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People need to stop complaining..The issues will be resolved

dbgagerdbgager Member UncommonPosts: 175
Zenimax seems to be very proactive. The issues with Bots, Gold Spammers, Bugs will be resolved. Give the game a little time to mature. It can only get better. We are already to patch 5 ..In what ...3 weeks.


  • dbgagerdbgager Member UncommonPosts: 175
    Sorry I should say people need to be patient..Complaining is good as long as it is done in a constructive way it makes them aware of where issues exist.
  • DataDayDataDay Member UncommonPosts: 1,538

    The problem isnt just the gold spammers or even the bugs. The game is flawed in its design,  flawed to the point where it will require way too much work and really a miracle to turn around.

    I see a lot of people defending the game as though its some how tied to their self esteem. That needs to stop. Zenimax isnt experienced in this particular genre, and it shows. The name (Elder scrolls) might have gotten a lot of people to purchase, but the design isnt there where they will stay.

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465

    But why should people keep playing/paying in the meantime?

    Better for people to not subscribe and save the $15/mo while Zenimax gets their game together, in 6 months, and then maybe sub again.

    Having a sub these days makes people expect more, from a game and a company.

    If a company is not doing enough to earn that sub, people shouldn't pay it until they do.

    (Let alone pay $60 for the box).

  • dbgagerdbgager Member UncommonPosts: 175
    Originally posted by Rabenwolf

    The problem isnt just the gold spammers or even the bugs. The game is flawed in its design,  flawed to the point where it will require way too much work and really a miracle to turn around.

    I see a lot of people defending the game as though its some how tied to their self esteem. That needs to stop. Zenimax isnt experienced in this particular genre, and it shows. The name (Elder scrolls) might have gotten a lot of people to purchase, but the design isnt there where they will stay.

    lol...Its called you either enjoy the game or you don't. Its as simple as that. People are defending the game because they are having a fun time playing it. and that is the only reason. When they stop having a fun time they will stop defending it.

  • dbgagerdbgager Member UncommonPosts: 175
    Originally posted by Burntvet

    But why should people keep playing/paying in the meantime?

    Better for people to not subscribe and save the $15/mo while Zenimax gets their game together, in 6 months, and then maybe sub again.

    Having a sub these days makes people expect more, from a game and a company.

    If a company is not doing enough to earn that sub, people shouldn't pay it until they do.

    (Let alone pay $60 for the box).

    These games are super complex. This game was nearly 40 GB installed. There is no such thing as a bug free game when it is released.  Especially not an MMO.

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    Originally posted by dbgager
    Originally posted by Burntvet

    But why should people keep playing/paying in the meantime?

    Better for people to not subscribe and save the $15/mo while Zenimax gets their game together, in 6 months, and then maybe sub again.

    Having a sub these days makes people expect more, from a game and a company.

    If a company is not doing enough to earn that sub, people shouldn't pay it until they do.

    (Let alone pay $60 for the box).

    These games are super complex. This game was nearly 40 GB installed. There is no such thing as a bug free game when it is released.  Especially not an MMO.

    That is true.

    And it does not answer my question in the least degree.

  • KnotwoodKnotwood Member CommonPosts: 1,103
    It will definatly be fixed,   in fact the last list was huge on the fixes they did, but I think they could have used some more MegaServer Techs who knew what the hell they were doing.   Maybe a company making its first MMO should have used servers instead of a Megaserver.
  • OtakunOtakun Member UncommonPosts: 874
    20 gigs of the game is just all the voice overs. So, saying it's 40 gigs doesn't mean much. 
  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Even if it's not fixed complaining here is really no better than crying on some strangers shoulder. It's not like anyone at ESO ever reads all this non-sense.
  • DataDayDataDay Member UncommonPosts: 1,538
    Originally posted by dbgager
    Originally posted by Rabenwolf

    The problem isnt just the gold spammers or even the bugs. The game is flawed in its design,  flawed to the point where it will require way too much work and really a miracle to turn around.

    I see a lot of people defending the game as though its some how tied to their self esteem. That needs to stop. Zenimax isnt experienced in this particular genre, and it shows. The name (Elder scrolls) might have gotten a lot of people to purchase, but the design isnt there where they will stay.

    lol...Its called you either enjoy the game or you don't. Its as simple as that. People are defending the game because they are having a fun time playing it. and that is the only reason. When they stop having a fun time they will stop defending it.

    No its not as simple as that. I wish it were, but theres sentiment involved...its where we get the term "fanboy" from. Its not rational. People, gamers as well, often have a bad habit of showcasing brand loyalty... the behavioral science reason for this is that they have tied their emotional well being to the brand itself...thus self esteem.

    Take Apple products for could be a horrible product, but once the person, an apple fanboy buys it, they might feel the need to defend it or it as a purchase because in a way, they are also defending themselves.

    I know this might be kind of deep for some, but once you start educating yourself on the whys and the hows, you realize nothing is ever "that simple". I mean can you even define enjoyment?

    Many of those who defend the game, such as yourself (given some of your posts I have seen) make it PERSONAL. Thats the problem, and when you make it personal your target or goal is more about discrediting the person rather than the content.

    One could also argue that if X person is here defending the game it means they are not really enjoying it to the point where they would rather play it than spend much of their time on a forum defending it...UNLESS the act of defending it gives them that enjoyment...which is odd because you would think a game gives more enjoyment than the defense of it on a forum.

    Originally posted by DamonVile
    Even if it's not fixed complaining here is really no better than crying on some strangers shoulder. It's not like anyone at ESO ever reads all this non-sense.

    Depends... are coping mechanism pointless? Usually when people have some sort of invested interest in something, they feel the need to express it as a coping mechanism...primarily when its negative. For example...a user buys the $99 collectors edition, hypes themselves up for months prior, lots of time is spent thinking about it...and then they get the game, get a negative response and cant stand it. Well there needs to be an outlet, usually in the form of expressing an opinion and where better where there are others who share that same opinion.

    So its reasonable to an extent.

  • DatawarlockDatawarlock Member Posts: 338
    Originally posted by dbgager
    Originally posted by Burntvet

    But why should people keep playing/paying in the meantime?

    Better for people to not subscribe and save the $15/mo while Zenimax gets their game together, in 6 months, and then maybe sub again.

    Having a sub these days makes people expect more, from a game and a company.

    If a company is not doing enough to earn that sub, people shouldn't pay it until they do.

    (Let alone pay $60 for the box).

    These games are super complex. This game was nearly 40 GB installed. There is no such thing as a bug free game when it is released.  Especially not an MMO.

    So... about half of that is voice overs, and at least half of what's leftover are the graphics. Strip all that away and your code and mechanics aren't all that much more complex than something from 10 years ago if drive space is now some new sort of measurement for complexity lol!

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,634
    The issues will get resolved, but players will complain until then. I have hardly seen a bug, the few I have I reported in game. But for some coming on here and sounding of  about them is far more satisfying. 
  • MalaboogaMalabooga Member UncommonPosts: 2,977
    Originally posted by dbgager
    Originally posted by Burntvet

    But why should people keep playing/paying in the meantime?

    Better for people to not subscribe and save the $15/mo while Zenimax gets their game together, in 6 months, and then maybe sub again.

    Having a sub these days makes people expect more, from a game and a company.

    If a company is not doing enough to earn that sub, people shouldn't pay it until they do.

    (Let alone pay $60 for the box).

    These games are super complex. This game was nearly 40 GB installed. There is no such thing as a bug free game when it is released.  Especially not an MMO.

    making a car is also super complex yet when i buy one i expect working one.

    Making a airplane is aslo super complex yet when i buy one i expect fully working one.

    If they arent capable of delivering semi-working product they shouldnt make games. End of story.

  • mbrodiembrodie Member RarePosts: 1,504

    the 5 patches in 3 weeks.. is more like 5 patches in a month one of which was literally a hotfix with 2 fixes, are very trivial and mainly bugged out quests which for some of us were that gamebeaking that at level 43 i couldnt progress my character any futher and had to reroll... and when i finally overtook my first toon with my new one i finally got a reply back from customer service something like 2 weeks later finally offering to abandon the quest my character was stuck on in the story quest line.. that i was unable to abandon for myself.


    i enjoy the game, i find it fairly challenging and paced well for leveling assuming you dont exploit etc...


    there are far too many bugs and constant issues happening that shouldnt be considering i'm about to pay my sub which means my 30 days is almost over and i'm about to be paying for a beta quality product, but i'm sure the game will be perfect and polished for it's release on consoles in june.


    they need todo more and faster.

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    My sub is ending in 11 days.

    I'm definately interested in coming back but I'll check out Wildstar in between while they make some content/changes for ESO.

  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916

    Every new MMO launch has it's month of "forum frenzy".


    Most of the complaining and venting about any MMO has little to do with "reality", it's pure emotion. Most people are just looking for personal validation, regardless of how trivial their issue may seem to everyone else.


    I'm sure quite a few people that are active on these forums are only here because there's a high level of activity currently, not because they are specifically interested in ESO. Being active here means they can get more attention (especially by posting provocatively-worded comments or thread headlines).

  • otacuotacu Member UncommonPosts: 547
    Originally posted by dbgager
    Originally posted by Burntvet

    But why should people keep playing/paying in the meantime?

    Better for people to not subscribe and save the $15/mo while Zenimax gets their game together, in 6 months, and then maybe sub again.

    Having a sub these days makes people expect more, from a game and a company.

    If a company is not doing enough to earn that sub, people shouldn't pay it until they do.

    (Let alone pay $60 for the box).

    These games are super complex. This game was nearly 40 GB installed. There is no such thing as a bug free game when it is released.  Especially not an MMO.

    You're just saying that he is right and people should just unsubscribe and come back in 6 months

  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    Originally posted by Rabenwolf

    The problem isnt just the gold spammers or even the bugs. The game is flawed in its design,  flawed to the point where it will require way too much work and really a miracle to turn around.

    I see a lot of people defending the game as though its some how tied to their self esteem. That needs to stop. Zenimax isnt experienced in this particular genre, and it shows. The name (Elder scrolls) might have gotten a lot of people to purchase, but the design isnt there where they will stay.

    ^^This^^ and everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the game, after all they did pay for the game to play it. This always happens when an mmo comes out and people have hyped  themselves for it to be a good game and it ends up not being what's expected. There are also always people there to defend the flaws of a game and say just give it time and be patient and bash anyone with criticism about it, so emotionally invested, it's very odd. :)


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • RamanadjinnRamanadjinn Member UncommonPosts: 1,365
    Originally posted by Ice-Queen
    Originally posted by Rabenwolf

    The problem isnt just the gold spammers or even the bugs. The game is flawed in its design,  flawed to the point where it will require way too much work and really a miracle to turn around.

    I see a lot of people defending the game as though its some how tied to their self esteem. That needs to stop. Zenimax isnt experienced in this particular genre, and it shows. The name (Elder scrolls) might have gotten a lot of people to purchase, but the design isnt there where they will stay.

    ^^This^^ and everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the game, after all they did pay for the game to play it. This always happens when an mmo comes out and people have hyped  themselves for it to be a good game and it ends up not being what's expected. There are also always people there to defend the flaws of a game and say just give it time and be patient and bash anyone with criticism about it, so emotionally invested, it's very odd. :)


    Usually when a turd of a game plops out and most folks hate it, there are still some who genuinely love the thing and will do so for years.

    Which is not to say you're wrong.  I think many game apologists are doing just as you say. 

    But theres always a few people who genuinely do love a turd and will never see why it is what it is.

    I know a guy who to this day just doesn't see why all his friends left SWTOR.  He still thinks its the greatest MMO to ever launch, and for him at least, he's right.

  • PigozzPigozz Member UncommonPosts: 886

    Its more bugged than AoC

    You know how AoC ended

    That game was equally maybe more hyped than this (people are now more aware of vaporware and empty promises)

    When I think about it - AoC with its mechanics such as mounted combat,gfx, collision, ffa PvP, combos was more innovative than this haha

    I think I actually spent way more time reading and theorycrafting about MMOs than playing them

  • CetraCetra Member UncommonPosts: 359
    Originally posted by Pigozz

    Its more bugged than AoC

    wtf u talking? ESO is 100x in a better shape than AoC.right now.

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    So you're an apologist now if you don't follow the herd and agree with what that made up "most" people think. If you do follow that popularity herd drinking the hateoraid,  that entitles you to make condescending remarks about people who make their own mind up about a game and feel superior ,having made the popular choice because it's popular.
  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Originally posted by Ramanadjinn
    Originally posted by Ice-Queen
    Originally posted by Rabenwolf

    The problem isnt just the gold spammers or even the bugs. The game is flawed in its design,  flawed to the point where it will require way too much work and really a miracle to turn around.

    I see a lot of people defending the game as though its some how tied to their self esteem. That needs to stop. Zenimax isnt experienced in this particular genre, and it shows. The name (Elder scrolls) might have gotten a lot of people to purchase, but the design isnt there where they will stay.

    ^^This^^ and everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the game, after all they did pay for the game to play it. This always happens when an mmo comes out and people have hyped  themselves for it to be a good game and it ends up not being what's expected. There are also always people there to defend the flaws of a game and say just give it time and be patient and bash anyone with criticism about it, so emotionally invested, it's very odd. :)


    Usually when a turd of a game plops out and most folks hate it, there are still some who genuinely love the thing and will do so for years.

    Which is not to say you're wrong.  I think many game apologists are doing just as you say. 

    But theres always a few people who genuinely do love a turd and will never see why it is what it is.

    I know a guy who to this day just doesn't see why all his friends left SWTOR.  He still thinks its the greatest MMO to ever launch, and for him at least, he's right.

    Could it possibly be usage of terms like "turd" that rub people the wrong way that like the game.  I dislike Eve Online, but I do not call it a turd to people that like it.  The people that dislike ESO seem to be like Ex-boyfriend stalkers...creepy in the shadows always trying to get back the "love" of ESO, but ESO will never be right for them.  They just need to let go and move on.

  • VoiidiinVoiidiin Member Posts: 817

    Gotta say that i enjoyed my stay in TESO, but i got it to be in AvA, and well AvA is not really doable for me.

    Best wishes to all of you who stick with this game, i hope they get this stuff sorted for all of you.

    Lolipops !

  • RamanadjinnRamanadjinn Member UncommonPosts: 1,365
    Originally posted by Horusra
    Originally posted by Ramanadjinn

    Usually when a turd of a game plops out and most folks hate it, there are still some who genuinely love the thing and will do so for years.

    Which is not to say you're wrong.  I think many game apologists are doing just as you say. 

    But theres always a few people who genuinely do love a turd and will never see why it is what it is.

    I know a guy who to this day just doesn't see why all his friends left SWTOR.  He still thinks its the greatest MMO to ever launch, and for him at least, he's right.

    Could it possibly be usage of terms like "turd" that rub people the wrong way that like the game.  I dislike Eve Online, but I do not call it a turd to people that like it.  The people that dislike ESO seem to be like Ex-boyfriend stalkers...creepy in the shadows always trying to get back the "love" of ESO, but ESO will never be right for them.  They just need to let go and move on.


    It can be any number of words that rub people the wrong way.

    People get upset when we mock games they love.  It is the way of things and I don't pretend to care to understand why.

    In any case, Rabenwolf brought up the subject of "when an mmo comes out and people have hyped themselves for it."  He then goes on to elaborate on this hypothetical case where the game falls short of expectations.

    It was that hypothetical "turd" to which I was referring, predefined as such but not in so many words by his hypothetical example.

    Whether you do or do not classify TESO as such a "turd" is up to you.  I don't claim it to be either way.


    My opinion of the game is that I am 90% a PVP player who skipped all the PVE content to grind mobs to VR1.  I'm not going to rate content I didn't do and wouldn't like even if I did it because its not my kind of thing.


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