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ESO or Wildstar



  • ImprovVImprovV Member Posts: 14
    Originally posted by etharn
    I honestly wonder what the developers of ESO are thinking with all this negativity towards their game. I mean every single topic about ESO I seen has someone bashing it in some way or another.

    If I was a developer of ESO I would think it's unfair.


    When ESO announced a $60 price tag and $15 month subscription it was called a ripoff and the game was attacked left and right for it.

    When Wildstar announced the exact same thing not ONE publication ran a story of how it's overpriced and who does a sub fee and 60 dollar game anymore? Not a single one.

    Because of its IP people have used ESO as a pinata for whatever reason attacking it for every single thing. With previews acting as if they are playing the final version, judging the game on the starter island when an MMO is never judged with its first 10 levels, the list goes on.

    The most ridiculous being the ones who are judging it against its single player counterparts. Riiiight because an MMO is definitely going to be as in depth in terms of world interaction as a single player RPG. You are supposed to judge it based on its competition which are other MMO's.

  • RiannesRiannes Member UncommonPosts: 98

    Short answer.

    Wildstar. An all round better game.



    Long Answer: 

    If your game is

    pvp massive scale: go for either ESO or GW2. GW2 is obviously better value but ESO AvA also has potential. If you can afford waiting, check how it goes a couple mths after launch just to see how AvA mature.

    pvp battleground: Wildstar or GW2. GW2 is obviously better value. An alternative option is SWTOR.

    pvp arena: Wildstar. or just make sure you don't step into FFXIV arena.

    pve dungeons/raids: Wildstar will offer the best pve raid contents in term of quality (if not quantity). An alternative option is FFXIV. They have many dungeons in leveling phase and decent end game raiding contents.

    Remark: if you have not played WOW you might as well wait for the new expansion. In term of amount of contents, no other mmo can match and quality is still quite decent.



  • KwanseiKwansei Member UncommonPosts: 334

    Is anyone still reading these?

    In any case as this is the land of blab...


    For PC I will choose Wildstar. I like the different gear progressions (raid, PVP and group/small group/solo)

    I also love the housing system and what you can do with it and the world and find it a fun place to RP in. It does however need to be optimized badly and suffers (like many other games including ESO) from pre-scripted hokey pokey boss mechanics.


    I will probably be picking up ESO for the PS4 as I found it to have the potential to be a fun console game.


    I think your best bet if you cant afford both is to wait until after 3-4 months post release for each game. In the meantime go to steam or kickstarter and pickup Planet Explorers.

    meh , my 2 copper

  • JaedorJaedor Member UncommonPosts: 1,173

    I spent some some in both betas and without pressure from friends, I wouldn't buy either of them. As it stands though, friends will be playing Wildstar so I will preorder it but do not expect to sub after the free 30 days.

  • tdk007tdk007 Member Posts: 15

    After playing both I would choose ESO.

    Wildstar reminds me of early WoW too much and with its cartoony graphics and simple gameplay that I left after 6 years. I do not want to go back to go back to that. With ESO showing off the raid content for groups and the veteran rank system for solo players as well as the large scale PvP it has all the bases covered I need but with better graphics and story.

  • MamasGunMamasGun Member Posts: 152

    Honestly, it all comes down to personal tastes.  I'm going for Wildstar- I like the art and the lore and such.  I was never an ES fan (way more into FO). 

    I would say that if you love the ES series, go for ESO first.  You'll probably appreciate it more, and it won't spoil your Wildstar experience (they are two vastly different experiences).  The last thing you want to do is waste the money on Wildstar and not enjoy as much because you were left wondering about ESO.  I'd say play ESO for as long as you'd like, and when you're comfortable to stretch your legs and take a break from it, give Wildstar a shot.

    Both will find their crowd, as they both do what they aim to wonderfully- if you already love ESO, I'd say you'd enjoy it more, and will enjoy discovering Wildstar once it establishes itself more.  Just my two cents. 

    Loves: SMITE, WildStar, Project Zomboid, PSO2, DCUO,

    Worst Online Communities: WoW/WoD(the OG MMO Trolls), DayZ/WarZ, SMITE/LoL/DOTA, EVE Online, APB
    "I’m ready for
    All the comparisons
    I think it’s dumb and it’s embarrassing
    I’m switching off
    No longer listening
    I’ve had enough of persecution and conditioning
    Maybe it’s instinct- We’re only animal"
    - Lily Allen, Sheezus

  • DraconianXDraconianX Member UncommonPosts: 18
    Originally posted by Celcius



  • kurosenshukurosenshu Member UncommonPosts: 49
    Originally posted by DraconianX
    Originally posted by Celcius



    my thoughts exactly.



  • KinadoKinado Member Posts: 198
    Originally posted by tdk007

    After playing both I would choose ESO.

    Wildstar reminds me of early WoW too much and with its cartoony graphics and simple gameplay that I left after 6 years. I do not want to go back to go back to that. With ESO showing off the raid content for groups and the veteran rank system for solo players as well as the large scale PvP it has all the bases covered I need but with better graphics and story.

    I like ESO but what you're saying is totally inaccurate.

    Cartoony look doesn't make it like WoW I'm sorry. Games are about gameplay. Otherwise every asian game is the same crap since they all look the same. Doesn't work that way.

    ESO doesn't have raids, what are you talking about?

    As for the OP! Follow your heart man! I m sure you ll find the right girl! Wait, you wanted us to tell you which game you should fall in love with? Makes no sense, play both see what fits you better. They are doing BETAS almost every weekend.

    In my opinion Wildstar is a much more complete game, that's a fact, you can do a lot of more stuff with the sub that you are paying. More bang for the buck, plus you can buy play time with your in-game gold. If you do things right you ll probably won't have to pay every month to play which can make the sub to be half the price if you can manage. Or free.

    ESO is good for people that like more realistic graphics, more immersive questing and massive scale pvp. The game feels incomplete though, lacks features to keep you busy, stuff to do. The months ahead are crucial to see if the game is worth the sub. In ESO you gotta pay, no other alternative. Plus, if you plan on playing in the PS4 you gotta pay the PS4 internet access plus the ESO access with no reduced price or alternative to keep playing the game.

    It's easy to see which company is the greediest, specially with a inferior game all things accounted for. But in the end is matter of taste and wallet size.

  • ZyxxZyxx Member UncommonPosts: 49
    ESO ofc.. The rest of you can go play the cartonish game..
  • VooDoo_PapaVooDoo_Papa Member UncommonPosts: 897

    Lucky for me, I live in a country where I can play both :)


    er..wait.. most of you do.  

    anyway, I prefer ESO by a large margin but I habitually jump games so I know I'm gonna park ESO at some point and play Wildstar.

    then again, I'll also be playing a lot of other games as usual.

  • MamasGunMamasGun Member Posts: 152
    Originally posted by tdk007

    Wildstar reminds me of early WoW too much and with its cartoony graphics and simple gameplay that I left after 6 years. I do not want to go back to go back to that.

    Hm, that's odd- the two times I tried WoW (and instantly quit due to sheer boredom), I don't ever remember WoW's gameplay to be anything like Wildstar's gameplay.  In WoW- you stand still and spam abilities.  In Wildstar, you spam abilities- but you have to watch your footing.

    The gameplay between WoW and Wildtar is =/=.  WoW is like NES Super Mario Bros, whereas Wildstar is like Super Mario 64- taking all the things you love to the next level.

    Loves: SMITE, WildStar, Project Zomboid, PSO2, DCUO,

    Worst Online Communities: WoW/WoD(the OG MMO Trolls), DayZ/WarZ, SMITE/LoL/DOTA, EVE Online, APB
    "I’m ready for
    All the comparisons
    I think it’s dumb and it’s embarrassing
    I’m switching off
    No longer listening
    I’ve had enough of persecution and conditioning
    Maybe it’s instinct- We’re only animal"
    - Lily Allen, Sheezus

  • IceAgeIceAge Member EpicPosts: 3,210
    Originally posted by kurosenshu
    Originally posted by DraconianX
    Originally posted by Celcius



    my thoughts exactly.

















    Oh wait, who do I lie to?

    I have tried ESO in one of the beta weekends. I must say that the game itself (beside combat animations) it does seems to be a good game, but ... not for my tastes. I am sure ES players will enjoy it.

    With that being said, I didn't had the chance to try Wildstar, even so I follow the game since waaay back, when there was only a website and we didn't know what game Carbine is crafting for us. But I am telling you, 99.99% I will pre-order it, simply because I never go bad when it comes to pre-order games even if I don't have a chance to try it first.

    However, I got a key for this Beta weekend. As with any Beta's I try, I will not play more then few-several hours. Don't want to ruin the fun to much for when the servers will go live and also , character wipe ( enough said ) :)

    So yes, for me is Wildstar !

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  • Sevenstar61Sevenstar61 Member UncommonPosts: 1,686


    Played Wildstar beta nad ESO beta.

    Wildstar is way to childish in style for my liking.

    ESO - for some reason I cannot put a finger on I am totally bored playing it. The storytelling is not appealing to me at all, and I absolutely hate combat system and the fact that I cannot place cursor on the screen just annoys me, as well as lack of minimap. Got tired having to open full map every 30 second. It's not my favorite way of spending my time. I know though that some people would say it makes it more immersive... bugger that!

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  • AvulAvul Member Posts: 196
    Originally posted by Kinado

    1.Cartoony look doesn't make it like WoW I'm sorry. Games are about gameplay. Otherwise every asian game is the same crap since they all look the same. Doesn't work that way.


    2.In my opinion Wildstar is a much more complete game, that's a fact, you can do a lot of more stuff with the sub that you are paying. More bang for the buck, plus you can buy play time with your in-game gold. If you do things right you ll probably won't have to pay every month to play which can make the sub to be half the price if you can manage. Or free.


    3.It's easy to see which company is the greediest, specially with a inferior game all things accounted for. But in the end is matter of taste and wallet size.

    1. Gameplay-wise WildStar isn't World of Warcraft at all. That is true and a good thing for WS! But you have to admit that it still feels like WoW all over again - even with the action combat. I played WoW just for a couple of months in 2005 or 2006 and I had a total flashback with WS. Not just the graphics are alike. Same boring quest design (kill 10 bears and collect their hides), same hand holding (no exploration but an arrow which is leading to the specific area and quest markers all over the map), similar areas (I mean.. for a SciFi MMO there are many areas which would perfectly fit in a pure fantasy MMO - even the Mobs are space-bears, space-wolves, space-birds.. not that many real aliens at all), fantasy currency (Gold, Silver, Platinum), small details like mailboxes instead of drones, dungeons feel like a tweaked version of some WoW instances etc. I could expand that list if you want. It's not necessarily a bad thing. If you liked WoW back in the days.. you will like WS as well. But saying they've got not many things in common.. is just wrong.

    2. I beg to differ. Yes, WildStar has all in all more features like housing, different forms of PVP (battleground, arenas, duelling) or raids. But that doesn't make it the more complete game. In my opinion the game feels cluttered. Housing is more of a mini-game. It's fun but it feels very disconnected due to the instanced zone. Then there's a multitude of PVE content but at the end of the day it's just named differently (shiphands, dungeons and adventures are basically all the same.. just for different sizes - and the choices in adventures aren't that groundbreaking). PVP has nothing to do with the rest of the game as well.. it's just fighting in small instanced areas. PVP in ESO feels more connected.. every faction got its "homeland territory" and the big area in the middle is contested. WildStar doesn't feel complete to me.. more like a mixed bag of mini-games and standard features. Again.. this isn't a bad thing. It depends on what you like. If you don't need immersion and a reason behind all the different aspects.. WildStar could be a good choice.

    3. Time will tell. While I really dislike some of the decisions of Zenimax (Imperial paygate, horse in a cash shop) Carbine has nothing proven yet. They made some strange decisions as well (drop the NDA and immediately stop the beta => just 4 beta weekends left while the performance of the game is really, really bad at the moment) and also said that at some point there could be a item cash shop as well (if WildStar fails and goes f2p maybe? If you don't believe me.. here's a German interview with CRB_Bronn: - quote: "Zum Release wird es auf jeden Fall keinen Itemshop geben! Aber im Endeffekt kann es immer sein, dass irgendwann eine solche Sache kommt"). I wouldn't be surprised if Carbine has some back-up plan with a f2p model and a cash shop. Maybe ESO goes f2p as well.. who knows? We'll see.. but don't judge them right now. That's unfair!


    Elite: Dangerous - Space Exploration & Trading.

  • MothanosMothanos Member UncommonPosts: 1,910

    Wildstar +10
    Seeing that my bet wow time was in Vanila + TBC expansion and that all these devs worked on that masterpiece is for me without a doubt a promise of qaulity gaming.

    You can say you dont like its cartoon style, but once you play it you get used to it in no time.
    ESO is to frustrating and outdated in my opinion, not to mention the horrible target system and greed from Zenimax.

    Defently Wildstar :)

  • PhertiasPhertias Member UncommonPosts: 51

    You should just ignore all "I have tried WS for 1 hour and deleted it" because the first hour of gameplay is really not representative. The Wildstar "first hour" is boring as hell, but when you get off the damn ship, the game gets 100 times more interesting and fun. I have tried ESO (and I am NOT a fan of the ES games, so I am not influenced by being a fanboy) 


    ESO is a real open world with neat quests, clunky combat (comeon, its like Rift all over again) and a various of options to do. I think it is a game that succeeds in what it tries. To be an Elder Scrolls Online. Open world, nice story, PvP... end of story. The questing however is so easy, I have never been so handheld in my entire life of MMORPG´s (and I have played everything on the list) 

    Wildstar is for people who like(d) WoW, but need something new that still has that "WoW feeling" that all MMORPGs have been trying to crave. WIldstar is the first game to succeed in that. While questing is rather...meh..., combat is fun, dungeons are the best dungeons I have ever tried, PvP is so hard because not only do you have to dogde enemy skillshots and kite yourself into your healers, you also never know what spells the others are using due to the Limited Action Set. Wildstar is about adapting your gameplay into the environment and that makes it more dynamic than any other game.



    ESO is for ES fanboys who enjoys the ES universe and an open world with few linear structures

    Wildstar is for the MMO player who miss hardcore mechanics, a WoW-like world and enjoys dynamic fighting.


    For me. Wildstar wins. Because I miss the "WoW feeling" and after trying +30 MMORPGs, I have finally found it.

  • GillleanGilllean Member Posts: 169
    OMG !! realy you need to know what this kids on mmorpg think in order to decide what game to play ? you don't have your own head ? low self esteem ? don't listen to any one !! follow you're heart  people how follow their heart call are much happier than those that heavenly base on logic !
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264
    Chutes and Ladders or Candyland, whichever you prefer. I went with ESO.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • AvulAvul Member Posts: 196
    Originally posted by Phertias

    You should just ignore all "I have tried WS for 1 hour and deleted it" because the first hour of gameplay is really not representative. The Wildstar "first hour" is boring as hell, but when you get off the damn ship, the game gets 100 times more interesting and fun. I have tried ESO (and I am NOT a fan of the ES games, so I am not influenced by being a fanboy) 



    ESO is for ES fanboys who enjoys the ES universe and an open world with few linear structures

    Wildstar is for the MMO player who miss hardcore mechanics, a WoW-like world and enjoys dynamic fighting.


    For me. Wildstar wins. Because I miss the "WoW feeling" and after trying +30 MMORPGs, I have finally found it.

    I love people like you who are saying that you have to be a fanboy to like a certain game.. such a grown-up argumentation. I just played Morrowind (no Oblivion, no Skyrim) back in the days.. never been a fan of the Elder Scrolls games and nevertheless had a blast in the beta. On the other hand I was cheering 2 years for WildStar (GamesCom 2011) until I finally had the chance to play it. Well.. I've got a lvl 50 Engineer (Exile), lvl 24 Stalker (Dominion) and lvl 14 Medic (Exile) and although I invested a lot of time playing it.. I deleted it 2-3 weeks ago because in the end it bored me to death. The questing experience is so tedious. I thought "Elder game will be cool and fun and all.. let's get through the shitty part". I was wrong. It's the same instanced standard like all other MMORPGs (I don't know ESO's endgame though.. just got to lvl 14). But you know.. that's just my opinion.

    Elite: Dangerous - Space Exploration & Trading.

  • LisaFlexy22LisaFlexy22 Member UncommonPosts: 450

    Very polarizing games and different types of crowds going for each one.  It seems quite rare for someone to be into both games.

    Wildstar is attracting the wow crowd (current and especially ones who want more of a vanilla wow type of experience). Very typical wow style themepark with instanced pvp battlegrounds, large raids, quest hub level experience with generic quests, rep grinds, wow type graphics, fast paced combat.  If you liked WOW and want more of it but a fresh start go with Wildstar.

    ESO if you want a more slow paced immersive lore/story heavy themepark.  Also ESO if you want big open world DAOC style PvP.  This game seems to be attracting the older school crowd a bit more than Wildstar. 

  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916

    These two games are very different. However, if you've played a beta weekend for both of them and you haven't "fallen in love" with either of them, then it's a really tricky proposition...


    What kind of game play do you really enjoy in your MMO's ?

    Fast, non-stop action with lots of colours and sounds and dozens of little "mini-games" ? Then Wildstar is your game.

    Slower paced, more story-oriented with a "realistic" art style and great PVP options ? Then go for ESO.


    I find Wildstar too "gamey" for my liking. It's very "busy", like watching a solid hour of Cartoon Network. Great fun while it lasts, but irritating in large doses. If you enjoy watching Cartoon Network all day, you'll most likely love Wildstar.


    ESO has lower mob density than WS, so the emphasis is not "nonstop action". Theres more story and plenty of lore snippets that you can actually read. It tries to be more of a "virtual world" than Wildstar, which also means the colour palette is far more muted. Unlike WS, ESO does not have an endgame epic raid focus. ESO 's endgame is more solo and small group oriented on the PVE side, with solid RVR PVP component as well.

  • ThorgorThorgor Member Posts: 1

    With early access ... TESO starts on 30th March and Wildstar starts on 31st May


    So I have about 2 month time to play TESO. That should be enough time to reach highest level and play some endgame content. Then I'll switch to Wildstar and I'll also play it for about 2 month to reach endgame content.


    After both two month sessions I'll decide if I spend more time with one or both of those two games. It could also mean that a third new game wins out by that time (ArchAge or the new WoW addon are lurking at the horizon).

  • Teh_AxiTeh_Axi Member UncommonPosts: 380
    Originally posted by Darwa

    For me, the important parts of an MMORPG are combat, crafting, and the ability to walk my own path. 

    So why did you buy ESO???

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