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ZeniMax's official stance is that the dupe only took place yesterday, the 17'th.

stickman1979stickman1979 Member UncommonPosts: 59

Here is the official ZeniMax reply from ZOS_JessicaFolsom :

It was posted on:


Relevant snip:

Yesterday, we identified an item duping bug in ESO that some players chose to exploit. We acted quickly, and have since fixed the issue.


Here is where the oops happens.


This is a cache of a forum post they deleted:

It was posted quite a while back.


Here is an Amazon review of the game that was also posted a while ago mentioning said dupe:

This review was downvoted and sat as one of the most unhelpful reviews out there. Now it is gaining steam.


Both of these predate the bug that they "identified" on the 17'th... By WEEKS.


Another update on the Amazon review:

4/19/2014 UPDATE: Seems like ZeniMax introduced another bug into the game. This one will allow you to get unlimited mail from your hirelings. I simply don't know how to react to the way they are running things.

So pretty sure that will come out eventually as well.




  • voidbringervoidbringer Member Posts: 10
    Bump for validity with proof.
  • prowesssprowesss Member Posts: 69
    a bug that has existed since beta was only exploited for one day.  They took action quickly.

    I chose the Xfinity speed test because it does not reveal my ISP.

  • TygranirTygranir Member Posts: 741

    There were streamers showing the exploit prior to release....

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  • GPrestigeGPrestige Member UncommonPosts: 523
    Originally posted by prowesss
    a bug that was existed since beta was only exploited for one day.  They took action quickly.

    Can't tell if naive or sarcastic...

    -Computer specs no one cares about: check.

    -MMOs played no one cares about: check.

    -Xfire stats no one cares about: check.

    -Signature no one cares about: check.

    -Narcissism: check.

  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    You expect Zenimax to fess up and admit they knew about it since beta.... come one be real.
    Garrus Signature
  • prowesssprowesss Member Posts: 69
    Originally posted by GPrestige
    Originally posted by prowesss
    a bug that was existed since beta was only exploited for one day.  They took action quickly.

    Can't tell if naive or sarcastic...

    thank you for the wonderful compliment :-D

    I chose the Xfinity speed test because it does not reveal my ISP.

  • BigdaddyxBigdaddyx Member UncommonPosts: 2,039
    Originally posted by prowesss
    a bug that was existed since beta was only exploited for one day.  They took action quickly.

    lol image

  • Skah2goSkah2go Member Posts: 3

    Oooh a google cache and some amazon review. Big whoop. 

    I found out about this bug yesterday and guess what, I am in one of the biggest guilds in the game.

    Amazon dates are easy to fake and that google cache date is the 16'th, so the longest this dupe has been around for is from the 16th.

    Whatevah haters gonna hate.

  • Big.Daddy.SamediBig.Daddy.Samedi Member UncommonPosts: 411
    Originally posted by Skah2go

    Oooh a google cache and some amazon review. Big whoop. 

    I found out about this bug yesterday and guess what, I am in one of the biggest guilds in the game.

    Amazon dates are easy to fake and that google cache date is the 16'th, so the longest this dupe has been around for is from the 16th.

    Whatevah haters gonna hate.

    My friend, I love this game, and I am sorry to tell you but this bug HAS existed since beta and has been being exploited since launch. I've known about it, and been careful NOT to exploit it, as it is easy to accidentally do so. 

    My only concern now is what this is going to do to the games economy. But this "stuff" happens to most games at some point.

  • NecropsieNecropsie Member UncommonPosts: 142
    Originally posted by Skah2go

    Oooh a google cache and some amazon review. Big whoop. 

    I found out about this bug yesterday and guess what, I am in one of the biggest guilds in the game.

    Amazon dates are easy to fake and that google cache date is the 16'th, so the longest this dupe has been around for is from the 16th.

    Whatevah haters gonna hate.

    I really dont understand this type of mentality. You may love a game, you may be fanboy of it, sure, but why the blind defense? It is obvious this account has been created just to post this kind of "no, everything is fine, you are all haterz" posts. Why? A simple Google search can show you that this bug is really in the game since beta. I am asking again, why? Why do a person wastes his/her time and energy to create a fake account just to blindly defend a game which he/she has paid for? Very empty life with nothing to do? Is it really hard to say "I love the game and i will keep subbing it, but this issue and official response is not good"?

    Stages of a new mmo: 1) It's just beta. It still has plenty of time before release. 2) It just launched. Give it time. WoW wasn't built in a day. 3) We don't need you anyway. 4) F2P announced. 5)Huge influx of players. 6) Look how much has changed. 7) Cash shop is the only thing developed lately. 8) It has been a long journey and we thank everyone who was part of it. Shutting down in 3 months. (Courtesy of Robokapp.)

  • BigdaddyxBigdaddyx Member UncommonPosts: 2,039
    Originally posted by Skah2go

    Oooh a google cache and some amazon review. Big whoop. 

    I found out about this bug yesterday and guess what, I am in one of the biggest guilds in the game.

    Amazon dates are easy to fake and that google cache date is the 16'th, so the longest this dupe has been around for is from the 16th.

    Whatevah haters gonna hate.

    Another sock puppet account made just for blind defense of the game. I think the reason you didn't post on your main is because even you know how silly it is

    The phrase 'haters gonna hate' has no relevance in regards with an obvious exploit that has been going on for quite sometime now..

  • Blaze007Blaze007 Member Posts: 188

    Yesterday they banned a lot of people, today they unbanned them. And this is all they did, leaving the excess gold made by this duplicating bug in circulation. I myself know two people who skilled their enchanting to the max level using duplicated glyphs they received and they happily play on, no ban for them, because they did not  duplicate, they just used the duplicated items made by other guildmate... Exploits, hacks, mass boting in every public dungeon, not working skills, and the only form of communication is via generic messages that " appropriate steps were taken to counter bla bla bla..."

    This is Age of Conan and Funcom all over again.

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx

    Another sock puppet account made just for blind defense of the game. I think the reason you didn't post on your main is because even you know how silly it is

    The phrase 'haters gonna hate' has no relevance in regards with an obvious exploit that has been going on for quite sometime now..

    "going on for quite some time", yet we hear nothing about it at all, no reddit threads, no threads here, this is the kind of thing that blows up as soon as it's outed, doesn't add up that it's just now coming to be widespread knowledge. When have people ever really sat on this type of information, Zenimax certainly couldn't keep such a thing under wraps, it would be outed even faster if it was apparent they were trying to. Far too many posters who dig deeper than dateline NBC. I don't doubt it started before the past few days, but going all the way back to beta? I find it hard to believe no one would say anything that long. Just look how much media coverage has popped up on this in a matter of days.

    As for the amazon review, there are multiple edits,

    4/11/2014 UPDATE: Please check the comment section. There have been some interesting developments after I published this review.
    4/18/2014 UPDATE: WOW, I didn't even notice that I started getting helpful votes. I really wonder how that happened. I was sure that this review would be forever buried and tagged as unhelpful.
    4/18/2014 UPDATE 2: Oh I see. The dupe finally got out and people started looking a bit deeper. Honestly I am surprised it took this long, since anyone messing around in the guild bank had a pretty high chance of figuring out how to do this. We discovered it by accident and made a forum post about it... Only to have it deleted. Shortly after that it was all over guild chat and people were duping Grand Soul Gems and more. I honestly thought the dupe would get out that same day, but apparently I was wrong.

    who's to say when that info was added. You don't trust a random 1 post account and call them a sock puppet, yet you believe this outright no questions asked?

    The title of this thread doesn't really add up to the statement from Zenimax either, they said they identified it, not that it was only happening for one day.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Proof that these companies keep underestimating the power of internet....  Stop treating your customers like kids...  Realise its grownups playing these games and they can not be fooled..  By not being honest to customers game companies make their actuall probelm only worse..,

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • MilanderMilander Member UncommonPosts: 178
    Originally posted by Skah2go

    Oooh a google cache and some amazon review. Big whoop. 

    I found out about this bug yesterday and guess what, I am in one of the biggest guilds in the game.

    Amazon dates are easy to fake and that google cache date is the 16'th, so the longest this dupe has been around for is from the 16th.

    Whatevah haters gonna hate.

    Knew about it in beta....Reported it. Gave detailed information on how to repeat....Well, at least I did for ONE dupe exploit...I do not know if this is the same one. I honestly lost desire to play the game as the beta went on and they seemed to disregard reports saying that was how their view of breaking the mmo stereotype was and that they were infact not bugs.

    Wish them well, even if I'm not playing. Maybe in a few months (if they havent gone F2P) I'll try it out again.


  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Milander
    Originally posted by Skah2go

    Oooh a google cache and some amazon review. Big whoop. 

    I found out about this bug yesterday and guess what, I am in one of the biggest guilds in the game.

    Amazon dates are easy to fake and that google cache date is the 16'th, so the longest this dupe has been around for is from the 16th.

    Whatevah haters gonna hate.

    Knew about it in beta....Reported it. Gave detailed information on how to repeat....Well, at least I did for ONE dupe exploit...I do not know if this is the same one. I honestly lost desire to play the game as the beta went on and they seemed to disregard reports saying that was how their view of breaking the mmo stereotype was and that they were infact not bugs.

    Wish them well, even if I'm not playing. Maybe in a few months (if they havent gone F2P) I'll try it out again.


    Knew about it since Beta/Didn't warn others... Why?

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • kaiser3282kaiser3282 Member UncommonPosts: 2,759

    So.... the cached link only mentions a bank dupe, which seems to be regarding personal banks. No mention of guild banks which was the issue that they fixed yesterday.

    The amazon page only mentions that duping exists, again nothing about the particular dupe which was fixed in this last patch.

    Still not seeing any proof that this is some issue that has been around for weeks and  isnt a separate dupe from others that may have existed in the past, or perhaps something that was fixed then came back due to some other change (they have had a few issues with guilds that required removing all guild functionality and a patch, so possible one of those patches screwed up something again) and needed to be fixed again.

    I find it kind of funny that after the fact that it was acknowledged by ZOS and they began working on it all of a sudden every one starts coming out of the woodwork claiming theyve known about this for weeks, reported it, etc. Why werent any of you on here and the official forums make a big stink about it for the past 3 weeks? Maybe enjoying all your duped items too much (if this dupe was in fact present the whole time)? Or maybe just full of shit?

  • BigdavoBigdavo Member UncommonPosts: 1,863

    This is nothing compared to the infamous Neverwinter Online's 'Caturday'.

    Anyone else who was playing at the time will know what I'm talking about. The funny thing was, mass hysteria for a day, literally 2 days later it was like it never happened, I'm talking about massive exploit to gain cash shop currency.

    Funny thing was, it was reported months in advance.


    O_o o_O

  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Milander
    Originally posted by Skah2go

    Oooh a google cache and some amazon review. Big whoop. 

    I found out about this bug yesterday and guess what, I am in one of the biggest guilds in the game.

    Amazon dates are easy to fake and that google cache date is the 16'th, so the longest this dupe has been around for is from the 16th.

    Whatevah haters gonna hate.

    Knew about it in beta....Reported it. Gave detailed information on how to repeat....Well, at least I did for ONE dupe exploit...I do not know if this is the same one. I honestly lost desire to play the game as the beta went on and they seemed to disregard reports saying that was how their view of breaking the mmo stereotype was and that they were infact not bugs.

    Wish them well, even if I'm not playing. Maybe in a few months (if they havent gone F2P) I'll try it out again.


    Knew about it since Beta/Didn't warn others... Why?

    On several of your posts you say it's not right to believe people who claim the bug has been there for a long time more than those who say it only just occured.

    That is fine from a neutral point. But this post now makes me ponder. He clearly said he found the bug and reported it to the company. What more do expect?

    Unless you are implying he is lying?

    Harbinger of Fools
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,631

    I just got this picture in my head of a Zenimax programmer with his feet up after a hard launch and post launch slog, having a coffee.

     Suddenly he jumps up and says "OMG we forgot to fix the copy item bug!", then running of with his arms flailing. :)

  • NecropsieNecropsie Member UncommonPosts: 142
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx

    Another sock puppet account made just for blind defense of the game. I think the reason you didn't post on your main is because even you know how silly it is

    The phrase 'haters gonna hate' has no relevance in regards with an obvious exploit that has been going on for quite sometime now..

    "going on for quite some time", yet we hear nothing about it at all, no reddit threads, no threads here, this is the kind of thing that blows up as soon as it's outed, doesn't add up that it's just now coming to be widespread knowledge. When have people ever really sat on this type of information, Zenimax certainly couldn't keep such a thing under wraps, it would be outed even faster if it was apparent they were trying to. Far too many posters who dig deeper than dateline NBC. I don't doubt it started before the past few days, but going all the way back to beta? I find it hard to believe no one would say anything that long. Just look how much media coverage has popped up on this in a matter of days.

    As for the amazon review, there are multiple edits,

    4/11/2014 UPDATE: Please check the comment section. There have been some interesting developments after I published this review.
    4/18/2014 UPDATE: WOW, I didn't even notice that I started getting helpful votes. I really wonder how that happened. I was sure that this review would be forever buried and tagged as unhelpful.
    4/18/2014 UPDATE 2: Oh I see. The dupe finally got out and people started looking a bit deeper. Honestly I am surprised it took this long, since anyone messing around in the guild bank had a pretty high chance of figuring out how to do this. We discovered it by accident and made a forum post about it... Only to have it deleted. Shortly after that it was all over guild chat and people were duping Grand Soul Gems and more. I honestly thought the dupe would get out that same day, but apparently I was wrong.

    who's to say when that info was added. You don't trust a random 1 post account and call them a sock puppet, yet you believe this outright no questions asked?

    The title of this thread doesn't really add up to the statement from Zenimax either, they said they identified it, not that it was only happening for one day.

    Since you are looking for a reddit link, i found one in 5 secs. At least 20 people in this link says this is a very well known issue. But then.. You don't trust them too, do you?

    Seriously, even Zenimax doesnt care this much about the company.

    Stages of a new mmo: 1) It's just beta. It still has plenty of time before release. 2) It just launched. Give it time. WoW wasn't built in a day. 3) We don't need you anyway. 4) F2P announced. 5)Huge influx of players. 6) Look how much has changed. 7) Cash shop is the only thing developed lately. 8) It has been a long journey and we thank everyone who was part of it. Shutting down in 3 months. (Courtesy of Robokapp.)

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190

    To write reviews on amazon you have to have an account where you have purchased things from them. Not a dummy account that does not have your credit card details and delivery address and such. I would trust a person from Amazon more than some no consequence account you can create here. 


    I know this because I tried to write a review on a book on an account that had not purchased anything from Amazon . I could not write it.

  • AmbrosiaAmorAmbrosiaAmor Member Posts: 915

    Yeah Reddit is having a field day with this; over 360 responses to the following thread.



    Good post from the OP though.


  • fs23otmfs23otm Member RarePosts: 508

    Years from now... no one will remember a dupe bug that lasted a little bit at launch. Hell EQ had a dupe bug around the time of launch and it didn't effect the gameplay. And that was a game where gold and items mattered!!!!

  • MothanosMothanos Member UncommonPosts: 1,910

    Its fixed now so what gives ?
    Does it affect me ? nope
    I still like the game even tough mistakes were made.

    But man does some people know how to cause drama !
    Hilarious as if their entire life depends on it !

    I have much more problems with bots inside public dungeons then some cheaters duping items.
    All shit i need comes from out guild and master crafters where we donate most of our items to.
    When i want a gear upgrade they make it.

    Never used the auction house either as its useless with a good solid guild.
    And gold ? got plenty of it but nothing to spend it on.

    Back to Cyrodill now !

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