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Am I missing something? [mod edit]

fearufearu Member UncommonPosts: 292

A couple of friends and I signed up for the beta this weekend to try out ESO. We've been seeing/hearing mixed but generally good things about the game and figured this would be a good opportunity to try before we buy especially given the high cost of it. Our experience with past Elder Scrolls games is mixed, personally I've played Oblivion and Skyrim but my friends range from not played at all to played a little bit.

As you probably see from the title we were left extremely disappointed. The setting is completely generic fantasy and certainly little different to Skyrim although probably far less interesting. The quests are the typical thing you find in MMOs these days and range from killing stuff to clicking a bunch of stuff or avoiding a bunch of stuff while clicking other stuff. The game seems to bring very little innovation to the table and we were bored within a couple of hours.

The menu systems really need some work as well. It took 15 minutes and some googling just to find each other and group up. We would know where to find it next time (there won't be a next time so no worries) but to say the menu system is unintuitive is an understatement.

The skills and abilities system is one of the most generic offerings I've seen in a while. It consists of leveling up, clicking a plus, get some new skill. That's if you remember to do so, 2 of our party forgot about it and spent the first couple of hours spamming 1 and clicking their mouse!

Combat is fairly interesting in that its one of the worse examples I've seen in recent times. It used to be that people screamed "console port!" when confronted with lackluster controls and dumbed down skills, that feeling is written all over this game as well. Its certainly not the worst example but its far from ideal on a PC.

None of us can justify the up front cost + sub on this game when there are far better games already in our libraries and the same generic MMOs on offer that are f2p. I don't understand the hype/positivity surrounding ESO, the only thing I can put it down to is a desire to play a multiplayer Elder Scrolls game from people who love the franchise. ESO will be a definite miss within my group of friends at least.



  • NL-RikkertNL-Rikkert Member UncommonPosts: 134

    So basically you are saying due to your lack of knowledge, interest and patience (as you clearly havent spent a lot of time with the game), this game sucks?

    [mod edit]

    When someone does something so utterly moronic that it kills your brain cells at the very thought of it.

  • mcrippinsmcrippins Member RarePosts: 1,645

    Yeah, I don't share your feelings at all. Not sure what your flavor of game is, but it's definitely not this one. Perhaps you went into it expecting everything to be revolutionary. It's not. What it is doing right, is bringing back the elements that most games have quite simply lost. True, meaningful faction PvP. A large open world setting for PvP and PvE. Crafters are important and have a true purpose. I actually like the setting of the world. It's a bit darker than most, and has my type of vibe. Exploration also means something. Talking to NPCs and taking the time to read quests and items around the world can bring you to content others might not discover. There are other things, but I think you get the idea. The perception that a singular MMO is going to revolutionize the industry in multiple facets is kinda crazy at this point.


    What you can guarantee is that not every game will be to your liking. Some will like this. Some will like Wildstar. Some will not like either. Personally, I can't stand Wildstar, and I love this game. To each their own.

  • AwDiddumsAwDiddums Member UncommonPosts: 416
    Originally posted by FearU


    The setting is completely generic fantasy and certainly little different to Skyrim although probably far less interesting.

    Isn't the game setting supposed to at least have some resemblance to the originals? rather than being something completely different to upset all the die hard fans out there.

    I read your comments and found your whole piece totally one sided, surely there must have been some parts of the game you found mildly enjoyable? any saving graces?

    If I hadn't been playing the beta myself I might have given this thread more notice, but I'm not finding the faults you and your group of friends are, well nothing that is glaring anyway.

    Innovation, well yes they have certainly not done anything that could be considered ground breaking, but it's been an enjoyable experience for myself and my own group of friends.

    I've jumped from Wildstar Beta last weekend to ESO this weekend and out of the 2 I think ESO is more enjoyable due to the fact it looks more grown-up than Wildstar, although I still thoroughly enjoyed my time in that game aswell.

    Maybe I'm too easily pleased, or perhaps I'm not looking for an MMO that is trying to break the mould (will one ever come along again, who knows as there certainly are none on offer or in development right now, not even from the indie companies, although I'm sure someone will respond with some obscure title that has been in development for umpteen years) I'm just a simple gamer looking for my next hit, ESO might do for awhile.


  • Crazy_StickCrazy_Stick Member Posts: 1,059

    Well, you are missing the fact that not everyone feels the same way you do about the game and they are entitled to like it. While it sucks to you, me, your pals, and Jesus there is a significant community of players that like to think we are a minority. Maybe they are right and it really doesn't matter if they can attract and keep enough players to keep it going.  Furthermore the game is focused on AV3 PVP. That's their selling point, the thing they feel makes it unique and buy worthy. The other stuff is kind of window dressing for that admitted or not. If you didn't play that aspect of the game then you missed the boat. If AV3 PVP isn't your cup of tea then you might not should be looking at it to begin with.


    The hype is easy to explain as every grognard, his cousin, imaginary girlfriend, and online pals are waiting on the next great game with long term potential but end up playing the next three month wonder anyway as that's all that hitting the download services. Don't worry. The next big thing will be along in a few months and it'll be gobbled for its newness before the locusts move on yet again to hype something else only to be left crying.

  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Get over it, it isn't Skyrim. WoW was made from Warcraft lore and wasn't the same as Warcraft either move o0n.
  • DancwithDancwith Member UncommonPosts: 28

    The problems mentioned by the OP are justified.  They are spot on about the menu systems, the combat systems and could even go further with social and UI systems as well.  They are, plain and simply, stiff.  The story could probably immerse me if i didn't have to use a mining pick to work my way through other systems.  

    I've seen the PvP videos and they don't honestly look fun or encouraging to be honest.  The tradeskill system is probably the best system they have in game that i have experienced thus far but....... it's lackluster as well.

    I mean, I understand that fanboys and such are going to be on the bandwagon, but there isn't anything in ESO that isn't done better by another title.

  • deveilbladdeveilblad Member UncommonPosts: 193
    You have the right not to like the game, but 15 minutes to get how to group... Really? Menus really aren't this complex to understand...
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686

    It takes at least 20 hours of trying...(and not of complaining) ... to find out what any MMORPG is about..


    How many hours did you play OP?


    (took about ten hours before the game pulled me in and never let me go)



    And then on top of that.... its not everyones game... combat is not flashy but very tactical..  You cant get access to PvP untill you played like 15 hours and got to level 10... there is much to explore and enjoy, but then you need to choose your won path..


    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • mcrippinsmcrippins Member RarePosts: 1,645
    Originally posted by Dancwith

    The problems mentioned by the OP are justified.  They are spot on about the menu systems, the combat systems and could even go further with social and UI systems as well.  They are, plain and simply, stiff.  The story could probably immerse me if i didn't have to use a mining pick to work my way through other systems.  

    I've seen the PvP videos and they don't honestly look fun or encouraging to be honest.  The tradeskill system is probably the best system they have in game that i have experienced thus far but....... it's lackluster as well.

    I mean, I understand that fanboys and such are going to be on the bandwagon, but there isn't anything in ESO that isn't done better by another title.

    Individual elements.. maybe. You can pick each one thing from ESO and compare it, individually, to another title, and find one that does that 1 thing better. ESO is an all-round well made game. You don't like it because you have trouble with the interface. I have zero trouble with the interface. I just had to take time to learn it. Then again, I enjoy challenges. Some people just expect everything to be perfect. I'll never understand that. Look at something for what it is and try it out. If you don't like it, then move on. 


    Oh, and please stop abusing the term fanboy. Just because someone enjoys something, doesn't make them a band-wagoner or a fanboy. It just means they like something. Would you call a guy who liked a girl, a fanboy? No, because that would be stupid.

  • NL-RikkertNL-Rikkert Member UncommonPosts: 134
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    It takes at least 20 hours of trying...(and not of complaining) ... to find out what any MMORPG is about..


    (took about ten hours before the game pulled me in and never let me go)

    Exactly my thought, I am a major major TES fan, played all the games (including spin offs), studied much of its lore and made multiple guides/walkthroughs for the games. I've spent over 7.000 hours on Morrowind alone, atleast another 1.000 on Oblivion and 100s on Skyrim. 

    My interest in TESO was obvious from the start, but when I started playing I quickly realised it was different from what I had imagined and honestly didn't enjoy myself withint the first few hours. Yet I remained confident and pushed on. After about 10 hours in the game completely changed for me and it was the most addicting experience I've had in a MMO to date. 

    I've read quite a lot of articles and seen many videos about this game, and it has come to my attention that the people who enjoy it played well over 10 hours, whilist the people who hate it only spent 1-5 hours with the game.

    When someone does something so utterly moronic that it kills your brain cells at the very thought of it.

  • crasset15crasset15 Member UncommonPosts: 194

    Agreed. I'm going to pass on this game as well. It has the majority of the bad features that I predicted it would have.

    First person mode + no auction house are the two big benefits in my eyes, but the rest of it is just ugh. The adventure zones have low detail, they feel unrealistic. After the high standard that skyrim has set with its extremely detailed landscapes, it is just painful to play this game, because it is vastly subpar in level of detail. The roads feel like they are painted onto the terrain with a brush, the vegetation is lackluster, trees are used more sparsely to improve performance, I could go on and on. Visually it just isn't up to the standard.

    Archery is boring and takes no effort to use, since arrows are infinite and even if you do miss, they will home in on the target.

    There is no content in aventure zones besides the rifts or whatever they are called, the quests, and gathering. Just an all-around themepark clone. It's a shame so many people will buy this. Because if this is successful, some developer somewhere will make his game just like this one. Cycle repeats.

    The amount of hyped up fanboys ingame is also ridiculous. Any criticism will get an insane amount of hate from them. It's sad to see so many people blindly buying into the hype. All I can say is, enjoy another 3 monther.

    Up next, Wildstar! Can I hear a round of applause?


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,253
    I think I saw the OP in the games chat channel yesterday, he posted this game sucks there too.

    I struggled a bit yesterday myself, the games controls remind me very much of the same awkward feel as any title that is designed to accommodate a controller, and I'm just going have to play awhile to get used to them.

    Fortunately I play EVE, so clicking through a lot of menus is nothing unusual for me, but YMMV.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309

    Think you guys are too quick to just label someone a troll and tell them to quit.


    I mean, I like the game enough to have pre-ordered it and am playing it this weekend.  But there is still quite a bit of truth to the OP's post.  Most of the negatives brought up are very much there and eventually will probably drive a lot of people away.  


    Pretending the bad stuff isn't there is not going to help it get addressed.

    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • ZinzanZinzan Member UncommonPosts: 1,351
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    It takes at least 20 hours of trying...(and not of complaining) ... to find out what any MMORPG is about..


    How many hours did you play OP?


    (took about ten hours before the game pulled me in and never let me go)



    And then on top of that.... its not everyones game... combat is not flashy but very tactical..  You cant get access to PvP untill you played like 15 hours and got to level 10... there is much to explore and enjoy, but then you need to choose your won path..


    I think this is a real problem with mmorpg's and the modern gamer, who is willing to play a game they don't like for 10 hours, or 15 hours?

    I have played all the beta weekends, probably only about 20 hours so far and while i think the game is ok, some of the OP's points are valid im afraid.

    The new starter system is a massive improvement, when CD comes in it will help as well as the revamped combat system, but this is not what players are being shown, they are being shown and allowed to play something ESO WAS and is not anymore.

    The combat is not "very tactical", not at all, it's extremely simple and very, very easy to master, that is the point (i mastered it in about 30 minutes, nothing significant changes as you level up either). If it was hard to master players would shrug and give up on it quite quickly.

    The PvP barrier to entry is another significant problem, most modern MMO's let you into PvP almost instantly, this grind, grind, grind then we allow you to PvP is outdated and players with little patience (or players who just hate PvE) will simply not bother. Good riddance i hear the ESO fanboys cry, well, these are the players you need to retain to keep this game afloat, like it or not.

    Barriers to entry, subs fee, box fee, witheld content behind a pre-order pay wall....the game needs to be amazing from the go to get players to buy it and keep them paying and playing. Currently, it's just not quite good enough.

    Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy :)

  • mcrippinsmcrippins Member RarePosts: 1,645
    Originally posted by ImperialSun
    Originally posted by arieste

    Think you guys are too quick to just label someone a troll and tell them to quit.


    I mean, I like the game enough to have pre-ordered it and am playing it this weekend.  But there is still quite a bit of truth to the OP's post.  Most of the negatives brought up are very much there and eventually will probably drive a lot of people away.  


    Pretending the bad stuff isn't there is not going to help it get addressed.


    [mod edit]

    Somehow you've managed to get truth confused with an opinion. Example: I don't like the interface for 'X' reason. That is not any sort of truth. That IS an opinion. From my experience the community has not been toxic at all. In fact it's been rather good so far. This IS also an opinion which you clearly don't share. Sorry, but I rarely listen to the vocal minority when it comes to things they want changed. I typically feel that is what ruins games. This is also an opinion.

  • FugglyFuggly Member Posts: 141
    After more weekends playing this TESO then i care to count, I agree with the OP. I think exactly like that guy, Angry Joe was it? I think like he did in his reviews. The game is dull, generic, boring. I feels cheap even for a cheap mmo. I tried, i tried for many many weekends to like it, I just cant do it. It feels like it came from the early 2000's somewhere with bad  graphics and on rails generic  questing and levelling. Some people like it, thats fine. Some people, aptly named rabid fanboys REALLY like it and thats fine too. I don't like it, it is my opinion that the game is terribly unintuitive and very much so generically on rails. I took the money i had set aside for it, bought a case of beer and Rust alpha access. /out


  • MalevilMalevil Member Posts: 468
    Originally posted by Lord.Bachus

    It takes at least 20 hours of trying...(and not of complaining) ... to find out what any MMORPG is about..


    How many hours did you play OP?


    (took about ten hours before the game pulled me in and never let me go)



    And then on top of that.... its not everyones game... combat is not flashy but very tactical..  You cant get access to PvP untill you played like 15 hours and got to level 10... there is much to explore and enjoy, but then you need to choose your won path..


    Man, do you have enough lifetime (real one) to try all the things that didnt impress you at start and give them 20hours - almost 1 day ? I don't.

  • rawfoxrawfox Member UncommonPosts: 788

    I did not uninstall ^^

    I had only silence to check it out for about a hour.

    The grafix look good, but im playing Firefall, so i have already the best of the best looking worlds to get into.

    TESO reminded me a little of LotERA 2.0.

    That said, i'd perfer TERA ofer Lotro, both are excellent games.

    Nevertheless its still on my HDD and i really want to spend some more hours and get some understanding about the game before im gonna judge it futher.

    But ... the OP has some valid points, the UI is somewhat special, lol.

    It supports addons .. thats totally great.

    It has PvP ... i really want to progress my char to make that.


    Guess its something for the next years ^^


  • ZorgoZorgo Member UncommonPosts: 2,254
    My favorite part was when the OP seemed surprised ESO was a typical fantasy setting.
  • Raxxo82Raxxo82 Member UncommonPosts: 150
    Originally posted by arieste

    Think you guys are too quick to just label someone a troll and tell them to quit. I


    Agreed. The author obviously didnt enjoy the expirience and neither did his friends. Calling him out as a troll though!?that doesnt seem very legit. He did have a pinch of "whining" in his rant, but atleast he pointed out what he though of as "cons" in the game. It REALLY doesnt matter 1sec if you disagree with him or if hes flat out wrong... Its HIS expirience that counts in the end, since hes gonna be the one playing. Ive heard that alot of players have been whining bout the toturial and thats just a stupid, rookie mistake from the devs if that is the case. I mean devs KNOW that alot of players are impatient and so on, so why not just make the toturial/starting areas an awesome adventure on its own? Get players "hooked" from the first hours of playing seems like a good plan for amy gaming company imo. With this said I dont think you gave the game a fair chance, and the.devs are partially to blame imo. ( and to answer your title question, Yes! Your probably missing alot)

  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549

    I'm bored of the whole fantasy MMORPG genre. I'm just waiting for Oculus Rift and Elite: Dangerous.


    I want more immersion, more freedom, and more unpredictablity.


  • Righteous_RockRighteous_Rock Member RarePosts: 1,234

    Mega tip for a chance to enjoy this game... Play as a Ranged attacker and don't expect that since you might be what you think is a melee class, that you will enjoy being melee. Ranged isn't bad, melee just sucks hard. 

    I have not enjoyed one moment of my melee experience, but I am playing as a ranged now and it is much more enjoyable.

  • SuperNickSuperNick Member UncommonPosts: 460
    People didn't judge the entirety of WoW on Durotar, why do they do it with ESO?
  • BraindomeBraindome Member UncommonPosts: 959

    It is a "decent" MMORPG and a pretty terrible Elder Scrolls game.

    I can understand this topic and arguing over this game is going to be a tough one as yes it incorporates some things into the MMORPG genre that has sorely been lacking like open world pvp, more open ended leveling with rewarding exploration and things like social trading.

    As far as an Elder Scrolls game though it lacks the immersion, not nearly the depth of combat or character, no pickpocketing/stealing law system, you can't "pickup" and drag items around or make any house your house and lacks the difficulty and not nearly the massive world design.

    I wouldn't hype this game as it is poised to dissapoint, that being said if you are an MMORPG player you will enjoy the small details, but as far as an Elder Scrolls game it is a shell of its former, a husk. All things said once Archeage launches this game should be old news for MMORPG players and essentially you are left with Elder Scrolls fans which will probably be a problem in the long term.

    The MMORPG genre is starved and the fans will eat up anything that attempts to make the genre better which ESO does, but really it's just a means to an end and that's the way ESO is designed imo. It's a means to an end, not the be all end all.

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