Valve has way too much power over PC gaming. Sure, maybe they might be doing things okay now...but what about the future? I agree with TB though completely. What happens when Gabe kicks it or retires? Thats when we start needing to worry about Valve's monopoly over the PC game industry. (The PC game industry that may be the only option if the consoles ever cease production)
Also gotta love that return policy Valve return for life. Good consumer loyalty right there.
I love Steam. But he has some points. Steam is not perfect. A "New to Steam" tab would be very easy to do to stop any confusion. However, Steam is not hard to navigate. I see TB's point but I can find any new release I want to. Lol, I am more pissy about how much Steam went down last month. I am on there everyday....
Point: Steam is not lying to you, but they also could neaten up their interface and work to make games easier to buy. I think they are on that path already though with tags.
Total Biscuit talks about how Valve is missleading people about release dates and other things which could be much better. New titles are "drowned" by the amount of old ones on the front page of steam.
I 100% agree with him. I have felt the same way for a long time now. I have lots of games on steam but I wished it could be much better than this. Anyone know if something better is on its way, as I have been quite tired of steam lately. Maybe Google or another great company can do something better.
Yeah, I don't see anything misleading about this. More exposure for green-lit games. I'm personally fine with this. I'm tired of all of the same games anyways. So more power to Valve! Who cares about the 33rd release of Call of Duty? Who cares about Assassins' Creed 5-6, or Battlefield 4-5 (actually like 19th in the series). It doesn't bother me that other titles are overwhelming a very bland market with much more unique titles.
If this "misleading" deception was so bad we wouldn't have seen games like Banished. Valve is also trying to branch off and make more games for their OS and Steam Box. Something that's quite lacking at the moment. So if this means more releases centralized around Valve so be it. If you want to fork out 60 dollars to the newest EA title. They have their own "steam" application.
Why can't we have older classics on the steam store?
What's wrong with that?
I personally enjoy seeing Baldur's Gate get some more sales; it's an outstanding game. Sure there are a lot of bad games out there. But a little research goes a long way and hearing TB complain about this simply makes me think he's saying, "I'm here to blame Valve for their green-light system because it's costing me money due to my poor purchasing/research habits." His utter lack in willingness to research about titles is out right lazy and he looks totally incompetent stating his issues with Valve at this moment.
When someone like TB who's life revolves around the gaming industry isn't doing his research for the products he's going to test, commentate, and/or review. Then in my opinion, he loses most if not all credibility as a reliable source of knowledge/information within the gaming industry.
More exposure for greenlight games until a company dumps their old library of titles and those games get wiped off the new releases page..
Also, if YOU did your research about TB you would realize that he doesn't deal with purchasing the games. He gets codes for them from companies free normally and has other people in his company help to determine what gets coverage.
If an old game is newly released, whether it be new to PC or a new release to steam, it qualifies as a new release. If you are using steam as your gaming news for new releases, you are already doing it wrong.
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Originally posted by Tygranir If an old game is newly released, whether it be new to PC or a new release to steam, it qualifies as a new release. If you are using steam as your gaming news for new releases, you are already doing it wrong.
When I go to the store I really love it when all the old stuff is visible and the new stuff is hidden in the back... /sarcasm off
The problem is that this new release page is not being properly handled by Valve. It is just common sense for new stuff, that is more likely to sell, to have far more visibility. What is wrong with having a section that is "New to steam" and "New releases"? Valve only benefits from this change. Just because you browse the internet for information on new releases does not mean everyone else does. It certainly does not mean they are doing it wrong, either. That is like telling someone who is shopping at the supermarket that they are doing it wrong because they looked in the dairy aisle for Milk.
Originally posted by Tygranir If an old game is newly released, whether it be new to PC or a new release to steam, it qualifies as a new release. If you are using steam as your gaming news for new releases, you are already doing it wrong.
When I go to the store I really love it when all the old stuff is visible and the new stuff is hidden in the back... /sarcasm off
The problem is that this new release page is not being properly handled by Valve. It is just common sense for new stuff, that is more likely to sell, to have far more visibility. What is wrong with having a section that is "New to steam" and "New releases"? Valve only benefits from this change. Just because you browse the internet for information on new releases does not mean everyone else does. It certainly does not mean they are doing it wrong, either. That is like telling someone who is shopping at the supermarket that they are doing it wrong because they looked in the dairy aisle for Milk.
it is new stuff.
If you look at the bottom left corner of the 'add' you will see that its either an update or a mod or a new map.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
People here seem to have a hearing disorder or selective hearing as TB is not trashing Steam in that Vid. It's obvious to me from watching it that he likes Steam a great deal and that is why he cares enough to put out a video detailing why Steam is kinda stepping on actual new releases with all of the "New to Steam" titles. I've been rather annoyed by this as of late as well. Steam really only needs to add one tab to the front page... New to Steam. This would get all of these old titles out of the New Release section but still keep them easily accessed for those that are interested. TB actually states that there is a place for older games on Steam just not in the New Release section.
Now as for all of the "Shovelware" that has been appearing in the last few months that are new releases... They really need to step up quality control a little bit but not nearly as strict as they used to be. More choices is always better but they also need to be concerned about their customers buying games they know are total buggy pieces of crap. The new "Simulations" that seem to appear almost daily come to mind. 90% of them are total dross with nothing in their Steam forums but angry customer complaints. Those should not be allowed on Steam as they are not even playable 75% of the time.
TB does make some very valid points and Steam needs to do something to clean up this issue.
Except there are people like me who really like seeing games that are arriving on Steam, whether they are actually new or not. They aren't doing this to trick people, they are doing this because there are people (like me) who see these games and think, "Yes, I will buy this now, because not only was it a cool game, it's on sale and now very accessible."
Reread my post and rewatch the Vid... Neither TB or myself are suggesting that they not be displayed.... just that they should be in a different place than the "New Release" section as they are not new releases. Also neither TB or myself are suggesting that Steam is being deceitful in what they are currently doing. They just aren't putting these old games in a proper place because they have yet to create said proper place so they are just dumping them all in with the new releases. Old games are very important as some are excellent games and deserve their spot on Steam... Their own spot and not mixed in with the actual new releases.
Again, there are people (like me) who like them there*.
* When there is an update to the game or the game is newly released on Steam.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
People here seem to have a hearing disorder or selective hearing as TB is not trashing Steam in that Vid. It's obvious to me from watching it that he likes Steam a great deal and that is why he cares enough to put out a video detailing why Steam is kinda stepping on actual new releases with all of the "New to Steam" titles. I've been rather annoyed by this as of late as well. Steam really only needs to add one tab to the front page... New to Steam. This would get all of these old titles out of the New Release section but still keep them easily accessed for those that are interested. TB actually states that there is a place for older games on Steam just not in the New Release section.
Now as for all of the "Shovelware" that has been appearing in the last few months that are new releases... They really need to step up quality control a little bit but not nearly as strict as they used to be. More choices is always better but they also need to be concerned about their customers buying games they know are total buggy pieces of crap. The new "Simulations" that seem to appear almost daily come to mind. 90% of them are total dross with nothing in their Steam forums but angry customer complaints. Those should not be allowed on Steam as they are not even playable 75% of the time.
TB does make some very valid points and Steam needs to do something to clean up this issue.
Except there are people like me who really like seeing games that are arriving on Steam, whether they are actually new or not. They aren't doing this to trick people, they are doing this because there are people (like me) who see these games and think, "Yes, I will buy this now, because not only was it a cool game, it's on sale and now very accessible."
Reread my post and rewatch the Vid... Neither TB or myself are suggesting that they not be displayed.... just that they should be in a different place than the "New Release" section as they are not new releases. Also neither TB or myself are suggesting that Steam is being deceitful in what they are currently doing. They just aren't putting these old games in a proper place because they have yet to create said proper place so they are just dumping them all in with the new releases. Old games are very important as some are excellent games and deserve their spot on Steam... Their own spot and not mixed in with the actual new releases.
Again, there are people (like me) who like them there*.
* When there is an update to the game or the game is newly released on Steam.
well what he is suggesting isnt all that bad. They could have a different banner for 'new updates'.
Having said that, doing such a modification is far from fixing a shitty product. It is instead a good idea on enhancements.
I have never understood why when some in the community finds one thing that could be done better they end up calling the entire product shit, evil, misleading.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
People here seem to have a hearing disorder or selective hearing as TB is not trashing Steam in that Vid. It's obvious to me from watching it that he likes Steam a great deal and that is why he cares enough to put out a video detailing why Steam is kinda stepping on actual new releases with all of the "New to Steam" titles. I've been rather annoyed by this as of late as well. Steam really only needs to add one tab to the front page... New to Steam. This would get all of these old titles out of the New Release section but still keep them easily accessed for those that are interested. TB actually states that there is a place for older games on Steam just not in the New Release section.
Now as for all of the "Shovelware" that has been appearing in the last few months that are new releases... They really need to step up quality control a little bit but not nearly as strict as they used to be. More choices is always better but they also need to be concerned about their customers buying games they know are total buggy pieces of crap. The new "Simulations" that seem to appear almost daily come to mind. 90% of them are total dross with nothing in their Steam forums but angry customer complaints. Those should not be allowed on Steam as they are not even playable 75% of the time.
TB does make some very valid points and Steam needs to do something to clean up this issue.
Except there are people like me who really like seeing games that are arriving on Steam, whether they are actually new or not. They aren't doing this to trick people, they are doing this because there are people (like me) who see these games and think, "Yes, I will buy this now, because not only was it a cool game, it's on sale and now very accessible."
Reread my post and rewatch the Vid... Neither TB or myself are suggesting that they not be displayed.... just that they should be in a different place than the "New Release" section as they are not new releases. Also neither TB or myself are suggesting that Steam is being deceitful in what they are currently doing. They just aren't putting these old games in a proper place because they have yet to create said proper place so they are just dumping them all in with the new releases. Old games are very important as some are excellent games and deserve their spot on Steam... Their own spot and not mixed in with the actual new releases.
Again, there are people (like me) who like them there*.
* When there is an update to the game or the game is newly released on Steam.
well what he is suggesting isnt all that bad. They could have a different banner for 'new updates'.
Having said that, doing such a modification is far from fixing a shitty product. It is instead a good idea on enhancements.
I have never understood why when some in the community finds one thing that could be done better they end up calling the entire product shit, evil, misleading.
I have never understood why some in the community don't understand that "something can be done better" just means "something can be done differently, in a way that I like".
I like Steam the way it is. It works for me without any modifications or changes. I certainly wouldn't cry over any changes though. That said, what is the incentive for Valve to make such a change? Are they going to sell more games? Unless the answer is, "Yes" then there is no reason for Valve to change what they are doing.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Except your factoids ring kinda false.. I used to run a Google Adsense account on a site and my own tests on it pointed to 0.5 to 5-10 cents per click depending on ad displayed.
As for TB himself... his reviews are informative enough and some of his vids are entertaining and as far as his living status... well using the example of BohemianEagle whom has around 200k subs and is comfortably living off that I can say quite easily that TB with a order higher may indeed be very well off.
Actually he is right. TB is part of a collective that handles the legal side of things. It works differently than being independent.
that being said, it is sad to see Valveboys attacking someone for wanting a simple change that keeps decade ole shovelware garbage from killing exposure of new indie games by hard working devs.
Doesn't the guy have his own SC2 team. If that is not getting rich off of YT than I don't know what is.
He does, but he's definetly not rich, he spends lots of money for other people. Having a sc2 costs him a lot of his money and time. He deserves way more than he makes, guess where would he spend that money if he made more ? Gaming industry, probably would organize even more tournaments FROM HIS OWN POCKET and would expand his sc2 team or add another game division to his team.
Well to those that argued against me, here is some proof that totalbiscuit isn't making a ton of money on Youtube.
This girl has almost 6 million subscribers on just one of her channels and her videos average just under 2 million views each (9x TBs average) and is near the top money earner on Youtube making near 40k per month and that is with over 2x the total amount of views of TB that was on youtube 3 years longer than her. Its doubtful that Busicuit is even making more than 10k a month.
Bout time people started to realize Steam/Valve was a jumbled bloatware mess. Of course Origin is even worse. Interested to see what Trion comes up with, looks like it could be what Steam should be honestly.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV Have played: You name it If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
I like Origin. The client is written using Qt Framework so its stylish AND fast unlike steam's client that just have to self-update each time i run it and then boot for 20+ seconds. I don't have that issue with Origin, and if I have the option, I use EA's platform, not Steam.
Not to mention that Steam has become indy game trashcan lately. I don't like Minecraft and the likes and I never will. Simple as that.
I think I just threw up a little after reading this.
Origin is crap. Their games are little bit to expensive. However at least GOG don't lie about the release dates as valve does. I have started to buy many of my games there. However I wished valve would stop lying about it.
I don't understand why some people here accept all negative things a company does. I guess that even if the company would poo on their face they would say it's fine and would encourage them to do it again.
Total Biscuit talks about how Valve is missleading people about release dates and other things which could be much better. New titles are "drowned" by the amount of old ones on the front page of steam.
I 100% agree with him. I have felt the same way for a long time now. I have lots of games on steam but I wished it could be much better than this. Anyone know if something better is on its way, as I have been quite tired of steam lately. Maybe Google or another great company can do something better.
I have been looking around steam and before I buy anything on there I always look at metacritic and confirm that I'm not throwing my money away. Its hard to find the more recent stuff compared to older stuff, everything is just jumbled together.
If you roamed around Steam you would see this as an issue.
========================== The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
Total Biscuit talks about how Valve is missleading people about release dates and other things which could be much better. New titles are "drowned" by the amount of old ones on the front page of steam.
I 100% agree with him. I have felt the same way for a long time now. I have lots of games on steam but I wished it could be much better than this. Anyone know if something better is on its way, as I have been quite tired of steam lately. Maybe Google or another great company can do something better.
I have been looking around steam and before I buy anything on there I always look at metacritic and confirm that I'm not throwing my money away. Its hard to find the more recent stuff compared to older stuff, everything is just jumbled together.
If you roamed around Steam you would see this as an issue.
I agree it's a mess in steam these days. But I guess it's meant to be a mess so they can indirectly lure their customers easier.
Total Biscuit talks about how Valve is missleading people about release dates and other things which could be much better. New titles are "drowned" by the amount of old ones on the front page of steam.
I 100% agree with him. I have felt the same way for a long time now. I have lots of games on steam but I wished it could be much better than this. Anyone know if something better is on its way, as I have been quite tired of steam lately. Maybe Google or another great company can do something better.
I have been looking around steam and before I buy anything on there I always look at metacritic and confirm that I'm not throwing my money away. Its hard to find the more recent stuff compared to older stuff, everything is just jumbled together.
If you roamed around Steam you would see this as an issue.
I agree it's a mess in steam these days. But I guess it's meant to be a mess so they can indirectly lure their customers easier.
I'm confused. Doesn't Steam have a search function? Did that break or something?
There are tons of ways to keep yourself updated on what's being released without using Steam at all.
I primarily use it for convenience, not as a game news app, I honestly don't see a problem. Not only that but what other platform supports indie developers as much as Steam does.. my guess is none
Total Biscuit talks about how Valve is missleading people about release dates and other things which could be much better. New titles are "drowned" by the amount of old ones on the front page of steam.
I 100% agree with him. I have felt the same way for a long time now. I have lots of games on steam but I wished it could be much better than this. Anyone know if something better is on its way, as I have been quite tired of steam lately. Maybe Google or another great company can do something better.
Why is TB so famous anyway?
He often spouts nonsense and has been accused of (and proven of) taking bribes.
So basically, what I am saying is who cares what that guy says.
Total Biscuit talks about how Valve is missleading people about release dates and other things which could be much better. New titles are "drowned" by the amount of old ones on the front page of steam.
I 100% agree with him. I have felt the same way for a long time now. I have lots of games on steam but I wished it could be much better than this. Anyone know if something better is on its way, as I have been quite tired of steam lately. Maybe Google or another great company can do something better.
I have been looking around steam and before I buy anything on there I always look at metacritic and confirm that I'm not throwing my money away. Its hard to find the more recent stuff compared to older stuff, everything is just jumbled together.
If you roamed around Steam you would see this as an issue.
I roam around Steam and use it as my primary source for buying games. Doesn't seem to be an issue for me.
So, what exactly is the worst case scenario here? That a person inadvertently buys a game that is ten years old after looking at the game's advertising and game play video that is also on the site? Would the worst case scenario be that they buy a ten year old game for $4.99 and enjoy it? The horror!
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
2. I sort out games like "Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries" because they dont seem too interesting to me.
3. I find a game called "Startopia" that seems interesting. I can see it was released to Steam platform on November 25 2013.
4. I click the the link and end up at the store page, I look up in the right corner on the store page, "Release Date: 19 Jun 2001". The game was released 2001, I read short description, I look at the trailer video(if there are one), I look at the screenshots, I read the longer feature text and the system requirements. I can choose to click the Metacritic link to the right( the score is 86/100). I scroll down to the bottom of the storepage and read the customer reviews, there are both positive and negative reviews.
5. If Im still unsure I click the forum link and look if there are any complaints or praise there.
6. Either I buy it, dont buy it or but it on wishlist.
This may take me 5-10 minutes, depending on length of videos or interesting forum posts. I think thats the absolute minimal time consumption for investigating a game that I are about to buy. Sometimes I go to youtube and investigate some more, after all its my money I use to buy the game and I dont want to just throw it away.
I check new releases every day and have no problem sorting out the ones I want to buy. It takes me maybe 1-2 minute to go through the new releases list.
Some games may be expensive and I but them on my wishlist and get a notification when they are on sale. I own 286 games and 184 dlc on steam and I think maybe 3-4 of the games is full price. Non of the dlc is full price.
My complaint to Steam is that the new releases tab resets when you click a link, so if I have scrolled down 4 pages click a storepage link and then goes back the store frontpage list have reset to page 1. I have to scroll down all 4 pages again.
Is there room for improvements, sure, but I dont think "Valve is missleading people about release dates and other things". Not at all.
Valve has way too much power over PC gaming. Sure, maybe they might be doing things okay now...but what about the future? I agree with TB though completely. What happens when Gabe kicks it or retires? Thats when we start needing to worry about Valve's monopoly over the PC game industry. (The PC game industry that may be the only option if the consoles ever cease production)
Also gotta love that return policy Valve return for life. Good consumer loyalty right there.
Point: Steam is not lying to you, but they also could neaten up their interface and work to make games easier to buy. I think they are on that path already though with tags.
More exposure for greenlight games until a company dumps their old library of titles and those games get wiped off the new releases page..
Also, if YOU did your research about TB you would realize that he doesn't deal with purchasing the games. He gets codes for them from companies free normally and has other people in his company help to determine what gets coverage.
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When I go to the store I really love it when all the old stuff is visible and the new stuff is hidden in the back... /sarcasm off
The problem is that this new release page is not being properly handled by Valve. It is just common sense for new stuff, that is more likely to sell, to have far more visibility. What is wrong with having a section that is "New to steam" and "New releases"? Valve only benefits from this change. Just because you browse the internet for information on new releases does not mean everyone else does. It certainly does not mean they are doing it wrong, either. That is like telling someone who is shopping at the supermarket that they are doing it wrong because they looked in the dairy aisle for Milk.
TB suck..i wont watch his
maybe google the game before buying on steam...its easy
i mean really who buy random game without looking into it? (if it was true mmorpg maker would make shit load of money)
New section can suck..i mean everyone would go to new section, who would bother with the all the old/new game wouldnt make any sell..
it is new stuff.
If you look at the bottom left corner of the 'add' you will see that its either an update or a mod or a new map.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Again, there are people (like me) who like them there*.
* When there is an update to the game or the game is newly released on Steam.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
well what he is suggesting isnt all that bad. They could have a different banner for 'new updates'.
Having said that, doing such a modification is far from fixing a shitty product. It is instead a good idea on enhancements.
I have never understood why when some in the community finds one thing that could be done better they end up calling the entire product shit, evil, misleading.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
I have never understood why some in the community don't understand that "something can be done better" just means "something can be done differently, in a way that I like".
I like Steam the way it is. It works for me without any modifications or changes. I certainly wouldn't cry over any changes though. That said, what is the incentive for Valve to make such a change? Are they going to sell more games? Unless the answer is, "Yes" then there is no reason for Valve to change what they are doing.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Well to those that argued against me, here is some proof that totalbiscuit isn't making a ton of money on Youtube.
This girl has almost 6 million subscribers on just one of her channels and her videos average just under 2 million views each (9x TBs average) and is near the top money earner on Youtube making near 40k per month and that is with over 2x the total amount of views of TB that was on youtube 3 years longer than her. Its doubtful that Busicuit is even making more than 10k a month.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
I think I just threw up a little after reading this.
O_o o_O
Anyone criticizing Steam should be shot.
The work they have done with Linux alone absolves them of anything I can imagine.
Origin is crap. Their games are little bit to expensive. However at least GOG don't lie about the release dates as valve does. I have started to buy many of my games there.
However I wished valve would stop lying about it.
I don't understand why some people here accept all negative things a company does. I guess that even if the company would poo on their face they would say it's fine and would encourage them to do it again.
I have been looking around steam and before I buy anything on there I always look at metacritic and confirm that I'm not throwing my money away. Its hard to find the more recent stuff compared to older stuff, everything is just jumbled together.
If you roamed around Steam you would see this as an issue.
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
I agree it's a mess in steam these days.
But I guess it's meant to be a mess so they can indirectly lure their customers easier.
I'm confused. Doesn't Steam have a search function? Did that break or something?
There are tons of ways to keep yourself updated on what's being released without using Steam at all.
I primarily use it for convenience, not as a game news app, I honestly don't see a problem. Not only that but what other platform supports indie developers as much as Steam does.. my guess is none
Why is TB so famous anyway?
He often spouts nonsense and has been accused of (and proven of) taking bribes.
So basically, what I am saying is who cares what that guy says.
I roam around Steam and use it as my primary source for buying games. Doesn't seem to be an issue for me.
So, what exactly is the worst case scenario here? That a person inadvertently buys a game that is ten years old after looking at the game's advertising and game play video that is also on the site? Would the worst case scenario be that they buy a ten year old game for $4.99 and enjoy it? The horror!
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
1. I scroll down new releases on store frontpage.
2. I sort out games like "Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries" because they dont seem too interesting to me.
3. I find a game called "Startopia" that seems interesting. I can see it was released to Steam platform on November 25 2013.
4. I click the the link and end up at the store page, I look up in the right corner on the store page, "Release Date: 19 Jun 2001". The game was released 2001, I read short description, I look at the trailer video(if there are one), I look at the screenshots, I read the longer feature text and the system requirements. I can choose to click the Metacritic link to the right( the score is 86/100). I scroll down to the bottom of the storepage and read the customer reviews, there are both positive and negative reviews.
5. If Im still unsure I click the forum link and look if there are any complaints or praise there.
6. Either I buy it, dont buy it or but it on wishlist.
This may take me 5-10 minutes, depending on length of videos or interesting forum posts. I think thats the absolute minimal time consumption for investigating a game that I are about to buy. Sometimes I go to youtube and investigate some more, after all its my money I use to buy the game and I dont want to just throw it away.
I check new releases every day and have no problem sorting out the ones I want to buy. It takes me maybe 1-2 minute to go through the new releases list.
Some games may be expensive and I but them on my wishlist and get a notification when they are on sale. I own 286 games and 184 dlc on steam and I think maybe 3-4 of the games is full price. Non of the dlc is full price.
My complaint to Steam is that the new releases tab resets when you click a link, so if I have scrolled down 4 pages click a storepage link and then goes back the store frontpage list have reset to page 1. I have to scroll down all 4 pages again.
Is there room for improvements, sure, but I dont think "Valve is missleading people about release dates and other things". Not at all.
SWG: Astromechs & Friday Features and Guides from SWG O-forums (2003-2005) (Read last post first for clarity)