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Do you think Wildstar will gather the hatred that ESO has?

amber-ramber-r Member Posts: 323

This game is getting almost no attention, far less than ESO anyway.  It's now not far off release and still almost no interest at all.


A lot of the complaints aimed at ESO affect this game too, so do you think this game will fare better or worse?  One of the main reasons I initially wanted to play the game was the updated wow style characters, now that wow is updating all their models that seems less of a pull though.


So yes, will it get as much hatred or just go almost unnoticed?



  • XssivXssiv Member UncommonPosts: 359

    Considering how quiet things are this close to launch, I'd say that Carbine has a big problem on their hands.   The fact that people aren't talking about WS (good or bad) seems pretty unusual with just over a month to go before it goes live.


    I honestly don't know one person who's planning to play it at launch.   The general sentiment seems to be that they'll most likely stick with whatever MMO they're currently playing and pass on WS.    Most of these same people at least gave ESO a try and some are still enjoying it which makes them even less likely to jump into another new MMO right now.  

  • BeansnBreadBeansnBread Member EpicPosts: 7,254
    It not only has a severe lack of negativity compared to ESO by this point leading up to launch, it also seems to have a severe lack of interest compared to ESO by this point.
  • PoachinatorPoachinator Member UncommonPosts: 80
    I tried WIldstar and could not get into it. I feel like its wow in space with a telegraph combat system and tons of shinys. TBH I am done with that and if I want to do that sort of stuff why not wait for Warlords of Draenor next December when its cold and time to be in-doors more, both ESO and Wildstar releasing in Spring/Summer was probably not the wisest of choices... I think a good part of the people hating on ESO will love Wildstar because it is what they are looking for. I forsee them quickly exiting to go back to old reliable though in December. We shall see!
  • adkenneradkenner Member Posts: 18

    It's a much more complete...and IMO just a better game than I think it will do fine. 

    ESO's combat is the worst I have ever played. It is not fun in anyway. I bought ESO...played it for less than 5 total hours and was immediately disappointed and wanted a refund. I tried to get one and couldn't, and I haven't logged into ESO since. It just not fun. 

    Wildstar on the other hand has been much more fun...and its still in beta. I have actually cut myself off from the beta so I can still save some things for launch. 

    I know everyone has their opinions...but to me ESO was a piece of garbage. It was not worth the 48 bucks I paid for it..and I would rather spend 15 bucks a month on  a root canal than ever play it again. Wildstar is fun, the combat is unique and exciting, and I can't wait to play it more. 

    ESO is going to have a TON of players that are sick of that game by the time June comes around. Wildstar fans will of course get in early...but you will also see a lot of people pick up the game for Summer....and they will get hooked. 

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,418

    I have actually not really bothered since I got into beta. I know that sounds bad but the game seems okay but right now I am playing SWTOR and my PS 3 games. I will probably get this later this year.


    The elder scroll fanbase which can become hate base was larger and by no stretch of imagination do I say that.

    Garrus Signature
  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,150
    I think it will get the same sort of reception that Rift got. Its never getting the 2M sales but instead get around 1M buyers and will have 150-300k subscribers after a year which is more than enough to keep providing solid updates.
    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • DEAD.lineDEAD.line Member Posts: 424

    As much hate? Nah, ESO had the problem with it's single player counterparts. That's the main reason people are upset. In mmo terms, it has it's own issues, but when you have to follow up Skyrim, specially when you're a themepark, you've shoot yourself in the foot abit.

    Wildstar will however get it's fair share of hate threads, just like every single new mmo, including from the fans. They may be fans right now, but once the honeymoon period is over, many, but all, will turn into bitter players and backlash at the game. And many others will simply not like it and point out problem from day 1. 

    The mmorpg launch circle of life will continue, specially for themeparks. (Not that sandbox/parks are immune to it).

    Myself, i'm still enjoying ESO's launch so no need to get more popcorn. Everything at it's time.

  • DoushiDoushi Member UncommonPosts: 96

    hard to say, I doubt it. But I do not understand that how the ESO starting areas got so much hate when wildstars starting place is mayby the worst ever made for mmo, I kinda like wildstar its graphic style and the way they are designing it, but UGH the starting zone. It is so frigging boring!

    PS, swtor and eso did ruin part of other mmos for me, its hard to play without voice overs., the 4chan of mmo forums.

  • VaporsVapors Member UncommonPosts: 407
    It does not get much attention, but I often read things like "stupid gold spammers in ESO, I go wildstar" lol
  • BigbooBigboo Member Posts: 201

    Probably not.

    Downloading the beta right now. Just have to test and compare with wow, if this really is the WOW 2.0 that everyone talks about.



  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,098
    I suspect ArcheAge will steal most of the headlines from Wildstar.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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  • gelraengelraen Member UncommonPosts: 327

    I've been playing it a bit this weekend, for the first time.  I find it... hmm.  It's tough to get into the style after playing ESO (which I like the realism of), but I can imagine that's something that grows on you.  WoW certainly grew on me in time, but then again, I can't stomach the art style of WoW any longer.

    A few observations though:

    - starting area is indeed boring, as many seem to be saying.  That's the same as in ESO -- seriously devs, work on those start areas, they always suck!  It was the same in Rift as well.  GW2 did a much better job of this, imho.

    - character customization is seriously lacking.

    - game looks otherwise well designed.  Has big similarities to WoW, at least on the surface, so I guess if that's your thing it will appeal.

    - I had terrible performance overall, on my rig, which plays most games - including ESO, RIFT, and GW2 just fine on relatively high settings. I had to knock things down to Medium/Low.

    Looks like a quality production though, I'm curious to see how it's received.  

  • ZzadZzad Member UncommonPosts: 1,401

    I don´t hate WildStar.....i just don´t care about it.

    Played 2 betas and that was enough for me to realize the game is not for me...

    I really just cannnot get the hype.... WS felt so mediocre to me...too familiar.... way too much.


    I think every new MMO will get both love & hatred proportionaly to the hype they create.

    WildStar is simply not as popular as the Elder Scroll Franchise.


  • RaquisRaquis Member RarePosts: 1,029

    I must agree there is no interest in the game,i still don't know why ESO is hated its a good game maybe its the subscription.

    or its a conspiracy from other developers.

  • NixlNixl Member Posts: 67

    Don't know.

    I found the starting areas abysmal.  The rest of the game could be great, but the beginning areas killed my momentum. 



  • HeraseHerase Member RarePosts: 993

    Not really, it will get the normal negative comments like most  new MMOS, but nothing like ESO. ESO had a lot to live up to, the bar was already set for the game due to the previous titles. ESO has a had a rough ride since beta, with all the odd choices ZEN made then leading up to the final beta not giving the greatest impression of the game. think the only time the game had a nice ride was during the head start phase, everything seemed quite smooth. Then launch, things started to spiral out o control.


    Where as with wildstar, Carbine haven't really done anything out of the ordinary to raise eyebrows and made people think "wtf". Beta seems to be progressing and things seem to be getting done. And unlike ESO it hasn't got an existing audience to impress, only a new one. Saying that i don't know how the launch will turn out, could be fine or could be wank, but even then i think people won't be as upset.

  • udonudon Member UncommonPosts: 1,803
    Originally posted by amber-r

    This game is getting almost no attention, far less than ESO anyway.  It's now not far off release and still almost no interest at all.


    A lot of the complaints aimed at ESO affect this game too, so do you think this game will fare better or worse?  One of the main reasons I initially wanted to play the game was the updated wow style characters, now that wow is updating all their models that seems less of a pull though.


    So yes, will it get as much hatred or just go almost unnoticed?

    It's being made by what is considered a AAA MMO provider so yes it will get no end of hate and "F2P in a week" calls as we get closer to launch.  MMO developers can't win in this market no matter what they do and this industry's so called "fan base" is so toxic to everything they do hate will be poured on any product regardless of if it deserves it or not.

    Taken in comparison of other MMO's like SWTOR, GW2, Rift, etc. the scores people are giving ESO is just wrong and a reflection of just how soured this industry has become.  ESO has it's flaws just like Wildstar does but neither is a worse game than any of it's older theme park peers. 

  • SirBalinSirBalin Member UncommonPosts: 1,300
    Originally posted by Poachinator
    I tried WIldstar and could not get into it. I feel like its wow in space with a telegraph combat system and tons of shinys. TBH I am done with that and if I want to do that sort of stuff why not wait for Warlords of Draenor next December when its cold and time to be in-doors more, both ESO and Wildstar releasing in Spring/Summer was probably not the wisest of choices... I think a good part of the people hating on ESO will love Wildstar because it is what they are looking for. I forsee them quickly exiting to go back to old reliable though in December. We shall see!

    The telegraphed combat system is the most retarded thing i've ever

    "You're either with us or against us"

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,100
    Originally posted by Xssiv

    Considering how quiet things are this close to launch, I'd say that Carbine has a big problem on their hands.   The fact that people aren't talking about WS (good or bad) seems pretty unusual with just over a month to go before it goes live.


    I honestly don't know one person who's planning to play it at launch.   The general sentiment seems to be that they'll most likely stick with whatever MMO they're currently playing and pass on WS.    Most of these same people at least gave ESO a try and some are still enjoying it which makes them even less likely to jump into another new MMO right now.  

    I was actually planning to buy Wildstar, looking forward to it.


    Until I saw NCSoft is playing the Region Lock game again! US cannot play on EU servers and EU cannot play on US servers.

    I am not going to be forced to an EU server and have the Public chat spammed all day in different Languages. No thanks!

    Prime reason I play on US servers these days.

    And if I cannot, then no Wildstar for me. Too bad.

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    By attention I assume most people mean someone complaining about it on the forums. So the lack of attention can only be a good thing for the game. Every mmo becomes a better place to be in once all the bitching tourists move on to the next big thing. If they skip wildstar altogether, it wont have to go through that period of " attention"
  • DarwaDarwa Member UncommonPosts: 2,181
    I don't think Wildstar is good enough to elicit the hatred that ESO does.
  • DanitaKusorDanitaKusor Member UncommonPosts: 556

    Wildstar doesn't really offer anything new or exciting to make it a purchase for me. Some people have described it as WoW in space and I do get that vibe from it as it's very similar to WoW but with a few additional bits added on and few bits left off.

    The questing is pretty terrible. Quests with short text descriptions and no voice acting do not get you involved in the game world or the quest. Most are just your standard collection or kill quests (nothing new here) with a few go to area and click on something quests. Standard WoW style questing here. I probably did a hundred quests today and none stand out as memorable.

    PvP is better than WoW in that the boost to max level for the bracket also seem to level out the health/damage/etc but CC is everywhere and it's common to lose half your life or more while stunned. Melee is a major disadvantage. I was able to easy kite melee classes on my spellslinger and combined with a stun and charged up attacks could kill them easily. Most melee do have gap closers, but they are useless when ranged classes can sprint/dodge away.

    The combat is much better than your standard MMO combat and is quite fun. PvE killing of stuff was fun enough although I did think these kill challenges that popped up were too difficult because there wasn't enough spawns outside the starting area to kill them in the time provided.

    I wasn't happy with character design, especially of the female characters. The world was very bright and shiny, probably a little too much for my liking but not overly ugly and I could get used to the art style (assuming I can see the world past my character's gigantic boobs). Mobs tended to hang around in fields doing nothing like in other MMOs. There are a couple of roaming groups of herd animals I could see, but still mostly predators so not a very realistic world. That's one thing ESO has over this game it's world isn't populated by unrealistically huge populations of predators everywhere and you can actually roam around without having to fight your way past hordes of enemies.

    Now all that said, it does seem to be a fairly complete game. It has a LFG system, PvP battlegrounds, working crafting, a costume/dye system, player housing and much more. So if people are looking for an alternative to WoW and like the art style, they will probably enjoy Wildstar. If you want something new it won't really suit though.

    The Enlightened take things Lightly

  • DJJazzyDJJazzy Member UncommonPosts: 2,053

    A big reason why ESO gets a lot of flak is due to the IP and players wanting it to be like the other games in the series, specifically Skyrim. It's not the only reason for the "hatred" but it is a significant part of it.

    Wildstar won't have that burden. It will be judged strictly on the mechanics and the game world. So no, it won't have the "hatred" that ESO has.

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,184
    Originally posted by DanitaKusor


    I wasn't happy with character design, especially of the female characters. The world was very bright and shiny, probably a little too much for my liking but not overly ugly and I could get used to the art style (assuming I can see the world past my character's gigantic boobs). 

    There was a boob slider my character did not have gigantic boobs. Was that a default setting I wonder.

  • seafirexseafirex Member UncommonPosts: 419

    Like other posters said everything is top notch in the game. The beef some have about it is the fact that it is about Aliens on another planet. It is not about Orcs, Gnomes, Human, Night Elf, etc... That is the only thing.

    Other then that everything you find very good in other mmorpg you have it right here in this one. And i do mean everything. There is a few new things people did not had the chance to experience like the warplots or raids etc. But once they do see it in action and experience it , they will love it. It is just that it will take time like wow when it came out. Give it a month or 2 after release and yo uwill see lots of post about this game ( good and bad ).

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