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Who actually _enjoys_ this kind of questing?



  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Originally posted by Rattenmann
    Originally posted by Amjoco
    Originally posted by Rattenmann
    Originally posted by Amjoco....
    Questhelper and Carbonite . These addons destroyed the need for questing properly to the point that the quest giver could have been a rock or even a turtle! 

    If someone would make a Questhelper addon for ESO right now, id most definitly keep my preorder. Without it, i will cancel due to being unable to force myself trough the quests. And i really tried... several times. I just stop playing after 1 hour without any advancement and i hate every minute of it.


    Forced questing. The worst thing to hit MMOs since FTP.

    You wouldn't have liked the other ES games either probably. You know there are indicators right on the compass telling you which way objectives are.  Well, I'm sure someone will come up with an addon and we will all carry on like mindless zombies following an arrow. /shrug

    edit: You do know almost all mmorpgs have questing right? I'm not sure how it could be the worst thing to hit MMOs since that is what most of them are all about. Like millions of people use this type of system. 

    Well, most other MMOs at least offer a way to AVOID the quests. ESO basically does not.
     Also i am old enough to remember games that did not offer questing for leveling and those games actually had communities, xp groups, social interaction and most importantly: Playing as a team did offer a valuable experience and made you WANT to play with others compared to soloing.

    ESO doesn't allow you to avod quests?  You choose the way you want to develop your character. If you want to do it in a group, just ask! If you like to solo quest you can do that too. XP by crafting is another great way to level. Many of the 'old" mmos involved grinding mobs for xp and drops. All these are available and much more in ESO and just about any other mmorpg 

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • muthaxmuthax Member UncommonPosts: 703
    Originally posted by Amjoco
    Originally posted by Caldrin

    Nothing different with the qeusting in this compared to all the other themepark games.. its a quest grind and boring at that.. myself I cant understand how anyone can have fun doing it but thats just how i feel about it.. we all like different things in the end :)



    We get it from your last few posts. You think the game is a quest grind. Got it no matter how many times you post it. So as you said, we all like different things in the end! Go promote Archeage.

    Isn't that DOA already in Korea??

  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309
    Originally posted by Caldrin

    Nothing different with the qeusting in this compared to all the other themepark games.. its a quest grind and boring at that.. myself I cant understand how anyone can have fun doing it but thats just how i feel about it.. we all like different things in the end :)

    The same way some people like to eat at Burger King, watch Jersey Shore and read R.A. Salvatore.    People have different levels of education, different interests and different tastes.    Different moods even, I may very well know that some of the books I read or shows I watch are complete garbage, but sometimes i'm in the mood for that - call them "guilty pleasures".  


    ESO has pretty average questing.  But it's better than what i get in EQ2 and while it's nowhere as good as LoTRO, I'm kinda tired of LoTRO and I've already done most of the interesting stuff there.


    At the end of the day, if i was waiting for an MMO that achieves artistic perfection in all regards, I'd never play anything.  There is SOME fun to be had in ESO.  More than most other MMO options I currently have.   So i'm gonna go have that fun until something else comes along or i get tired of it.   Doesn't mean i'm blind to its (many) faults, just means I'm willing to live with it.

    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • DignaDigna Member UncommonPosts: 1,994

    ESO isn't a shining beacon of change for the industry but one of the things that has me both confused and amazed (good confusion, btw) is the built in 'wandering around' factor.


    There are demi-quest hubs but I found myself just kind of wandering around and picking up a quest only to realize I had left 1 or 2 quests....way OVER THERE....and not minding it.

    For almost 20 years of MMOs I've been pretty systematic and my questing and try to get the best bang for the buck (shortest routes, most XP). In this game I'm just enjoying exploring.

    I'm not looking forward to waiting 2 weeks but then no more wait! WOOHOO!

  • muthaxmuthax Member UncommonPosts: 703
    Originally posted by Digna

    ESO isn't a shining beacon of change for the industry but one of the things that has me both confused and amazed (good confusion, btw) is the built in 'wandering around' factor.


    There are demi-quest hubs but I found myself just kind of wandering around and picking up a quest only to realize I had left 1 or 2 quests....way OVER THERE....and not minding it.

    For almost 20 years of MMOs I've been pretty systematic and my questing and try to get the best bang for the buck (shortest routes, most XP). In this game I'm just enjoying exploring.

    I'm not looking forward to waiting 2 weeks but then no more wait! WOOHOO!

    Very well said, Digna

    People who like to "optimize" their leveling and want to play "shopping lists", TESO isn't for you.

    Please go play Wildstar aka Allods Online 2.0

  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Originally posted by Digna

    ESO isn't a shining beacon of change for the industry but one of the things that has me both confused and amazed (good confusion, btw) is the built in 'wandering around' factor.


    There are demi-quest hubs but I found myself just kind of wandering around and picking up a quest only to realize I had left 1 or 2 quests....way OVER THERE....and not minding it.

    For almost 20 years of MMOs I've been pretty systematic and my questing and try to get the best bang for the buck (shortest routes, most XP). In this game I'm just enjoying exploring.

    I'm not looking forward to waiting 2 weeks but then no more wait! WOOHOO!

    Nice to see someone else with a sense of wanderlust. A lot of people won't like this system because imho they like being led by the hand. Its about as close to the actual ES games as we are going to get though!  I didn't play the last beta just to kind of build up the excitement for the release. Looking forward to it also. Double WOOHOO!!

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904

    Originally posted by psykobilly
     Serious question.  I did maybe 50 quests this weekend, and every one was more or less the same:1.  Go here, talk to this guy.2. Go there, talk to this other guy.3.  Go to the third spot and kill something for a shiny.4.  Use the shiny to save the day, then go back and talk to that guy again.It's all totally boring stuff that just feels like one chore after another.  The quest writing is REALLY bad.  Contrast this with other themeparks like 'The Secret World' which is a similar, but at least a lot of the quests had interesting puzzles or something to break the mould (and that game utterly failed).  ESO quests seem like they were written by 14 year olds, who were aiming at 10 year olds as their target audience.  No intelligence whatsoever.I'm a huge fan of ES single player games, but this is _nothing_ like the sandbox feel of those games.  It doesn't help that combat is terrible:  you literally don't have to aim at anything.  If you point your target reticle 180 degrees opposite your enemy, your character will automatically turn around and never miss the target.I can only imagine the kind of person who enjoys this type of progression as someone who has never played a themepark in their life.

    That would be fine if it was an offline game....But i don't play mmorpgs to solo...

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904

    Originally posted by DMKano
    Originally posted by Jimmydean Originally posted by Distopia Originally posted by Jimmydean Originally posted by Lord.Bachus Originally posted by Jimmydean These quests are terrible. Story and Lore can exist in a fantasy world without being shoved down your throat every second you are playing. Single Player games? Sure, they exist because of this. In an MMORPG, there is no place.
    Quests are how players interact with the world and get immersed in stories..  GW2 tried to do it a different way, with Coop quests (dynamic content) but in essince it was still quests, and even there people came to the conclusion that oldfashioned quests where still more immersive then Coop quests with some loose story components..   Please explain how you could immerse people into story and lore withotu quests?   In my opinion an MMO RPG is about playing a role in a world (hench RolePlaying Game) and  Quests are still the only mechanic fot to do so...    
    In actual MMORPGs,
    Stopped reading there, what does this even mean? Actual MMORPG's?
    Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.       Notice Massively and Multiplayer - Not Minuscule and not single player. 
    Massively refers to number of players playing the game 

    Multiplayer refers to ability to play with others, it doesnt mean you MUST play with others


    Players often confuse these terms to mean - The only way to play is with others, it doesnt


    It's inferred that there should be a level of interaction otherwise there would not be a muliplayer component.

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

  • AzzrasAzzras Member UncommonPosts: 407
    Originally posted by Nitth


    Originally posted by DMKano

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by Distopia

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    Originally posted by Jimmydean These quests are terrible. Story and Lore can exist in a fantasy world without being shoved down your throat every second you are playing. Single Player games? Sure, they exist because of this. In an MMORPG, there is no place.
    Quests are how players interact with the world and get immersed in stories..  GW2 tried to do it a different way, with Coop quests (dynamic content) but in essince it was still quests, and even there people came to the conclusion that oldfashioned quests where still more immersive then Coop quests with some loose story components..   Please explain how you could immerse people into story and lore withotu quests?   In my opinion an MMO RPG is about playing a role in a world (hench RolePlaying Game) and  Quests are still the only mechanic fot to do so...    
    In actual MMORPGs,
    Stopped reading there, what does this even mean? Actual MMORPG's?
    Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.       Notice Massively and Multiplayer - Not Minuscule and not single player. 
    Massively refers to number of players playing the game 


    Multiplayer refers to ability to play with others, it doesnt mean you MUST play with others


    Players often confuse these terms to mean - The only way to play is with others, it doesnt



    It's inferred that there should be a level of interaction otherwise there would not be a muliplayer component.

    maybe we played different games?  I don't remember even once (save for the Prophet cave) where I wasn't surrounded by at least 10 other players.  Where did you go that was so isolated?

  • niteflynitefly Member Posts: 340

    [quote]Originally posted by Azzras
    [b][quote]maybe we played different games?  I don't remember even once (save for the Prophet cave) where I wasn't surrounded by at least 10 other players.  Where did you go that was so isolated?[/b][/quote]
    That's a fair comment but it really isn't multiplayer gaming is it? Right now other players are primarily nuisances when you're playing PvE in ESO. They potentially bug out your quests, they are competitors to crafting materials and chests, they are largely frustrating to group with due to phasing issues, and due to the recent changes to group XP if you decide to group anyway they hamper your progress to a prohibitive degree.

    I think the Massive Multiplayer element is not thought out too well in ESO in regards to the PvE experience. It's not a fact, it's just my feeling and personal experience during the beta weekends.

  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309
    Originally posted by Nitth
    Massively refers to number of players playing the game 


    Multiplayer refers to ability to play with others, it doesnt mean you MUST play with others


    Players often confuse these terms to mean - The only way to play is with others, it doesnt



    It's inferred that there should be a level of interaction otherwise there would not be a muliplayer component.

    Yes, but the degree of such interaction is different for everyone.    I mean, i love raiding and group play, but i also play solo a lot of the time, just because i'm playing solo doesn't mean that i'd rather be playing a single-player game.  


    The example I always use is the movie-going experience.  I much prefer watching a movie a full movie theater with 500+ other people.  That being said, I almost always go alone and I hardly ever talk with any of those 500+ people.  But i still prefer that experience to watching the movie alone.    Point being, other people "just being there, sharing the world" already makes it a multiplayer experience, even if it's on the very low end of the interaction scale. 

    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • AsariashaAsariasha Member UncommonPosts: 252

    I enjoyed this beta week end and am looking forward to the release.


    What I found quite impressive is that all quests that I finished always had some sort of background featuring several sub quests that lead to a big ending of the arc.

  • muthaxmuthax Member UncommonPosts: 703
    Originally posted by Asariasha

    I enjoyed this beta week end and am looking forward to the release.


    What I found quite impressive is that all quests that I finished always had some sort of background featuring several sub quests that lead to a big ending of the arc.

    It's slightly off topic but I really liked the Skooma Plantation quest where the warehouse had burned down and teh father was intoxicated by skooma smoke

  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Originally posted by Nitth


    Originally posted by DMKano

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by Distopia

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    Originally posted by Jimmydean These quests are terrible. Story and Lore can exist in a fantasy world without being shoved down your throat every second you are playing. Single Player games? Sure, they exist because of this. In an MMORPG, there is no place.
    Quests are how players interact with the world and get immersed in stories..  GW2 tried to do it a different way, with Coop quests (dynamic content) but in essince it was still quests, and even there people came to the conclusion that oldfashioned quests where still more immersive then Coop quests with some loose story components..   Please explain how you could immerse people into story and lore withotu quests?   In my opinion an MMO RPG is about playing a role in a world (hench RolePlaying Game) and  Quests are still the only mechanic fot to do so...    
    In actual MMORPGs,
    Stopped reading there, what does this even mean? Actual MMORPG's?
    Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.       Notice Massively and Multiplayer - Not Minuscule and not single player. 
    Massively refers to number of players playing the game 


    Multiplayer refers to ability to play with others, it doesnt mean you MUST play with others


    Players often confuse these terms to mean - The only way to play is with others, it doesnt



    It's inferred that there should be a level of interaction otherwise there would not be a muliplayer component.

    To me that means there is the option to multiplayer. If I choose to play a character on this game or Rift that does nothing that crafts among multiple people, I can do that. Or I could make a healer type toon that has no chance of soloing and has to group. IT's all about choice. 

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • MsPtibiscuitMsPtibiscuit Member Posts: 164

    Far, far are the times where grouping was mandatory in a MMORPG.


  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,649

    You want great quests play TSW.

    Good quests in an open fantasy world play Lotro.

    Decent quests with 3 faction PvP, flexible class building, a real economy and an open world play TESO.

  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904

    Originally posted by Amjoco

    Originally posted by Nitth  

    Originally posted by DMKano

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by Distopia

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    Originally posted by Jimmydean These quests are terrible. Story and Lore can exist in a fantasy world without being shoved down your throat every second you are playing. Single Player games? Sure, they exist because of this. In an MMORPG, there is no place.
    Quests are how players interact with the world and get immersed in stories..  GW2 tried to do it a different way, with Coop quests (dynamic content) but in essince it was still quests, and even there people came to the conclusion that oldfashioned quests where still more immersive then Coop quests with some loose story components..   Please explain how you could immerse people into story and lore withotu quests?   In my opinion an MMO RPG is about playing a role in a world (hench RolePlaying Game) and  Quests are still the only mechanic fot to do so...    
    In actual MMORPGs,
    Stopped reading there, what does this even mean? Actual MMORPG's?
    Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.       Notice Massively and Multiplayer - Not Minuscule and not single player. 
    Massively refers to number of players playing the game    Multiplayer refers to ability to play with others, it doesnt mean you MUST play with others   Players often confuse these terms to mean - The only way to play is with others, it doesnt  
      It's inferred that there should be a level of interaction otherwise there would not be a muliplayer component.
    To me that means there is the option to multiplayer. If I choose to play a character on this game or Rift that does nothing that crafts among multiple people, I can do that. Or I could make a healer type toon that has no chance of soloing and has to group. IT's all about choice. 

    Without regressing into the same old argument, What is the difference if those characters were npc's?

    Just because you can admire the architecture in multiplayer Battlefield 4 (and not participate) Doesn't mean that's what the game intended for you or necessarily good for the game as a whole.

    A multiplayer game where characters don't interact is not serving its purpose and definition. Ultimately leading to a broken experience.

    Yet strangely, Mmorpgs get a pass on this: Trying to shoehorn single player into a realm that is labeled multiplayer.

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

  • LOL....

    I can't believe some people actually think this game doesn't have quest hubs.

  • SanguinelustSanguinelust Member UncommonPosts: 812
    Originally posted by muthax
    Originally posted by Asariasha

    I enjoyed this beta week end and am looking forward to the release.


    What I found quite impressive is that all quests that I finished always had some sort of background featuring several sub quests that lead to a big ending of the arc.

    It's slightly off topic but I really liked the Skooma Plantation quest where the warehouse had burned down and teh father was intoxicated by skooma smoke

    I thought that was a good one too.

  • ZyxxZyxx Member UncommonPosts: 49

    You dont like the quest's? I guess your more of a KILL 10X Monsters and collect 10X plants guy..



  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Originally posted by Nitth


    Originally posted by Amjoco

    Originally posted by Nitth  

    Originally posted by DMKano

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by Distopia

    Originally posted by Jimmydean

    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    Originally posted by Jimmydean These quests are terrible. Story and Lore can exist in a fantasy world without being shoved down your throat every second you are playing. Single Player games? Sure, they exist because of this. In an MMORPG, there is no place.
    Quests are how players interact with the world and get immersed in stories..  GW2 tried to do it a different way, with Coop quests (dynamic content) but in essince it was still quests, and even there people came to the conclusion that oldfashioned quests where still more immersive then Coop quests with some loose story components..   Please explain how you could immerse people into story and lore withotu quests?   In my opinion an MMO RPG is about playing a role in a world (hench RolePlaying Game) and  Quests are still the only mechanic fot to do so...    
    In actual MMORPGs,
    Stopped reading there, what does this even mean? Actual MMORPG's?
    Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.       Notice Massively and Multiplayer - Not Minuscule and not single player. 
    Massively refers to number of players playing the game    Multiplayer refers to ability to play with others, it doesnt mean you MUST play with others   Players often confuse these terms to mean - The only way to play is with others, it doesnt  
      It's inferred that there should be a level of interaction otherwise there would not be a muliplayer component.
    To me that means there is the option to multiplayer. If I choose to play a character on this game or Rift that does nothing that crafts among multiple people, I can do that. Or I could make a healer type toon that has no chance of soloing and has to group. IT's all about choice. 


    Without regressing into the same old argument, What is the difference if those characters were npc's?

    Just because you can admire the architecture in multiplayer Battlefield 4 (and not participate) Doesn't mean that's what the game intended for you or necessarily good for the game as a whole.

    A multiplayer game where characters don't interact is not serving its purpose and definition. Ultimately leading to a broken experience.

    Yet strangely, Mmorpgs get a pass on this: Trying to shoehorn single player into a realm that is labeled multiplayer.

    What? I'm not sure why you have placed such a rigid style to what you are playing. I gave examples of what you could do, not what you have to do. Some people like to get into a game with others,  while some play alone and occasionally , trade, or chat. It's all so flexible and easy in any game.

    It's more to real life this way. Why do you play computer games when you are surrounded by other people in your world? You could be out at the mall or at a sporting event. Sometimes you just want to do things alone.

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309
    Originally posted by Scot

    You want great quests play TSW.

    Good quests in an open fantasy world play Lotro.

    Decent quests with 3 faction PvP, flexible class building, a real economy and an open world play TESO.

    +1.  well, idk about "real economy" and "open-world play", but everything is just about what i think.  

    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222
    The problem is that there are very few other options other than the forced questing bunch. Old school mmos and darkfall and Eve...thats it. Almost every other mmo is forcing you down a linear quest path so they can tell you a story regardless if you want to hearbit or not. They make you do the content they want you to do when they want you to do it. Im suprised so many people want to play in an mmo down a linear path. Quests are fine as optional side content.
  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Originally posted by Mardukk
    The problem is that there are very few other options other than the forced questing bunch. Old school mmos and darkfall and Eve...thats it. Almost every other mmo is forcing you down a linear quest path so they can tell you a story regardless if you want to hearbit or not. They make you do the content they want you to do when they want you to do it. Im suprised so many people want to play in an mmo down a linear path. Quests are fine as optional side content.

    Stories are hard to tell in less they are linear. You could pick up a book and read a few middle chapters, then some at the beginning, and then the last page, but it wouldn't be what the author intended. You could however do some sidequests while completing the main quest or quests.

    On top of that, I wouldn't call any of this game, or game like it "forcing" you to quest. Early DAoC and many similar games you had to grind mobs, craft, group in dungeons, and so on. You don't have to quest to gain XP. There are items you may need through questing however, and that to me seems like a good point to follow the story.

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • JimmydeanJimmydean Member UncommonPosts: 1,290
    Originally posted by Amjoco
    Originally posted by Mardukk
    The problem is that there are very few other options other than the forced questing bunch. Old school mmos and darkfall and Eve...thats it. Almost every other mmo is forcing you down a linear quest path so they can tell you a story regardless if you want to hearbit or not. They make you do the content they want you to do when they want you to do it. Im suprised so many people want to play in an mmo down a linear path. Quests are fine as optional side content.

    Stories are hard to tell in less they are linear. You could pick up a book and read a few middle chapters, then some at the beginning, and then the last page, but it wouldn't be what the author intended. You could however do some sidequests while completing the main quest or quests.

    On top of that, I wouldn't call any of this game, or game like it "forcing" you to quest. Early DAoC and many similar games you had to grind mobs, craft, group in dungeons, and so on. You don't have to quest to gain XP. There are items you may need through questing however, and that to me seems like a good point to follow the story.

    MMORPGs were never about telling a story. They were about creating your own. If I wanted to read a book or watch a movie, I would just do that. I don't need a game to read to me like some book on tape. 

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