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Your Mmorpg opinions and advice

DGillyDGilly Member Posts: 4

Alright, well for starters i will introduce myself, you can call me DGill. Currently college student, got into playing mmorpgs a few months ago. Been in and out of different games, which i will be discussing. But i have a few questions for everyone, which did and didnt you like for mmorpgs, and why. Im on the hunt for a decent game, as the ones i've played are starting to get boring.

For starters, i hate click to move style games, i like having the freestyle movement. 

I dont mind the preset cast keys, usually the number coordinated gui. However, i like the option to bind abilities to my own preferred keys. 

I like, complexity. Rift is still my top mmorpg, because there is a near endless amount of things you can do. You have different races to choose from, the usual Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Cleric. But in those you have a mass amount of options on specific classes, and in the 3 you pick, you get to spread out 60 points between the three anyway you like. 

I like mmorpg's where you get to decide how you want your character to be, not a preset skills list or limited amount.

I am a big PvP fan, so i like popular pvp style games, and i prefer being able to move and attack. In Neverwinter, mostly all attacks you can not move while performing. 

I also like PvE, though i find almost all mmorpgs do not exactly have an exciting storyline.


Overall, im looking for a good game, with a balanced pve and pvp. I will list the games i've played with my personal cons and pros. And i encourage you to advice me on other mmorpgs i have not tried that you think i may like, or your own opinions on other games. Thanks for reading btw, long post.



Cons- The game does not get very exciting until endgame, which takes some time to get to. Infact i never reached endgame. 

As the usual, questing can get a tad boring.

Is big on Play 2 win almost. People who pay can get better armor etc, better mounts and others


Pros- I like the open world pvp. A Defiant player can go into the Guardian section and kill people if they so choose. Which i like because players have to be more cautious of what they are doing. 

Unbalanced pvp. Its a challenge. In guild wars 2 pvp everything is unlocked and everyone is at fair playing level. Where is the fun in that? If i take time to make a better build then the enemy, i should obviously have a better chance to win.

Rift pvp has level groupings. like 10-15. 30-40 or whatever, which doesnt make for a terrible unbalance. 

-You can bind your skills to anything you want. You can have up to i think 5 bars to put skills into to use. 

-Good customization etc

-MACROS. This makes this game in my opinion. No need to button mash hardcore, you can make a simple combo style set.



Cons- The casting bar, very limited. Only certain amount of skills available to use at a time.

-Cant attack and move

-Very small pvp, 5v5. Too small in my opinion. 


Pros- Its DnD. which leads to a more interesting Story line and questing. 

-Has unique things with leveling above just skills and such.

-Even though you cant always attack and move, it adds a bit of strategy, setting up good combos before moving somewhere.


Guild Wars 2


Cons- Questing so far seems a little boring, and a little difficult as well. Almost though you need to always be with someone. Which isnt necessarily the worst, but  i had played alone. 

-The skill bar, is set for Numb pad, and you cant bind to other keys, so essentially running and spamming is a little harder.

-PvP is just awful in my opinion. Everyone is on even playing field except the fact other people have different skills. 


Pros- The story line seems very indepth and interesting. 

-From what i've seen (only been playing quite recently) that the map is immensly large.

-Your main attack you can toggle to auto cast, so you can dodge, and run around whilst you are using that 1 ability

-There is in-voice gameplay, not always having to read in text is a nice touch.



Overall, i want a game with lots of customization and what not. I like dungeons, pvp and pve. But mostly PvP lol.

I would prefer not to play a click to move, however it is still an option.


Thanks for reading everyone, and thanks for your future opinions and advice. 





  • ozmonoozmono Member UncommonPosts: 1,211

    I would suggest SWTOR since you seem to enjoy your themeparks and more importantly because it won't cost you anything to try. It has a good story by MMORPGs standards and cinematics such as cut scenes and full voice acting which all combined is second to none when it comes to MMORPGs. I haven't played it on a pvp server so I'm unsure about that aspect of it but it has relatively fun pvp battlegrounds. Hut ball is unique, the normal battlegrounds are decent and I really like the space pvp they introduced recently.


    I'd also suggest trying something completely different if you are open to such a thing. Uncharted waters online, Eve Online and Wurm online can all be trialled for free to varying extents and offer different experiences. That said they don't fit your description but if you want to try something new, they are very different.

  • DGillyDGilly Member Posts: 4
    Originally posted by ozmono

    I would suggest SWTOR since you seem to enjoy your themeparks and more importantly because it won't cost you anything to try. It has a good story by MMORPGs standards and cinematics such as cut scenes and full voice acting which all combined is second to none when it comes to MMORPGs. I haven't played it on a pvp server so I'm unsure about that aspect of it but it has relatively fun pvp battlegrounds. Hut ball is unique, the normal battlegrounds are decent and I really like the space pvp they introduced recently.


    I'd also suggest trying something completely different if you are open to such a thing. Uncharted waters online, Eve Online and Wurm online can all be trialled for free to varying extents and offer different experiences. That said they don't fit your description but if you want to try something new, they are very different.

    Im not a big fan of the starwars theme. Quite honestly i like the classic, Medieval style mmorpgs, warrior, mage cleric etc.

    I tried Eve a long time ago, couldnt grasp the concept of the game, but im about to check out the others. 

    Got yourself a fav mmorpg? and thanks for your input!

  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043

    You like me, don't have WoW on your list. I tried the trial many moons ago but I was dazed and confused. I always felt 12 million people can't be all wrong though. It must have something of a gem in there. Trial it, see if you like it.


    Tera is free so you aren't out money but it's a big download. That's true for many free try games. Aion, SWtoR, Rift. It's the big GB DL that prevents me from trying them outright.

  • Kevyne-ShandrisKevyne-Shandris Member UncommonPosts: 2,077

    Big PvP fan in a MMORPG...ah...well, here goes...


    IF you can get on these realms still, download the WoW trial account and roll a toon there:


    Alliance heavy: Sargeras

    Horde heavy: Illidan

    ^ Those are huge PvP realms h-u-g-e. Wall-to-wall people.


    FotM classes in MoP:


    Affliction Warlock

    Fury Warrior (play Arms unto level 50)


    Find a PvP guild, preferably one that not only runs arena teams, RBGs at level 90, they also twink so you can faceroll while leveling.


    Level lock at level 19.



  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342

    I think ESO should fit you nicely.

    WoW is also a good choice of course.

  • DGillyDGilly Member Posts: 4



    I had tried WoW years ago, and had a bad experience. But i would place that on me having no idea how to play mmorpgs compared to now. 


    Thanks for all the help everyone, appreciate it.

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342

    Originally posted by DGilly

    Elder Scrolls Online

  • DGillyDGilly Member Posts: 4
    I thought ESO hasnt been officially released? Or am i missing something
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Originally posted by DGilly
    I thought ESO hasnt been officially released? Or am i missing something

    It's releasing on April 4th.

  • plat0nicplat0nic Member Posts: 301
    Try out Eldevin you may enjoy it. It's sort of like neverwinter, something to do till you try ESO at any rate.

    Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
    2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)

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