By your logic, men beating their wives is perfectly acceptable if she says "It was no big deal, just a game, I'm fine, haha!", and drops any domestic violence charges.
The fact that you would even defend this type of behavior and the people who engage in it speaks volumes as to the quality of your character, just as CCP's tolerance of this kind of garbage does of theirs. As such, I'm not going to waste my time addressing you further.
Edit: Oh, and anyone who thinks Sokhar needed to apologize for being victimized, do you think bullied people should apologize to the bullies? Battered wives should apologize to their spouses?
Garbage like this makes me ashamed to be human.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
For those that were so upset and irrational about the scamming incident that recently came to light, from a blog post >>> here: Jester Treck. Turns out that Sohkar, the guy that got scammed says that everything is cool...that he realized he made a stupid mistake and fell for it...then went on to apologize for his behavior...admitting he was tired and "just lost his cool" over being scammed and was more upset with himself that he had done such a stupid thing. He says he was no "victim" of torture or anything of the sort and he wishes people would stop saying that.
He never wished this to be made into such a big deal...turns out this article was made by an EVE CSM that has an issue with a few players in EVE and he figured if he wrote about this incident he would garner people to his cause. Sohkar was never a part of it...this CSM did it on his own accord without Sohkar's concent. Well it now seems to have backfired and people are requesting that the CSM be removed. Funny that.
Sohkar by they way managed to get back up on his feet, in game, in a couple of days after the incident- when he made 300m ISK from a salvage job.
If you think I am BS'n you and this is all made can hear a live chat on Twitch TV right now between Sohkar and Erotica1.
I'm struggling to understand your reasoning behind wanting to defend and assist these scumbags.
It's a natural human response to traumatic incidents to downplay them and want it to just go away. Ask any woman who has been assaulted. These guys are pure bred 100% scumbags and their behaviour is the lowest possible denominator we have. Condoning this is beyond belief.
Crowing that in fact the guy who blew the whistle on this behaviour may himself be in trouble over this places you exactly amongst these guys as scum. Are you sure you want to identify yourself publically as such?'s a game for Titus Flavius sake...stop making more of this than what it is..seriously. Some of you are such drama queens.
Yeah yeah..when everything else fails hide behind 'its just a game' excuse.
Yes, because things that happen in EVE effects the "real" world and Universe. ::rolls here eyes::
Yeah ofcourse because those are not real human beings you are interacting with right? because its internet so one can be a complete douche and say whatever he or she wants.
Keep digging that hole deeper..soon you won't be able to climb out of it.
If that is truly how you feel about games, maybe you shouldn't play them. I mean, and some others must really be a sad lot if games effect you that much. So how often do you go all raging when you die in a game - all the time or just once in awhile?
So because it's "Just a game," we should ignore the fact that these guys bullied a man, who probably had no idea what he was getting in to, to the point of borderline psychological torture? It's all in good fun and shouldn't be taken seriously, right?
You are a complete scumbag! How do you sleep at night!?
By your logic, men beating their wives is perfectly acceptable if she says "It was no big deal, just a game, I'm fine, haha!", and drops any domestic violence charges.
The fact that you would even defend this type of behavior and the people who engage in it speaks volumes as to the quality of your character, just as CCP's tolerance of this kind of garbage does of theirs. As such, I'm not going to waste my time addressing you further.
Well, so...I asked you once before, should we ban football? [mod edit]
For those that were so upset and irrational about the scamming incident that recently came to light, from a blog post >>> here: Jester Treck. Turns out that Sohkar, the guy that got scammed says that everything is cool...that he realized he made a stupid mistake and fell for it...then went on to apologize for his behavior...admitting he was tired and "just lost his cool" over being scammed and was more upset with himself that he had done such a stupid thing. He says he was no "victim" of torture or anything of the sort and he wishes people would stop saying that.
He never wished this to be made into such a big deal...turns out this article was made by an EVE CSM that has an issue with a few players in EVE and he figured if he wrote about this incident he would garner people to his cause. Sohkar was never a part of it...this CSM did it on his own accord without Sohkar's concent. Well it now seems to have backfired and people are requesting that the CSM be removed. Funny that.
Sohkar by they way managed to get back up on his feet, in game, in a couple of days after the incident- when he made 300m ISK from a salvage job.
If you think I am BS'n you and this is all made can hear a live chat on Twitch TV right now between Sohkar and Erotica1.
I'm struggling to understand your reasoning behind wanting to defend and assist these scumbags.
It's a natural human response to traumatic incidents to downplay them and want it to just go away. Ask any woman who has been assaulted. These guys are pure bred 100% scumbags and their behaviour is the lowest possible denominator we have. Condoning this is beyond belief.
Crowing that in fact the guy who blew the whistle on this behaviour may himself be in trouble over this places you exactly amongst these guys as scum. Are you sure you want to identify yourself publically as such?'s a game for Titus Flavius sake...stop making more of this than what it is..seriously. Some of you are such drama queens.
This particular set of behaviours has nothing to do with a game. It is emotional torture. It is depraved. Kids play 'games' all the time that we adults actually call 'bullying'. Bullying behaviour can result in things like suicide.
If someone goes through this and then kills themselves, is it still a game to you?
So...are you saying that games shouldn't be played by mentally unstable people?
That's pretty cold.
That's just as bad as saying minority groups shouldn't be playing games because people might harass them with racial/bigotry slurs.
Are you defending that type of toxic attitude too? Can you not see what you are saying is morally wrong? Where do you draw the line?
For those that were so upset and irrational about the scamming incident that recently came to light, from a blog post >>> here: Jester Treck. Turns out that Sohkar, the guy that got scammed says that everything is cool...that he realized he made a stupid mistake and fell for it...then went on to apologize for his behavior...admitting he was tired and "just lost his cool" over being scammed and was more upset with himself that he had done such a stupid thing. He says he was no "victim" of torture or anything of the sort and he wishes people would stop saying that.
He never wished this to be made into such a big deal...turns out this article was made by an EVE CSM that has an issue with a few players in EVE and he figured if he wrote about this incident he would garner people to his cause. Sohkar was never a part of it...this CSM did it on his own accord without Sohkar's concent. Well it now seems to have backfired and people are requesting that the CSM be removed. Funny that.
Sohkar by they way managed to get back up on his feet, in game, in a couple of days after the incident- when he made 300m ISK from a salvage job.
If you think I am BS'n you and this is all made can hear a live chat on Twitch TV right now between Sohkar and Erotica1.
I'm struggling to understand your reasoning behind wanting to defend and assist these scumbags.
It's a natural human response to traumatic incidents to downplay them and want it to just go away. Ask any woman who has been assaulted. These guys are pure bred 100% scumbags and their behaviour is the lowest possible denominator we have. Condoning this is beyond belief.
Crowing that in fact the guy who blew the whistle on this behaviour may himself be in trouble over this places you exactly amongst these guys as scum. Are you sure you want to identify yourself publically as such?'s a game for Titus Flavius sake...stop making more of this than what it is..seriously. Some of you are such drama queens.
This particular set of behaviours has nothing to do with a game. It is emotional torture. It is depraved. Kids play 'games' all the time that we adults actually call 'bullying'. Bullying behaviour can result in things like suicide.
If someone goes through this and then kills themselves, is it still a game to you?
So...are you saying that games shouldn't be played by mentally unstable people?
That's pretty cold.
That's just as bad as saying minority groups shouldn't be playing games because people might harass them with racial/bigotry slurs.
Can you not see what you are saying is morally wrong?
Huh? Are you equating me to saying that I am some how discriminating against a group of people because "I" posed the question to someone else?
Yeah yeah..when everything else fails hide behind 'its just a game' excuse.
Oh yeah, because we are in front of a drama only comparable to domestic violence, Guantamo tortures or school bullying.
All this matter is of such triviality that boggles my mind to no-end the hysteria, hyperbole and fetish hate against EVE shown by the hollow drama queens here. It's in fact as trivial as:
- Erotica 1, one of the most popular scammers, information about him all over the EVE chats/forums and the internet.
- Sohkar had used Erotica 1's services previously. The latter had effectively doubled the former's investments.
- Sohkar did bite again when Erotica 1 selected him for the Bonus Round, an alleged unique opportunity to 5x his investments. Sohkar was greedy and consented.
- So Sohkar passed a huge amount of assets over to Erotica 1, just like that. The latter then told Sohkar to read funny stuff and sing songs. Sohkar had faith and consented to this.
- Sohkar got tired, lost control and went into a psychopathic display full of racial slurs, obscenities and real-life threats.
- Jester Trek, who has personal interest and personal animosity towards Erotica 1, writes a sensationalistic article on his blog.
- Sohkar calmed down, got conscious of the scene he had made and apologized.
Keep on with the witch-hunting you tabloid feeders.
Better than being a bottom feeder.
And i don't think you understand the term 'witch hunting'. The actions and behaviour of the guy is on display for everyone to witness. There is no need for witch hunting in this case.
Yes it was Sohkar's own fault that he got scammed. But what you and others keep ignoring is that it isn't just about scam. Try to separate the two issues here and you might be able to understand what actually caused people to get angry.
Or...don't and continue with your one sided defense rants.
I am done either way because i am actually physically repulsed by this.
Correct, it's about a guy getting scammed and ridiculed by a bunch of bastards because he consciously got into it.
He wasn't cornered or isolated, he wasn't forced into that decision, he could have logged off at any moment when the reading started. He didn't do so, he even neglected his wife.
The reaction of the sensationalistic crowd here is basically a tale of immaturity and not accepting nor respecting responsibility for one's actions. You are gonna make mistakes and come across bastards, scammers and evil people in all aspects of life. From your workplace, to a game of poker, to an EVE session.
Personally, I believe that the ones that accept the above, deal with it and try to learn, tend to be better people and have more moral integrity. The rest tend to be hypocrite man-children with double-edge morals that blame others for one's mistakes and who have an inclination towards paternalistic/totalitarian political regimes, all the while taking advantage of others' disgraces to promote their personal/political agendas.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
All I have to say is that mentally unstable people should not play multiplayer video games. I see the same kind of rage in MOBA games every day. These people should not be allowed to have internet access.
Correct, it's about a guy getting scammed and ridiculed by a bunch of bastards because he consciously got into it.
He wasn't cornered or isolated, he wasn't forced into that decision, he could have logged off at any moment when the reading started. He didn't do so, he even neglected his wife.
The reaction of the sensationalistic crowd here is basically a tale of immaturity and not accepting nor respecting responsibility for one's actions. You come across bastards, scammers and evil people in all aspects of life. From your workplace, to a game of poker, to an EVE session.
Personally, I believe that the ones that accept the above, deal with it and try to learn, tend to be better people and have more moral integrity. The rest tend to be hypocrite man-children with double-edge morals that blame others for one's mistakes and who have an inclination towards paternalistic/totalitarian political regimes, all the while taking advantage of others' disgraces to promote their personal/political agendas.
This is one of the most intelligent posts I've ever read on these forums.
Yeah yeah..when everything else fails hide behind 'its just a game' excuse.
Oh yeah, because we are in front of a drama only comparable to domestic violence, Guantamo tortures or school bullying.
All this matter is of such triviality that boggles my mind to no-end the hysteria, hyperbole and fetish hate against EVE shown by the hollow drama queens here. It's in fact as trivial as:
- Erotica 1, one of the most popular scammers, information about him all over the EVE chats/forums and the internet.
- Sohkar had used Erotica 1's services previously. The latter had effectively doubled the former's investments.
- Sohkar did bite again when Erotica 1 selected him for the Bonus Round, an alleged unique opportunity to 5x his investments. Sohkar was greedy and consented.
- So Sohkar passed a huge amount of assets over to Erotica 1, just like that. The latter then told Sohkar to read funny stuff and sing songs. Sohkar had faith and consented to this.
- Sohkar got tired, lost control and went into a psychopathic display full of racial slurs, obscenities and real-life threats.
- Jester Trek, who has personal interest and personal animosity towards Erotica 1, writes a sensationalistic article on his blog.
- Sohkar calmed down, got conscious of the scene he had made and apologized.
Keep on with the witch-hunting you tabloid feeders.
Better than being a bottom feeder.
And i don't think you understand the term 'witch hunting'. The actions and behaviour of the guy is on display for everyone to witness. There is no need for witch hunting in this case.
Yes it was Sohkar's own fault that he got scammed. But what you and others keep ignoring is that it isn't just about scam. Try to separate the two issues here and you might be able to understand what actually caused people to get angry.
Or...don't and continue with your one sided defense rants.
I am done either way because i am actually physically repulsed by this.
Correct, it's about a guy getting scammed and ridiculed by a bunch of bastards because he consciously got into it.
He wasn't cornered or isolated, he wasn't forced into that decision, he could have logged off at any moment when the reading started. He didn't do so, he even neglected his wife.
The reaction of the sensationalistic crowd here is basically a tale of immaturity and not accepting nor respecting responsibility for one's actions. You are gonna make mistakes and come across bastards, scammers and evil people in all aspects of life. From your workplace, to a game of poker, to an EVE session.
Personally, I believe that the ones that accept the above, deal with it and try to learn, tend to be better people and have more moral integrity. The rest tend to be hypocrite man-children with double-edge morals that blame others for one's mistakes and who have an inclination towards paternalistic/totalitarian political regimes, all the while taking advantage of others' disgraces to promote their personal/political agendas.
With this...I'm going to go blast the hell out of mine enemies in the skies over WWII Europe!
BTW here is a really cool War Thunder Video I made - seriously...its cool. Enjoy the carnage!
For those that were so upset and irrational about the scamming incident that recently came to light, from a blog post >>> here: Jester Treck. Turns out that Sohkar, the guy that got scammed says that everything is cool...that he realized he made a stupid mistake and fell for it...then went on to apologize for his behavior...admitting he was tired and "just lost his cool" over being scammed and was more upset with himself that he had done such a stupid thing. He says he was no "victim" of torture or anything of the sort and he wishes people would stop saying that.
He never wished this to be made into such a big deal...turns out this article was made by an EVE CSM that has an issue with a few players in EVE and he figured if he wrote about this incident he would garner people to his cause. Sohkar was never a part of it...this CSM did it on his own accord without Sohkar's concent. Well it now seems to have backfired and people are requesting that the CSM be removed. Funny that.
Sohkar by they way managed to get back up on his feet, in game, in a couple of days after the incident- when he made 300m ISK from a salvage job.
If you think I am BS'n you and this is all made can hear a live chat on Twitch TV right now between Sohkar and Erotica1.
I'm struggling to understand your reasoning behind wanting to defend and assist these scumbags.
It's a natural human response to traumatic incidents to downplay them and want it to just go away. Ask any woman who has been assaulted. These guys are pure bred 100% scumbags and their behaviour is the lowest possible denominator we have. Condoning this is beyond belief.
Crowing that in fact the guy who blew the whistle on this behaviour may himself be in trouble over this places you exactly amongst these guys as scum. Are you sure you want to identify yourself publically as such?'s a game for Titus Flavius sake...stop making more of this than what it is..seriously. Some of you are such drama queens.
This particular set of behaviours has nothing to do with a game. It is emotional torture. It is depraved. Kids play 'games' all the time that we adults actually call 'bullying'. Bullying behaviour can result in things like suicide.
If someone goes through this and then kills themselves, is it still a game to you?
So...are you saying that games shouldn't be played by mentally unstable people?
No I am saying human beings should not treat each other this way. In your previous comment you mentioned games don't affect real life.
Ask all the women beaten by their drunk husbands after their football team loses if games affect real life.
Your inability to realise that these kinds of actions can absolutely have very very real consequences in the 'real' world shows just how out of touch with others you really are. People have emotions, games affect those emotions. Those emotions are carried over into the 'real' world. Often with 'real' consequences.
Your little buddies have no idea whether their victim is unstable or not. They cannot control that. What the can control is the entire scenario that sets someone off. To knowingly do it, is at best, 'bullying' and at worst, which this case most certainly is, 'actual torture'.
I'm now done replying to you, you're clearly quite immature and incapable of seeing this situation beyond your lens of 'I like this game' therefore no-one else should criticise it as it might impinge on me. It's selfish, but hopefully you will one day grow up and recognise this behaviour for what it is.
Watching you post is extremely amusing.
So that drunk wife beater wouldn't have hit his wife if not for the football game? It was all a consequence of the game happening, not a consequence of him being a shitbag to begin with?
If someone is unstable, abusive, etc they're going to be that way regardless of what does or doesnt happen in a game. Someone doesnt beat his wife "because" their football team lost. They do it because they're an abusive asshole. Someone doesn't kill themselves "because" something happened to them in a video game. They do it because they were unstable to begin with.
It's just like the accusations of "gaming" being the cause of death of some of these people who are obese, lack any sort of real nutrition, get very little sleep, no exercise, and live on energy drinks and fast food then "suddenly" have heart attacks and stuff. The obsessive gaming is just a symptom of other underlying issues and lack of self control, not the cause of it.
BTW, this guy, as he himself said, knowingly submitted himself to this and it was stupid of him. He was not "tortured". He did it to himself. He could have simply accepted his losses, logged out and been done with it. He was not forced into anything. He put himself through it in the hopes of gaining something.
By your logic, anyone who competes in gameshows / contests (survivor, fear factor, any number of similar shows) is being tortured. Thats idiotic. Theyre not being forced into it. They are doing it to themselves out of greed. They never had to put themselves int hat position, and can walk away any time it gets to be too much.
You people are acting like this guy was forcibly raped at gunpoint or something. You REALLY need a reality check.
I'm just glad some of these folks aren't the lawmakers and moral compass for the rest of us. Then again, I guess if they were I could go beat the hell out of my wife and kids whenever I feel like it, or go stab random strangers repeatedly and take their wallets and say "It isn't my fault. World of Warcraft made me do it" and I wouldn't even get arrested. I mean come on, I'm no threat to anyone due to my own mental state or lack of morals. It's all just a direct consequence of a game right?
This is a little more complex than just, "no harm, no foul". Nobody was physically harmed, and maybe somebody learned a lesson. More than one lesson maybe. That may not excuse the behavior.
Someone brought up Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment in the other thread, and I'm going to use that here. We learned a lot of stuff from that experiment, and everyone involved in the experiment stated that they were not sorry they participated, including the guy who had a literal mental breakdown. That doesn't mean it was OK, and the experiment has never been repeated because of the results. Sometimes the only way to know where the line is, is by stepping across it.
First, we have to allow that scamming, murder, theft, etc. are all allowed within the context of the game. If Eve were an alien culture full of immortal beings and limited resources to police their frontier, this makes sense. Murder and loss of property are all things that wash out over time so there's not really much point in expending all the resources to police them. So, moving on past the accepted cultural norms, we ask a couple of questions.
Did the scammers step across a line by their behavior, regardless of the end result? Not the scam mind you, but the aggressive and for lack of a better word, "Trolling" nature of the encouter.
Did the person who released the encounter step across a line, regardless of the end result?
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I thought it was common knowledge that EVEnews24 was nothing more than an outlet for a few people to rant about the big bads of EVE online; it's a garbage site.
Honestly, the people that got upset over this weren't actually EVE players and only use stories like this to disparage the community. Hence the original thread about this scam.
If that is truly how you feel about games, maybe you shouldn't play them. I mean, and some others must really be a sad lot if games effect you that much. So how often to you go all raging when you die in a game - all the time or just once in awhile?
What's hilarious is people are talking about how things like this can have an effect on people in really real ways, yet here you are still beating your chest like it's some form of forum PVP. Again Victim or not is irrelevant it's the behavior that's a problem, left unchecked this kind of behavior can lead to terrible things, it's more or less a fact of life in this day and age. Are you blind to that or just extremely stubborn for nothing more than the sake of forum image?
OMG...yes, scamming people in the game if EVE will lead to a life of crime and who knows what else in the real world. I think Iceland needs to shut down CCP and close EVE down now before something terrible happens! Who knows what twisted deprived things will happen to gamers minds if they play EVE!
Scamming is a part of EVE, within the confines of the game it is okay, who cares about that. To think this has anything to do with sandbox game play is completely missing the point here. There's a line even in meta one shouldn't cross, they seem to have gone far beyond that line. More of this ignorant chest thumping I see. It's ridiculous to not see where people draw the line and what people are taking issue with here.
this is really your argument? Blah, shut eve down, blahh? really?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I dunno the whole story tbh my alliance leader probably gonna scream at me tonight in teamspeak for posting this.....
cuz we all laugh at all these funny post.
its amazing peoples put so many minutes actually trying to counter argument all this keep up the good job.
Right too business.
1. you got scammed? OH NO YOU FAILED GO BACK TO SCHOOL.(basically if you get scammed by a cheat or hack ok then report its sad maybe if you had better security it wouldn't happen but, k sad to hear)
IF you get scammed in game because you made a fail trade or trusted wrong players then there is no massive RAGGGGGGE TIME you fail your own fault you suck face it.
2. I don't now whole story cuz I am too busy playing the game kill players earn some cash instead now... post bullshit in the forum thinking your something, its all a game some are better than others some want to become something else, something special, something that makes the game actually worth playing, sadly sometimes they think cuz they are something they can go all pro and post in forums, do like this or fuck you....
Just a troll post had to post it cuz I was bored and the shit I do atm need to wait tons of hours for the massive fleet festival to start cuz the distance is too large some stupid commander decide to move the fleet
not from A too B
but A too Ö makes me retarded mad cuz its stupid idea and will get everyone killed.
Originally posted by Caldicot This was not about feeling sorry for the guy who got scammed. It was about the immoral and sinister behavior of the scammers who took things way too far.
Just because they made up negates what happened? The blog was shit, I concur with that sentiment. What I heard in that TS recording though over the course of 2 1/2 hours is a little more than disturbing.
This is a little more complex than just, "no harm, no foul". Nobody was physically harmed, and maybe somebody learned a lesson. More than one lesson maybe. That may not excuse the behavior.
Someone brought up Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment in the other thread, and I'm going to use that here. We learned a lot of stuff from that experiment, and everyone involved in the experiment stated that they were not sorry they participated, including the guy who had a literal mental breakdown. That doesn't mean it was OK, and the experiment has never been repeated because of the results. Sometimes the only way to know where the line is, is by stepping across it.
First, we have to allow that scamming, murder, theft, etc. are all allowed within the context of the game. If Eve were an alien culture full of immortal beings and limited resources to police their frontier, this makes sense. Murder and loss of property are all things that wash out over time so there's not really much point in expending all the resources to police them. So, moving on past the accepted cultural norms, we ask a couple of questions.
Did the scammers step across a line by their behavior, regardless of the end result? Not the scam mind you, but the aggressive and for lack of a better word, "Trolling" nature of the encouter.
Did the person who released the encounter step across a line, regardless of the end result?
Good post. Sucks that Sohkar wants it to go away. I can understand it. We know why Erotica 1 wants it to go away. LMAO!
Has it grown to big for that? A faster response from CCP at this point I think is the only thing that will end it. Doesn't matter what stance they take. I listened to those two a little last night and it was awkward. I didn't listen to the whole thing. I went to sleep shortly after it started. But Sohkar unintentionally, no doubt, threw Erotica under the bus at least once. I laughed so hard because he was asked a question and just blurted out a honest response which wasn't in Erotica's favor.
I think he should have been more professional in his blog and let the recording speak on it's own. That is if he felt it needed to get out.
They both definitely crossed the line. Erotica pushed him to that point "for the laughs." Sohkar for what he said. The emotions were real. They carried over to his wife. What CCP should do if anything or if it was in the spirit of the game is for them to answer. I can and would only give my opinion.
Well CCP response just got put out. I laughed so hard at the first response by someone. It's been deleted since. It was just so quickly put up and likely because the response was so cryptic.
For those that were so upset and irrational about the scamming incident that recently came to light, from a blog post >>> here: Jester Treck. Turns out that Sohkar, the guy that got scammed says that everything is cool...that he realized he made a stupid mistake and fell for it...then went on to apologize for his behavior...admitting he was tired and "just lost his cool" over being scammed and was more upset with himself that he had done such a stupid thing. He says he was no "victim" of torture or anything of the sort and he wishes people would stop saying that.
He never wished this to be made into such a big deal...turns out this article was made by an EVE CSM that has an issue with a few players in EVE and he figured if he wrote about this incident he would garner people to his cause. Sohkar was never a part of it...this CSM did it on his own accord without Sohkar's concent. Well it now seems to have backfired and people are requesting that the CSM be removed. Funny that.
Sohkar by they way managed to get back up on his feet, in game, in a couple of days after the incident- when he made 300m ISK from a salvage job.
If you think I am BS'n you and this is all made can hear a live chat on Twitch TV right now between Sohkar and Erotica1.
Don't see how this is relevant to the fact that the EvE community is garbage. Stuff like this shouldn't happen to begin with among normal human beings.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV Have played: You name it If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
The moment the scammers took the victim to teamspeak to circumvent CCP administrative action, they went to far. Scamming is perfectly fine when kept to the confines, and rules, of the game's systems.
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IMHO, the devs should hold the players hand irl and gently stroke their hair at the same time. It is in no way the parents fault, if they let their mentally unstable kids play these games. It's not a business the devs are running afterall, it's a daycare.
1. Teala, grow up kid. Eventually you'll learn how to reason properly and realize that your past (current) logic is complete doo doo. If not, well then what we have here is a failure to communicate between objective morality and one sad person.
2. It's not about Eve. It's not about being scammed. It's about morally reprehensible behavior that has crossed well past the border of reasonable into the twilight zone of depravity.
3. The reason the "victim", so to speak, is downplaying what happened and taking the blame off Erotica1 (a name obviously created by a pent-up, repressed no-lifer, yes, making assumptions here I am) is because this is the fastest way to shut this whole thing down. He doesn't want to be in the spotlight. It's the same with most rape cases. Women often do not want to make it public that they have been raped because that presents all kinds of issues and problems of it's own due to our borked society and the way it is structured and operates.
4. I've said what I have to say on this and so I shall not contribute anymore except to offer one last piece of advice.
Teala, I seriously suggest you take a philosophy class specifically about ethics. If that is not possible, read up on the subject, THOROUGHLY. I think you will eventually come to a different conclusion after learning something your parents/siblings/elders should have learned you already. If not, refer to the end of point 1.
I have to wander if she would feel the same way if the guy woke up and offed himself the next dayover the deal.
Fact of the matter is there are people in this world that are very unstable. Something like this happening to them could easily push them over the edge and any number of things could happen.
Originally posted by Dakeru I find it highly disturbing that the op and her followers are defending the actions that took place after the scam.
What is more disturbing is the amount of hostility shown to the OP over her post from the "moral police" on this forum. My word, the levels of moral outrage and indignation shown by some of you borders on the psychotic!
Look, no one is defending the behavior of the scammer. All the OP was trying to do was put things in a bit of perspective and remind us what all of us should already know: there is more than one version/sides to a story. But no, your righteous indignation can not stand a bit of common sense and with pitchforks and torches in hand, you come on here to condemn her. What's sad is that you call the OP scum, immoral and spew vitriol at her... all in the name of proving what a good and virtous people you are. Hypocrisy at its worst.
Eve is a tough game. Scammers, griefers and other unsavory types exist. The old adage holds very true in Eve: if it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn't. Lessons learned and it looks like the person scammed has moved on... just like the rest of you should.
P.S. For those of you comparing this to rape victims and torture, please get some fucking perspective. It is an insult to rape/abuse victims for you to even make such a comparison. I am disgusted with you.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
By your logic, men beating their wives is perfectly acceptable if she says "It was no big deal, just a game, I'm fine, haha!", and drops any domestic violence charges.
The fact that you would even defend this type of behavior and the people who engage in it speaks volumes as to the quality of your character, just as CCP's tolerance of this kind of garbage does of theirs. As such, I'm not going to waste my time addressing you further.
Edit: Oh, and anyone who thinks Sokhar needed to apologize for being victimized, do you think bullied people should apologize to the bullies? Battered wives should apologize to their spouses?
Garbage like this makes me ashamed to be human.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
lol...very soundly, thank you.
Do you people read what you write?
Well, so...I asked you once before, should we ban football? [mod edit]
That's pretty cold.
That's just as bad as saying minority groups shouldn't be playing games because people might harass them with racial/bigotry slurs.
Are you defending that type of toxic attitude too? Can you not see what you are saying is morally wrong? Where do you draw the line?
-Azure Prower
Huh? Are you equating me to saying that I am some how discriminating against a group of people because "I" posed the question to someone else?
Correct, it's about a guy getting scammed and ridiculed by a bunch of bastards because he consciously got into it.
He wasn't cornered or isolated, he wasn't forced into that decision, he could have logged off at any moment when the reading started. He didn't do so, he even neglected his wife.
The reaction of the sensationalistic crowd here is basically a tale of immaturity and not accepting nor respecting responsibility for one's actions. You are gonna make mistakes and come across bastards, scammers and evil people in all aspects of life. From your workplace, to a game of poker, to an EVE session.
Personally, I believe that the ones that accept the above, deal with it and try to learn, tend to be better people and have more moral integrity. The rest tend to be hypocrite man-children with double-edge morals that blame others for one's mistakes and who have an inclination towards paternalistic/totalitarian political regimes, all the while taking advantage of others' disgraces to promote their personal/political agendas.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.
This is one of the most intelligent posts I've ever read on these forums.
With this...I'm going to go blast the hell out of mine enemies in the skies over WWII Europe!
BTW here is a really cool War Thunder Video I made - seriously...its cool. Enjoy the carnage!
B17's Over Berlin! Be sure to watch in's awesome!Watching you post is extremely amusing.
So that drunk wife beater wouldn't have hit his wife if not for the football game? It was all a consequence of the game happening, not a consequence of him being a shitbag to begin with?
If someone is unstable, abusive, etc they're going to be that way regardless of what does or doesnt happen in a game. Someone doesnt beat his wife "because" their football team lost. They do it because they're an abusive asshole. Someone doesn't kill themselves "because" something happened to them in a video game. They do it because they were unstable to begin with.
It's just like the accusations of "gaming" being the cause of death of some of these people who are obese, lack any sort of real nutrition, get very little sleep, no exercise, and live on energy drinks and fast food then "suddenly" have heart attacks and stuff. The obsessive gaming is just a symptom of other underlying issues and lack of self control, not the cause of it.
BTW, this guy, as he himself said, knowingly submitted himself to this and it was stupid of him. He was not "tortured". He did it to himself. He could have simply accepted his losses, logged out and been done with it. He was not forced into anything. He put himself through it in the hopes of gaining something.
By your logic, anyone who competes in gameshows / contests (survivor, fear factor, any number of similar shows) is being tortured. Thats idiotic. Theyre not being forced into it. They are doing it to themselves out of greed. They never had to put themselves int hat position, and can walk away any time it gets to be too much.
You people are acting like this guy was forcibly raped at gunpoint or something. You REALLY need a reality check.
I'm just glad some of these folks aren't the lawmakers and moral compass for the rest of us. Then again, I guess if they were I could go beat the hell out of my wife and kids whenever I feel like it, or go stab random strangers repeatedly and take their wallets and say "It isn't my fault. World of Warcraft made me do it" and I wouldn't even get arrested. I mean come on, I'm no threat to anyone due to my own mental state or lack of morals. It's all just a direct consequence of a game right?
This is a little more complex than just, "no harm, no foul". Nobody was physically harmed, and maybe somebody learned a lesson. More than one lesson maybe. That may not excuse the behavior.
Someone brought up Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment in the other thread, and I'm going to use that here. We learned a lot of stuff from that experiment, and everyone involved in the experiment stated that they were not sorry they participated, including the guy who had a literal mental breakdown. That doesn't mean it was OK, and the experiment has never been repeated because of the results. Sometimes the only way to know where the line is, is by stepping across it.
First, we have to allow that scamming, murder, theft, etc. are all allowed within the context of the game. If Eve were an alien culture full of immortal beings and limited resources to police their frontier, this makes sense. Murder and loss of property are all things that wash out over time so there's not really much point in expending all the resources to police them. So, moving on past the accepted cultural norms, we ask a couple of questions.
Did the scammers step across a line by their behavior, regardless of the end result? Not the scam mind you, but the aggressive and for lack of a better word, "Trolling" nature of the encouter.
Did the person who released the encounter step across a line, regardless of the end result?
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I thought it was common knowledge that EVEnews24 was nothing more than an outlet for a few people to rant about the big bads of EVE online; it's a garbage site.
Honestly, the people that got upset over this weren't actually EVE players and only use stories like this to disparage the community. Hence the original thread about this scam.
Scamming is a part of EVE, within the confines of the game it is okay, who cares about that. To think this has anything to do with sandbox game play is completely missing the point here. There's a line even in meta one shouldn't cross, they seem to have gone far beyond that line. More of this ignorant chest thumping I see. It's ridiculous to not see where people draw the line and what people are taking issue with here.
this is really your argument? Blah, shut eve down, blahh? really?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I dunno the whole story tbh my alliance leader probably gonna scream at me tonight in teamspeak for posting this.....
cuz we all laugh at all these funny post.
its amazing peoples put so many minutes actually trying to counter argument all this keep up the good job.
Right too business.
1. you got scammed? OH NO YOU FAILED GO BACK TO SCHOOL.(basically if you get scammed by a cheat or hack ok then report its sad maybe if you had better security it wouldn't happen but, k sad to hear)
IF you get scammed in game because you made a fail trade or trusted wrong players then there is no massive RAGGGGGGE TIME you fail your own fault you suck face it.
2. I don't now whole story cuz I am too busy playing the game kill players earn some cash instead now... post bullshit in the forum thinking your something, its all a game some are better than others some want to become something else, something special, something that makes the game actually worth playing, sadly sometimes they think cuz they are something they can go all pro and post in forums, do like this or fuck you....
Just a troll post had to post it cuz I was bored and the shit I do atm need to wait tons of hours for the massive fleet festival to start cuz the distance is too large some stupid commander decide to move the fleet
not from A too B
but A too Ö makes me retarded mad cuz its stupid idea and will get everyone killed.
bombing time?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Just because they made up negates what happened? The blog was shit, I concur with that sentiment. What I heard in that TS recording though over the course of 2 1/2 hours is a little more than disturbing.
Good post. Sucks that Sohkar wants it to go away. I can understand it. We know why Erotica 1 wants it to go away. LMAO!
Has it grown to big for that? A faster response from CCP at this point I think is the only thing that will end it. Doesn't matter what stance they take. I listened to those two a little last night and it was awkward. I didn't listen to the whole thing. I went to sleep shortly after it started. But Sohkar unintentionally, no doubt, threw Erotica under the bus at least once. I laughed so hard because he was asked a question and just blurted out a honest response which wasn't in Erotica's favor.
I think he should have been more professional in his blog and let the recording speak on it's own. That is if he felt it needed to get out.
They both definitely crossed the line. Erotica pushed him to that point "for the laughs." Sohkar for what he said. The emotions were real. They carried over to his wife. What CCP should do if anything or if it was in the spirit of the game is for them to answer. I can and would only give my opinion.
Don't see how this is relevant to the fact that the EvE community is garbage. Stuff like this shouldn't happen to begin with among normal human beings.
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1. Teala, grow up kid. Eventually you'll learn how to reason properly and realize that your past (current) logic is complete doo doo. If not, well then what we have here is a failure to communicate between objective morality and one sad person.
2. It's not about Eve. It's not about being scammed. It's about morally reprehensible behavior that has crossed well past the border of reasonable into the twilight zone of depravity.
3. The reason the "victim", so to speak, is downplaying what happened and taking the blame off Erotica1 (a name obviously created by a pent-up, repressed no-lifer, yes, making assumptions here I am) is because this is the fastest way to shut this whole thing down. He doesn't want to be in the spotlight. It's the same with most rape cases. Women often do not want to make it public that they have been raped because that presents all kinds of issues and problems of it's own due to our borked society and the way it is structured and operates.
4. I've said what I have to say on this and so I shall not contribute anymore except to offer one last piece of advice.
Teala, I seriously suggest you take a philosophy class specifically about ethics. If that is not possible, read up on the subject, THOROUGHLY. I think you will eventually come to a different conclusion after learning something your parents/siblings/elders should have learned you already. If not, refer to the end of point 1.
P.S. Ad hominem's are in play here.
I have to wander if she would feel the same way if the guy woke up and offed himself the next dayover the deal.
Fact of the matter is there are people in this world that are very unstable. Something like this happening to them could easily push them over the edge and any number of things could happen.
What is more disturbing is the amount of hostility shown to the OP over her post from the "moral police" on this forum. My word, the levels of moral outrage and indignation shown by some of you borders on the psychotic!
Look, no one is defending the behavior of the scammer. All the OP was trying to do was put things in a bit of perspective and remind us what all of us should already know: there is more than one version/sides to a story. But no, your righteous indignation can not stand a bit of common sense and with pitchforks and torches in hand, you come on here to condemn her. What's sad is that you call the OP scum, immoral and spew vitriol at her... all in the name of proving what a good and virtous people you are. Hypocrisy at its worst.
Eve is a tough game. Scammers, griefers and other unsavory types exist. The old adage holds very true in Eve: if it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn't. Lessons learned and it looks like the person scammed has moved on... just like the rest of you should.
P.S. For those of you comparing this to rape victims and torture, please get some fucking perspective. It is an insult to rape/abuse victims for you to even make such a comparison. I am disgusted with you.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...