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Mortal Online - Pay to Win



  • AnubisanAnubisan Member UncommonPosts: 1,798
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188
    Originally posted by Anubisan
    Originally posted by Zeeraha

    If the accusations hold the truth, why not all other guilds do a boycott by not paying a sub for a few months? This would hurt the SV more than keeping GUTS satisfied with +10M HP on their keep.

    People are definitely upset about it, but most don't consider what happened to be an exploit, so it's not a big enough deal to do anything about. Most people I've talked to also don't consider this to be a case of favoritism by the GMs. GUTS just happened to exploit a game mechanic during a brief period where it was possible to do so.

    GUTS is also part of a major defensive alliance that controls most of the map, so the majority of the other guilds don't consider them a real enemy and won't take any action against them.

    You state two different things in the very same paragraph....image

    I suppose the word I should have used is 'utilize'. I meant to say that it was a legal game mechanic, not a cheat. But thanks for pointing out my mistake. image

    I'll edit that post for clarity.

  • CharlizdCharlizd Member UncommonPosts: 923

    Nothing in the OP supprises me at all, i remember having Discord standing in game with us while we watched Godly speed hack around fabernum near one shotting people after release and he just laughed...literally...nothing was done, nothing was said, so my entire guild pretty much packed up and un-installed the game.

    The only real thing that suprises me is that the game is still running at all, great concept...horrible company running it.

    Andrew "Charlizd" Phippen | Lead World Builder | The Saga of Lucimia MMORPG
  • asmkm22asmkm22 Member Posts: 1,788
    I came here expecting the same generic P2W moaning, but this is actually really bad.  The MO dev team makes normal P2W schemes look "Fair and Balanced" by comparison.  MO is just straight up corruption.

    You make me like charity

  • CaptainObviousCaptainObvious Member UncommonPosts: 43
    Originally posted by Anubisan
    Originally posted by Zeeraha

    If the accusations hold the truth, why not all other guilds do a boycott by not paying a sub for a few months? This would hurt the SV more than keeping GUTS satisfied with +10M HP on their keep.

    People are definitely upset about it, but most don't consider what happened to be an exploit, so it's not a big enough deal to do anything about. Most people I've talked to also don't consider this to be a case of favoritism by the GMs. GUTS just happened to utilize a legal game mechanic during a brief period where it was possible to do so.

    GUTS is also part of a major defensive alliance that controls most of the map, so the majority of the other guilds don't consider them a real enemy and won't take any action against them.


    The problem here is that the mechanics to make the keep upto 26 Mil was taken out of the game over a year before the 'Guts' Keep was built. 


    Add to that 3 previous owners of the keep and keep spot have confirmed that the mechanic was not in game when they built their keeps there. The most recent owner before guts, who SOLD the keep to guts states that the keep was 16 mil hp when it was sold.


    So... lets look at all possible ways the keep could have gotten to 26 mil hp.


    1) Guts blew up their own keep, then rebuilt it using 'passive building'.

    2) Guts blew up their own keep, then rebuilt it using very high quality materials.

    3)A GM amended the Keep hp after it was bought.


    1 and 2 do not really hold any weight since the mechanics for both have been out of the game for a long time. A year prior to the keep being built they were disposed off. You can put any material you like into a building, the HP will remain the same. (With the exception of blackwood, that gives a little bit more).


    Which leaves option 3. A GM has amended the Keep hp. Which would make sense why they refuse to fix the problem. 

  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    To be honest, with this low of a subscriber population, I would imagine the GM and Devs would pretty much give any group of paying customers some bonuses.  Based on actual facts from the financial statements, less than 3000 paying accounts exist and many of those are alt accounts which means about 2000 actual paying customers.  If I was running the company and it had 6-figure losses every quarter since release and my company already had a reputation for corruption as SV has, I would be giving some favors to my few paying customers too.
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by udon
    I don't play the game but if the whole server is in outrage why not just gang up and burn the keep the ground?

    I couldn't find any threads on the MO forum about this. 

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by Anubisan

    People are definitely upset about it, but most don't consider what happened to be an exploit, so it's not a big enough deal to do anything about. Most people I've talked to also don't consider this to be a case of favoritism by the GMs. GUTS just happened to utilize a legal game mechanic during a brief period where it was possible to do so.

    GUTS is also part of a major defensive alliance that controls most of the map, so the majority of the other guilds don't consider them a real enemy and won't take any action against them.

    That was my take on it, as well. 

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • ToferioToferio Member UncommonPosts: 1,411
    Originally posted by Loktofeit
    Originally posted by udon
    I don't play the game but if the whole server is in outrage why not just gang up and burn the keep the ground?

    I couldn't find any threads on the MO forum about this. 

    Probably because GMs delete all threads?

  • CaptainObviousCaptainObvious Member UncommonPosts: 43

    As I have stated already and you have obviously decided not to read. There is no 'legitimate' way to make the keep have 10 million more hp than any other. The mechanics that made it possible were removed a YEAR before this keep was built.


    There are no posts about it on the MO forums because they are removed instantly by GM's. Even Posts that just discuss it but do not suggest any foul play are instantly removed and the posters threatened with forum and IN GAME bans. If you inquire about it in game you are told to drop it 'or else' and if you mention it on the public IRC you are removed instantly and permanently. 


    There is a complete black out on the subject, As with any other shady thing Discord and the other GM's do. 

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by CaptainObvious

    As I have stated already and you have obviously decided not to read. There is no 'legitimate' way to make the keep have 10 million more hp than any other. The mechanics that made it possible were removed a YEAR before this keep was built.


    There are no posts about it on the MO forums because they are removed instantly by GM's. Even Posts that just discuss it but do not suggest any foul play are instantly removed and the posters threatened with forum and IN GAME bans. If you inquire about it in game you are told to drop it 'or else' and if you mention it on the public IRC you are removed instantly and permanently. 


    There is a complete black out on the subject, As with any other shady thing Discord and the other GM's do. 

    If what you say is true (and I suspect it is) I assume you cancelled you sub?

    If the situation was mine to deal with and I was told "drop it or else" and threatened with an in game ban- I would say "Okay" and cancel immediatley. YOU have the power. Vote with your wallet.

    Many of us quit LONG ago due to SV's shadiness. 

    They have drawn a line in the sand- Oddly, THEY need you far more than you need them. The second they decided to draw an imaginary line and threaten with bans and such=- You either call the bluff or put your head in the sand.

    Complaining about MO/SV and their lies and shady practices is a pointless endeavor. The ONLY thing you can do is cut off the cash flow YOU are giving to them.

    No offence to you- BUT, if you are still paying them after all the time and history of deception, cheating and just all around fuckery- You will most likely continue to pay them no matter what... And they know this. They are banking on this- Why treat you with respect? Why worry about pissing you off? Your credit card payment keeps coming like clockwork.


    I have never seen Stockholm Syndrome in gaming until SV gave us MO. 


    EDIT- The general answer to the above is "But...There are no other games I WANT to play. As bad as MO is its still the best out there"- Then grin and bear it. The cheating, deception and lies will continue as they have and always have- Its been part of the game since day 1- It isnt changing and it will not.


    GMs cheating and SV lying is just a part of the game you have chosen to play (and pay for)

  • psykobillypsykobilly Member Posts: 338
    Originally posted by Jacxolope

    GMs cheating and SV lying is just a part of the game you have chosen to play (and pay for)

    This thread is made even funnier, because AQ back in the day built a keep using the auto-build to get over 20something mil HP back when it was in game.  The GM's later actually LOWERED the amount of HP down to the maximum legal amount.  So there is a precedent for lowering the keep HP to the accepted level.  The fact they aren't doing it is just more shady dealings to keep every sub they have.  If the GM's had any honor they would lower the keep HP to the legal limit like they did before.

    To this all I can say is... Life is Feudal.




  • Magos1985Magos1985 Member Posts: 2
    OP is just referring to a bug that has to do with buildings at the moment. The devs/gm's cant do anything about it until the system gets remade with tc revamp patch. Anyone that owns a keep can do this and theres nothing gm's can really do about it for now. But please continue the propaganda train OP. Its sickening ppl like u flame a game so hard that u paid for and play for like 4 years. Why not have some respect for something u invested 4 years of ur life on.
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    Originally posted by Magos1985
    OP is just referring to a bug that has to do with buildings at the moment. The devs/gm's cant do anything about it until the system gets remade with tc revamp patch. Anyone that owns a keep can do this and theres nothing gm's can really do about it for now. But please continue the propaganda train OP. Its sickening ppl like u flame a game so hard that u paid for and play for like 4 years. Why not have some respect for something u invested 4 years of ur life on.

    Yeah the game is  well known for bugs and GM corruption but of course we will believe you instead since you only just made your account here to tell us the truth.

    Harbinger of Fools
  • Magos1985Magos1985 Member Posts: 2
    Originally posted by Dakeru

    Originally posted by Magos1985
    OP is just referring to a bug that has to do with buildings at the moment. The devs/gm's cant do anything about it until the system gets remade with tc revamp patch. Anyone that owns a keep can do this and theres nothing gm's can really do about it for now. But please continue the propaganda train OP. Its sickening ppl like u flame a game so hard that u paid for and play for like 4 years. Why not have some respect for something u invested 4 years of ur life on.

    Yeah the game is  well known for bugs and GM corruption but of course we will believe you instead since you only just made your account here to tell us the truth.


    well known by who? people with first hand knowledge of it? Not really...

    U ppl gotta understand situations come up in MO that have to b handled case by case since there has never been an mmo like it with some of the systems being very unique. So ya gm's are forced to make judgement calls. Personally I'm not much of a concpiracy guy...maybe u r and thats cool. But I played the game a long time, had a lot of encounters with bugs and gm's, and for me its just black and white side will get their way and the other will call cheats/corruption etc.
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,782
    Originally posted by Magos1985
    Originally posted by Dakeru
    Originally posted by Magos1985
    OP is just referring to a bug that has to do with buildings at the moment. The devs/gm's cant do anything about it until the system gets remade with tc revamp patch. Anyone that owns a keep can do this and theres nothing gm's can really do about it for now. But please continue the propaganda train OP. Its sickening ppl like u flame a game so hard that u paid for and play for like 4 years. Why not have some respect for something u invested 4 years of ur life on.

    Yeah the game is  well known for bugs and GM corruption but of course we will believe you instead since you only just made your account here to tell us the truth.


    well known by who? people with first hand knowledge of it? Not really... U ppl gotta understand situations come up in MO that have to b handled case by case since there has never been an mmo like it with some of the systems being very unique. So ya gm's are forced to make judgement calls. Personally I'm not much of a concpiracy guy...maybe u r and thats cool. But I played the game a long time, had a lot of encounters with bugs and gm's, and for me its just black and white side will get their way and the other will call cheats/corruption etc.

    You should look up what they did regarding the old player "Russian".  There were videos posted of it by him that showed how SV handles things.  Quite telling and embarrassing.


    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • CaptainObviousCaptainObvious Member UncommonPosts: 43

    Magos is RLC, Allies of Guts and best buddies with Diphrael.


    So what is this 'bug' Magos? You can NOT improve the hp of your keep. Simple as that. The mechanics to have it with that much hp has been taken out of the game for many years. 


    I would like to note that there have been further developments regarding Diphrael and his 'special' treatment. Earlier today Diphrael who has for some reason got Admin power on the MO public TS (Wonder why he has that) came into a public channel and began making racist remarks of a very serious nature. When he was challenged he banned 2 people for 'Accusing staff of corruption'. This has been brought to the relevant people in SV but as of yet nothing has been done about it. Most of them are actually trying to ignore the incident all together. 



  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,782
    The names may change but the story is the same as it has always been.

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • diphlingdiphling Member Posts: 13

    There seems to be a massive amount of wrong information being put out by CaptainObvious, also known as Kuthara.

    1. The Guttersnipes' keep was purchased from another guild, and was NOT the standard 16m HP. No one paid anything to have the keep's HP raised.  A bug was not used to raise it either. These are blatant lies being put out by someone who simply wants to destroy it.

    2. The Teamspeak incident you speak of is you blatantly lying about events. The first individual was banned because he had a pornographic picture in his avatar which had text on it asking "How much more Diphrael needed to suck for another 10m HP". You were banned due to your repeated verbal accusation of staff corruption, even after I pulled you down to another channel to help resolve your concerns without taking action. You failed to act like an adult, and you would not stop breaking the rules, so you were banned for 2 weeks.

    3. There were no racist remarks made in Teamspeak from me. I made a comment basically saying that all religions were silly, and somehow you took this as me hating on Muslims. 

     I don't know why you feel the need to try and slander someone's name in a whole different forum because of your frustrations. 

    I encourage everyone in this thread to not believe everything they hear. Some people will post wild claims to push their agendas. SV may have had a bad history, but I believe they have taken great strides against corruption in their game staff, and if there was any hinting of it, they would have resolved the issue long ago. I am not surprised that the OP decided to hide his in-game name when posting garbage. It is cowardly.


  • ToferioToferio Member UncommonPosts: 1,411
    Originally posted by diphling

    1. The Guttersnipes' keep was purchased from another guild, and was NOT the standard 16m HP. No one paid anything to have the keep's HP raised.  A bug was not used to raise it either. These are blatant lies being put out by someone who simply wants to destroy it.

    Right, so the extra HP just magically appeared? 

  • diphlingdiphling Member Posts: 13
    Originally posted by Toferio
    Originally posted by diphling

    1. The Guttersnipes' keep was purchased from another guild, and was NOT the standard 16m HP. No one paid anything to have the keep's HP raised.  A bug was not used to raise it either. These are blatant lies being put out by someone who simply wants to destroy it.

    Right, so the extra HP just magically appeared? 

    We bought it from another guild and it had increased HP. 


    Edit: As stated, it was possible to raise HP to 26m in the past. 

  • CaptainObviousCaptainObvious Member UncommonPosts: 43
    For one Star vault has actually took action. Due to Diphs recent racist outburst on the public team speak he has lost administration rights. I guess that was a rather hard one to sweep under the carpet.

    Diph Electrum owned a Keep in that spot. When he did the mechanics to get the 26 mil hp were already taken out of the game. Electrums Keep was blown up. Quad owned a keep in that spot afterwards and when they sold it to you they have stated many time it was 16 mil hp.

    When the server was reset a few days ago your keep reverted to 16 mil hp. What it should be. However it was promptly increased again by a GM.
  • sapperdaddy21bsapperdaddy21b Member Posts: 5

    I swear the bitching, slander, and childishness of some people who play MO is ridiculous.


    Grow up.



  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308
    So why is anyone still playing a game where the Lead GM said all player opinions mean jack shit? Don't complain, just leave. It's the only way they'll learn anything.
  • kakasakikakasaki Member UncommonPosts: 1,205
    Originally posted by sapperdaddy21b

    I swear the bitching, slander, and childishness of some people who play MO is ridiculous.


    Grow up.



    Tells you a lot about the community in this game and helps explain why it is such a niche game with so small a player base...

    A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...

  • onlinenow25onlinenow25 Member UncommonPosts: 305

    Captain just quit.


    Its that simple, get out of the terrible game with a terrible company and move on with your life.


    If this is the only video game you want to play, do something else with your life.  Seek some sort of video game addiction counseling because at this point, your just showing how addicted to this one single game you are.


    All this drama and crap your dealing with can end with a click of a button.  Well maybe a few clicks, clicks to cancel your subscription then clicks to uninstall.


    No body has time to deal with that kind of crap in a video game, and if for some reason you do, well you should find better things to do with your life than deal with an immature community, and a corrupt company.

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