Griefing has been around since early computer based gaming has been around. The intention of the griefer is to cause annoyance, loss, or unpleasantness for the victim. In extreme cases griefing causes people to quit playing a game as their ability to enjoy the game is curtailed. In such instances its counter productive for the games company to allow such activity in its game. It loses subscriptions, which causes loss of revenue. Griefing also causes damage to the reputation of the company and the game that company runs.
Not so for EvE Online. CCP Games actively support and encourage player griefing against its 'carebear' and 'newbie' population. When Goonswarm held its Burn Jita event, an event designed to bypass the usual 24 hours of notice in high sec wars, by taking an armada of ships into high sec's Jita trade system and suicide killing any and every player they could, CCP not only did nothing, they actively encouraged it.
When Goonswarms leader stood up and belittled, humiliated, shared private correspondence and encouraged a player to commit suicide at CCP's fanfest, both the audience and developers who were presence laughed along with him. Was he permbanned, no.
Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition. They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space. They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him. A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game. What did CCP do? Nothing.
In the last few weeks the Erotica1fiasco, in which a player and his wife were victimised, harassed and had a disability mocked caused CCP to reevaluate its stance on griefing. Their response. Well it was actually nothing and meant nothing. They reserved the right to decide when someone has crossed the line between "normal" griefing and "naughty" griefing. Erotica1 was banned however only after 6 weeks and huge community outcry, including a 300 page threadnaught, that might have caused CCP to get some bad press.
And of course Erotica1 is back with a new alt, running the exact same scam with the same bonus rooms that led to the outcry.
Do the developers simply turn a blind eye to this conduct or are they complicit in it? A recent event led by the developers themselves involved inviting a large number of "carebears" from highsec into null sec (the main area set aside for PvP) and into the welcoming arms of a waiting gate camp (basically EvE's main form of PvP - Spawncamping). Mistake? Highly unlikely. It seems more than likely that they leaked the location of this event to the alliance in question with the express purpose of feeding their players to the waiting alliance.
That the developers and certain players in the game are linked by more than a customer / developer relationship was demonstrated when the developers staged an event in the home system of one of the most powerful alliances in the game. The leader of whom is an ex-CCP developer themselves. On this occasion the developers dropped 800 billion isk worth of items exclusively to this player entity.
Which brings me to my own experience with griefing and developer apathy. In early February I decided to help a group of players set up a non-kill on sight area in Stain null sec. At this same time a player or players created 3 alt accounts, sent those alts out to Stain where they proceeded to follow me from system to system, verbally abusing me in local for hours at a time. I was called a pedophile and accused of watching child pornography as well as being subjected to constant foul language. This went on non-stop for 4 months.
I managed to get the player or players in question to admit they were specifically targeting me for harassment and petitioned them. Even though I supplied the GM's with screenshots in which the player states they are specifically targeting me for harassment no action was taken against those players. Given the characters in question were using cloaks which prevents any retaliation I was not able to take any in game action against them.
I then went to the forums and posted about this issue. The forum post I created was trolled incessantly, I was insulted, abused, belittled and villified for over 23 pages and then my thread locked by mods for 'breaching a rule of discussing GM actions' while the people who had spent hours of their time harassing and mocking my situation received no punishment at all.
I unsubscribed my accounts and posted a message to CCP in the Out of Pod Experience subforum regarding the lack of moderation and the lack of support dealing with my harassment and that thread was also subjected to trolling, spam, and anti-social posts which breached almost every rule of the forums. Yet no action was taken against those players.
So if you're an aweful person, you like to cause other players to feel bad, you like to cause pain to people who have cancer, you enjoy trolling, you enjoy making fun of people with disabilities, you like being led into a traps by developers, you're okay with developer favoritism, you enjoy flying around in space with corporations that have names like "Creampie Carpet Munchers" and your a general asshat then EvE online is likely for you.
Griefing has been around since early computer based gaming has been around. The intention of the griefer is to cause annoyance, loss, or unpleasantness for the victim. In extreme cases griefing causes people to quit playing a game as their ability to enjoy the game is curtailed. In such instances its counter productive for the games company to allow such activity in its game. It loses subscriptions, which causes loss of revenue. Griefing also causes damage to the reputation of the company and the game that company runs.
Not so for EvE Online. CCP Games actively support and encourage player griefing against its 'carebear' and 'newbie' population. When Goonswarm held its Burn Jita event, an event designed to bypass the usual 24 hours of notice in high sec wars, by taking an armada of ships into high sec's Jita trade system and suicide killing any and every player they could, CCP not only did nothing, they actively encouraged it.
When Goonswarms leader stood up and belittled, humiliated, shared private correspondence and encouraged a player to commit suicide at CCP's fanfest, both the audience and developers who were presence laughed along with him. Was he permbanned, no.
Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition. They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space. They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him. A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game. What did CCP do? Nothing.
In the last few weeks the Erotica1fiasco, in which a player and his wife were victimised, harassed and had a disability mocked caused CCP to reevaluate its stance on griefing. Their response. Well it was actually nothing and meant nothing. They reserved the right to decide when someone has crossed the line between "normal" griefing and "naughty" griefing. Erotica1 was banned however only after 6 weeks and huge community outcry, including a 300 page threadnaught, that might have caused CCP to get some bad press.
And of course Erotica1 is back with a new alt, running the exact same scam with the same bonus rooms that led to the outcry.
Do the developers simply turn a blind eye to this conduct or are they complicit in it? A recent event led by the developers themselves involved inviting a large number of "carebears" from highsec into null sec (the main area set aside for PvP) and into the welcoming arms of a waiting gate camp (basically EvE's main form of PvP - Spawncamping). Mistake? Highly unlikely. It seems more than likely that they leaked the location of this event to the alliance in question with the express purpose of feeding their players to the waiting alliance.
That the developers and certain players in the game are linked by more than a customer / developer relationship was demonstrated when the developers staged an event in the home system of one of the most powerful alliances in the game. The leader of whom is an ex-CCP developer themselves. On this occasion the developers dropped 800 billion isk worth of items exclusively to this player entity.
Which brings me to my own experience with griefing and developer apathy. In early February I decided to help a group of players set up a non-kill on sight area in Stain null sec. At this same time a player or players created 3 alt accounts, sent those alts out to Stain where they proceeded to follow me from system to system, verbally abusing me in local for hours at a time. I was called a pedophile and accused of watching child pornography as well as being subjected to constant foul language. This went on non-stop for 4 months.
I managed to get the player or players in question to admit they were specifically targeting me for harassment and petitioned them. Even though I supplied the GM's with screenshots in which the player states they are specifically targeting me for harassment no action was taken against those players. Given the characters in question were using cloaks which prevents any retaliation I was not able to take any in game action against them.
I then went to the forums and posted about this issue. The forum post I created was trolled incessantly, I was insulted, abused, belittled and villified for over 23 pages and then my thread locked by mods for 'breaching a rule of discussing GM actions' while the people who had spent hours of their time harassing and mocking my situation received no punishment at all.
I unsubscribed my accounts and posted a message to CCP in the Out of Pod Experience subforum regarding the lack of moderation and the lack of support dealing with my harassment and that thread was also subjected to trolling, spam, and anti-social posts which breached almost every rule of the forums. Yet no action was taken against those players.
So if you're an aweful person, you like to cause other players to feel bad, you like to cause pain to people who have cancer, you enjoy trolling, you enjoy making fun of people with disabilities, you like being led into a traps by developers, you're okay with developer favoritism, you enjoy flying around in space with corporations that have names like "Creampie Carpet Munchers" and your a general asshat then EvE online is likely for you.
For normal people, I'd suggest a different game.
Infinity Ziona
Lets see where you got the information from.
I made a post after that post linking irrefutable evidence of what I said. I'm not going to link it again.
I would also like to respond to the people who seek to discredit me as an "Exaggerator, troll etc".
I have played EvE from April 2003 to just recently, 11 years of EvE Online. This means I have a very good knowledge of the game, its politics, and how it has changed from a great game and great community to a very poor game, with very broken mechanics and a very poor community that experiences no moderation at all other than against those people who speak out against the state of the game.
The reason; a core clique of trolls and abusers dislike me is simply because I am not afraid to speak out. I don't merely offer opinions, I test and present factual results.
When the alliances dared me to war dec them in EVE, I created the Privateers, and we declared war on almost every alliance in game. The alliances screamed and cried and railed against us and we were nerfed.
When Baltec and co claimed that high sec was too easy and rich and that null sec was poor and ignored I took a ship out to null sec, into Baltecs alliances space, and by running sites and screenshotting my drops I showed that one could make multiple billions of isk solo in null, thousands of times more than one could make in high sec in the same period.
When NC. griefed a guy with cancer, I spoke out against them very strongly. When the CSM votes, I make posts about how theres a permanent Goon on the CSM, how the vote is so imbalanced its pointless to even vote, how 10 people all from Goons and the big alliances are allowed to vote on game changing mechanics (No Cov Ops Cloak on the Nestor for example) And so on and so on.
The alliances, ISD, CSM and CPP don't like criticism, they don't like people disagreeing with their all knowledgable clique and so I was ostracized, every post on the boards I made was filled with pages upon pages of unmoderated personal attacks and trolling.
In my opinion, the person harassing me in game was very likely one of the ISD, CSM, or perhaps even worse. At the least the inaction by CCP was a outright confirmation that when it comes to people who speak out against CCP's nepotistic clique ridden game, out of game harassment is ignored.
EvE wasn´t always that way. Griefers started breeding wildly around 2008.
Not true. Griefing has been widespread in EVE since day 0.
What has changed is that griefing as a lifestyle in EVE is much more accepted, which means that it is now something you brag about, where earlier you would do it on an alt and certainly not tell anyone but your most trusted corpmates about it.
It has gone from being gameplay wise acceptable to also being socially acceptable.
That is the great change that came with the fall of BoB's e-honor empire and the rise of Goon'ism.
While I promote the concept of 'war' in games and 'PvP' within the game system, being a D-Bag should never be encouraged.
Players that hate other players (especially in large groups) help keep a fire going. The game company is happy. it's free content that they didn't have to create.
Is it right? No. Not in the ways described by the original post/poster.
I'm sure that there are a lot of people that see the type of behavior described as 'okay'. Well, those people don't have a moral compass. Not everybody really does.
It is what it is
The game has been around for years and likely won't change, unfortunately.
I checked EVE out a few times. Ultimately, it was stuff like what has been described in the OP and seemingly supported in some following posts that caused me to leave the game. Well, that and the lack of other features that I feel the game is seriously lacking.
EvE wasn´t always that way. Griefers started breeding wildly around 2008.
Not true. Griefing has been widespread in EVE since day 0.
What has changed is that griefing as a lifestyle in EVE is much more accepted, which means that it is now something you brag about, where earlier you would do it on an alt and certainly not tell anyone but your most trusted corpmates about it.
It has gone from being gameplay wise acceptable to also being socially acceptable.
That is the great change that came with the fall of BoB's e-honor empire and the rise of Goon'ism.
Yeah this is true. Griefing (screw my teacher who told me to put an i before e except after c, its really messed with my spelling) has been around since day 0.
But we also had a CCP who cared about keeping every player they could get. It was a CCP that was invested in their game, not their friendships with certain players theyve made out of game within Goonswarm, the CSM and ISD.
When CCP made changes to the game that imbalanced ships, such that mining and missioning ships could be alpha'd down in one shot they beefed up Concord or fixed those issues. When players found holes in the code they banned those players for exploting (Zombie, an entire corporation of players was banned for such an exploit).
But as CCP's playerbase grew, as devs left and other devs from inside the playerbase were recruited, likely more to do with out of game friendships rather than development skill, the devs became less and less likely to take action. Exploits and imbalanced mechanics which were beneficial to favoured in game entities were allowed to stay in and be exploited and only then patched out and declared bannable after being farmed for years (tech moons as an example).
We're at a stage now that Goonswarm, despite having abused timers for years, and having almost taken over the entire player claimable areas, is still allowed to abuse those timers. Despite the timer issue killing the primary reason to play EVE, big space battles of thousands of players on each side, the timer issue has been declared 'working fine and we're not intending to change anything in the immediate future".
The rot starts within CCP, because CCP has allowed itself to become mired in external RL friendships, with both Goonswarm, PL, the griefers, the CSM, CCP itself and the ISD not being able to be independent of the other groups.
Originally posted by Mr.SeriousGuy spread sheet the game meets point and click interface with global pvp what could go wrong ... this is the game that people that play football manager 2014 play when they want something "more intense" so you know its safe for elderly and people with heart conditions . hand eye coordination means nothing its all micro managing of assets and time .
Yeah I don't really get the spreadsheet analogy. There is quite a of lot of player skill required in small scale EvE pvp. It is more based on knowledge of the game mechanics rather than quick reflexes but at the same time you do have to do a lot of micromanaging in combat that is similiar to what you would find in World of Warcraft type PvP.
Just like a good pvp'r in World of Warcraft is the one that can integrate all of that into their pvp while adjusting to the dynamic nature of battle, one has to do the same in EvE PvP.
For large fleet battles, which is where CCP pushes all its funds and energy, yeah its basically spreadsheets but for actual real pvp in smaller battles, they're very similiar.
Originally posted by Mr.SeriousGuy spread sheet the game meets point and click interface with global pvp what could go wrong ... this is the game that people that play football manager 2014 play when they want something "more intense" so you know its safe for elderly and people with heart conditions . hand eye coordination means nothing its all micro managing of assets and time .
If you'd ever played Eve you would realise how silly that statement is. Although, i do agree that you don't need to have the 'twitch' skills normally associated with FPS games, it does however require a certain amount of 'mental agility' that other games perhaps don't. If you want a game about micro managing of assets etc. then you probably would be better off playing simcity online. Understanding Eve is perhaps the hardest thing someone can do, after a steady diet of themeparks, CCP have improved the tutorials but the onus is still on the new player to seek out a Corp to join to 'complete' their training etc. There are many that do. Eve is not 'safe' it is however, whatever you put into it and more, and unlike in most other games, Politics in Eve can kill you, and of course there are the goons, and their inevitable Burn Jita events. Eve may just be too much for you to handle
There are some awesome people in EVE. But there is the other side too. And you are right, CCP is encouraging all kinds of bad behaviour, including scamming, cheating etc. Let's not forget that CCP devs were activly involved in rigging T2 BPO lottery in favor of Band of Brothers alliance (which they were members of). Luckily, as soon as T2 BPOs became available for all, BOB was put in the right place - history. And no one in CCP was ever fired for that.
It's their culture. Either you learn how to live with it and enjoy EVE (which is still one of the best games out there if you have the nerves of steel) or you don't.
No fate but what we make, so make me a ham sandwich please.
So, basically the point is that EVE is awesome and bad-ass and 1 in 100,000 people get their lives ruined by other players in the game?
Hell, WoW ruined more lives than that without players even getting involved!
EVE is the Saint's MMO.
No. The point is that if you're looking for a game to play and you're considering playing EvE that you need to be aware that:
* certain special players who have RL connections to CCP, ISD (forum moderators), GM's, CSM (player representatives who only represent a small group of players) will be immune from any actions against your player even when those actions are in breach of the EULA and TOS and extend out of game.
* certain players can choose to continuously and methodically 'grief' you and you will have no recourse other than to not log on and play.
* There is no forum moderation and as such you will be unable to use the forums without being constantly trolled, harassed and abused by other forum users. If you complain your complaints will be ignored and the ISD will start a campaign of locking every thread you make by using random EULA / TOS violations while ignoring hundreds of similiar EULA / TOS violations in those threads made against you.
* The huge fleet battles that CCP pretend happen on a regular basis don't actually happen. 100% of conquerable space is conquered by two massive coalitions, one of which is Goonswarm or what many people call Devswarm for obvious reasons.
* If you do manage to get into an alliance without being tricked into a 5 second you vs 100+ players ganking you and its not Devswarm or its coalition CFC then your fleet battles will consist of 4000 Devswarm vs 2000 or less of you being royally screwed in 1 second per frame slideshow that turns 2 hours of one sided PvP into 8 or more hours of 1 sided PvP.
If you do manage to beat Devswarm, the slowed down system mechanics in which you are fighting will allow them to bring 4000 more players to ensure your victory is very short lived since outside of the time dilation ships and pilots will be able to move 10's of jumps in the time it takes for you to lock and shoot a single ship.
* You'll be facing a coalition of around 40,000 players or more. To put that in perspective, my country Australia has an active army of 20,000 people. If CFC and Goons were a country, they would rank 30th on the list of the worlds smaller countries.
* If you join an event in game you'll most likely be fed to very high SP players by the developers leading that event.
* You'll have to try to deal trying to fight players who are developers or friends of developers.
* You'll have to deal with events in which the biggest most poweful alliances in the game use alts that cannot be tracked or have revenge taken against them insta killing you whenever they like even in the most safe newbie areas of the game without any recourse.
I was actually going to write a proper reply to your post, but then I noticed this thread derived into a sea of bullshit accusations and factless evidence. It's a shame most people here have no idea about the history of trolling and baseless posts you've written in the official boards.
I was actually going to write a proper reply to your post, but then I noticed this thread derived into a sea of bullshit accusations and factless evidence. It's a shame most people here have no idea about the history of trolling and baseless posts you've written in the official boards.
I am well aware of it actually... hence why I am laughing my ass off at IK trying to rationalize him abusing a group of players, with good reasons people!, while trying to be a victim himself. Surprising amount of self-servicing there to be honest but even more surprising is the amount of people jumping onto his bandwagon either trying to dodge them getting made a fool of in-game because they did not apply rudimentary logic coupled with the game's unspoken rules or are just in it to stir drama like oh so many gaming "news" sites.
I was actually going to write a proper reply to your post, but then I noticed this thread derived into a sea of bullshit accusations and factless evidence. It's a shame most people here have no idea about the history of trolling and baseless posts you've written in the official boards.
Your post alledges"bullshit" and "factless evidence" but you don't actually specify any. I'd be interested to know what specifically I have said that is "bullshit" and "factless evidence".
Do you deny that the forums are being moderated in a biased fashion?
Do you deny that a number of current and former developers are part of Goonswarm?
Do you deny that the requirement for any smaller entity to turn up 24 hours after an attack to be met by a % of the 40,000 CFC to finish off an attack isn't beneficial to the 40,000 CFC members?
Do you deny that the only permanent member of the CSM is a Goon, that the soveriegnty system wasn't at least partially designed by a former EvE player, turned developer, turned PL leader?
Do you deny that CCP staged an event which directly dropped 800 billion isk worth of extremely rare monocles to that same ex-Dev now leader of PL?
Do you deny that same ex-player, turned dev, turned PL leader is not and has not been the chairperson of the CSM.
Do you deny that the voting process for CSM means the CFC and Goons can vote in as many members of the CFC / Goons as they want.
Do you deny that petitions regarding my harassment were never acted upon. I can't tell you if it was either because GM's refuse to actually tell you if anything was done. All I know is that person is still in game.
Do you deny that any post that the forum trolls and abusers dont' like is filled with hate, spam and trolling until the ISD locks it rather than take care of the trolls, haters and spammers??
There is a lot more you could deny but the truth is the truth and mere denials don't change that.
EvE wasn´t always that way. Griefers started breeding wildly around 2008.
Not true. Griefing has been widespread in EVE since day 0.
What has changed is that griefing as a lifestyle in EVE is much more accepted, which means that it is now something you brag about, where earlier you would do it on an alt and certainly not tell anyone but your most trusted corpmates about it.
It has gone from being gameplay wise acceptable to also being socially acceptable.
That is the great change that came with the fall of BoB's e-honor empire and the rise of Goon'ism.
Yeah this is true. Griefing (screw my teacher who told me to put an i before e except after c, its really messed with my spelling) has been around since day 0.
But we also had a CCP who cared about keeping every player they could get. It was a CCP that was invested in their game, not their friendships with certain players theyve made out of game within Goonswarm, the CSM and ISD.
When CCP made changes to the game that imbalanced ships, such that mining and missioning ships could be alpha'd down in one shot they beefed up Concord or fixed those issues. When players found holes in the code they banned those players for exploting (Zombie, an entire corporation of players was banned for such an exploit).
But as CCP's playerbase grew, as devs left and other devs from inside the playerbase were recruited, likely more to do with out of game friendships rather than development skill, the devs became less and less likely to take action. Exploits and imbalanced mechanics which were beneficial to favoured in game entities were allowed to stay in and be exploited and only then patched out and declared bannable after being farmed for years (tech moons as an example).
We're at a stage now that Goonswarm, despite having abused timers for years, and having almost taken over the entire player claimable areas, is still allowed to abuse those timers. Despite the timer issue killing the primary reason to play EVE, big space battles of thousands of players on each side, the timer issue has been declared 'working fine and we're not intending to change anything in the immediate future".
The rot starts within CCP, because CCP has allowed itself to become mired in external RL friendships, with both Goonswarm, PL, the griefers, the CSM, CCP itself and the ISD not being able to be independent of the other groups.
I´m sorry but if you`ve been around since 2003 you know fully well that recruitment scams and the like were quasi non-existent until a couple years ago, and that before 0.0 had stabilized into goons vs everyone, being scanned while running a mission was a very rare occurence for example. Let´s not even talk about high-sec ganking, which was seldom heard of between MoO´s exploits and hulkageddon´s variations.
The communitiy has very clearly changed, and as griefing became more widespread it became more socially accepted, or the reverse, or both. To pretend otherwise is blatant lying.
I was actually going to write a proper reply to your post, but then I noticed this thread derived into a sea of bullshit accusations and factless evidence. It's a shame most people here have no idea about the history of trolling and baseless posts you've written in the official boards.
I am well aware of it actually... hence why I am laughing my ass off at IK trying to rationalize him abusing a group of players, with good reasons people!, while trying to be a victim himself. Surprising amount of self-servicing there to be honest but even more surprising is the amount of people jumping onto his bandwagon either trying to dodge them getting made a fool of in-game because they did not apply rudimentary logic coupled with the game's unspoken rules or are just in it to stir drama like oh so many gaming "news" sites.
Since when is a war against an alliance considered abusing players? If you want to expand on that then anyone going into another persons sovereign space to kill them is abusing players? I guess any sovereignty war then is abuse since it's very much what I did to Tribal.
No clearly you seem intent on trying to justify creating alts to follow one player around for 4 months verbally abusing by calling them a pedophile and inferring they watch child porn by very wrongly comparing that behavior to normal pvp play.
I totally agree with you and its this reason I will not play this one I started in Beta and tried it for a while But this community is just pathetic and I too tell players to stay away from this!
I was actually going to write a proper reply to your post, but then I noticed this thread derived into a sea of bullshit accusations and factless evidence. It's a shame most people here have no idea about the history of trolling and baseless posts you've written in the official boards.
I am well aware of it actually... hence why I am laughing my ass off at IK trying to rationalize him abusing a group of players, with good reasons people!, while trying to be a victim himself. Surprising amount of self-servicing there to be honest but even more surprising is the amount of people jumping onto his bandwagon either trying to dodge them getting made a fool of in-game because they did not apply rudimentary logic coupled with the game's unspoken rules or are just in it to stir drama like oh so many gaming "news" sites.
Since when is a war against an alliance considered abusing players? If you want to expand on that then anyone going into another persons sovereign space to kill them is abusing players? I guess any sovereignty war then is abuse since it's very much what I did to Tribal.
No clearly you seem intent on trying to justify creating alts to follow one player around for 4 months verbally abusing by calling them a pedophile and inferring they watch child porn by very wrongly comparing that behavior to normal pvp play.
The only one justifying anything is you because going into a enemy alliance's space to kill players is ok, denying them use of their own space via afk cloaking in their systems for days or weeks at a time and verbally abusing them while you're at it isn't and trust me if there was a means to declare war on a individual you would've been at war for those months you were "stalked" and "abused" for what can only be your past transgressions not some make believe reason you can cook up. Also differentiating between one form of verbal abuse and another is pointless because they targeted your weakness not a specific disturbing facet of life because I rather doubt they would've kept calling you a pedobear if you didn't care.
Fun fact: You shouldn't care what someone is calling you in a online game except maybe if they knew you in real life. If you were getting called a pedo on your facebook, myspace, twitter, whatever, then it classes as harassment but until then de-inflate your ego and learn to take the abuse you "righteously" doll out during what you consider to be normal circumstances (which are at best only a subset).
agree not worth 80, but once price comes down, getting both for the price of a full price game is awesome value for money. It's all about paying what you think a game is worth.
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
CCP used to be a great company, like 8 years ago. CCP is trash and why the game will never have more then 100K+ players online at any given time. If you suck at life and got nothing better to do, then go play EVE online and dish out your frustration on the community, you'll most likely be invited to join a "leet" corporation filled with A-holes. Why this game isn't F2P yet is beyond me, I don't understand why people are paying a monthly fee towards a game where scamming is 100% legal. I'd put World of Darkness on pause for a few years if I were CCP to sort all the crap that is going on within EVE-Online. Anyways, it doesn't matter, Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous will just make EVE die off that much quicker. It makes me sick to have been part of the game back in 2002 and to see how it ended being like today.
Lets see where you got the information from.
I've played Eve since 2006, never been scammed.
Most scams are so darn obvious you can smell them miles away.
I made a post after that post linking irrefutable evidence of what I said. I'm not going to link it again.
I would also like to respond to the people who seek to discredit me as an "Exaggerator, troll etc".
I have played EvE from April 2003 to just recently, 11 years of EvE Online. This means I have a very good knowledge of the game, its politics, and how it has changed from a great game and great community to a very poor game, with very broken mechanics and a very poor community that experiences no moderation at all other than against those people who speak out against the state of the game.
The reason; a core clique of trolls and abusers dislike me is simply because I am not afraid to speak out. I don't merely offer opinions, I test and present factual results.
When the alliances dared me to war dec them in EVE, I created the Privateers, and we declared war on almost every alliance in game. The alliances screamed and cried and railed against us and we were nerfed.
When Baltec and co claimed that high sec was too easy and rich and that null sec was poor and ignored I took a ship out to null sec, into Baltecs alliances space, and by running sites and screenshotting my drops I showed that one could make multiple billions of isk solo in null, thousands of times more than one could make in high sec in the same period.
When NC. griefed a guy with cancer, I spoke out against them very strongly. When the CSM votes, I make posts about how theres a permanent Goon on the CSM, how the vote is so imbalanced its pointless to even vote, how 10 people all from Goons and the big alliances are allowed to vote on game changing mechanics (No Cov Ops Cloak on the Nestor for example) And so on and so on.
The alliances, ISD, CSM and CPP don't like criticism, they don't like people disagreeing with their all knowledgable clique and so I was ostracized, every post on the boards I made was filled with pages upon pages of unmoderated personal attacks and trolling.
In my opinion, the person harassing me in game was very likely one of the ISD, CSM, or perhaps even worse. At the least the inaction by CCP was a outright confirmation that when it comes to people who speak out against CCP's nepotistic clique ridden game, out of game harassment is ignored.
Not true. Griefing has been widespread in EVE since day 0.
What has changed is that griefing as a lifestyle in EVE is much more accepted, which means that it is now something you brag about, where earlier you would do it on an alt and certainly not tell anyone but your most trusted corpmates about it.
It has gone from being gameplay wise acceptable to also being socially acceptable.
That is the great change that came with the fall of BoB's e-honor empire and the rise of Goon'ism.
While I promote the concept of 'war' in games and 'PvP' within the game system, being a D-Bag should never be encouraged.
Players that hate other players (especially in large groups) help keep a fire going. The game company is happy. it's free content that they didn't have to create.
Is it right? No. Not in the ways described by the original post/poster.
I'm sure that there are a lot of people that see the type of behavior described as 'okay'. Well, those people don't have a moral compass. Not everybody really does.
It is what it is
The game has been around for years and likely won't change, unfortunately.
I checked EVE out a few times. Ultimately, it was stuff like what has been described in the OP and seemingly supported in some following posts that caused me to leave the game. Well, that and the lack of other features that I feel the game is seriously lacking.
Hope you found another game to play and enjoy.
A better Rule 2 is - Never undock in what your not prepared to lose.
they could be rules 2.a & 2.b
non-consensual pvp is a core design element of the game, that's not going to change at any point
by clicking the [Undock] button you are essentially saying "I agree" to the statement 'Your ship might explode!'
Yeah this is true. Griefing (screw my teacher who told me to put an i before e except after c, its really messed with my spelling) has been around since day 0.
But we also had a CCP who cared about keeping every player they could get. It was a CCP that was invested in their game, not their friendships with certain players theyve made out of game within Goonswarm, the CSM and ISD.
When CCP made changes to the game that imbalanced ships, such that mining and missioning ships could be alpha'd down in one shot they beefed up Concord or fixed those issues. When players found holes in the code they banned those players for exploting (Zombie, an entire corporation of players was banned for such an exploit).
But as CCP's playerbase grew, as devs left and other devs from inside the playerbase were recruited, likely more to do with out of game friendships rather than development skill, the devs became less and less likely to take action. Exploits and imbalanced mechanics which were beneficial to favoured in game entities were allowed to stay in and be exploited and only then patched out and declared bannable after being farmed for years (tech moons as an example).
We're at a stage now that Goonswarm, despite having abused timers for years, and having almost taken over the entire player claimable areas, is still allowed to abuse those timers. Despite the timer issue killing the primary reason to play EVE, big space battles of thousands of players on each side, the timer issue has been declared 'working fine and we're not intending to change anything in the immediate future".
The rot starts within CCP, because CCP has allowed itself to become mired in external RL friendships, with both Goonswarm, PL, the griefers, the CSM, CCP itself and the ISD not being able to be independent of the other groups.
Yeah I don't really get the spreadsheet analogy. There is quite a of lot of player skill required in small scale EvE pvp. It is more based on knowledge of the game mechanics rather than quick reflexes but at the same time you do have to do a lot of micromanaging in combat that is similiar to what you would find in World of Warcraft type PvP.
Take this for example.
Blaster Proteus (Warrior) with 120k EHP buffer (health bar), 700 dps (dps), webs (snares), range issues (kiting, preventing kiting), scrambles (stuns / roots), capacitor (mana / stamina), nuets, ecm (special attacks).
Just like a good pvp'r in World of Warcraft is the one that can integrate all of that into their pvp while adjusting to the dynamic nature of battle, one has to do the same in EvE PvP.
For large fleet battles, which is where CCP pushes all its funds and energy, yeah its basically spreadsheets but for actual real pvp in smaller battles, they're very similiar.
If you'd ever played Eve you would realise how silly that statement is. Although, i do agree that you don't need to have the 'twitch' skills normally associated with FPS games, it does however require a certain amount of 'mental agility' that other games perhaps don't. If you want a game about micro managing of assets etc. then you probably would be better off playing simcity online. Understanding Eve is perhaps the hardest thing someone can do, after a steady diet of themeparks, CCP have improved the tutorials but the onus is still on the new player to seek out a Corp to join to 'complete' their training etc. There are many that do. Eve is not 'safe' it is however, whatever you put into it and more, and unlike in most other games, Politics in Eve can kill you, and of course there are the goons, and their inevitable Burn Jita events. Eve may just be too much for you to handle
There are some awesome people in EVE. But there is the other side too. And you are right, CCP is encouraging all kinds of bad behaviour, including scamming, cheating etc. Let's not forget that CCP devs were activly involved in rigging T2 BPO lottery in favor of Band of Brothers alliance (which they were members of). Luckily, as soon as T2 BPOs became available for all, BOB was put in the right place - history. And no one in CCP was ever fired for that.
It's their culture. Either you learn how to live with it and enjoy EVE (which is still one of the best games out there if you have the nerves of steel) or you don't.
No fate but what we make, so make me a ham sandwich please.
So, basically the point is that EVE is awesome and bad-ass and 1 in 100,000 people get their lives ruined by other players in the game?
Hell, WoW ruined more lives than that without players even getting involved!
EVE is the Saint's MMO.
No. The point is that if you're looking for a game to play and you're considering playing EvE that you need to be aware that:
* certain special players who have RL connections to CCP, ISD (forum moderators), GM's, CSM (player representatives who only represent a small group of players) will be immune from any actions against your player even when those actions are in breach of the EULA and TOS and extend out of game.
* certain players can choose to continuously and methodically 'grief' you and you will have no recourse other than to not log on and play.
* There is no forum moderation and as such you will be unable to use the forums without being constantly trolled, harassed and abused by other forum users. If you complain your complaints will be ignored and the ISD will start a campaign of locking every thread you make by using random EULA / TOS violations while ignoring hundreds of similiar EULA / TOS violations in those threads made against you.
* The huge fleet battles that CCP pretend happen on a regular basis don't actually happen. 100% of conquerable space is conquered by two massive coalitions, one of which is Goonswarm or what many people call Devswarm for obvious reasons.
* If you do manage to get into an alliance without being tricked into a 5 second you vs 100+ players ganking you and its not Devswarm or its coalition CFC then your fleet battles will consist of 4000 Devswarm vs 2000 or less of you being royally screwed in 1 second per frame slideshow that turns 2 hours of one sided PvP into 8 or more hours of 1 sided PvP.
If you do manage to beat Devswarm, the slowed down system mechanics in which you are fighting will allow them to bring 4000 more players to ensure your victory is very short lived since outside of the time dilation ships and pilots will be able to move 10's of jumps in the time it takes for you to lock and shoot a single ship.
* You'll be facing a coalition of around 40,000 players or more. To put that in perspective, my country Australia has an active army of 20,000 people. If CFC and Goons were a country, they would rank 30th on the list of the worlds smaller countries.
* If you join an event in game you'll most likely be fed to very high SP players by the developers leading that event.
* You'll have to try to deal trying to fight players who are developers or friends of developers.
* You'll have to deal with events in which the biggest most poweful alliances in the game use alts that cannot be tracked or have revenge taken against them insta killing you whenever they like even in the most safe newbie areas of the game without any recourse.
I was actually going to write a proper reply to your post, but then I noticed this thread derived into a sea of bullshit accusations and factless evidence. It's a shame most people here have no idea about the history of trolling and baseless posts you've written in the official boards.
I am well aware of it actually... hence why I am laughing my ass off at IK trying to rationalize him abusing a group of players, with good reasons people!, while trying to be a victim himself. Surprising amount of self-servicing there to be honest but even more surprising is the amount of people jumping onto his bandwagon either trying to dodge them getting made a fool of in-game because they did not apply rudimentary logic coupled with the game's unspoken rules or are just in it to stir drama like oh so many gaming "news" sites.
Your post alledges"bullshit" and "factless evidence" but you don't actually specify any. I'd be interested to know what specifically I have said that is "bullshit" and "factless evidence".
Do you deny that the forums are being moderated in a biased fashion?
Do you deny that a number of current and former developers are part of Goonswarm?
Do you deny that the requirement for any smaller entity to turn up 24 hours after an attack to be met by a % of the 40,000 CFC to finish off an attack isn't beneficial to the 40,000 CFC members?
Do you deny that the only permanent member of the CSM is a Goon, that the soveriegnty system wasn't at least partially designed by a former EvE player, turned developer, turned PL leader?
Do you deny that CCP staged an event which directly dropped 800 billion isk worth of extremely rare monocles to that same ex-Dev now leader of PL?
Do you deny that same ex-player, turned dev, turned PL leader is not and has not been the chairperson of the CSM.
Do you deny that the voting process for CSM means the CFC and Goons can vote in as many members of the CFC / Goons as they want.
Do you deny that petitions regarding my harassment were never acted upon. I can't tell you if it was either because GM's refuse to actually tell you if anything was done. All I know is that person is still in game.
Do you deny that any post that the forum trolls and abusers dont' like is filled with hate, spam and trolling until the ISD locks it rather than take care of the trolls, haters and spammers??
There is a lot more you could deny but the truth is the truth and mere denials don't change that.
I´m sorry but if you`ve been around since 2003 you know fully well that recruitment scams and the like were quasi non-existent until a couple years ago, and that before 0.0 had stabilized into goons vs everyone, being scanned while running a mission was a very rare occurence for example. Let´s not even talk about high-sec ganking, which was seldom heard of between MoO´s exploits and hulkageddon´s variations.
The communitiy has very clearly changed, and as griefing became more widespread it became more socially accepted, or the reverse, or both. To pretend otherwise is blatant lying.
Since when is a war against an alliance considered abusing players? If you want to expand on that then anyone going into another persons sovereign space to kill them is abusing players? I guess any sovereignty war then is abuse since it's very much what I did to Tribal.
No clearly you seem intent on trying to justify creating alts to follow one player around for 4 months verbally abusing by calling them a pedophile and inferring they watch child porn by very wrongly comparing that behavior to normal pvp play.
My experience with EVE is that people get out of it what they put into it.
For some reason, people who spend all their time complaining about other people rarely seem to do well in EVE.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
The only one justifying anything is you because going into a enemy alliance's space to kill players is ok, denying them use of their own space via afk cloaking in their systems for days or weeks at a time and verbally abusing them while you're at it isn't and trust me if there was a means to declare war on a individual you would've been at war for those months you were "stalked" and "abused" for what can only be your past transgressions not some make believe reason you can cook up. Also differentiating between one form of verbal abuse and another is pointless because they targeted your weakness not a specific disturbing facet of life because I rather doubt they would've kept calling you a pedobear if you didn't care.
Fun fact: You shouldn't care what someone is calling you in a online game except maybe if they knew you in real life. If you were getting called a pedo on your facebook, myspace, twitter, whatever, then it classes as harassment but until then de-inflate your ego and learn to take the abuse you "righteously" doll out during what you consider to be normal circumstances (which are at best only a subset).
Cold, harsh Universe, blah, blah, blah.
This really. EVE tends to work like a mirror. Well put!
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D