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so are you going to resub (poll)?



  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    Originally posted by Gravehill


    So not only are you going to waste your free time playing a game that you think is trash, you're going to hang around this forum for a year and read about it and post about it and wait for it to go f2p? How can something be worth getting a toon to max level if it's free but garbage just because it costs $60? This literally makes no sense to me. It's either good or it isn't. 

    When the game runs properly it isnt too bad. So one would assume that once it does go free to play they will maybe have worked some of that stuff out. If not then no it wont be worth it.


    Also "worth" and "value" are two separate things. It might actually be "worth' 60 bucks. BUT, and its a big but. Not when you know it will eventually be free (and hopefully better) in not too long a time.


    So what has more 'value' a game in the state ESO is now that costs 60 bucks, or a game with a few months of updates and content additions and (hopefully) many of the issues plaguing it now fixed?


    Why pay 60 bucks for a broken down garbage heap right now when you can wait a few months and get something slightly or much better for nothing?


    But yes that is still based on the assumption they will someday eventually getting the game running roperly.

  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    The only thing that needs to be 'obvious' to a player is that they pay for a game they enjoy playing and them stop paying when they stop enjoying playing a game. the sinister conspiracy arguements and evil game publisher arguements can't really make consumers but stuff they don't want, although bad free to play/cash shops can be a lot more manipulative than a sub.

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • cronius77cronius77 Member UncommonPosts: 1,652
    you guys expecting some picture perfect launch obviously have never purchased a elders scrolls game. To me the tradition lives on, skyrim was a bugging crashing mess also at release and took almost a year to finish fixing most of the bugs. Go look at some of the mods, there are community patches for skyrim fixing crashing and bugs. This company is novice when it comes to a mmorpg on top of that so I would say if you have no patience for this sort of thing you really did pick the wrong game and company. I chose resub myself as I only play a couple of hours a night after work and its usually always up(except last night) so I do not run into a lot of the issues people are having with lag and crashes and disconnects. I learned a very long time ago on a new release to A play minimally because of these exact situations and B never rush to level cap as there will be just basic little things to do and that will be the buggiest part of any new release. I try to wait a patch or two before getting to end game myself.
  • strawhat0981strawhat0981 Member RarePosts: 1,229
    Originally posted by Gravehill
    I don't understand people that openly admit they're waiting for it to "go f2p" and act like it's some sort of victory over the game. It literally just makes you look like you want to play it but you're too broke to afford it. Get a job.

    Thanks for the laugh, and I agree. Like you said, acting like its some kind of win makes them look foolish.

    Originally posted by laokoko
    "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".

  • SiugSiug Member UncommonPosts: 1,257
    Yes and already bought 2 months card. 
  • BladestromBladestrom Member UncommonPosts: 5,001
    Lol ye I hate the taste of beef so I'm not going to pay farmers for producing beef, but hey when it's free and the farmers get nothing then i will eat it (even though I don't like it!)

    rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar

    Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D

  • immodiumimmodium Member RarePosts: 2,610
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    Lol ye I hate the taste of beef so I'm not going to pay farmers for producing beef, but hey when it's free and the farmers get nothing then i will eat it (even though I don't like it!)


    I won't pay for shit, however I'll eat all the free shit I can.


    Most people who jump on a game when it goes F2P do so because there bored. I'll be doing the same with Wildstar, and that game will be going F2P a lot sooner than ESO.

  • ZzadZzad Member UncommonPosts: 1,401

    Resubbing? YES OFC.

    I´m enjoying the game A LOT more than expected ^^


  • RigurRigur Member Posts: 53
    Haven't bought it. Won't buy it. Won't touch it if it goes F2P.

    The first MMO you loved will always be the best. You will never get that feeling back stop trying.

  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222
    Not sure what I'm going to do.  I'm lvl 9 and bored to tears, finding it tough to log in and run more chores for NPCs.  I should probably force myself to at least to lvl 20 and see if things pick up.  Also possibly try the PvP as that looks much more promising than the quest grinding PvE.
  • SiugSiug Member UncommonPosts: 1,257
    Originally posted by justmemyselfandi
    Originally posted by fivoroth

    No offence but you can't resub to something to which you've never subscribed to before. No one at the moment is subscribed to the game. You subscribe for the first time once your free 30 days are over.

    I don't know at the moment how I will feel after my remaining 22 days are over. But if I had to decide right now, I would subscribe.

    Ooh yeah and your poll is HORRIBLE. I mean super ultra mega horrible. Was it so hard to make a poll with two options? Yes, I will sub. No - I will not. Why are there so many options. Really unprofessional and bordering to useless. You have also phrased the options terribly. 

    No offense, but you're talking bollocks.

    Many people were forced to buy time cards in order to activate their "free" days, so they are indeed subbed.

    I did not feel being forced to do anything I just bought that card because I prefer not to share my CC data these days if possible. Anyway I already knew that I'll play ESO for at least 3 months and hopefully longer. But I agree that free 30 days should have come with the game without any further requirements.

  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    Originally posted by immodium
    Originally posted by Bladestrom
    Lol ye I hate the taste of beef so I'm not going to pay farmers for producing beef, but hey when it's free and the farmers get nothing then i will eat it (even though I don't like it!)


    I won't pay for shit, however I'll eat all the free shit I can.


    Most people who jump on a game when it goes F2P do so because there bored. I'll be doing the same with Wildstar, and that game will be going F2P a lot sooner than ESO.

    Both arguments to the extreme. A better argument would be, You walk in and see beef is 25 bucks a pound. You wouldnt mind it buying some if it were half that. But not for 25 bucks. You know (guess) that eventually the price will indeed drop to where you could see buying some of it. A few months later you walk in and they have the same beef (better cut) for 9.99 a pound.


    I dont think anyone ever said the game was complete unplayable trash, they just didnt see the 'value' in the game at the prices ZoS was charging. They also knew that the gae was going to be a mess. So why pay for something that is going to have problems and you suspect will eventually be cheaper if not free?


    The game itself when running properly is average, and worth a shot. Especially if its free. It might actually be worth a buy to play price (29.99) or something like that if they can have it running as smoothly as most current AAA MMOs (that still exist) run. I doubt when they make the move it will go buy to play, theyll go right to full on free to play and a cash shop.

  • LatronusLatronus Member Posts: 692

    This thread speaks volumes for the current state of the gamers more than a game.  OMG a quest is bugged!  OMG, gold spammers, OMG my computer crashed once, OMG the game XXXX.   If you think a game has been released clean with no bugs then you are a f'ing moron and need to find another hobby.  Even Microsoft can't release software that doesn't have bugs for crying out loud.

    you font like the game for combat, gameplay, graphics/art style, or  some other design then sweet.  But to whine about bugs shows how childish gamers are.  I mean WoW, Eq2, Lineage 2, and even EQ still have bugs and they've been around for a long time.  Claiming bugs is the issue is a lie if that same person then says they are going back to their old game.  Why, because it has bugs as well.  Just not as many because it's been released for a lot longer and the devs have worked the list down.


  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    Originally posted by kitarad

    Waiting for the game to be less buggy and perhaps cheaper to buy then I will buy it.

    Yeah, me too.

  • summitussummitus Member UncommonPosts: 1,414
    Already subbed for 6 months , loving this game :)
  • DeathFromAboveDeathFromAbove Member UncommonPosts: 112
    Already did. :) Funny how the haters get mad for the ones enjoying the game. hahahaha
  • summitussummitus Member UncommonPosts: 1,414
    Originally posted by Scorchien
    Regret buying it....    Terrible representation of an Elder Scrolls game wrapped in a complete mess of a half-baked MMO..

    Wow you really think its that bad ??

  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    Originally posted by Latronus

    This thread speaks volumes for the current state of the gamers more than a game.  OMG a quest is bugged!  OMG, gold spammers, OMG my computer crashed once, OMG the game XXXX.   If you think a game has been released clean with no bugs then you are a f'ing moron and need to find another hobby.  Even Microsoft can't release software that doesn't have bugs for crying out loud.

    you font like the game for combat, gameplay, graphics/art style, or  some other design then sweet.  But to whine about bugs shows how childish gamers are.  I mean WoW, Eq2, Lineage 2, and even EQ still have bugs and they've been around for a long time.  Claiming bugs is the issue is a lie if that same person then says they are going back to their old game.  Why, because it has bugs as well.  Just not as many because it's been released for a lot longer and the devs have worked the list down.


    You show why the gaming companies do what they do. also citing games 10 years old with bugs is always the classic response. The fact those games still have bugs, and probably the same bugs they had at release shows how poor the future of ESO is, because more than likely none of the bugs that exist now will ever be fixed. They will do what all those companies have done and hope the people running into them is reduced to a level that they can more easily handle (if they bother to handle it) many people who play alts and know the bugs also avoid them on purpose (thus 'fixing' the issue themselves.) Its like this whole GM thing, much easier to cover it up and pay off people who die than to fix the actual problem causing people to die.


    But this game is way more than bugs and performance issues. it is customer service and billing problems and basicaly the whole lack of ability this company has show to actually knowing how to run an MMO.


    it was all right when they released garbage games on consoles, there was an army of modders and tech guys there willing and able to post fixes and patches for them. The should probably hire a few of those guys to fix their MMO.


    Just so frigging tired of this same stupid lame argument over and over again.


    If World of Warcraft released tomorrow it would fail, not just go free to play but would probably have to shut down the servers altogether. Continuing to cite that game as the end all be all is the go to card for everyone because they still think it is a success because of the claims of millions of people still playing it. I knew hundreds of people who USED to play it ZERO of them still play it. I suspect most people are in the same category. Sure some guys might raid once or twice a week but it surely isnt a game people spend any massive amounts of time in anymore. 


    But if you want to cite WoW then ZoS better be coughing up some free game time for the people who are having the issues, because Wow was giving out free months to people with the worst problems back then. I have yet to see ZoS even acknowledge they have a widespread log in problem let alone offering compensation of any kind to anyone experiencing it.

  • MithrandolirMithrandolir Member UncommonPosts: 1,701
    definitely resubbing, I'm finding it to be a fantastic game.
  • safire312safire312 Member UncommonPosts: 26
    Im waiting for Craglorn reviews, if its good im going to buy game, and then im going to pay subs as long as they make new content every one/two months.
  • sketocafesketocafe Member UncommonPosts: 950
    Originally posted by Yoda_Clone

    Cancelled within a day of the 30 days of play that came with buying it.  And I'm seeking a refund, although I'm getting an unbelievable run-around from their customer service.  [sarcasm] Wonderful customer service! [/sarcasm]  Very, very polite... but otherwise totally useless with canned responses.

    "We'd love to help you!  Just send us all this personal information -- to include credit card data -- in an open, unsecured email..."

    Like hell I will...

    Since the last patch, the game is unplayable.  I keep trying, but it crashes after at most fifteen minutes or so of play.  HARD crashes resulting in their little white dialog asking what I was doing at the time... well, let me see: I was chatting with my son in-game when it crashed (happened multiple times); I was moving (happened multiple times); I was killing a mob, just your everyday mob (happened multiple times); I was fighting a boss mob (happened once); I opened the man (happened multiple times); I opened my inventory (happened mutiple times)... other words, not doing anything other than the mundane.  I have even had the game crash just after loading my character.

    This wasn't happening during Beta.

    This wasn't happening during the 5-day early start.

    I had eight crashes total during that timeframe through close to 100 hours played.

    Since the patch I've had fifteen crashes in less than an hour played.

    I don't know what they did, but my son's framerate has dropped by around 20fps since the patch, too.

    Fine, my PC isn't compatible with their game for some reason.  I can live with it.  But, since the problems only started with the last patch, I don't want some young college kid trying to snow me with the usual crap about ports and routers and firewalls, etc.  It's not like I haven't been a computer geek for almost 50 years.

    I encountered this problem as well and recalled a post in a thread about it suggesting to get bandicam and use the fps limiter. It totally works, no more crashes and it runs as well as it ever did. Just have the box which limits fps at all times, not just while recording checked. or unchecked if it says just while recording.

  • SpankthetoadSpankthetoad Member UncommonPosts: 83

    I like it a lot because just off the Island at a low lvl you can die so easy if your not carefull.  I have played most of the mainstream mmo's out there and unless you screw up in a big way your not going to die for awhile.  Have to keep your eyes open here and plan things out a little.  If you rush in at in Wow or Rift no problem just kill them all.  Not here you do that and your kissing dirt.  I love that.   Its not perfect by any means.  Bag space is a issue.  Stam, Health and Maj overloads are a issue but none of these are a deal breaker.  Its nice to have a hard time getting quests done.



  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Originally posted by Latronus

    This thread speaks volumes for the current state of the gamers more than a game.  OMG a quest is bugged!  OMG, gold spammers, OMG my computer crashed once, OMG the game XXXX.   If you think a game has been released clean with no bugs then you are a f'ing moron and need to find another hobby.  Even Microsoft can't release software that doesn't have bugs for crying out loud.

    you font like the game for combat, gameplay, graphics/art style, or  some other design then sweet.  But to whine about bugs shows how childish gamers are.  I mean WoW, Eq2, Lineage 2, and even EQ still have bugs and they've been around for a long time.  Claiming bugs is the issue is a lie if that same person then says they are going back to their old game.  Why, because it has bugs as well.  Just not as many because it's been released for a lot longer and the devs have worked the list down.


    It does actually speak volumes about gamers. Look at the poll results and compare them to the general attitude of the forums. Weird how they're not even close. The vast majority seem to either want to resub or never played it.

    What does that tell you about all the bitching about a game on forums ?......drama queen island doing business as usual.

  • CalkrowCalkrow Member UncommonPosts: 94
    Bought 3 months for starters.
    Forum Post count does not = Game Intelligence or Knowledge  it just shows how often people like to talk.
  • SaunZSaunZ Member UncommonPosts: 472

    Awesome game!  Probably best MMORPG ever... I have resubbed and LOVE it so far!


    Sz  :o)

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