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i think its a great game love it !!!1

blazedontblazedont Member UncommonPosts: 12
i just love it pvp pve and more i think the game getting better every day i hope to see nice good things in the future i can see my self playing this all day long love it !


  • GrygoreGrygore Member UncommonPosts: 26
    Hey, no trolling!

    Just kidding, I love it too!!!!one
  • KnotwoodKnotwood Member CommonPosts: 1,103
    You got to put more reasons then that in the post,  tell us why you love the pvp, why you love the pve in it.   It really is a gem, I love it because of the RPG side of the game.   Mainly the Questing and Exploring, and Re-exploring (seen a camp I killed off three days later be filled by another faction with a quest line to it).   That's why I love it the most!
  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455
    This seems to be a love or hate game, not much room in the middle.  I'm not sure if that is good or bad going forward. 
  • ZebladeZeblade Member UncommonPosts: 931
    Originally posted by flizzer
    This seems to be a love or hate game, not much room in the middle.  I'm not sure if that is good or bad going forward. 

    Forgive me but why must people do this? I have never seen one person one post about ESO and talking hate. People not liking the game yes. Speak truth no lies. No one hates it.

    Great game YES! As of right now though there are tons of gold sellers tons of bots in game. You can not do any public dungeons without bots in them. There is always 5 or more on the NPC that gives achievements. They are out side now botting NPCs. They are now doing the bosses and so on.

    Please. Dont leave this stuff out. If you buy the game KNOW there are bots and allot. There is NO ONE no gm nothing you can ever talk to. You report or bug and it takes about one day. They do ban but as of know the bots ALL come back the next day.

    It will hinder your questing. Search..even read ESO forums and look up word BOT. Dont believe me. Search yourself.

    When they get this fixed and they will (gonna take along time) it will be a awesome game.


  • Member UncommonPosts: 1,131
    Originally posted by Zeblade
    Originally posted by flizzer
    This seems to be a love or hate game, not much room in the middle.  I'm not sure if that is good or bad going forward. 

    Forgive me but why must people do this? I have never seen one person one post about ESO and talking hate. People not liking the game yes. Speak truth no lies. No one hates it.

    Great game YES! As of right now though there are tons of gold sellers tons of bots in game. You can not do any public dungeons without bots in them. There is always 5 or more on the NPC that gives achievements. They are out side now botting NPCs. They are now doing the bosses and so on.

    Please. Dont leave this stuff out. If you buy the game KNOW there are bots and allot. There is NO ONE no gm nothing you can ever talk to. You report or bug and it takes about one day. They do ban but as of know the bots ALL come back the next day.

    It will hinder your questing. Search..even read ESO forums and look up word BOT. Dont believe me. Search yourself.

    When they get this fixed and they will (gonna take along time) it will be a awesome game.


    You would think more folks would spend the time and effort to complain about bots themselves then the games they were in ....haven't played a game since 2004 that bots and gold sellers weren't an issue ,,,WOW had the issue for the 4+ years I played ....Gw2 fought a loosing battle for 3 or 4 months maybe longer ,,,,ESO has showed some improvement but I'm sure as long as there a benefit and a demand for gold and bots it will be an issue

  • TehrothTehroth Member Posts: 8

    People that are new to mmorpgs would like this game, veterans would see its still the stale repetitive game we've been playing since 2003. There is almost nothing unique about this  game. About the only thing different is the ES elements like lockpicking and reading lore books, but it only goes so far. Everything else feels half baked and dumbed down, except for the class system.

    Don't get me wrong some things are done well like the classes, and the voice overs, but everything else save for the graphics is subpar.

  • GrygoreGrygore Member UncommonPosts: 26
    Bah, I've played MMORPG's since 1999 and I feel this is one of the best ones to ever come out.

    I love the story, classes, exploration and yes even the questing. Yes its a themepark and they do lead you from area to area but it just doesn't feel as heavy handed as most other recent releases.

    And, I finally have a game where I actually like crafting!
  • GestankfaustGestankfaust Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    Originally posted by Grygore
    Bah, I've played MMORPG's since 1999 and I feel this is one of the best ones to ever come out.

    I love the story, classes, exploration and yes even the questing. Yes its a themepark and they do lead you from area to area but it just doesn't feel as heavy handed as most other recent releases.

    And, I finally have a game where I actually like crafting!



    Not so much on the crafting...but HOLY CRAP! I think most are just tired or retired from I say "bye". This is exactly what most would expect and want in an MMO...

    "This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."

  • DaxamarDaxamar Member UncommonPosts: 593
    Originally posted by Grygore
    Bah, I've played MMORPG's since 1999 and I feel this is one of the best ones to ever come out.

    I love the story, classes, exploration and yes even the questing. Yes its a themepark and they do lead you from area to area but it just doesn't feel as heavy handed as most other recent releases.

    And, I finally have a game where I actually like crafting!

    Same here. Im loving ti, even on VR1 grind. Theres still much for to do.

    Got my crafts almost to max, just need a few more levels.

    Not sure what people are expecting fo a MMO these days. The stuff in this one, are great. Story, lore, quest, pvp, crrafting. shard hunting, and lot of dungeons.

    Its not perfect, but its damm good!

  • ZyxxZyxx Member UncommonPosts: 49

    I like this game insanely! Gonna play this alooooot..


    To all the haters, may you take an arrow to the knee! Im gonna eat my sweetrolls and PLAY ESO HAPPILY! :D

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,656

    As a fan of old school, I find it disheartening but not surprising that many modern players have reservations about TESO. I should point out I am not a permadeath fan, the baulk of old school MMO fans only want a harder, deeper game.

    TESO is using very few old school systems. The levelling is longer but nothing like the old days, there is no auction house, 3 faction pvp (so rare these days its old school), the crafting actually meaning something, exploring an open zone.

    I would call TESO old school lite, but every one of the things I have mentioned has been criticised, from exploring taking too long to the levelling taking too long. "Too long" is a common theme, they should have heard a ding an hour ago.

    We always knew we were going to get players who would not stay, its not a game that appeals to players who think a MOBA is a MMO. So let them go.

    The game is simply the best MMO I have played since Lotro came out seven years ago.

  • ohioastroohioastro Member UncommonPosts: 534
    Originally posted by Zeblade
    Originally posted by flizzer
    This seems to be a love or hate game, not much room in the middle.  I'm not sure if that is good or bad going forward. 

    Forgive me but why must people do this? I have never seen one person one post about ESO and talking hate. People not liking the game yes. Speak truth no lies. No one hates it.

    Great game YES! As of right now though there are tons of gold sellers tons of bots in game. You can not do any public dungeons without bots in them. There is always 5 or more on the NPC that gives achievements. They are out side now botting NPCs. They are now doing the bosses and so on.

    Please. Dont leave this stuff out. If you buy the game KNOW there are bots and allot. There is NO ONE no gm nothing you can ever talk to. You report or bug and it takes about one day. They do ban but as of know the bots ALL come back the next day.

    It will hinder your questing. Search..even read ESO forums and look up word BOT. Dont believe me. Search yourself.

    When they get this fixed and they will (gonna take along time) it will be a awesome game.


    Whatever they've done, the bot crowds around delve bosses have vaporized in the last few days.  The last few that I ran in Malabar Tor and Greenshade had no more than 1-2 toons around.  I even hung around and soloed one - which is actually an interesting challenge.  (And the higher tier open world bosses are really fun challenges, with multiple waves of spawns and distinct abilities / tactics...)  The inbox gold spam has dried up, and I don't ever see any gold spam outside of the starter zones.  Crafting nodes are also much easier to find.  It's a real change.

  • summitussummitus Member UncommonPosts: 1,414

    I like ESO too , but Archeage has grabbed me in and wont let go , too many choices of what to play these days !

    glad your enjoying the game OP :)

  • MargraveMargrave Member RarePosts: 1,371
    I love it too!
  • korent1991korent1991 Member UncommonPosts: 1,364
    Originally posted by Zeblade
    Originally posted by flizzer
    This seems to be a love or hate game, not much room in the middle.  I'm not sure if that is good or bad going forward. 

    Forgive me but why must people do this? I have never seen one person one post about ESO and talking hate. People not liking the game yes. Speak truth no lies. No one hates it.

    Great game YES! As of right now though there are tons of gold sellers tons of bots in game. You can not do any public dungeons without bots in them. There is always 5 or more on the NPC that gives achievements. They are out side now botting NPCs. They are now doing the bosses and so on.

    Please. Dont leave this stuff out. If you buy the game KNOW there are bots and allot. There is NO ONE no gm nothing you can ever talk to. You report or bug and it takes about one day. They do ban but as of know the bots ALL come back the next day.

    It will hinder your questing. Search..even read ESO forums and look up word BOT. Dont believe me. Search yourself.

    When they get this fixed and they will (gonna take along time) it will be a awesome game.


    I hate it... I absolutley dislike execution on almost every major aspect of the game besides the PVP combat (even tho the map size could've been done better since there's just huge map filled with - nothing - untill you get to a pvp structure where fights happen mostly)

    Bots are in every new MMORPG and it's nothing shockingly new. If the main problems of this game would be how to counter bots and gold sellers then that would be awesome and I probably wouldn't dislike the game as much as I do now, or hate what they've done to the series.

    Tho maybe I'm just fed up with the themepark bull**** we've been fed all this years, I'm not quite sure yet. I might check out this game in a few months and see again what's it like without all the bugs and cripples, might be a whole other exp.

    "Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."

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