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Whose rooting for this one?



  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094

    I have played Vanguard from start to end, with only one pause. I had over 100 days playtime on my main Vangaurd character - which I got a bit sick of in the end, though, but I had a ton of fun with a different character afterwards. I had two accounts in the end, even.

    So yeah, PRotF definitely gets a very close look from me. Still not decided, though. A lot of things about it sound absolutely great.



    Originally posted by asrlohz

    And you know how horrible modern AAA MMO launches are?

    Nobody claims PRotF would be a AAA MMO. For that, you need more like 80 Mio $, not 800k $.



    Originally posted by azzamasin
    I hope it does well but I already know I'll never play it.  Sounds very much like it's going to be a very tactical slow ass combat system with a plethora of skills and hot bars full of abilities.  Not my cup of tea but I wish it well.

    Your information gathering skill needs a serious upgrade. While this is still in current discussion and subject to change, right now PRotF will have 12 abilities in the quickbar that you have to preselect out of combat from a larger amount of abilities you learn, and you have to react to opponent actions in realtime.



    Originally posted by oubers

    IF any of you can provide me 5 (hell....i would be gladd if you provided me 3) GOOD GAMEPLAY footage movies from this game.

    LOL !!!

    This game is still in the early design stages. There isnt even an alpha version (thats planned for 2015). There is no gameplay so far whatsoever. The best thats out there is some example dungeon designs.

    Also, sorry, but you dont sound like much of a roleplaying game fan to me. People who demand gameplay footage are usually into egoshooters. Star Wars: The Old Republic for example had quite awful, outdated graphics. Nobody cared.


  • KajidourdenKajidourden Member EpicPosts: 3,030
    To put it simply....this is now the only game I give a damn about after watching/reading everything available on it lol.
  • 2flare2flare Member Posts: 3
    Originally posted by Maquiame
    Originally posted by oubers

    ok this is it.......i see alot of you guys supporting this game to the fullest here (and i am trying not to judge here) just from looking at the interviews or am i wrong here?

    All i can find on this kickstarter page is races and classes and the other things EVERY mmo has.

    IF any of you can provide me 5 (hell....i would be gladd if you provided me 3) GOOD GAMEPLAY footage movies from this game.

    People are putting their money in this without even having an idea of what the game looks like....

    Prove me me gameplay footage and i pledge....


    This game isn't for you. Its for people who loved classic Everquest, FFXI and fixed Vanguard. If you have no appreciation of those games nor know who Brad McQuaid is as well as his team and what they contributed to the mmorpg industry as a whole then go right on ahead and continue to play GW2 and the other stuff that will be arriving soon.

    People trust this team because of their experience, because the leader of the team was partly responsible for ushering in the age of 3d mmorpgs, for coming up with little things like the trinity. Yeah, started in Everquest, copied by most mmorpgs ever since.  

    Its alright if you don't pledge we won't be mad at you

    KIckstarters are all about backing new ideas, and this Kickstarter is made by the guy who helped make mmorpgs to what they are today.

    For many Everquest is what brought them into mmorpgs. Including myself. So I give due because that game introduced me to my favorite videogame genre. There were things in EQ as well as Vanguard that put most games to shame  nowadays. For many its about bringing classic mmorpgs back and letting the industry know that product diversity is a good thing.

    Nobody is going to convince you of anything. You don't want to back fine.  You'd probably just get on the backer forum and throw a tantrum as soon as the team didn't want to do what you wanted to see anyway like some spoiled brat.

    Don't slam the door on the way out.




     This!  I just created an account to post and agree with you....   There are too many MMORPGs that are made with the concept of "soloing" in mind and no concept of long-lasting socialization involved.  They give you "LFG" and "guilds" and expect players to co-operate... what ends up happening is a bunch of greedy players with a silent world where there is no immersion involved...    I've played BOTH sides of the MMO spectrum from WoW to EQ. 

    Nothing has EVER compared to the EQ/DAoC experience because those were the days where you NEEDED to group in order to advance!  You needed to build a good reputation and hone people skills (this was encouraged through gameplay dynamics).

    What we need is a game for "us", where we don't have to argue with players who think "death penalties are stupid" or "there's plenty of socializing involved...maybe it's your fault if the game feels lonely?".

    I've put up my money in this game and I'm hoping to play with ALL YOU WONDERFUL people!!!  Long live EQ1 players and kindness, maturity and brotherhoods.




  • NergleNergle Member UncommonPosts: 253

    Done with Brad and his bag of tricks, i'll never support shit of his again. Seeing Silius as a developer on his team only reminds me of why I shouldn't back this project.  

    Rest in peace Pantheon.

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    Originally posted by Nergle

    Done with Brad and his bag of tricks, i'll never support shit of his again. Seeing Silius as a developer on his team only reminds me of why I shouldn't back this project.  

    Rest in peace Pantheon.

    I especially like the bit, where a lot of the money from this KS, is going to be used for back pay for Brad and his cronies.

    So, people who support this thing aren't paying to develop this game, but to pay for the development that has already been done.

    Yeah, anyone who backs this thing is a sucker.


  • DruthlenDruthlen Member Posts: 18
    Originally posted by Burntvet
    Originally posted by Nergle

    Done with Brad and his bag of tricks, i'll never support shit of his again. Seeing Silius as a developer on his team only reminds me of why I shouldn't back this project.  

    Rest in peace Pantheon.

    I especially like the bit, where a lot of the money from this KS, is going to be used for back pay for Brad and his cronies.

    So, people who support this thing aren't paying to develop this game, but to pay for the development that has already been done.

    Yeah, anyone who backs this thing is a sucker.


    Alot of hate going into seeing this fail. Tell you what. Go to your favorite games website. Post there, be happy. But then you couldn't destroy something huh?

  • CoatedCoated Member UncommonPosts: 507

    Like rooting for a lump of dirt to become a diamond.

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    Originally posted by Druthlen
    Originally posted by Burntvet
    Originally posted by Nergle

    Done with Brad and his bag of tricks, i'll never support shit of his again. Seeing Silius as a developer on his team only reminds me of why I shouldn't back this project.  

    Rest in peace Pantheon.

    I especially like the bit, where a lot of the money from this KS, is going to be used for back pay for Brad and his cronies.

    So, people who support this thing aren't paying to develop this game, but to pay for the development that has already been done.

    Yeah, anyone who backs this thing is a sucker.


    Alot of hate going into seeing this fail. Tell you what. Go to your favorite games website. Post there, be happy. But then you couldn't destroy something huh?

    Destroy what? There is nothing to destroy.

    And that bit I mentioned has come out as part of the blitz to get KS support, whether intentioned or not.



  • NephaeriusNephaerius Member UncommonPosts: 1,671
    Personally I want this campaign to fail because I feel like he has an old and outdated idea of what an MMO should be and there for this game shouldn't be made. the fact is only a minority of players enjoy the mechanics he's discussing and there's a reason theyve been phased out over time

    Steam: Neph

  • EpiconEpicon Member Posts: 121

    I like the concept of the game and it does get me somewhat excited.

    But then I see who is running it, Brad Mcquaid and quickly all of the positive thoughts and feelings fade away. I'm not rooting for it.

    Look I'd love to see the game created and do well, from the concept alone. But he hasn't shown that in a very long time, he can do that, or even manage things decently or even average.

    If this game gets made, and turns into everything they say it is, I will be the first person to stand up and say I was wrong. But the last several years isn't something I can ignore, until he shows differently.

    Even though I like the concept, if feels like Vanilla WoW part II. Not in art direction, gameplay or lore. Just in the concept itself. I can't argue it's a dated game idea.  

    I do get a Enron investment feeling from this kickstarter. It really bothers me when he calls it a next gen MMO, when it's ideas are so dated. I bothers me people would throw their money at this guy, just because they loved Everquest and want to play a old school MMO. Don't let your passion distract you from who is selling you the idea, and his recent history.

    "What tastes like purple?"

  • Trudge34Trudge34 Member UncommonPosts: 392
    Originally posted by Nephaerius
    Personally I want this campaign to fail because I feel like he has an old and outdated idea of what an MMO should be and there for this game shouldn't be made. the fact is only a minority of players enjoy the mechanics he's discussing and there's a reason theyve been phased out over time

    I don't get this. So just don't play it? Who cares it's for a minority of players, that's kind of the point.

    Played: EQ1 (10 Years), Guild Wars, Rift, TERA
    Tried: EQ2, Vanguard, Lord of the Rings Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Runes of Magic and countless others...
    Currently Playing: GW2

    Nytlok Sylas
    80 Sylvari Ranger

  • EpiconEpicon Member Posts: 121
    Originally posted by Trudge34
    Originally posted by Nephaerius
    Personally I want this campaign to fail because I feel like he has an old and outdated idea of what an MMO should be and there for this game shouldn't be made. the fact is only a minority of players enjoy the mechanics he's discussing and there's a reason theyve been phased out over time

    I don't get this. So just don't play it? Who cares it's for a minority of players, that's kind of the point.

    What don't you get? The topic asks, if you want this game to succeed. It doesn't ask who wants it to fail either but still. He said fail. He never said he wanted to play it.

    He was making conversation about the topic. So only people wanting it to succeed are allowed opinions?

    "What tastes like purple?"

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,131
    Originally posted by Nephaerius
    Personally I want this campaign to fail because I feel like he has an old and outdated idea of what an MMO should be and there for this game shouldn't be made. the fact is only a minority of players enjoy the mechanics he's discussing and there's a reason theyve been phased out over time

    wow, what  an "interesting"  view of the world!

    With that thinking, a lot of great things in this world would cease to exist because they don't fit into the cookie cutter "gotta make a profit", everything needs to be in small bite size chunks or else people can't take it in" mentality.

    Great Art, Architecture, music, dance all wouldn't exist to challenge those who have the aptitude to appreciate it because they are based upon ideas that don't quite fit into today's world.

    Not to say Pantheon is "great art" but having ideas exist that challenge the status quo is important. As long as they can pay their bills with the smaller legion of fans I'm pretty ok with having alternate games out there.

    I'm more curious to know why you think a minority of players shouldn't have a game that they would enjoy and why this minority has to choke down some of the offerings that have been released in the last few years?

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • NephaeriusNephaerius Member UncommonPosts: 1,671
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by Nephaerius
    Personally I want this campaign to fail because I feel like he has an old and outdated idea of what an MMO should be and there for this game shouldn't be made. the fact is only a minority of players enjoy the mechanics he's discussing and there's a reason theyve been phased out over time

    wow, what  an "interesting"  view of the world!

    With that thinking, a lot of great things in this world would cease to exist because they don't fit into the cookie cutter "gotta make a profit", everything needs to be in small bite size chunks or else people can't take it in" mentality.

    Great Art, Architecture, music, dance all wouldn't exist to challenge those who have the aptitude to appreciate it because they are based upon ideas that don't quite fit into today's world.

    Not to say Pantheon is "great art" but having ideas exist that challenge the status quo is important. As long as they can pay their bills with the smaller legion of fans I'm pretty ok with having alternate games out there.

    I'm more curious to know why you think a minority of players shouldn't have a game that they would enjoy and why this minority has to choke down some of the offerings that have been released in the last few years?

    If its a bad idea it shouldn't exist. This isn't about not fitting into the current cookie cutter mold. Many of the ideas like corpse runs and XP loss on death were phased out because they are simply not enjoyable (I'm not saying I'm personally against these mechanics simply giving examples).  Also the game has absolutely nothing to offer except grouping and pve combat at launch.  That's a mediocre offering at best.  I think the market decides what games get made and there's not a large market for a game like this because it's chock full of antiquated ideas and mechanics and thinks things like crafting can be added as expansions. I'm sorry you're part of the minority that thinks this game's a good idea but I don't and apparently most people feel the same.

    Also, the minority are not forced to choke down any recent offerings.  When I don't enjoy the current MMO's on offer I simply go play other games.  I'm a gamer, I'm not tied to a single game or genre, I want experience way more things than that so frankly I could care less if  one genre caters to me or not when there's tons of others to choose from.

    Steam: Neph

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    And dead.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,131
    Originally posted by Nephaerius
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by Nephaerius
    Personally I want this campaign to fail because I feel like he has an old and outdated idea of what an MMO should be and there for this game shouldn't be made. the fact is only a minority of players enjoy the mechanics he's discussing and there's a reason theyve been phased out over time

    wow, what  an "interesting"  view of the world!

    With that thinking, a lot of great things in this world would cease to exist because they don't fit into the cookie cutter "gotta make a profit", everything needs to be in small bite size chunks or else people can't take it in" mentality.

    Great Art, Architecture, music, dance all wouldn't exist to challenge those who have the aptitude to appreciate it because they are based upon ideas that don't quite fit into today's world.

    Not to say Pantheon is "great art" but having ideas exist that challenge the status quo is important. As long as they can pay their bills with the smaller legion of fans I'm pretty ok with having alternate games out there.

    I'm more curious to know why you think a minority of players shouldn't have a game that they would enjoy and why this minority has to choke down some of the offerings that have been released in the last few years?

    If its a bad idea it shouldn't exist. This isn't about not fitting into the current cookie cutter mold. Many of the ideas like corpse runs and XP loss on death were phased out because they are simply not enjoyable (I'm not saying I'm personally against these mechanics simply giving examples).  Also the game has absolutely nothing to offer except grouping and pve combat at launch.  That's a mediocre offering at best.  I think the market decides what games get made and there's not a large market for a game like this because it's chock full of antiquated ideas and mechanics and thinks things like crafting can be added as expansions. I'm sorry you're part of the minority that thinks this game's a good idea but I don't and apparently most people feel the same.

    Also, the minority are not forced to choke down any recent offerings.  When I don't enjoy the current MMO's on offer I simply go play other games.  I'm a gamer, I'm not tied to a single game or genre, I want experience way more things than that so frankly I could care less if  one genre caters to me or not when there's tons of others to choose from.

    But this is subjective. I want corpse runs or dropping items, or xp loss on death. or all of those. So I don't look at those things as "bad ideas'.

    I don't want instances, I don't want porting to dungeons except on a limited basis. Then again, I enjoy serial and atonal music, silent films and a host of other things that are probably considered "niche".

    I would agree that an offering of pve content "only" at launch is not great and quite frankly that is one of the reasons the game didn't get funded. Though I think it was the idea that it didn't seem like a full game and that Brad doesn't have a great reputation.

    In any case "if" it ever actually gets off the ground (or something similiar, just discovered Pathfinder) I will be there.


    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,077

    Originally posted by DMKano
    It won't fail.There is zero chance of it failing, Brad has friends that will drop $500K if it comes to that.They are just trying to use this KS as means of raising more money, that is all. You can show investors a successful KS and they will throw money at you.There is literally 0% chance of it failing - the only way it would happen is if Brad decides to pull the plug on the KS.
    Spot on with the predictions.

    Nostradamus would be proud.

  • kevjardskevjards Member UncommonPosts: 1,452

    I was not surprised when it didn't make enough on kickstarter.They screwed up and confused people on different tiers.That being said I will still pledge on the website and hope that the game will be made.The main reason I want this game to succeed is the community.The Vanguard community was the best gaming community I ever came across.Everyone so helpful.Especially to a noob like me.Iwant that community again and hopefully I will get what I want in a few yrs.The community in LOTRO is awesome as well but the game is too easy.

    Iwant my corpse run..i want to die brutally ,I want everything Vanguard gave me.This is the closest I will get to that .So I wish Brad and the team the best of luck in being able to deliver that.Litterally I have wasted £100's  on games that turned out to be fuckin crap.Imay as well invest in something.To me its a case of no risk no gain.

  • mithossmithoss Member UncommonPosts: 227
    mate, perfect comment! made me laugh. youre my kind of human.
  • RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
    Originally posted by DMKano
    Originally posted by Xthos

    I donated, only KS that I have.  EQ/VG are in my top 5 all time, so if they can make something 20% as good as EQ was, it will be better than anything in the last 5+ years for me.  This is my opinion, before someone goes crazy.


    If the KS fails, I spent nothing, if it succeeds and then the game fails, I will somehow manage to not fall apart, and go on some rampage making nasty posts....I am fine with the risk, wouldn't of given my money otherwise.

    It won't fail.

    There is zero chance of it failing, Brad has friends that will drop $500K if it comes to that.

    They are just trying to use this KS as means of raising more money, that is all. You can show investors a successful KS and they will throw money at you.

    There is literally 0% chance of it failing - the only way it would happen is if Brad decides to pull the plug on the KS.

    Well it looks like you were wrong and I'll tell you my thoughts on why. First of all the Kickstarter had been crawling at the same slow pace the whole entire time the Kickstarter had been up. It didn't start at the "middle part" as some people have suggested (not to mention it only made it to the "middle part" at the end of the Kickstarter).


    It had just been that slow since it started pretty much. Secondly, it is specifically against the rules to do what you are suggesting. Brad would have had to pay back whoever gave the $500k, and again this is against Kickstarter rules.


    Thirdly, why would any investor want to invest in a project that was only able to make it a little over halfway, thus proving that their is only a limited amount of people for the kind of game that this Kickstarter is trying to make? An investor invests in things that he/she thinks will do well and make money... From the slow-crawled pace that Pantheon achieved with its Kickstarter it was pretty clear that no sane investor was going to just drop $500k into this project.


    Pantheon did a terrible job with its Kickstarter. They didn't really interact with the community like good Kickstarters try to do, not to mention Brad had like 2 or 3 apology type articles that were published by some gaming sites, which in my opinion wasn't a smart idea. The Kickstarter wasn't even over yet, and he was basically admitting defeat instead of reaching out to the community that were in fact interested in Pantheon.


    I just don't think the Kickstarter was managed very well, and once again, this sort of proves the problem with Brad: He doesn't seem to do well with leadership roles, and honestly doesn't seem to know what he wants or what to do. That kind of was shown with the Kicktstarter bonus tiers when crafting and PvP were part of them...


    To add on to this, another problem I saw was that it was way too light on details. The whole point of a Kickstarter is for people to back an idea. Pantheon'Kickstarter initially started out with very little information about the game, and players aren't going to back something like an MMO without know what they are getting into (some will, but the huge majority aren't going to throw away their hard-earned cash like that).


    More information was released, eventually, but it seemed a bit too late I think.


  • NirrtixNirrtix Member Posts: 173

    Pantheon will happen... it will jsut not be funded through kickstarter is all...

    @razeekster for a publisher to rate a game based on a kickstarter is rediculous... they rate agame based on the devs other games... Brads other games have had a decent following.

    -Shroud of the Avatar
    -Camelot Unchained
    -World of Warcraft
    -City of Heroes
    -Star Wars Galaxies
    -Saga of Ryzom
    -Starcraft II
    -Warcraft III
    -Star Wars The Old Republic
    -Vanguard Saga of Heroes

  • RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
    Originally posted by Nirrtix

    Pantheon will happen... it will jsut not be funded through kickstarter is all...

    @razeekster for a publisher to rate a game based on a kickstarter is rediculous... they rate agame based on the devs other games... Brads other games have had a decent following.

    Brad's only truly successful game was EQVanguard never had an impressive community. As someone who actively played Vanguard I know that first hand. I doubt an investor is going to judge someone based on something they made 15 years ago. They are going to judge them by their latest projects, and as great of an idea Vanguard was... It never had a large player base.


  • NirrtixNirrtix Member Posts: 173
    Originally posted by Razeekster
    Originally posted by Nirrtix

    Pantheon will happen... it will jsut not be funded through kickstarter is all...

    @razeekster for a publisher to rate a game based on a kickstarter is rediculous... they rate agame based on the devs other games... Brads other games have had a decent following.

    Brad's only truly successful game was EQVanguard never had an impressive community. As someone who actively played Vanguard I know that first hand. I doubt an investor is going to judge someone based on something they made 15 years ago. They are going to judge them by their latest projects, and as great of an idea Vanguard was... It never had a large player base.

    DO not act like you are special and I never played Vanguard I BETA tested VAngaurd. I saw the empty zones of grass and the bugs. Those were a result of SoE releasing it early. Brad said he they gave him 3 more months he could have had it much more ready. Also it would separate it more from the WoW expansion. Most people left in the first month because SoE released it early. So brad had 2 MMORPGS and 1 had issues and the other did not. The one that had issues had parties more to blame than Brad.

    EQ had 400,00k players that is a lot and was the most at it's time.... there are more MMORPG players now and 400,000 is still decent by todays standards. By the way most modern MMORPG's base much of their gameplay off of EQ.

    Learn more about Brad before you dis him.

    -Shroud of the Avatar
    -Camelot Unchained
    -World of Warcraft
    -City of Heroes
    -Star Wars Galaxies
    -Saga of Ryzom
    -Starcraft II
    -Warcraft III
    -Star Wars The Old Republic
    -Vanguard Saga of Heroes

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465

    Vanguard was so successful, it crashed McQuaid's company and some one else (because he was "MIA") fired everyone in the parking lot.

    Nothing matters but results.

    Reputation matters in business.

  • BuccaneerBuccaneer Member UncommonPosts: 654
    Originally posted by Razeekster
    Originally posted by DMKano
    Originally posted by Xthos



    Well it looks like you were wrong and I'll tell you my thoughts on why. First of all the Kickstarter had been crawling at the same slow pace the whole entire time the Kickstarter had been up. It didn't start at the "middle part" as some people have suggested (not to mention it only made it to the "middle part" at the end of the Kickstarter).


    It had just been that slow since it started pretty much. Secondly, it is specifically against the rules to do what you are suggesting. Brad would have had to pay back whoever gave the $500k, and again this is against Kickstarter rules.


    Thirdly, why would any investor want to invest in a project that was only able to make it a little over halfway, thus proving that their is only a limited amount of people for the kind of game that this Kickstarter is trying to make? An investor invests in things that he/she thinks will do well and make money... From the slow-crawled pace that Pantheon achieved with its Kickstarter it was pretty clear that no sane investor was going to just drop $500k into this project.


    Pantheon did a terrible job with its Kickstarter. They didn't really interact with the community like good Kickstarters try to do, not to mention Brad had like 2 or 3 apology type articles that were published by some gaming sites, which in my opinion wasn't a smart idea. The Kickstarter wasn't even over yet, and he was basically admitting defeat instead of reaching out to the community that were in fact interested in Pantheon.


    I just don't think the Kickstarter was managed very well, and once again, this sort of proves the problem with Brad: He doesn't seem to do well with leadership roles, and honestly doesn't seem to know what he wants or what to do. That kind of was shown with the Kicktstarter bonus tiers when crafting and PvP were part of them...


    To add on to this, another problem I saw was that it was way too light on details. The whole point of a Kickstarter is for people to back an idea. Pantheon'Kickstarter initially started out with very little information about the game, and players aren't going to back something like an MMO without know what they are getting into (some will, but the huge majority aren't going to throw away their hard-earned cash like that).


    More information was released, eventually, but it seemed a bit too late I think.

    100 % image

    Another big mistake were the updates on classes and races.  At first it was just a couple of paragraphs of lore.  No detailed information how the class would play.  No concept art to fill out the limited information they provided.  No detailed info on combat etc.  A lot of the info they released appeared to be made on the fly. 

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