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This, fo rme, is the worst experience of "trying" to play an MMO I have ever had.



  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,257
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Nemesis7884
    Originally posted by Paradigm68

    I see stories like this (experienced it myself once) every time an MMO launches. Don't buy an MMO at launch if this kind of thing is a problem for you. 

    Give it 6 months to work out some of the major bugs, for the population to stabilize somewhat, etc...

    Not trying to say you shouldn't be frustrated, or that the publishers should be let off the hook, just that it's the way it is. 

    exactly...people always come up with this bs "the game being broken" just because they and 1% of other players have a rough start while 99% others can play just fine... - relax, take a deep breath, assess your options and act on them...

    Numbers and statistics are fun. I can also pull them outta thin air to make a point but fact is that a lot of players are having problems in regards to the patcher and downloads. official forums is where majority of people post to get help on such matter. When was the last time you check customer support forums? i suggest you do, if you really believe the 1% vs 99% BS.

    Ignorance is bliss i guess.

    What do you suppose the actual percentage is?  10%, 20%, 50%?  It is mostly like a very small percentage of the total player base.  Let's suppose they have 500,000 players right (being conservative) and there's 1% with serious issues, that would be 5000 people which could really flood a support forum.

    I recall once reading statistics on this back when WOW launched, and back then Blizzard said about 15% or so of the player base had issues with the game.  No idea if in 10 years this might still be the case, but  if so, that would be 75K players with issues of one sort or another.

    Doesn't change the fact that for 85% of the players, there are minimal to no issues, so it is going to look like things are fine from their perspective. 

    It sucks to be on the wrong side of that percentage, but just something that has to be dealt with.  No game will ever run 100% fine for everyone, too much variance between PC's of various users, which is why consoles have some advantages in this area, standardization.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Paradigm68Paradigm68 Member UncommonPosts: 890
    Originally posted by Sk1ppeR
    Originally posted by Paradigm68

    I see stories like this (experienced it myself once) every time an MMO launches. Don't buy an MMO at launch if this kind of thing is a problem for you. 

    Give it 6 months to work out some of the major bugs, for the population to stabilize somewhat, etc...

    Not trying to say you shouldn't be frustrated, or that the publishers should be let off the hook, just that it's the way it is. 

    idk I downloaded Gw2 as fast as my connection could go at headstart day :) 

    Yeah but did everyone? My point is if potential MMO launch problems make someone upset, they should skip launches.

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,644
    The OP joined in April this year and this is his worst launch ever, quite possibly his first launch ever as well.
  • oldboygameroldboygamer Member Posts: 139
    Originally posted by human106

    I want this game, I want to like this game and I was excited about this game.


    I bought the disc yesterday morning, installed it and then spent 18 hours, yes 18 hours downloading approximately 5gb of patches / updates.  This is at a download speed 10 time slower than my connection allows.  I have a slow connection, but a 5gb download would usually take about 1.5 - 2 hours.  So yeah, 18 hours.


    On waking up this morning and seeing that 100% and the "PLAY" Button....Im super excited right?


    Yeah...till I try and load and get stuck staring at the loading screen for 15 minutes.  So I fire off an email to customer services who have told me to Disable Firewall, Virus Control and User Account Control as well as run as administrator in compatabilty mode for Windows xp sp3.  Right?  Huh? the game wont work on Windows 7?  I have then to do a repair.


    So after clicking "repair"...I am told the game now wants to download 13gb.  13 freaking gb???   That's going to take about 4 days.


    This is from a disc install.  I have SWTOR, Rift, Tera, WoW and GW2 on my machines and with every one of them, despite my slow internet connection speed I have been online with every one of them in less than 2 hours.  And every patch has been fine.


    I emailed customer services about this slow download problem and they say "its launch day...everyone is downloading, that's why its so slow".  Really?  You didn't foresee that lots of people might be trying to install and just thought well ok everyone will be fine with super long download times.


    And on top of free 30 day access is running down. Good work Zenimax.


    ...and back on planet Earth, 30 minute digital download, and playing with no issues at all, at full spec for the last two days. Nothing to see here move along.

  • BigdaddyxBigdaddyx Member UncommonPosts: 2,039
    Originally posted by Scot
    The OP joined in April this year and this is his worst launch ever, quite possibly his first launch ever as well.

    This is nonsense. Since when forum join date has any bearing with how many MMOS the said individual has played prior to joining the forum? seriously it is if people are running out of material to insult OP for stating that he is having problem withe game. Such a nice community we going on here.

  • rochristrochrist Member UncommonPosts: 134
    Originally posted by Knotwood
    Yes, its a large size game, you have to keep in mind that all those gigabytes are going to voice overs, and to all the resources that make this game the Best Game Ever made.    Its well worth the wait to download.   I wish I could give you some of my download speed, You'd be done in 3 hours tops.  

    Stay in there soldier, its well worth the wait.


    Jesus, you're embarrassing. You're the single biggest argument against playing this game going.

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Scot
    The OP joined in April this year and this is his worst launch ever, quite possibly his first launch ever as well.

    This is nonsense. Since when forum join date has any bearing with how many MMOS the said individual has played prior to joining the forum? seriously it is if people are running out of material to insult OP for stating that he is having problem withe game. Such a nice community we going on here.

    Welcome to during the launch of a game?

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • CalvenCalven Member Posts: 151

    Well, the box version is always packed some time before it's shipped. Thus, any changes made afterwards must be downloaded. It can take quite a while especially at launch when they're patching as often as they are.

    I agree, loading screens in ESO are terribly long. During beta I had to wait 15 mins before the character select popped up. Another 15 mins was used to wait for the world to load. It's just not okay. But that was in beta. Might be they fixed that, though, according to your post, that isn't the case?

  • PsycheiPsychei Member Posts: 148

    I feel your pain man. I had pre-orderded it and tried to download it. I say try because I do not have the patience to dl it right now. I live in the woods and have a crummy 7 megs down cap. The whole game should have taken me a day max to download. It did not I was only getting 160 kbits per second download time (this is what someone with 1.5 megs down should be getting), which is 5 times slower than my cap.

    I was looking at close to a week to DL the game 3 days before early access. I honestly cannot be tying up my internet for a week. I contacted customer service they said they are experiencing high volumes of downloads. Honestly I understood this and kind of knew this was coming.

    Anyway to make a long story short I got my money back and will be repurchasing the game after launch when I might be able to actually download the game.  I can't be mad at Zenimax though, after all it is my fault for waiting so long to download the game.

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    I am angry at ppl like you coming in and raging like something did you wrong...when all you can post is stuff outside the game hindering you...not the game or anything about it.

    If...somehow...your days (unlike everyone else here) are counting down...then you would have something to ask about...but I doubt it. Since the rest of us won't have our 30 days start til after Sunday.

    calm down please.

    His issue IS A KNOWN ONE on the ESO forums.  There are a lot of people who were forced to enter a credit card before their game time was activated, and then it charged them for the full month OR it started counting down their game time the instant they activated their account, even doing it right.

    Bethesda has said it's their fault, so how about you stop lambasting the poor OP and have some compassion?   Lets look over the best of, lets see that the OPs problem is mentioned several times.

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by Scot
    The OP joined in April this year and this is his worst launch ever, quite possibly his first launch ever as well.

    Yep before 09 I had never heard or played MMOs, clearly this website is the only reason any of us have ever joined an mmo launch.

    Are you serious?

  • human106human106 Member Posts: 33
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Scot
    The OP joined in April this year and this is his worst launch ever, quite possibly his first launch ever as well.

    This is nonsense. Since when forum join date has any bearing with how many MMOS the said individual has played prior to joining the forum? seriously it is if people are running out of material to insult OP for stating that he is having problem withe game. Such a nice community we going on here.

    Played Ultima Online, DAOC, EQ. GW, WOW, RIFT, TERA, SWTOR and GW2.  Not all from launch day, but a lot of them were, particularly the ones over the last 5 years or so (about when I got bored of WoW).


    The ONLY reason Im on this forum and not the official forum is that I never got the invite mail to the official forum (another failure) and therefore can't post.


    If you think that having a download sped of between 5 and 10 times slower than your natural broadband limit is normal on a game isn't.  Its the first time I've ever seen that happen.


    Thank you to the posters who made pleasant, useful comments.  The rest of you are the reasons MMOs are so dumbed down from what they once were.  I am sure when I do eventually login you will be the ones spamming global with racist, obscene filthand demanding you know...MOAR LOOT, easier progression...a new level cap cos you spent the last 3 months playing all day every day on account of your lack of social life and "oh no ...there no moar content".  Sure some people might think you are funny for about 5 minutes...but sadly no one will actually still LIKE you.. Well done.  Congratulations on being you.



  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Laughing-man
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    I am angry at ppl like you coming in and raging like something did you wrong...when all you can post is stuff outside the game hindering you...not the game or anything about it.

    If...somehow...your days (unlike everyone else here) are counting down...then you would have something to ask about...but I doubt it. Since the rest of us won't have our 30 days start til after Sunday.

    calm down please.

    His issue IS A KNOWN ONE on the ESO forums.  There are a lot of people who were forced to enter a credit card before their game time was activated, and then it charged them for the full month OR it started counting down their game time the instant they activated their account, even doing it right.

    Bethesda has said it's their fault, so how about you stop lambasting the poor OP and have some compassion?   Lets look over the best of, lets see that the OPs problem is mentioned several times.

    Uhh that is not the OP"s problem.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655

    For the record, I bought ESO.

    I had a lot of problems compared to other launches with the game.

    The support was very prompt, and it completely ignored the text of my question and sent me forum letters.




    Their support is horrendous.  

    Simply awful.

    I had to figure out the problem via a 3rd party.

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Laughing-man
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    I am angry at ppl like you coming in and raging like something did you wrong...when all you can post is stuff outside the game hindering you...not the game or anything about it.

    If...somehow...your days (unlike everyone else here) are counting down...then you would have something to ask about...but I doubt it. Since the rest of us won't have our 30 days start til after Sunday.

    calm down please.

    His issue IS A KNOWN ONE on the ESO forums.  There are a lot of people who were forced to enter a credit card before their game time was activated, and then it charged them for the full month OR it started counting down their game time the instant they activated their account, even doing it right.

    Bethesda has said it's their fault, so how about you stop lambasting the poor OP and have some compassion?   Lets look over the best of, lets see that the OPs problem is mentioned several times.

    Uhh that is not the OP"s problem.

    Did you read any of the posts?  

    They all mention the 30 day charge, and most of them contain people asking the LOGICAL follow up question. 'Why does my account show only 29 days remaining?'

    Yep, it does, for many people.

    Including me, want a screen shot?


    From my account page

    Game Time Remaining

    You have 28 days of game time remaining.

    Billing Date

    You will be billed on May 4, 2014 for $14.99

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Laughing-man
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Laughing-man
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    I am angry at ppl like you coming in and raging like something did you wrong...when all you can post is stuff outside the game hindering you...not the game or anything about it.

    If...somehow...your days (unlike everyone else here) are counting down...then you would have something to ask about...but I doubt it. Since the rest of us won't have our 30 days start til after Sunday.

    calm down please.

    His issue IS A KNOWN ONE on the ESO forums.  There are a lot of people who were forced to enter a credit card before their game time was activated, and then it charged them for the full month OR it started counting down their game time the instant they activated their account, even doing it right.

    Bethesda has said it's their fault, so how about you stop lambasting the poor OP and have some compassion?   Lets look over the best of, lets see that the OPs problem is mentioned several times.

    Uhh that is not the OP"s problem.

    Did you read any of the posts?  

    They all mention the 30 day charge, and most of them contain people asking the LOGICAL follow up question. 'Why does my account show only 29 days remaining?'

    Yep, it does, for many people.

    Including me, want a screen shot?

    The OP's problem is that he can't get the game to run on his PC.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by Distopia

    The OP's problem is that he can't get the game to run on his PC.

    That would be one of his problems, he has more than one.

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by human106


    And on top of free 30 day access is running down. Good work Zenimax.

    See Dis?

  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    And NO...the 30 days ARE NOT COUNTING DOWN!!! Read a bit. Early access was granted til Sunday. Meaning that all codes are active after. Unless people are once again gonna treat plain word for what they feel they read instead.

    And Dist for the record, this is why I started trying to defend that particular part of the OP's complaint.  

    Because the OP was right at least about this part.

  • moondragomoondrago Member UncommonPosts: 47
    something to be  siad for  pre ordeing  .. loaded up the  game   days  before  .. runs  really  good  np  here ..and im running  windows  7 :)  cheers

    its a GoOd dAy to diE !!

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Laughing-man
    Originally posted by human106


    And on top of free 30 day access is running down. Good work Zenimax.

    See Dis?

    IF he bought it at launch (yesterday) the free 2 days doesn't apply from my knowledge, it only applied to pre-orders. Still that is related to his issue, of not being able to log in and play, not the Zenimax charging players already issue. At least from what I've gathered here in this thread.



    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495
    Originally posted by human106

    You havent read everything.  I am not using an antivirus...this rig is solely used for gaming.  Firewall is OFF.  UAC is off.


    It appears as though (from the ping results) that the connection is fine until it gets to Europe and then fails trying to contact the server which for some inexplicable reason is in the USA...even though I'm playing on the allegedly EU megaserver. 

    Is your Firewall alway's OFF? And is this the regular Win7 Firewall or another brand? Or perhaps you havn't even installed one? Personaly never switch of my Antivirus/Firewall, especially on my gaming rig regardless if the game requests it. So far never run into any problems except from some alpha/beta test in the past. where game systems aren't fully optimized yet.


    When was the last time you did a full scan on that pc?

    How much diskspace is on both your C: and other drives? Always make sure you have enough diskspace and of course maybe you do.

    It's a shame you can't play right now. But it isn't a Win7 issue as I am using Win7. I am also from the EU but decided for the time being to play US. I did however hear more complaints from the EU version so not sure if it might be version related.

    Good luck anyway's



  • Laughing-manLaughing-man Member RarePosts: 3,655
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Laughing-man
    Originally posted by human106


    And on top of free 30 day access is running down. Good work Zenimax.

    See Dis?

    IF he bought it at launch (yesterday) the free 2 days doesn't apply from my knowledge, it only applied to pre-orders. Still that is related to his issue, of not being able to log in, not the Zenimax charging players already issue.


    I bought it two days ago.

    Yet it started charging when the launch happened, I have a charge on my card and I have my 30 days counting down.

    Just for the record.

    AS for the OP's other complaint, I'm just ashamed of the community here again, lambasting this guy, rather than trying to provide help.

    So what if his computer config is not proper for this game?  Why does that make so many of my fellow forum posters over react and call him names?

    Isn't this site about MMO fans helping fans and discussing things fans would like?

    Why are we so rigid and rude?


  • husscoolhusscool Member UncommonPosts: 85

    My copy downloaded at 2.2 mb/s it was done in a very reasonable amount of time. My antivirus and firewall remained on throughout the process and I am playing the game very happily.

    It sounds like you have a shitty computer. Your kind of problems stem from shitty stuff I'm sorry to say. A shitty connection, shitty hardware, shitty set up.

    Sorry pal. If I were TESO customer service I would direct you to a PC building website and instruct you to drop the Dell

  • human106human106 Member Posts: 33

    For clarity, my problems are as follows:

    1) Game wont play once loaded.

    2) Game took 18 hours to patch first time. 

    3) Game is now at 7% after 6 more hours downloading - the patch - not the full game

    4) My Internet speed is ten times faster than the DL speed I am getting and it is ONLY this game where I have had that issue - even on launch days

    5) Customer services suggestions have been, disable all antivirus, firewall and UAC.  Ignoring the fact that I and many other people have this problem - type "elder scrolls online slow patch download" into google if you doubt me - and therefore the problem is unlikely to be at my end.

    6) My free game time was - and still is - decreasing.  The only thing that has changed is the early access FOR PEOPLE THAT HAD ACCESS TO EARLY ACCESS - I am not one of those people as I bought a disc copy of the game yesterday morning when it hit the shelves.

    7) I have no invite t the official forums - something that is meant to be sent out automatically on account creation.

    8) So I joined here - where I encountered problem number 8 - asshats who think that just randomly posting how stupid I am for having problems installing this game whilst at the same time gloating about how amazing they think the game is (despite not being in it but being here instead) is hilariously funny and what I was looking for from my original post.  It wasn't - die in a fire.

This discussion has been closed.