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  • BigdaddyxBigdaddyx Member UncommonPosts: 2,039
    Originally posted by Tarblood

    The moment he mentioned he was marine and did two tours..that should have been enough to make them stop. That was a red flag right there. I haven't met one fellow marine yet who did not suffer from post traumatic disorder because it is very common. Its the degree that varies. So i don't need you or anyone else to tell me that he didn't have PTSD. 

    I know what i am talking about and i don't need to make any excuses for him.

    Amen to that, brother. This made me sick but even more so that it happened to a fellow Marine. Semper Fi. :(

    I know brother its sickening really. We are the guys laying down our lives to protect people like Eroitc I.

    But i know he is a coward... feels most secure when behind a computer screen.


  • zzaxzzax Member UncommonPosts: 324
    Originally posted by Teala
    Originally posted by zzax

    I dont even understand what happened there. Why would he give all of his in game assets to some random people?

    Because he was told by them that he could get 4 times the amount back if he did.   It is a common scam in EVE.   You send a scammer X amount of money, they promise to double, triple, and even quadruple it.  Some scams have you play a game in order to win.   But make no is a scam.   You will not win.    Why do people fall for it...greed + stupidity. 

    So people still get caught on THAT scam? I would even understand missclicking some zeros on contracts, but this?

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Teala
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Teala
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Rayshe

    Being a EX Eve scammer, there are plenty of moments where common sense should sink in but it doesnt. The one i used all the time in the past was


    "ill Double whatever money you give me" The victum would generally give me afew small amount at first to make sure i was legit, however would give in to greed sooner or later and drop a ton of ISK on me. To which i would just fly away.


    We used to have corps join our alliance and we would arrange them liquidating their assets for us to build them better ships, and then we would just fly away with everything they owned.


    Welcome to EVE, most scams are easy to avoid if you use some sense

    And what is a person (like the victim in this incident) is incapable of using common sense for variety of reasons? is it still ok to scam and dehumanise that person even though you know he suffers from speech impediment, PTSD, anxiety and all other kind of mental and psychological issues?

    If you see someone like that who is incapable of taking acre of himself is being harassed and laughed at in public..will you just walk by and ignore it or will you do something about it?  

    Bad things happen because good people don't do anything about it. And anyone with a little heart would support this guy and try to help him out..i know i will.

    Yes, now let's make it sound like the victim was mentally disabled.  He is, according to his own statement in the recording, an air traffic controller, do you think they let mentally disabled people do this job?  Seriously...stop trying to make excuses for the guy that got scammed.   He screwed up.  He was greedy.   He fell for a scam in a game that is well known for scamming.  Unless this guy was just a couple of hours old in game and never heard of EVE before, he might not know, but even then I find that hard to believe, especially since people are ragging on scammers in trade hub locals constantly and warning others to not fall for the scams.  

    As I said in a previous post, this guy knew it was a potential scam going into it...go listen to the recording.   He knows he has fallen for their little scam and yet he continues to play along.   Nobody is torturing him and forcing him to continue - except his own greed.  

    Then, listen to him in the last few minutes of this recording.   He starts going off on a racist tirade, cussing, threatening people.   This is the kind of person you want to defend?   I don't care if he is ex-military...there is no excuse for that type of behavior.   Do I feel sorry for him?  No...he is suppose to be an adult.  He is playing a game made for adults.   He is making choices. 

    As for your comment, bad things happen because good people don't do anything about it.   This guys own greed and stupidity put him into this situation...not good people.  He did this to himself.   

    You don't have to be mentally disabled to be incapable of making sound mind decision. Any kind of anxiety and PTSD disorder is enough. People like him suffer from sever mood swings and can easily harm themselves and others. On top of that he suffers from speech impediment. (which i am sure he didn't have from birth. I have seen a lot of marines developing this problem).

    But that doesn't mean he is incapable of doing his job. What kind of decent human being would enjoy the misery and de humanisation of such an individual? do you know the amount of mental tolls it takes on a person when he tours Iraq?i know because i did one tour myself and that was enough for me to put a bullet in my brain after the things i saw. And he did it twice.

    Yes he went on racists rant and got abusive but that was after almost 2 hours of mental harrasement (he even apologised for it). Erotic 1 knew the kind of person he is dealing with but he continued to enjoy it. I will write in cap for you... IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT SCAMMING. Its about laughing and enjoying at cost of suffering of a fellow human being. 

    You are incapable of understanding the deeper issues i am afraid. Stick to complaining and ranting about video games in your blog. That is what you do best.

    Don't give me this, he has PTSD and unstable and is an air traffic can't be an air traffic controller and have those types of issues - it isn't allowed - period.


    No established medical history or clinical diagnosis of any of the following:

    1. A psychosis;
    2. A neurosis; or
    3. Any personality or mental disorder that clearly demonstrates a potential hazard to safety in the air traffic control system. Determinations will be based on medical case history (including past, social, and occupational adjustment) supported by clinical psychologists and board-certified psychiatrists, including such psychological tests as may be required as part of medical evaluation.
    PTSD falls into catogory 3.   Look it up.
    Stop making excuses for this guy.  He messed up.   He fell for the scam and he did it because he was greedy.    

    Yes because i am sure he wrote in caps that he suffers from PTSD on his resume. Most of the ex marines do not even get proper treatment or support and thus mostly go un noticed. You don't know and i don't know under what circumstances he got that job. And people with PTSD are fully capable of doing their jobs.&

    I bet no one harasses him for 2 hours continuously at his job so that he snaps like he did while in game.

    The moment he mentioned he was marine and did two tours..that should have been enough to make them stop. That was a red flag right there. I haven't met one fellow marine yet who did not suffer from post traumatic disorder because it is very common. Its the degree that varies. So i don't need you or anyone else to tell me that he didn't have PTSD. 

    I know what i am talking about and i don't need to make any excuses for him.

    You have to go through a mental evaluation before you are allowed to be an air traffic controller.  If this guy has PTSD as bad as you seem to believe he has it...then you should be upset that this guy is putting other peoples lives in danger on a daily basis.    And that is in the real world - not some game. 

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Tarblood

    The moment he mentioned he was marine and did two tours..that should have been enough to make them stop. That was a red flag right there. I haven't met one fellow marine yet who did not suffer from post traumatic disorder because it is very common. Its the degree that varies. So i don't need you or anyone else to tell me that he didn't have PTSD. 

    I know what i am talking about and i don't need to make any excuses for him.

    Amen to that, brother. This made me sick but even more so that it happened to a fellow Marine. Semper Fi. :(

    I know brother its sickening really. We are the guys laying down our lives to protect people like Eroitc I.

    But i know he is a coward... feels most secure when behind a computer screen.


    So you know who Erotica 1 is, what they have done in their lives?  You know nothing about him...for all you know he is former military as well.  

  • CazNeergCazNeerg Member Posts: 2,198

    Originally posted by lizardbones

     I think I understand your point, I just don't think it's a functional solution.  In game jails are game play.  They enhance the game for the players on both sides of the equation.  They do not curb or shape behavior in the game.  The other problem is that most humans past the age of eight or nine in Western cultures aren't obeying the rules because of the consequences.  They are obeying the rules because they either agree with them, or they believe in the idea of rules being necessary or good.  If jails are in the game, then they are just going to be part of the game play.  The "offender" isn't really taken out of the system.

     I don't agree with this at all.  There is a reason societies codify their laws.  The purpose of criminal law is to guide behavior in exactly those situations where people need the threat of negative consequences in order to be prevented from doing something.  Morality without law guides only the behavior of those people who were never going to be a problem in the first place.  

    Jails, properly implemented, would address the problem of anti-social in-game behavior, the same way they do in the real world.  Would it technically be "gameplay?"  Sure, but it would be gameplay that allows the community to mostly remove the deviants from the rest of the world.  And if you make the experience of being in jail unpleasant enough, as it should be, people will either adjust their behavior to avoid ending up there, or they will stop playing.  Either way, problem solved. 

    The behavior that is offensive here isn't behavior that's acceptable in the game or in the real world.  I'm not talking about the scamming.  That's an acceptable norm in Eve's game play.  I'm talking about tormenting the other player, with the intent of driving them away from the game.  That is not acceptable behavior within the game or in the real world.  That behavior is also a oddity.  Most players would not do that.  They would scam, steal, kill within the context of the game, but because that is how the game is played.  Anyone playing it should accept those things as the norm.  For Eve players, they are "fun".  It's the other stuff that isn't acceptable.

     It may not technically be acceptable under the game's rules, but it is exactly the kind of behavior that should be expected from the type of people who are most drawn to an environment that let's you be as "bad" as you want to be without any real consequences.

    It's also in the real world where the punishment, if there is any should be taken.  I don't run Eve, so I don't know what they should do.  I would consider being suspended from the game an appropriate response, and removal from any elevated positions within the game as well, such as player councils or the like.  Of course, they need to make sure the whole thing wasn't staged, that there weren't additional circumstances surrounding this event, etc.  Mostly, they would just need to make sure that the people are actually Eve players and that the events actually happened at all.

     I don't think it would be appropriate for EvE to take any directed action against these particular players, since the "offending" activities didn't take place in-game.  I think their efforts would be better spent making changes to their game that cause this type of player to choose to remove themselves from the community.

    Felt like responding paragraph by paragraph.

    Originally posted by Rigur
    This is a great representation of the PvP Community as a whole. All PvP players love and enjoy watching others suffer. That's why they play these games not for "skill". I couldn't be happer to have them no where near me in any MMO I play. They can call PVEers carebears all they want I call them caring and sane Individuals.

    This isn't remotely fair.  Many people who like to PvP are not sadists, they are simply people who enjoy the experience of fighting against enemies with *actual* intelligence, not just those with artificial intelligence.

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Force shall free me.

  • Solar_ProphetSolar_Prophet Member EpicPosts: 1,960
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Tarblood

    The moment he mentioned he was marine and did two tours..that should have been enough to make them stop. That was a red flag right there. I haven't met one fellow marine yet who did not suffer from post traumatic disorder because it is very common. Its the degree that varies. So i don't need you or anyone else to tell me that he didn't have PTSD. 

    I know what i am talking about and i don't need to make any excuses for him.

    Amen to that, brother. This made me sick but even more so that it happened to a fellow Marine. Semper Fi. :(

    I know brother its sickening really. We are the guys laying down our lives to protect people like Eroitc I.

    But i know he is a coward... feels most secure when behind a computer screen.


    Most people like him usually are. There are however folks who, even if we don't always agree with the where and the why troops are deployed, are grateful to those who serve. But unfortunately, I think Francis Quarles said it best:

    Our God and soldier we alike adore,
    When at the brink of ruin, not before;
    After deliverance both alike requited,
    Our God forgotten, and our soldiers slighted.

    Sadly all too true, especially these days. For what it's worth, this nerd says thank you.

    AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!

    We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD. 


  • HokieHokie Member UncommonPosts: 1,063
    Originally posted by Teala
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Rayshe

    Being a EX Eve scammer, there are plenty of moments where common sense should sink in but it doesnt. The one i used all the time in the past was


    "ill Double whatever money you give me" The victum would generally give me afew small amount at first to make sure i was legit, however would give in to greed sooner or later and drop a ton of ISK on me. To which i would just fly away.


    We used to have corps join our alliance and we would arrange them liquidating their assets for us to build them better ships, and then we would just fly away with everything they owned.


    Welcome to EVE, most scams are easy to avoid if you use some sense

    And what is a person (like the victim in this incident) is incapable of using common sense for variety of reasons? is it still ok to scam and dehumanise that person even though you know he suffers from speech impediment, PTSD, anxiety and all other kind of mental and psychological issues?

    If you see someone like that who is incapable of taking acre of himself is being harassed and laughed at in public..will you just walk by and ignore it or will you do something about it?  

    Bad things happen because good people don't do anything about it. And anyone with a little heart would support this guy and try to help him out..i know i will.

    Yes, now let's make it sound like the victim was mentally disabled.  He is, according to his own statement in the recording, an air traffic controller, do you think they let mentally disabled people do this job?  Seriously...stop trying to make excuses for the guy that got scammed.   He screwed up.  He was greedy.   He fell for a scam in a game that is well known for scamming.  Unless this guy was just a couple of hours old in game and never heard of EVE before, he might not know, but even then I find that hard to believe, especially since people are ragging on scammers in trade hub locals constantly and warning others to not fall for the scams.  

    As I said in a previous post, this guy knew it was a potential scam going into it...go listen to the recording.   He knows he has fallen for their little scam and yet he continues to play along.   Nobody is torturing him and forcing him to continue - except his own greed.  

    Then, listen to him in the last few minutes of this recording.   He starts going off on a racist tirade, cussing, threatening people.   This is the kind of person you want to defend?   I don't care if he is ex-military...there is no excuse for that type of behavior.   Do I feel sorry for him?  No...he is suppose to be an adult.  He is playing a game made for adults.   He is making choices. 

    As for your comment, bad things happen because good people don't do anything about it.   This guys own greed and stupidity put him into this situation...not good people.  He did this to himself.   

    Ex-marine and holds dual citizenship in Russia and America too. Which I didnt catch a hint of an accent, but then again maybe he was young when he moved here.

    Or maybe hes lying, to garner sympathy.

    And he was primed for the scam that we all heard by playing the regular game where he gave 100m and it got doubled in the contest, gave another 100m and it also got doubled. So being the gullible person that he is, he really believed that if he gave away everything to people he didnt know they'd double it. Wait was it twice as much back or was it five times as much back....


    Hes not a new player either, to much isk. He even thought that if they showed him some kind of written rules they'd have to honor them...even up to the very end after two hours plus, he still believed that.

    The guy obviously isnt very smart, but thinking hes mentally disabled, Im with Teala on her opinion on that.

    "I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."

  • Delerious1Delerious1 Member Posts: 72

    This Erotica person may not have broken any of the rules or codes of conduct within CCP's guidelines, but he has violated basic morality and ethical conduct with regard to a fellow human being.  You can try to blame the victim all you want, but in the end Erotica's behavior was unethical, and downright cruel, regardless of the naivety of the victim.

    Some very basic rules of morality:

    1.  Are my actions good for me?  If yes, are they good for others?  Erotica violates this because his actions may have been good in his mind, but they were bad for the other person.

    2.  What if everyone were to act the way I did to each other?  Not possible.  Erotica violates this.  If everyone preyed upon and purposely and cruelly toyed with other people in this manner, the world would be an even bigger fubar'd mess than it already is.  In fact we would not even be civilized to any extent.

    3.   The general consensus with most people in any society is that this behavior is bad.

    4.  This behavior could be considered objectively immoral.  Even in the state of nature this behavior would not be conducive, in the long run, to survival and coexistence with others.

    And you can go on and on.

    People do need to be aware.  Nobody should place themselves into the role of the victim.  That said, there are some things that are pretty much universally agreed upon as being good and bad, and Erotica's behavior would fall under the "bad" category in pretty much any society, tribe, or likely any species' ethical conduct as a whole on any inhabitable planet in the universe.  

  • GregorMcgregorGregorMcgregor Member UncommonPosts: 263

    Dear Karma, please say "Hi" to the CCP devs in Hell for us. ty. o/


    Now if some of them hackers that keep attacking the Eve database were to find out info and leak it over the net about all the nasty people... WELL, that would just be terrible! *cough*


    Y'all fly safe and sleep well. Yup, it awaits! Cya soon!

    No trials. No tricks. No traps. No EU-RP server. NO THANKS!


    ...10% Benevolence, 90% Arrogance in my case!
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,101
    Originally posted by taus01
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Just to again point out, this activity is not reflective of the EVE community as a whole, nor is this behavior unique to EVE.

    One of the best griefing guilds of all time, the Dark Wolves have been making people miserable and screwing with folks since 1996.

    Actually it is unique. EvE breeds a special kind of sociopath. One that has an insatiable lust to feed his hubris by publicly humiliating a human being.

    No it is not unique to EVE, go look at the videos posted by the DarkWolves, they don't even play EVE to my knowledge, right now they seem to be enjoying permadeath killing players in D3.

    EvE breeds these kind of people, it creates more scum on a daily basis. People get scammed and humiliated constantly and the ones that do not rage quit become the new scamers and bottom feeders. Its a cycle of anger and frustration that has created an incredible hostile and antisocial environment. EvE will eventually collapse under this pile of shit.

    EVE has been going strong for 10 years, because the majority of it's playerbase are not the scammers, scum and bottom feeders you say they are.  In fact the subject of the OP is a very small minority of vile player who has existed in every online game since they first began.

    Posting these humiliating recordings publicly can actually have very real legal consequences. This is not covered by free speech and is crossing into defamation. I would be very careful if i where this Erotica 1 person. This could eventually backfire and become very ugly.

    Very true, except the victim in question willing subjected himself to this humiliation, he could have disengaged at any time.  No one forced him to participate, and society is not under an obligation to protect people from themselves, no matter what you might think.

    Originally posted by hulgar
    Humans ara antisocial and violent by nature.

    Wrong. A social environment that rewards violence, greed, gluttony and hubris creates exactly that.

    There have been many studies and there are real live examples right now on this planet, that have proven that alternative societies that reward kindness and empathy do not show any signs of violence or antisocial behaviour.

    You cannot point to many instances of  human society such as that, and if they did exist, they were torn down by the barbarians at the gates.

    This is a common excuse use by people that promote violence and antisocial behaviour.

    It's not an excuse, it's just a fact of life, you can fight against it, but never eliminate it.  We live in a fallen world.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • HulluckHulluck Member UncommonPosts: 839
    Originally posted by Teala
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Teala
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Teala
    Originally posted by Bigdaddyx
    Originally posted by Rayshe

    Being a EX Eve scammer, there are plenty of moments where common sense should sink in but it doesnt. The one i used all the time in the past was


    "ill Double whatever money you give me" The victum would generally give me afew small amount at first to make sure i was legit, however would give in to greed sooner or later and drop a ton of ISK on me. To which i would just fly away.


    We used to have corps join our alliance and we would arrange them liquidating their assets for us to build them better ships, and then we would just fly away with everything they owned.


    Welcome to EVE, most scams are easy to avoid if you use some sense

    And what is a person (like the victim in this incident) is incapable of using common sense for variety of reasons? is it still ok to scam and dehumanise that person even though you know he suffers from speech impediment, PTSD, anxiety and all other kind of mental and psychological issues?

    If you see someone like that who is incapable of taking acre of himself is being harassed and laughed at in public..will you just walk by and ignore it or will you do something about it?  

    Bad things happen because good people don't do anything about it. And anyone with a little heart would support this guy and try to help him out..i know i will.

    Yes, now let's make it sound like the victim was mentally disabled.  He is, according to his own statement in the recording, an air traffic controller, do you think they let mentally disabled people do this job?  Seriously...stop trying to make excuses for the guy that got scammed.   He screwed up.  He was greedy.   He fell for a scam in a game that is well known for scamming.  Unless this guy was just a couple of hours old in game and never heard of EVE before, he might not know, but even then I find that hard to believe, especially since people are ragging on scammers in trade hub locals constantly and warning others to not fall for the scams.  

    As I said in a previous post, this guy knew it was a potential scam going into it...go listen to the recording.   He knows he has fallen for their little scam and yet he continues to play along.   Nobody is torturing him and forcing him to continue - except his own greed.  

    Then, listen to him in the last few minutes of this recording.   He starts going off on a racist tirade, cussing, threatening people.   This is the kind of person you want to defend?   I don't care if he is ex-military...there is no excuse for that type of behavior.   Do I feel sorry for him?  No...he is suppose to be an adult.  He is playing a game made for adults.   He is making choices. 

    As for your comment, bad things happen because good people don't do anything about it.   This guys own greed and stupidity put him into this situation...not good people.  He did this to himself.   

    You don't have to be mentally disabled to be incapable of making sound mind decision. Any kind of anxiety and PTSD disorder is enough. People like him suffer from sever mood swings and can easily harm themselves and others. On top of that he suffers from speech impediment. (which i am sure he didn't have from birth. I have seen a lot of marines developing this problem).

    But that doesn't mean he is incapable of doing his job. What kind of decent human being would enjoy the misery and de humanisation of such an individual? do you know the amount of mental tolls it takes on a person when he tours Iraq?i know because i did one tour myself and that was enough for me to put a bullet in my brain after the things i saw. And he did it twice.

    Yes he went on racists rant and got abusive but that was after almost 2 hours of mental harrasement (he even apologised for it). Erotic 1 knew the kind of person he is dealing with but he continued to enjoy it. I will write in cap for you... IT IS NOT JUST ABOUT SCAMMING. Its about laughing and enjoying at cost of suffering of a fellow human being. 

    You are incapable of understanding the deeper issues i am afraid. Stick to complaining and ranting about video games in your blog. That is what you do best.

    Don't give me this, he has PTSD and unstable and is an air traffic can't be an air traffic controller and have those types of issues - it isn't allowed - period.


    No established medical history or clinical diagnosis of any of the following:

    1. A psychosis;
    2. A neurosis; or
    3. Any personality or mental disorder that clearly demonstrates a potential hazard to safety in the air traffic control system. Determinations will be based on medical case history (including past, social, and occupational adjustment) supported by clinical psychologists and board-certified psychiatrists, including such psychological tests as may be required as part of medical evaluation.
    PTSD falls into catogory 3.   Look it up.
    Stop making excuses for this guy.  He messed up.   He fell for the scam and he did it because he was greedy.    

    Yes because i am sure he wrote in caps that he suffers from PTSD on his resume. Most of the ex marines do not even get proper treatment or support and thus mostly go un noticed. You don't know and i don't know under what circumstances he got that job. And people with PTSD are fully capable of doing their jobs.&

    I bet no one harasses him for 2 hours continuously at his job so that he snaps like he did while in game.

    The moment he mentioned he was marine and did two tours..that should have been enough to make them stop. That was a red flag right there. I haven't met one fellow marine yet who did not suffer from post traumatic disorder because it is very common. Its the degree that varies. So i don't need you or anyone else to tell me that he didn't have PTSD. 

    I know what i am talking about and i don't need to make any excuses for him.

    You have to go through a mental evaluation before you are allowed to be an air traffic controller.  If this guy has PTSD as bad as you seem to believe he has it...then you should be upset that this guy is putting other peoples lives in danger on a daily basis.    And that is in the real world - not some game. 

    Not my conversation but you have to go through those same test for many things. They aren't hard to pass. Most people in places I know just joked about them and unless you flat-out told them or were drooling.  PTSD, depression, bi-polar and some other stuff is somewhat easy to keep hidden. They might not have even shown signs until after he had the job? Think this is just to much speculation though. It didn't need to go this specific I don't think.

    Emotions can compromise judgement. Items can have emotional attachment. This left him vulnerable no matter how stupid it could be. Erotica was able to snap a person because he exploited this. Think that's enough and we don't have to speculate on a persons medical history. Right,wrong,whatever. The correct thing or item and anyone can be in Sohkar's shoes. That's a fact.



  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,101
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    I shocked, incensed, appalled, mortified and shamed by the behavior of this scammer and his followers as representatives of the human race. We should all be ashamed.

    But I'm not.  The scammer no more represents the EVE community than I do, we're all just members of a fairly open virtual world and just like in real life, I've observed great good as well as great evil.

    Make no mistake, EVE is not "just a game", it really is a virtual world where CCP does it's best to keep their hands off of what the player base does.  There are benefits and costs from this policy, and they are not always easy to bear.

    As for this incident, reprehensible for sure,but if CCP steps in to stop it, where does their jurisdiction end?  Do they stop at this one isk doubling scam?  Or do they go after all isk doubling scams?  What are the limits and boundries?  How much pain, loss etc does the victim have to suffer to make it worthy of an intervention?

    What sort of scams qualify?  I accidently bought a mispriced Badger II that should have cost 675K ISk and I ended up paying 675M Isk?  Should I be compensated?  Should the scammer be punished?  When does the punishment end? 

    You take the good with the bad.  What happened to this person is not right, but then much of what happens in life isn't right, you learn to deal with it, protect you and your loved ones from it, and at the end of day, life goes on. (even in RL< as well as EVE)

    Sure, go ahead and appeal to CCP to take action, that's everyone's right, but don't be surprised if they decide to stay hands off, and while that might be a reflection on their character, it has nothing to really do with the overall EVE "community" as a whole either.


    Kyleran, I am shocked and appalled that you should even try to make an excuse for this bullying behaviour. 

    CCP should ban the perpetrators immeadiately - no further explanation is required at all, and CCP should make every effort to contact the victim(s) and just make sure they are ok - and saying "sorry" wouldn't be a bad thing.

    I'm not making any excuse for this bad behavior, it is appalling to be sure.  But I am saying the CCP cannot ban these people for their acitons outside of the game world, that goes down a slope in so many ways I can't support it.

    Within the gameworld scamming is allowed, a fact I fully accepted when I chose to join it, I've actually been a victim of it, and yet, I support it.



    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    Originally posted by Delerious1

    This Erotica person may not have broken any of the rules or codes of conduct within CCP's guidelines, but he has violated basic morality and ethical conduct with regard to a fellow human being.  You can try to blame the victim all you want, but in the end Erotica's behavior was unethical, and downright cruel, regardless of the naivety of the victim.

    Some very basic rules of morality:

    1.  Are my actions good for me?  If yes, are they good for others?  Erotica violates this because his actions may have been good in his mind, but they were bad for the other person.

    2.  What if everyone were to act the way I did to each other?  Not possible.  Erotica violates this.  If everyone preyed upon and purposely and cruelly toyed with other people in this manner, the world would be an even bigger fubar'd mess than it already is.  In fact we would not even be civilized to any extent.

    3.   The general consensus with most people in any society is that this behavior is bad.

    4.  This behavior could be considered objectively immoral.  Even in the state of nature this behavior would not be conducive, in the long run, to survival and coexistence with others.

    And you can go on and on.

    People do need to be aware.  Nobody should place themselves into the role of the victim.  That said, there are some things that are pretty much universally agreed upon as being good and bad, and Erotica's behavior would fall under the "bad" category in pretty much any society, tribe, or likely any species' ethical conduct as a whole on any inhabitable planet in the universe.  

    Bad behaviour?  Like a guy that claims to be suffering from PTSD, and is in control of planes - planes that have real people on them - in the real world - this is A OK!  A guy that goes into a racial tirade is a good person?   I guy that threatens to come to a persons house to hurt them?  I guy that threatens your family members?   This is a good person?  Yes...rejoice and praise the goodness of the guy that got scammed - he is a frikking saint!

  • CatAtomic99CatAtomic99 Member UncommonPosts: 62
    Well, look at this way. Every hour that douche spends playing EVE is an hour he isn't cheating some elderly old widow out of her Social Security check.
  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    Originally posted by CatAtomic99
    Well, look at this way. Every hour that douche spends playing EVE is an hour he isn't cheating some elderly old widow out of her Social Security check.

    Now that is just dumb...I suppose next you'll be saying that everyone that plays a an FPS game is actually a real killer and thank the game developers for making FPS games to keep them from shooting people in real life - right?

  • CatAtomic99CatAtomic99 Member UncommonPosts: 62
    Originally posted by Teala
    Originally posted by CatAtomic99
    Well, look at this way. Every hour that douche spends playing EVE is an hour he isn't cheating some elderly old widow out of her Social Security check.

    Now that is just dumb...I suppose next you'll be saying that everyone that plays a an FPS game is actually a real killer and thank the game developers for making FPS games to keep them from shooting people in real life - right?

    It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis.


    But since we're on the subject, yeah-- I really do think a person who would pull a scam like that would be likely to scam vulnerable people in real life, too.  I don't know if you've been outside much, but there's no great shortage of shitheels. 

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,101
    Originally posted by Caldicot
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    I shocked, incensed, appalled, mortified and shamed by the behavior of this scammer and his followers as representatives of the human race. We should all be ashamed.

    But I'm not.  The scammer no more represents the EVE community than I do, we're all just members of a fairly open virtual world and just like in real life, I've observed great good as well as great evil.

    Make no mistake, EVE is not "just a game", it really is a virtual world where CCP does it's best to keep their hands off of what the player base does.  There are benefits and costs from this policy, and they are not always easy to bear.

    As for this incident, reprehensible for sure,but if CCP steps in to stop it, where does their jurisdiction end?  Do they stop at this one isk doubling scam?  Or do they go after all isk doubling scams?  What are the limits and boundries?  How much pain, loss etc does the victim have to suffer to make it worthy of an intervention?

    What sort of scams qualify?  I accidently bought a mispriced Badger II that should have cost 675K ISk and I ended up paying 675M Isk?  Should I be compensated?  Should the scammer be punished?  When does the punishment end? 

    You take the good with the bad.  What happened to this person is not right, but then much of what happens in life isn't right, you learn to deal with it, protect you and your loved ones from it, and at the end of day, life goes on. (even in RL< as well as EVE)

    Sure, go ahead and appeal to CCP to take action, that's everyone's right, but don't be surprised if they decide to stay hands off, and while that might be a reflection on their character, it has nothing to really do with the overall EVE "community" as a whole either.


    Kyleran, I usually agree with your posts but here I think you are way off track.

    Let's compare this with a game of poker. Since bluffing, by consesus, is a part of poker I won't hold somone who pulls a bluff on me morally responsible for decieving me. It's part of the game, lesson learned, GG and move on. (This is like the badger scam you fell for).

    However, if the bluffer through psychological manipulation convinced me to alter the rules just slightly while offering a hefty price if I play along and then used that against me in a series of humiliating events on the verge of torture, that would, if not breaking any laws, be in a totally different league from a moral perspective.

    The view you are representing is called moral absolutism and it can be dangerous. If you can't see the difference in scale between these two cases you should do some studies of moral philosophy and how moral absolutism has lead people astray in the past.

    Are you sure you understand the definition of moral absolutism?

    Moral absolutism is an ethical view that certain actions are absolutely right or wrong, regardless of other circumstances such as their consequences or the intentions behind them.

    I don't think I I was speaking in any sort of absolutes, at least in terms of right vs wrong.

    I was just stating that asking CCP to step in and take action for something done outside of the game isn't a road I want to travel.  Was it reprehensible, sure it was, but should they take any direct action, not if they didn't break any in game rules.

    I believe in freedom of speech, in all it's forms.  Even on these forums, I don't believe in trolls, or trolling, let people post what they wish, I'll decide which ones to read or agree with, I don't need the moderators to control things, which they too often do here to my tastes.

    I accept the EVE universe for what it is, the good and bad, the evil and the just, and since it is after a game, and not real life, its not a problem for me if some folks are the epitome of evil.  I won't be in their corp, will try to mete out justice when I can, but otherwise it's a world I chose to join, and can handle the consequences of what arises from it.  If not, I'll just quit.




    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • soulmirrorsoulmirror Member UncommonPosts: 124

    You can not blame CCP for this, this is not their bust.  If you could rationally do so, then using the same logic you could blame the company that made the software enabling the chat, the computer company that made the computer an so on down the line.  The "blame" lies on both parties, the scammers and the scammed, the only thing that you can rally against is the abuse that the scammed person endures. Listening to the exchange they (the scammed) could have disconnected at any time and the person scammed knew they were being scammed.

      Even knowing what importance people place on in game items, they should have been a point (after realizing they were duped) they should have disconnected.  The rest of the background "Story" is just that, an unconfirmed story, unless someone here can personally verify the employment, medical condition(s) and personality of all involved.

  • HulluckHulluck Member UncommonPosts: 839
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by Mors.Magne
    Originally posted by Kyleran

    I shocked, incensed, appalled, mortified and shamed by the behavior of this scammer and his followers as representatives of the human race. We should all be ashamed.

    But I'm not.  The scammer no more represents the EVE community than I do, we're all just members of a fairly open virtual world and just like in real life, I've observed great good as well as great evil.

    Make no mistake, EVE is not "just a game", it really is a virtual world where CCP does it's best to keep their hands off of what the player base does.  There are benefits and costs from this policy, and they are not always easy to bear.

    As for this incident, reprehensible for sure,but if CCP steps in to stop it, where does their jurisdiction end?  Do they stop at this one isk doubling scam?  Or do they go after all isk doubling scams?  What are the limits and boundries?  How much pain, loss etc does the victim have to suffer to make it worthy of an intervention?

    What sort of scams qualify?  I accidently bought a mispriced Badger II that should have cost 675K ISk and I ended up paying 675M Isk?  Should I be compensated?  Should the scammer be punished?  When does the punishment end? 

    You take the good with the bad.  What happened to this person is not right, but then much of what happens in life isn't right, you learn to deal with it, protect you and your loved ones from it, and at the end of day, life goes on. (even in RL< as well as EVE)

    Sure, go ahead and appeal to CCP to take action, that's everyone's right, but don't be surprised if they decide to stay hands off, and while that might be a reflection on their character, it has nothing to really do with the overall EVE "community" as a whole either.


    Kyleran, I am shocked and appalled that you should even try to make an excuse for this bullying behaviour. 

    CCP should ban the perpetrators immeadiately - no further explanation is required at all, and CCP should make every effort to contact the victim(s) and just make sure they are ok - and saying "sorry" wouldn't be a bad thing.

    I'm not making any excuse for this bad behavior, it is appalling to be sure.  But I am saying the CCP cannot ban these people for their acitons outside of the game world, that goes down a slope in so many ways I can't support it.

    Within the gameworld scamming is allowed, a fact I fully accepted when I chose to join it, I've actually been a victim of it, and yet, I support it.



    Think the scam needs to be separated from what Erotica did after. No? The scam was over early on. He then proceeded to see how far he could push someone.  He kept pushing the guy even after he snapped him. If you listened to that whole thing and don't think that someone would have gotten hurt had those two been in the same room. That's huge and it's damming to in my opinion.  "That he didn't stop the game even at this point. Kept pushing him."  I don't know.bothers me mildly that people aren't distinguishing between the two. Trying to figure out if I am missing something or..





  • Delerious1Delerious1 Member Posts: 72

    Teala, "Bad behaviour?  Like a guy that claims to be suffering from PTSD, and is in control of planes - planes that have real people on them - in the real world - this is A OK!  A guy that goes into a racial tirade is a good person?   I guy that threatens to come to a persons house to hurt them?  I guy that threatens your family members?   This is a good person?  Yes...rejoice and praise the goodness of the guy that got scammed - he is a frikking saint!"

    There is a HUGE difference between the actions and behavior of Erotica and the resultant outburst elicited from his methodical abuse.

    That you point out the egregiously deceived and mentally abused victim's stress response in defense of the antagonist says a lot about your moral compass.

    You can in no way condone the antagonist's behavior because of the victim's response.  The response was elicited on purpose and methodically brought to fruition.


  • HazelleHazelle Member Posts: 760
    Originally posted by Velocinox
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    Originally posted by Velocinox

    The most replies I've seen to the OP is that all community based games have something similar. The despicable types that prey on people that some can point to and say they deserve that because they are stupid, and it helps them bolster their own egos because they feel they are superior and would never be that stupid.


    So the replies to the OP perform two functions.

    1. Excuse the behavior and exonerate the entertainment the player identifies with. IOW: "I like it so it can't be bad".
    2. Validates their ego by identifying people that they can classify as being inferior. Which allows them to confirm to themselves that they are in turn not inferior.
    One of the many problems with the excusing of this behavior I would like to point out is that if other communities have this level of anti-social behavior why then do we not see this level of 'game show of humiliation' in WoW or any other MMO? Where are the podcasts of people torturing others?
    No, this is a symptom of the attitude of the game managers and the expectations that have grown up around EVE, expectations that laud anti-social behavior. It is the acceptance of, 'That's just how EVE works, It's not bad'. That acceptance breeds further pressing of the boundaries of expected social behavior. This podcast is an evolution of allowing anti-social behavior to not just occur, but be celebrated.


    Mittani, one of the former heads of the CSM and a notorious bad guy in-game, once drunkenly ordered his alliance and people of the pvp orientation at fanfest to gank a person suffering from suicidal tendencies until he "gets over it". Mittani got hit with a sledgehammer for that remark getting a ban, removal from CSM and basically ending his in-game career to a large degree, he still controls his alliance and still has alts but no one really forgot that slip up and no one really trusts him anymore.

    And the EVE community bands together everytime there is a catastrophe of natural origin ( earthquake, tsunami, etc) and donate heavily towards a relief fund set up by CCP (thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars have been donated this way up until now and this is a donation btw, I think only once was there a specially skinned ship provided by CCP but at all other times you donated because you wanted to either in isk or plex).

    So you're saying that we need to excuse the pathological and sociopathic things people do in the game because of the things that the community have done as a baseline level of human concern? "Oh, it's ok that we have people in our game that torture others, because we sometimes ostracize people who try to get other people to commit suicide, and when thousands die, we actually feel bad."


    Sorry, but those do not excuse the first. Civilized and socially well-adjusted people are supposed to do these things, you don't get bonus points or get to excuse the psychopath Erotica 1 because of them.


    Have fun with your soap box though, I very much enjoy your type talking from the wrong end about a game someone told you about (I truly hope that because if you played and have this sort of opinion... does not look good on you).

    Ending your post with a passive-aggressive insult and an obvious attempt to cast me as inferior just so you can help your ego feel superior does not help your case of EVE players being friendly and socially well-adjusted.



    Eve is not your typical MMORPG.

    Eve features non-consentual pvp, in game theft, and ingame scamming with are typically considered player griefing in other games.  It permits players to roleplay a criminal within the confines of the game.  Your toon is not a bounty hunter in name only (looking at you swtor) you can actually kill and then collect a bounty from players.  Your character is not a pirate in name only you can actually attack a player's ship and ransom them for a safe release (which you are not required to honour)

    Yes it's anti-social but it's all within the game world so it's also safe because the universe of eve is completely detached from real life.

    Occasionally a player does something disgraceful that is not considered a part of the game (this topic thread is an example) and when it happens there's usually a minority of players that for their own reasons offer support, justification, or rationalization.  Mark my words they are a minority.

    A few bad apples don't ruin the entire basket as Dihoru was pointing out to you.  If things were as bleak as you've claimed by us anti-social monsters that play eve we wouldn't do the things Dihoru listed and the behavior of these lads wouldn't be almost universally condemned by the majority of eve players.


  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    Originally posted by Delerious1

    Bad behaviour?  Like a guy that claims to be suffering from PTSD, and is in control of planes - planes that have real people on them - in the real world - this is A OK!  A guy that goes into a racial tirade is a good person?   I guy that threatens to come to a persons house to hurt them?  I guy that threatens your family members?   This is a good person?  Yes...rejoice and praise the goodness of the guy that got scammed - he is a frikking saint!

    There is a HUGE difference between the actions and behavior of Erotica and the resultant outburst elicited from his methodical abuse.

    That you point out the egregiously deceived and mentally abused victim's stress response in defense of the antagonist says a lot about your moral compass.

    You can in no way condone the antagonist's behavior because of the victim's response.  The response was elicited on purpose and methodically brought to fruition.


    Wait...what?  This so called victim allowed himself to get scammed.  End of story.  He freely participated in it of his own free will.   Stop making excuses for his actions and behavior.  He was greedy and stupid.   You can't candy coat this - it is exactly that.    

    Also, this guy you are defending admits to having PTSD and is an air traffic controller in real life and he puts peoples lives in danger daily because of his problem and you think that is OK?  That is not  a game - that is real world.  

    Did reasoning and common sense just get thrown away in the last couple of days? 

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    If I was in charge, I would remove them. I'd fight that fight any day.
  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    Originally posted by soulmirror

    You can not blame CCP for this, this is not their bust.  If you could rationally do so, then using the same logic you could blame the company that made the software enabling the chat, the computer company that made the computer an so on down the line.  The "blame" lies on both parties, the scammers and the scammed, the only thing that you can rally against is the abuse that the scammed person endures. Listening to the exchange they (the scammed) could have disconnected at any time and the person scammed knew they were being scammed.

      Even knowing what importance people place on in game items, they should have been a point (after realizing they were duped) they should have disconnected.  The rest of the background "Story" is just that, an unconfirmed story, unless someone here can personally verify the employment, medical condition(s) and personality of all involved.

    Excellent points.

  • HokieHokie Member UncommonPosts: 1,063
    Originally posted by Teala

    Bad behaviour?  Like a guy that claims to be suffering from PTSD, and is in control of planes - planes that have real people on them - in the real world - this is A OK!  A guy that goes into a racial tirade is a good person?   I guy that threatens to come to a persons house to hurt them?  I guy that threatens your family members?   This is a good person?  Yes...rejoice and praise the goodness of the guy that got scammed - he is a frikking saint!

    Well put.

    I think there are really two different discussion going on this topic.

    1- Was scamming him wrong?

    No, its part of the game and always has been. They even made two official CCP trailers about being a victim, and that revenge can be just as sweet for the victim as it is for the victimizer, Causality and Retribution.


    2- Was he too mentally challenged to realize he was being made fun of, did they go too far?

    No hes not and no they  didnt . Because thru that whole ordeal he knew he was being scammed. And obviously because they were scammers they were never going to give him his money back. Which then means he willingly submitted to being humiliated. So if this guy doesnt have a problem with it, why does everyone else got their jimmies in a knot?

    "I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."

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