up. Thats why a always ask if anyone can see themselves playing any of these new games longer than a year. I know from reading here its the same people that get hyped for every new game that comes out. Why are they getting hyped if the game before was the game they claim is their new game.


    Thought the same thing when I read the title. This ain't an ESO problem, it's a whole generation of mmo's that have fallen short... and people are suddenly surprised when all their hopes and dreams aren't fulfilled.

  • BigbooBigboo Member Posts: 201
    Originally posted by ImperatorBellus

    I am glad I never subed or used my own money to buy this game. 

    I get it, you hate the game. Point taken.

    I belive the game will be in there for long, there is alot of upgrades planned in the future, so I will hang around.

    As OP already summoned it all up his meaning with this thread, maybe it would be locked now?



  • ImperatorBellusImperatorBellus Member UncommonPosts: 35

    Most of you are going to regret playing this MMO in the future, when better fantasy/sci-fi mmo's come out like Everquest Next and eventually, Blizzards Project Titan which I guess will be a fantasy/sci-fi MMO. 

    Some of you say every mmo has the problem of re-playability, ESO suffers from this worse than any other theme park mmo. Look at WoW, you have Arenas, Battlegrounds and world pvp, every pvp encounter you have is always new and different because your enemy has different gear, nothing is scaled. You also fight in a wide variety of geographical settings, there are 11 battlegrounds, loads of world pvp throughout the world (if you are on the best world pvp server which emerald dream and bleeding hollow) and arenas. Every encounter you have will be different, enemies will have different gear, battles will play out differently like world pvp raids etc.

    What does ESO have? 1 big zerg fest in Cyrodiil, ESO is a joke, it tries to be different with the first person view (no one uses that in pvp anyway) and the action based combat with blocking/melee combat and spell casting/bow shooting but it isn't. All you do in this joke of a game is see an enemy, spam your skill bars attacks then you button mash your attacks. It is not skill based at all, pvp all comes down to chance, usually whoever attacks first wins in smaller battles, smaller battles really don't matter in the long run anyway, wherever the huge zerg is, that is what decides victory. 

    Everyones gear is scaled, everyones gear looks the same in Cyrodiil, it gets repetitive really really quickly. There is nothing unique or special about this MMO at all, it tries to be something different and fails. If this load of crap was truly skill based instead of a mindless button masher that takes less skill to play than wow then it would have game play like Chivalry Medieval Warefare. Chivalry and Mount and Blade Warband are not mmo's but they have amazing skill based gameplay, a fantasy MMO needs to have gameplay like one of these games. 


    By the time EQ:Next and Project Titan come out, both will be out by late 2017 at the latest, then this game will be forgotten and probably free to play by then, most of you will regret playing it.

    There is nothing special about this "MMO", it is nothing but an anti social elder scrolls game with some multiplayer elements, the devs even admitted that it is an elder scrolls multiplayer game during development and not a true mmo. You are all being ripped off paying a monthly sub for a half made "mmo", there is no incentive to group, not many dungeons and once you complete all the dungeons/adventure zones, are you really gonna wanna keep repeating them? MOST PEOPLE WON'T! Why? There is no point anyway, no point in getting more gear drops since your all scaled in cryodill pvp anyway.

    This is just a single player elder scrolls game with some added multiplayer elements, I am happy this game has mostly had bad ratings by critics and gamers a lot, well not so much "bad" but really not good either, most people are rating this game under an 8, I think that is to much anyway. 

    I will go back to playing Planetside 2 and Star trek Online (great mmo, very under-rated), will be playing the good MMO's when they come out in 2015-2016, EQ Next, Warhammer Eternal Crusade and possibly Black Desert Online and Black Gold. 

    Quit while you still can! You are being ripped off. Just look at the sales figures, MMO players want something new, when TOR was released it sold millions soon after launch but it died down quickly, ESO will never make as much $ as TOR did, TOR was the last MMO people were tricked into playing a WoW clone, they won't be tricked again with this garbage MMO, even though it isn't a wow clone, it is nothing unique either, a repetitive waste.

  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Sorry the game was not flashy enough for you....goodbye.
  • xpsyncxpsync Member EpicPosts: 1,854
    Originally posted by ImperatorBellus

    Quit while you still can!

    I'm having the best time i've had in an mmo in such a long that i can't remember, so i should quit?

    OK right away.

    In today's standard this mmo is working for me. There hasn't been a decent mmo released in about a decade so it comes down to be happy that at least something clicks, even if a little.

    My faith is my shield! - Turalyon 2022

    Your legend ends here and now! - (Battles Won Long Ago)

    Currently Playing; Dragonflight and SWG:L
  • Tutu2Tutu2 Member UncommonPosts: 572
    Originally posted by Husvik
    Originally posted by ImperatorBellus

    Quit while you still can!

    I'm having the best time i've had in an mmo in such a long that i can't remember, so i should quit?

    OK right away.

    In today's standard this mmo is working for me. There hasn't been a decent mmo released in about a decade so it comes down to be happy that at least something clicks, even if a little.

    I agree, if you're having alot of fun in the moment, that's really what matters. People here can be too elitist and try to dictate whether you should be having fun...I mean really what do people get out  of doing this, some false sense of superiority it seems.  I am personally disappointed by the lack of long-term features and group mechanics in place, but we will see what ESO adds down the line. 

  • Tutu2Tutu2 Member UncommonPosts: 572
    Originally posted by JHenry
    Originally posted by ImperatorBellus

    ESO doesn't really feel like an mmo, there is not much incentive to group and no world pvp outside Cyrodiil

    I stopped reading there. I should have stopped reading on the first word of the title, but I gave it a chance.

    In all honesty, its not far from the truth. The main quest is a solo affair and you can do none of the puzzles with your group mates. There are regular phasing issues that hinder the experience in a group. Anchors are just a public zerg fest, there's no point in grouping and getting to know people. Dungeons were fairly enjoyable, but again, because so much of the game is solo-centric most people don't bother to socialize. There is also so much dialogue in dungeons, but you have to rush through it because most people will not wait for you.

    I quit at level 30 and had to admit myself it was not worth 15 a month. I was actually quite sad about this, I wanted to love ESO. If I want to play a single player Elder Scrolls game I will, too much of the game feels that way, which is either a good or bad thing depending on what you like. I enjoyed it personally, but I'm not paying 15 a month when I can go play single player RPGs that offer a better or similar experience. 

    Cyrodill PvP was very fun though and I know there's the trials and Craglorn and all that, but again, its supposed to be an MMORPG with the incentive to bond and build communities right from the get-go. Wildstar does a WAY better job at this, even though I don't like the art style it a superior game overall.

  • OldMMOGamerOldMMOGamer Member UncommonPosts: 100

    Game is fine, doing fine and way to re-open an old thread lol


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