Well lets see, perhaps they understand that there are already tonnes of MMOs out so marketing to the MMO crowd is just an attempt to steal customers from other MMOs and often players return to their old favorites.
Sooooo... just maybe Zenimax understands that their best play is to try to bring people into the MMO genre by way of marketing to all the longtime TES players who are not MMOers but are desktop CRPGers and console players.
Yeah, I have to agree. She just sounds upset because the MMO media sites don't get to play gatekeeper on this one. Too bad for the wannabe publication facistists.
This has been the problem with Massively for a long time. Yea, every site is going to give reviews based on revenue, that's kind of what a gaming site is. Finding an objective review of a game is nearly impossible, and always has been.
Your last sentence is one I particularly agree with. She seems pissy just because they can't control the level of hype on this game like they do with every other game, and that she has "lost the power" so to speak. The entire thing comes across as "Me no get to control peoples herp derp."
Power hungry people make me sick anyway.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV Have played: You name it If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
Originally posted by Arkade99 The article is nearly 2 years old. OP is just trolling. Besides, who cares what that guy thinks about the game? I like the game and I"m gonna play it. That's all that matters.
The OP might have posted it to show bias, and it may be 2 years old... but doesn't anyone else think that the tone and content of both, the original and his "necro" update come across like bitter unprofessional dribble from someone in his position as EIC?
At least he didn't spell it "fanbois" but the dude comes across as a bitter amateur.
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
I personally won't stop going to Massively just because they might have a negative opinion on a game.
Regarding ESO, they seem to be pretty well balanced, they even have their weekly column Tamriel Infinium by Larry Everett, he just wrote this article 4 days ago and not just some link from 2 years ago. Also IRLJasmine also a Massively member (former as of the end of this week) is also very excited about ESO.
So again Massively has several people that write and they all have different opinions about ESO, I don't condemn a website just because I disagree with a few opinions expressed, if I did that I certainly wouldn't be visiting MMORPG.com since I might've disagreed with certain articles in the past.
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
Sum it up Massively did not get a complementary bottle and now their out to cause more harm then good towards ESO.
Perhaps the game really is not as good as you over hyped fans would have us believe and Massively are simply telling the truth, which of course instantly equals something fishy to you because nobody can dislike something you like?
Perhaps Massively are the ONLY ones not paid off to give good previews at this point?
Every coin has flip side that is just as valid....
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
Sum it up Massively did not get a complementary bottle and now their out to cause more harm then good towards ESO.
Perhaps the game really is not as good as you over hyped fans would have us believe and Massively are simply telling the truth, which of course instantly equals something fishy to you because nobody can dislike something you like?
Perhaps Massively are the ONLY ones not paid off to give good previews at this point?
Every coin has flip side that is just as valid....
Cool, another clone drone. If it goes both ways, that just makes you a hater rather than a fanboy. You don't have to be a fanboy to see bias or see flaws in someone's rhetoric.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV Have played: You name it If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
You people are not making any sense. I go to Massively every day just to check on if there's any fresh news, but when I read something about Elder Scroll's I get 3 things: 1. I read good things from Larry about the game. 2. I read something on the middle lane from Idontrememberhisname. 3. I read bad things from, was it Eliot? The guy even says he dont like TES to begin with so, yeah...
Maybe you're too fanboys to get enraged immediately when something crosses your eyes that is not mega positive about the game? I have preordered the collector's edition of the game, and yet I expect the game to have major flaws and shortcomings, but I expect the game still to be very enjoyable and at least a good ride up till max level.
I WANT to see different opinions about the game so I can make up more balanced expectations for my self. I'm not going to play the beta to ruin the new&shiny experience, but if I read only good stuff about the game, it will raise my expectations unrealistically and the bad things would feel like hell then, now, with more balanced view, it's all going to be good and expected.
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
Sum it up Massively did not get a complementary bottle and now their out to cause more harm then good towards ESO.
Hey OP I have just read the entire articel and I think you must have linked the wrong one....
NOWHERE in that article is there anything even resembling "proof" that Massively "despise" ESO or that they are "out to cause more harm then good towards ESO."
The level of pure hype and hysteria around this game is out of control.....
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
Sum it up Massively did not get a complementary bottle and now their out to cause more harm then good towards ESO.
Perhaps the game really is not as good as you over hyped fans would have us believe and Massively are simply telling the truth, which of course instantly equals something fishy to you because nobody can dislike something you like?
Perhaps Massively are the ONLY ones not paid off to give good previews at this point?
Every coin has flip side that is just as valid....
Cool, another clone drone. If it goes both ways, that just makes you a hater rather than a fanboy. You don't have to be a fanboy to see bias or see flaws in someone's rhetoric.
You mean bias and rhetoric like the OP claiming to have proof that Massively "despise" ESO where there is zero proof?
Face it, the level of hyperbole amongst what some consider to be White Knights is out of control...there is no bias in that article, the author goes out of his way time and again to point out that Massively are just one of many mainstream sites that have been snubbed by Zeni....thats pretty balanced and certainly looks to be a fair appraisal of the situation.
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
Originally posted by MMOGamer71 Old article from 2012....................
The article will be 2 years old in a few months. It seems the author made an addendum to the article that points directly at the OP. My off hand thought is that the OP has some sort of agenda related to Massively or the author her self. The addendum can be seen at the bottom of the article and is as follows.
Since fanboys keep necrospamming links to and fisking this article in some weird and incompetent attempt to show that it proves I have some deep bias against the Elder Scrolls franchise and therefore am intentionally tanking ESO on Massively because of some petty vendetta they imagine I have, I wanted to clarify for anyone with the intellect to actually read an article instead of just believing what the tinfoil hat crowd posts to Reddit. (Actually, I can’t even pick on Reddit because the first person to post this on Reddit was called a fool and downvoted. Score one for Reddit, what the heck.)
First, this blog post is almost two years old. Some of what it contains is outdated information. Gameinformer is actually Gamestop’s pet website, which actually makes sense in retrospect since Bethesda obviously has business dealings with a large console distributor like Gamestop. I didn’t know that at the time (and if I had, I would have mentioned it because it supports my hypothesis that ESO is first and foremost a console game for consolers, not an MMORPG for MMORPGers). As the current EIC of Massively, I am also responsible for overseeing all of our ESO coverage, and that includes the creation and staffing of our weekly Tamriel Infinium column, written by ESO fan Larry Everett. And since E3 2012 (when the above entry was written), Massively has been the beneficiary of many hands-on opportunities with ESO, most positive, which anyone who’s been following our site for the last couple of years already knows. Here are some of the bigger ones: the one about butts, the one about cabbages, a different one from that same E3, one from a special event right before E3, and this one and this one from PAX East last year.
If had some vendetta, I certainly wouldn’t have published any of those articles or that column, or for that matter, any of the neutral and positive articles from the last hands-on that accompanied our general preview by Eliot Lefebvre. I didn’t make Eliot write a negative preview any more than I make Larry write a positive column every single week. Our writers formulate their own opinions, and if I wanted to trash the game, I would have written something myself.
Second, this blog is completely public. “Exposing” it is no big feat since I have it linked prominently on my Massively profile, Twitter account, Steam account, etc. It is not a secret. This specific post was also referenced heavily in a much better article by my colleague on Massively itself. I have discussed the topic of ESO’s marketing campaign ad nauseam in dozens upon dozens of podcasts over the last few years as well as in several other articles on Massively since the business model announcement. My opinion of Bethesda’s marketing and its business model remains largely unchanged: I fully expect it to sell in the 3-4 million range by the time it hits consoles, and I fully expect it to lose subscriptions and go free-to-play, having learned nothing from SWTOR. I don’t believe Bethesda is really in tune with the MMO industry in terms of its marketing or gameplay. There is sadly nothing at all revolutionary in saying so, not when this blog came out or now. It is an opinion now shared broadly across the MMO industry.
Perhaps instead of fisking this ancient article, you ought to have read my more recent post on the TES franchise, the one encouraging people to play Morrowind in prep for the ESO launch and offering extensive mod advice to newbies. I wrote that because I am a hardcore Elder Scrolls franchise fanatic who’s been playing since Daggerfall. I have installs of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim on my machines, and I have logged time in all three in the last month because I still love them. If anyone wants ESO to succeed, it’s me, because my job depends on this industry flourishing and because I don’t want ESO’s failure to herald the end of the franchise, but wanting something doesn’t make it so, and my job requires me to look past what I want to happen to chronicle what likely will and what does.
I realize this doesn’t suit the preconceptions of those folks who keep spamming me, who know so little about me and have such elite reasoning skills that they’re calling me a “faggot,” and who want to believe that anyone who says or publishes anything bad about a game must possess some nefarious hidden agenda. I don’t care. Just stop spamming your idiotic frothing fanboy posts.
Score one for the cynical mmorpg fans for not reading after they got what they needed. The update that follows right after the article linked:
February 2014 addendum
Since fanboys keep necrospamming links to and fisking this article in some weird and incompetent attempt to show that it proves I have some deep bias against the Elder Scrolls franchise and therefore am intentionally tanking ESO on Massively because of some petty vendetta they imagine I have, I wanted to clarify for anyone with the intellect to actually read an article instead of just believing what the tinfoil hat crowd posts to Reddit. (Actually, I can’t even pick on Reddit because the first person to post this on Reddit was called a fool and downvoted. Score one for Reddit, what the heck.)
First, this blog post is almost two years old. Some of what it contains is outdated information. Gameinformer is actually Gamestop’s pet website, which actually makes sense in retrospect since Bethesda obviously has business dealings with a large console distributor like Gamestop. I didn’t know that at the time (and if I had, I would have mentioned it because it supports my hypothesis that ESO is first and foremost a console game for consolers, not an MMORPG for MMORPGers). As the current EIC of Massively, I am also responsible for overseeing all of our ESO coverage, and that includes the creation and staffing of our weekly Tamriel Infinium column, written by ESO fan Larry Everett. And since E3 2012 (when the above entry was written), Massively has been the beneficiary of many hands-on opportunities with ESO, most positive, which anyone who’s been following our site for the last couple of years already knows. Here are some of the bigger ones: the one about butts, the one about cabbages, a different one from that same E3, one from a special event right before E3, and this one and this one from PAX East last year.
If had some vendetta, I certainly wouldn’t have published any of those articles or that column, or for that matter, any of the neutral and positive articles from the last hands-on that accompanied our general preview by Eliot Lefebvre. I didn’t make Eliot write a negative preview any more than I make Larry write a positive column every single week. Our writers formulate their own opinions, and if I wanted to trash the game, I would have written something myself.
All I have to say is spoken like a typical mmorpg fan. Nice to see that attitude is at least consistent on both sides of this discussion.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
Sum it up Massively did not get a complementary bottle and now their out to cause more harm then good towards ESO.
Good LORD, I read that article you linked and the author of it smells of spoiled brat syndrome and Arrogance that cannot be measured.
The Author says that because ESO ignored them and gave exclusives to Game Informer (which happens to be a huge single player game magazine promoted by GAMESTOP) and other small media outlets (which don't stand a chance against big company exclusives), instead of BIG NAME companies like Massively, somehow translates into ESO not caring about MMO players?
When a Compnay gets so big that it has to have all the Exclusives of a Game company or that game company doesn't care about MMO players, then its time to BOYCOT THAT COMPANY!
Nothing is funnier than the fact that ESO can't even give away keys to this game. There are still thousands left. If this game was going to succeed at all those keys would have all been gone in a NY minute.
Originally posted by SNAFUdamus Nothing is funnier than the fact that ESO can't even give away keys to this game. There are still thousands left. If this game was going to succeed at all those keys would have all been gone in a NY minute.
Nah, I dont even want a key, and I know a bunch of people who dont want to spoil games on betas. Actually the better the game looks, the less likely am I going to aim for the beta.
I only want beta keys for games that I fear of being a lot more bad than expected, so I can confirm them being rubbish and not having to waste any more time on them. ESO looks more or less entertaining 1 or 2 monther, who knows, maybe even 3 month surprise.
yeah seriously you guys blocking adds on this site should either unblock the adds or delete your accounts here because thats just messed up. If you want to be part of a free community that has to pay its staff of writers and server ISP , then they at least deserve to have their adds pay for their business and putting up some blocker because you are that anal deserves nothing but a permanent ban for anyone admitting to doing so. This site provides much more than most others out there reporting mmorpgs and the community is jaded , but still vibrant and active. Losing a site like this would do way more harm any day of the week than good even if you think the articles here are not that great or bias. Go look at massively's community and others like mmogamer etc. they are trainwrecks. Also who cares what massively thinks of ESO, its not like anyone believes their bullshit anyways over there.
Originally posted by SNAFUdamus Nothing is funnier than the fact that ESO can't even give away keys to this game. There are still thousands left. If this game was going to succeed at all those keys would have all been gone in a NY minute.
Nothing is more fun than THAT even if it was an actual fact?
Damn son - you need to go outside, get some hobbies, do something that gives your life meaning ya know. Not worth it spending time on something you dislike or cannot be bothered with but I guess that realization comes with age, or one would hope.
The only times I have ever read a Massively article is when people link to them from other sites. The trend toward opinion pieces at Massively has been apparent for a long time and I have no interest in obtaining my information from them. Trends toward opinionated news is rampant over the last few years. It has destroyed the credibility of many news stations and is driven by the trend of sensationalism and so called "reality" programming.
I remember when I was young and the very first video game magazines started to be published. I couldn't get my hands on them fast enough. They were little more than news magazines trying to distribute information to the public which is precisely what news is supposed to do. Instead we now see every author trying to thrust their opinion upon us which twists the news they are trying to disseminate to fit their agenda. This is an extremely worrying practice in a "free" society and we should be extremely diligent in recognizing it.
I applaud MMORPG of late for moving away from this trend. Give us the information and respect our intelligence and allow open debate. Opinion pieces disguised as news do nothing more than try to bend perspective. This is agenda driven and the downfall of the free press.
Originally posted by SNAFUdamus Nothing is funnier than the fact that ESO can't even give away keys to this game. There are still thousands left. If this game was going to succeed at all those keys would have all been gone in a NY minute.
You don't suppose the fact that the millions who signed up for beta on their website have all been invited to the stress test might have anything to do with that, do you?
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
Originally posted by SNAFUdamus Nothing is funnier than the fact that ESO can't even give away keys to this game. There are still thousands left. If this game was going to succeed at all those keys would have all been gone in a NY minute.
You don't suppose the fact that the millions who signed up for beta on their website have all been invited to the stress test might have anything to do with that, do you?
*ding ding ding* I didn't sign up and still got invited to the beta. Oh, and they also sent me along another key I can forward on to a friend.
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
I just noticed was another post talking about them not sure on the subscription model yet their very sure on it... Massively despises ESO proven in this article by the editor-in-chief
Sum it up Massively did not get a complementary bottle and now their out to cause more harm then good towards ESO.
only thing i'm seeing here really is a old post of someone complaining the devs was not giving him info of the game so they could pass to they readers, and was only doing it so they could keep the info locate on some key websites they could use later, with mostly used for SP games not MMOs, I belive the writer there can have his opnion.
but funny here people would even say games like diablo shouldn't even show up here because its not a MMo, but when a website make a note complaing devs are not giving then any info, people want others to stop going there because "hey you are talking bad about my next precious" with come is not that awesome like some people here think will be, but at least this game make me hard to guess the time it will take for it to become a F2P game if it will, it do ahve some good points, but the cash grab they don't even care to try to hide, is a pretty turn off, and even it do give you a elder scroll feel, you can notice pretty fast its not a elder scroll, still find the stats scores too simple, combat is kinda okish, not a trinity too but a healer will be required.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
This has been the problem with Massively for a long time. Yea, every site is going to give reviews based on revenue, that's kind of what a gaming site is. Finding an objective review of a game is nearly impossible, and always has been.
Your last sentence is one I particularly agree with. She seems pissy just because they can't control the level of hype on this game like they do with every other game, and that she has "lost the power" so to speak. The entire thing comes across as "Me no get to control peoples herp derp."
Power hungry people make me sick anyway.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
The OP might have posted it to show bias, and it may be 2 years old... but doesn't anyone else think that the tone and content of both, the original and his "necro" update come across like bitter unprofessional dribble from someone in his position as EIC?
At least he didn't spell it "fanbois" but the dude comes across as a bitter amateur.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
If you read up he made an addition in 2014...
I personally won't stop going to Massively just because they might have a negative opinion on a game.
Regarding ESO, they seem to be pretty well balanced, they even have their weekly column Tamriel Infinium by Larry Everett, he just wrote this article 4 days ago and not just some link from 2 years ago. Also IRLJasmine also a Massively member (former as of the end of this week) is also very excited about ESO.
So again Massively has several people that write and they all have different opinions about ESO, I don't condemn a website just because I disagree with a few opinions expressed, if I did that I certainly wouldn't be visiting MMORPG.com since I might've disagreed with certain articles in the past.
I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.
Perhaps the game really is not as good as you over hyped fans would have us believe and Massively are simply telling the truth, which of course instantly equals something fishy to you because nobody can dislike something you like?
Perhaps Massively are the ONLY ones not paid off to give good previews at this point?
Every coin has flip side that is just as valid....
Better stay away from every gaming site/forum/blog as well then.
Better stay away from people too. They're all biased hippies anyways.
Better turn off your internet and TV since the people providing you that service and on that service are biased as well.
Cool, another clone drone. If it goes both ways, that just makes you a hater rather than a fanboy. You don't have to be a fanboy to see bias or see flaws in someone's rhetoric.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
You people are not making any sense. I go to Massively every day just to check on if there's any fresh news, but when I read something about Elder Scroll's I get 3 things: 1. I read good things from Larry about the game. 2. I read something on the middle lane from Idontrememberhisname. 3. I read bad things from, was it Eliot? The guy even says he dont like TES to begin with so, yeah...
Maybe you're too fanboys to get enraged immediately when something crosses your eyes that is not mega positive about the game? I have preordered the collector's edition of the game, and yet I expect the game to have major flaws and shortcomings, but I expect the game still to be very enjoyable and at least a good ride up till max level.
I WANT to see different opinions about the game so I can make up more balanced expectations for my self. I'm not going to play the beta to ruin the new&shiny experience, but if I read only good stuff about the game, it will raise my expectations unrealistically and the bad things would feel like hell then, now, with more balanced view, it's all going to be good and expected.
Hey OP I have just read the entire articel and I think you must have linked the wrong one....
NOWHERE in that article is there anything even resembling "proof" that Massively "despise" ESO or that they are "out to cause more harm then good towards ESO."
The level of pure hype and hysteria around this game is out of control.....
You mean bias and rhetoric like the OP claiming to have proof that Massively "despise" ESO where there is zero proof?
Face it, the level of hyperbole amongst what some consider to be White Knights is out of control...there is no bias in that article, the author goes out of his way time and again to point out that Massively are just one of many mainstream sites that have been snubbed by Zeni....thats pretty balanced and certainly looks to be a fair appraisal of the situation.
The real question is why?
You do realize what you just said right? Everyone has an agenda.
The article will be 2 years old in a few months. It seems the author made an addendum to the article that points directly at the OP. My off hand thought is that the OP has some sort of agenda related to Massively or the author her self. The addendum can be seen at the bottom of the article and is as follows.
February 2014 addendum
Since fanboys keep necrospamming links to and fisking this article in some weird and incompetent attempt to show that it proves I have some deep bias against the Elder Scrolls franchise and therefore am intentionally tanking ESO on Massively because of some petty vendetta they imagine I have, I wanted to clarify for anyone with the intellect to actually read an article instead of just believing what the tinfoil hat crowd posts to Reddit. (Actually, I can’t even pick on Reddit because the first person to post this on Reddit was called a fool and downvoted. Score one for Reddit, what the heck.)
First, this blog post is almost two years old. Some of what it contains is outdated information. Gameinformer is actually Gamestop’s pet website, which actually makes sense in retrospect since Bethesda obviously has business dealings with a large console distributor like Gamestop. I didn’t know that at the time (and if I had, I would have mentioned it because it supports my hypothesis that ESO is first and foremost a console game for consolers, not an MMORPG for MMORPGers). As the current EIC of Massively, I am also responsible for overseeing all of our ESO coverage, and that includes the creation and staffing of our weekly Tamriel Infinium column, written by ESO fan Larry Everett. And since E3 2012 (when the above entry was written), Massively has been the beneficiary of many hands-on opportunities with ESO, most positive, which anyone who’s been following our site for the last couple of years already knows. Here are some of the bigger ones: the one about butts, the one about cabbages, a different one from that same E3, one from a special event right before E3, and this one and this one from PAX East last year.
If had some vendetta, I certainly wouldn’t have published any of those articles or that column, or for that matter, any of the neutral and positive articles from the last hands-on that accompanied our general preview by Eliot Lefebvre. I didn’t make Eliot write a negative preview any more than I make Larry write a positive column every single week. Our writers formulate their own opinions, and if I wanted to trash the game, I would have written something myself.
Second, this blog is completely public. “Exposing” it is no big feat since I have it linked prominently on my Massively profile, Twitter account, Steam account, etc. It is not a secret. This specific post was also referenced heavily in a much better article by my colleague on Massively itself. I have discussed the topic of ESO’s marketing campaign ad nauseam in dozens upon dozens of podcasts over the last few years as well as in several other articles on Massively since the business model announcement. My opinion of Bethesda’s marketing and its business model remains largely unchanged: I fully expect it to sell in the 3-4 million range by the time it hits consoles, and I fully expect it to lose subscriptions and go free-to-play, having learned nothing from SWTOR. I don’t believe Bethesda is really in tune with the MMO industry in terms of its marketing or gameplay. There is sadly nothing at all revolutionary in saying so, not when this blog came out or now. It is an opinion now shared broadly across the MMO industry.
Perhaps instead of fisking this ancient article, you ought to have read my more recent post on the TES franchise, the one encouraging people to play Morrowind in prep for the ESO launch and offering extensive mod advice to newbies. I wrote that because I am a hardcore Elder Scrolls franchise fanatic who’s been playing since Daggerfall. I have installs of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim on my machines, and I have logged time in all three in the last month because I still love them. If anyone wants ESO to succeed, it’s me, because my job depends on this industry flourishing and because I don’t want ESO’s failure to herald the end of the franchise, but wanting something doesn’t make it so, and my job requires me to look past what I want to happen to chronicle what likely will and what does.
I realize this doesn’t suit the preconceptions of those folks who keep spamming me, who know so little about me and have such elite reasoning skills that they’re calling me a “faggot,” and who want to believe that anyone who says or publishes anything bad about a game must possess some nefarious hidden agenda. I don’t care. Just stop spamming your idiotic frothing fanboy posts.
Strange sequence of events going on here. I don't regular Massively but there is more to this than we are aware of.
..... meh.
Score one for the cynical mmorpg fans for not reading after they got what they needed. The update that follows right after the article linked:
February 2014 addendum
Since fanboys keep necrospamming links to and fisking this article in some weird and incompetent attempt to show that it proves I have some deep bias against the Elder Scrolls franchise and therefore am intentionally tanking ESO on Massively because of some petty vendetta they imagine I have, I wanted to clarify for anyone with the intellect to actually read an article instead of just believing what the tinfoil hat crowd posts to Reddit. (Actually, I can’t even pick on Reddit because the first person to post this on Reddit was called a fool and downvoted. Score one for Reddit, what the heck.)
First, this blog post is almost two years old. Some of what it contains is outdated information. Gameinformer is actually Gamestop’s pet website, which actually makes sense in retrospect since Bethesda obviously has business dealings with a large console distributor like Gamestop. I didn’t know that at the time (and if I had, I would have mentioned it because it supports my hypothesis that ESO is first and foremost a console game for consolers, not an MMORPG for MMORPGers). As the current EIC of Massively, I am also responsible for overseeing all of our ESO coverage, and that includes the creation and staffing of our weekly Tamriel Infinium column, written by ESO fan Larry Everett. And since E3 2012 (when the above entry was written), Massively has been the beneficiary of many hands-on opportunities with ESO, most positive, which anyone who’s been following our site for the last couple of years already knows. Here are some of the bigger ones: the one about butts, the one about cabbages, a different one from that same E3, one from a special event right before E3, and this one and this one from PAX East last year.
If had some vendetta, I certainly wouldn’t have published any of those articles or that column, or for that matter, any of the neutral and positive articles from the last hands-on that accompanied our general preview by Eliot Lefebvre. I didn’t make Eliot write a negative preview any more than I make Larry write a positive column every single week. Our writers formulate their own opinions, and if I wanted to trash the game, I would have written something myself.
All I have to say is spoken like a typical mmorpg fan. Nice to see that attitude is at least consistent on both sides of this discussion.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Good LORD, I read that article you linked and the author of it smells of spoiled brat syndrome and Arrogance that cannot be measured.
The Author says that because ESO ignored them and gave exclusives to Game Informer (which happens to be a huge single player game magazine promoted by GAMESTOP) and other small media outlets (which don't stand a chance against big company exclusives), instead of BIG NAME companies like Massively, somehow translates into ESO not caring about MMO players?
When a Compnay gets so big that it has to have all the Exclusives of a Game company or that game company doesn't care about MMO players, then its time to BOYCOT THAT COMPANY!
They can go to hell for all I care.
Nah, I dont even want a key, and I know a bunch of people who dont want to spoil games on betas. Actually the better the game looks, the less likely am I going to aim for the beta.
I only want beta keys for games that I fear of being a lot more bad than expected, so I can confirm them being rubbish and not having to waste any more time on them. ESO looks more or less entertaining 1 or 2 monther, who knows, maybe even 3 month surprise.
Nothing is more fun than THAT even if it was an actual fact?
Damn son - you need to go outside, get some hobbies, do something that gives your life meaning ya know. Not worth it spending time on something you dislike or cannot be bothered with but I guess that realization comes with age, or one would hope.
* Waves at Pushkina *
The only times I have ever read a Massively article is when people link to them from other sites. The trend toward opinion pieces at Massively has been apparent for a long time and I have no interest in obtaining my information from them. Trends toward opinionated news is rampant over the last few years. It has destroyed the credibility of many news stations and is driven by the trend of sensationalism and so called "reality" programming.
I remember when I was young and the very first video game magazines started to be published. I couldn't get my hands on them fast enough. They were little more than news magazines trying to distribute information to the public which is precisely what news is supposed to do. Instead we now see every author trying to thrust their opinion upon us which twists the news they are trying to disseminate to fit their agenda. This is an extremely worrying practice in a "free" society and we should be extremely diligent in recognizing it.
I applaud MMORPG of late for moving away from this trend. Give us the information and respect our intelligence and allow open debate. Opinion pieces disguised as news do nothing more than try to bend perspective. This is agenda driven and the downfall of the free press.
You stay sassy!
You don't suppose the fact that the millions who signed up for beta on their website have all been invited to the stress test might have anything to do with that, do you?
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
*ding ding ding* I didn't sign up and still got invited to the beta. Oh, and they also sent me along another key I can forward on to a friend.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
During your life your false sense of loyalty will do you a lot of harm if you don't reign it in.
only thing i'm seeing here really is a old post of someone complaining the devs was not giving him info of the game so they could pass to they readers, and was only doing it so they could keep the info locate on some key websites they could use later, with mostly used for SP games not MMOs, I belive the writer there can have his opnion.
but funny here people would even say games like diablo shouldn't even show up here because its not a MMo, but when a website make a note complaing devs are not giving then any info, people want others to stop going there because "hey you are talking bad about my next precious" with come is not that awesome like some people here think will be, but at least this game make me hard to guess the time it will take for it to become a F2P game if it will, it do ahve some good points, but the cash grab they don't even care to try to hide, is a pretty turn off, and even it do give you a elder scroll feel, you can notice pretty fast its not a elder scroll, still find the stats scores too simple, combat is kinda okish, not a trinity too but a healer will be required.
He's obviously a F2P supporter, they don't want to pay for anything.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon