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Which company would you pick to develop your ideal MMORPG?



  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    Originally posted by DeathmachinePT

    I would not pick a company I would pick people and create a company.


    No company is good at making a MMO or RPG it's the people behind them that are.



    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • sholo635sholo635 Member UncommonPosts: 20
    Black Isle Studios
  • Mr_SneakymanMr_Sneakyman Member UncommonPosts: 43
    Blizzard.  After ten years I still love WoW. Nothings perfect but Blizz does most things well.
  • syriinxsyriinx Member UncommonPosts: 1,383

    SoE or ArenaNet

    SoE has the creativity, ArenaNet has the least negative aspects.


    Blizzard is tempting too but id like to play it before 2030

  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455
    Originally posted by syriinx

    SoE or ArenaNet

    SoE has the creativity, ArenaNet has the least negative aspects.


    Blizzard is tempting too but id like to play it before 2030

    Hehe, I was thinking along the same lines.  

  • VorchVorch Member UncommonPosts: 793



    Both would keep the other in check

    "As you read these words, a release is seven days or less away or has just happened within the last seven days— those are now the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria."...Guild Wars 2

  • Solar_ProphetSolar_Prophet Member EpicPosts: 1,960

    Westwood Studios. Earth & Beyond was a very good game ruined primarily by the fact EA didn't spend squat advertising it, and even then it was profitable for them... just not, in their words, 'profitable enough'.

    Would have loved to see what they could do with either the Dungeons and Dragons license (maybe in the style of Eye of the Beholder), or one of their own fantasy IPs. An MMO based on Lands of Lore or NOX would've been awesome, or even Earth & Beyond 2.

    A close second would have been Destination Games, sans Garriott. Tabula Rasa had finally gotten itself in a good place when NCSoft pulled the plug due to RG's shenanigans, and I honestly feel the team really got screwed over from multiple angles during that whole debacle. TR still stands out as some of the most fun I've ever had in an MMO. The combat was a good mix of tab target and action, constant base invasions were fun to repel, the classes were a ton of fun... it really was a good game at the end.

    NetDevil is another contender. I loved Auto Assault dearly, and had an absolute blast playing it. Sadly, while individual game systems were fun, engaging, and innovative at the time, it just didn't feel like an MMO, which in the end is what killed it. Good quests, interesting areas, deep vehicle customization, Havok-based physics (made blowing stuff up so gratifying)... if only they'd gotten the multiplayer part right, or designed it as more of an ARPG lobby game like Diablo...

    AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!

    We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD. 


  • BruhzaBruhza Member UncommonPosts: 391

    Old Jagex, Blizzard and CCP.


    And they would make a Star Wars MMO.

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by Bruhza

    Old Jagex, Blizzard and CCP.


    And they would make a Star Wars MMO.


    I like the way you think! imageimage

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • maybebakedmaybebaked Member UncommonPosts: 305
    A massive sandpark created by thousands of people.
  • BartDaCatBartDaCat Member UncommonPosts: 813
    Originally posted by LeGrosGamer
    None, since the future of MMO's are in the hands of indie devs.  Some great indie titles are heading our way if you do your homework properly. Unfortunately, most of the great indie titles are releasing mid / late 2015. 

    This would probably be the closest thing to my answer as well, but I say this more in the hopes that some of the fantastic minds behind some of my previously favorite MMORPGs come to their senses, come together as a newly founded "indie developer" and co-develop something truly visionary.


    Then they would need to tap into the loyal and best minds in game marketing (I know some of you marketing folks are gamers, and games are your marketing specialty) to pitch the product to consumers in an effective manner, and find ways to fund the product that doesn't entail making "deals with the Devil" by signing on to some mega-conglomerate douchebag publishing corporation like Electronic Arts-- where the customer's opinion doesn't matter, the execs squeeze the life out of the development teams by crushing their creativity and passion, and they'll just keep taking your hard earned dollars without properly compensating you-- the paying customer-- if you're stupid enough to give them your cash.

  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Originally posted by Solar_Prophet

    NetDevil is another contender. I loved Auto Assault dearly, and had an absolute blast playing it. Sadly, while individual game systems were fun, engaging, and innovative at the time, it just didn't feel like an MMO, which in the end is what killed it. Good quests, interesting areas, deep vehicle customization, Havok-based physics (made blowing stuff up so gratifying)... if only they'd gotten the multiplayer part right, or designed it as more of an ARPG lobby game like Diablo...

    Nice one (except the end, why would anyone wish such an ill fate to a game as diablofication? that's cruel, man... :) ).

    I skipped NetDevil in my post simply beacuse I never Jumped the Gate, AA was their only game I played, so the sample is too thin to tell... But I agree, AA was among my favourite games until it lasted. Awesome game.

    "it just didn't feel like an MMO, which in the end is what killed it" - while I can't confirm it (probably only Ncsoft knows the real reason) I'm sure it had some part of the closure. Remember the poll a few months before the shutdown? Luckily I already was a screenshot junkie back then, I just had to dig it out from the old hdd :)

    7 years ago, in the era of games with "living by the raid calendar" and "endgame grind is the game", I'm sure those numbers gave the creeps to the suits at Ncsoft. Heck, even nowadays, after years of solofication is it just start to become the standard when 2/3 of the players (who weren't lazy enough for 1 click) is playing solo or solo with random groups sometimes...


    Maybe it'd be a good time to resurrect AA, with soloing is not a big issue anymore, it could be a great success :) "Good quests, interesting areas, deep vehicle customization, Havok-based physics (made blowing stuff up so gratifying)..." and also great writing, tongue-in-a-cheek humour, fun player events (ok, mostly races, but it was a vehicular game in the first place)... AA truly rocked.

  • MagiknightMagiknight Member CommonPosts: 782
    The ONLY company left with the resources, means, team, and vision to develop a good MMO is monolithsoft.
  • ApraxisApraxis Member UncommonPosts: 1,518
    Originally posted by Solar_Prophet

    Westwood Studios. Earth & Beyond was a very good game ruined primarily by the fact EA didn't spend squat advertising it, and even then it was profitable for them... just not, in their words, 'profitable enough'.

    Would have loved to see what they could do with either the Dungeons and Dragons license (maybe in the style of Eye of the Beholder), or one of their own fantasy IPs. An MMO based on Lands of Lore or NOX would've been awesome, or even Earth & Beyond 2.

    A close second would have been Destination Games, sans Garriott. Tabula Rasa had finally gotten itself in a good place when NCSoft pulled the plug due to RG's shenanigans, and I honestly feel the team really got screwed over from multiple angles during that whole debacle. TR still stands out as some of the most fun I've ever had in an MMO. The combat was a good mix of tab target and action, constant base invasions were fun to repel, the classes were a ton of fun... it really was a good game at the end.


    Yeap... a lot of those EA ruined old studios come to mind.

    Origin(Richard Garriott + Chris Roberts), Bullfrog(Peter Molyneux, i would be curious how he would do a MMO), Westwood all before EA took them over and ruined them. As for now? I am curious how all those small indy, but creative crowd-funded companies will do.

    A indy, crowd funded project from Warren Spector (Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex) would be very interesting and a instant backing from me. (though another one of those very creative, talented old Origin developer.. Origin was really the best gaming company i can remember)

    From big companies.. well a take from Valve on MMOs could be indeed very interesting.

  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by maybebaked
    A massive sandpark created by thousands of people.

    lol .. a group of random people is the least likely to make any good product.

  • syriinxsyriinx Member UncommonPosts: 1,383
    Originally posted by Stizzled
    I'd probably have to go with SOE. Regardless of mistakes they've made in the past, they have the budget

    This is actually my biggest concern with SoE

    They have spread themselves thin and while EQ and EQ2 have fairly healthy and stable populations, there can't be a ton of revenue coming in.  I guess when you factor in DCUO and PS2 it adds up, but with landmark, eqnext, and zombies all in development they are certainly stretched thin.


  • PhertiasPhertias Member UncommonPosts: 51

    1) Carbine (who makes Wildstar) because they practically have done everything right so far and they listen so well to the customers

    2) Funcom, because TSW and AoC were some of the best games I have ever seen and they have a unique feeling. If you need a good history, its only Blizzard who could ever compete

    3) Trion, because theyre god damn good

    Bottom 3 (just because why not)

    3) NEXON, because low-quality f2p games are not my type of games 

    2) EA, because you know fucking why EA! 

    1) SOE, because they dont know how to keep a game alive. I dont think they have ever believed in any single other game than EQ and its sequels 

  • fyerwallfyerwall Member UncommonPosts: 3,240

    Some Pre-Acti Blizzard with some Current SOE talent, Ragnar Tornquist for story/lore and Raph Koster for overall game lead. 

    And have it be an original IP from the ground up. No previous canon to live upto. A mix of sci fi and fantasy, not leaning too much in one direction or the other.

    There are 3 types of people in the world.
    1.) Those who make things happen
    2.) Those who watch things happen
    3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
     Turbine .. without Warner Bros attached to them ...
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Hmm, good question. It would have to be someone who can afford to make a good MMO with really skilled programmers.

    Rockstar & Valve would work excellent, both go their own way and have really talented people and cash enough to make a massive MMO.

    For people actually doing MMOs right now it would be ANET and Undead labs. UL do have Strain as leader and visionary, good enough for me.

    CCP have the talent but not the money, that is why they iced WoDo. Trion are great supporting their games but they just can't make a game that give me the right vibes from it. Blizzard isn't original enough and Turbine has fallen since AC. SOE doesn't really have the cash and they are far too greedy with their F2P system.

  • BeansnBreadBeansnBread Member EpicPosts: 7,254
  • VendakuVendaku Member Posts: 77
    Blizzard has the deepest pockets to make it happen I reckon!
  • RattenmannRattenmann Member UncommonPosts: 613

    Blizzard or Sony.


    Both have,...

    1. The cash to pull it off.
    2. The experience to not screw it up.
    3. Done great games in the past that i still play today.
    4. A payment model i like.


    While i like the pure Sub model more, SOE actually has a solid FTP. I can just pay monthly and get everything. Something that other FTP games should adopt in my eyes.

    MMOs finally replaced social interaction, forced grouping and standing in a line while talking to eachother.

    Now we have forced soloing, forced questing and everyone is the hero, without ever having to talk to anyone else. The evolution of multiplayer is here! We won,... right?

  • Vermillion_RaventhalVermillion_Raventhal Member EpicPosts: 4,199
    Blizzard if they did a Sandbox.  A Raph Koster lead company as well.
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by Vermillion_Raventhal
    Blizzard if they did a Sandbox.  A Raph Koster lead company as well.

    Raph Koster haven't done anything substantial for a long time. He may not even be up to speed on latest game technology. I won't trust him even with kickstarter money (not that I will trust anyone with KS).


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