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In Summary:
1) Someone who broke records getting to end game in other games did it in 54 hours zig zagging across Tamriel lol.
2) Another did it in 70-80 hours skipping all dialogue.
3) Another from Tamriel Foundry did it in about 144 hours.
4) ESO creative director Paul Sage has previously estimated 150 hours for players killing and questing at “top speed.
What does that mean for people like me with work and other things in life to worry about that can only play a few hours a day at most? A minimum of 50 days if I can even play every day averaging about 3 hours of gaming a night (sometimes more on weekend, sometimes less on a super busy day).
Since I doubt Ill be able to play EVERY day and this probably doesn't include me chit chatting and joking around with everyone, crafting, and all the other RPG stuff I like to admire, that pretty much guarantees I won't see end level until about 3 months out if that lol. This doesn't include the 50+ or 50++.
There Is Always Hope!
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
I have no issue with how fast anyone else plays through the game.
The only time I explode is if they end up crying on the forums about "lack of content" after hitting level-cap in record time by skipping half the content...
Oh, I fully expect that to happen with TESO as well. It happens with every new MMO. A group of power gamers skip everything that can be skipped, and find the fastest and easiest way to level cap. Even with 50+ and 50++ VR content, I doubt it will slow these types of gamers down. I bet within 1 week, maybe 2, they'll be out in full crying about a "lack of content".
Playing: Darkfall New Dawn (and planning to play Fallout 76)
Favourite games have included: UO, Lineage2, Darkfall, Lotro, Baldur's Gate, SSX, FF7 and yes the original Wizardry on an Apple IIe
I'll roll as fast as I can but I won't skip dialogue first time around and it's good to go sight seeing during your leveling experience
Ryoshi1 as Rikimaru
Wow so many votes for 3 months, I'd thought it would only take a month.
Looks like 30 days then unsub, wait for the bugs to get worked out, and the nurf bat to stop swinging. This game is gonna go through a lot of changes just like TOR did before it hit it's stride.
I usually take my time, exploring. Level a lot of builds at the same time and stop for awhile if I don't like the direction the game is going.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Estimated 150 hours in fast speed?
Let's assume that it'll take 200 hours in normal speed. Based on my calculation, I play 4 hours a day on weekday and 10 hours on weekend, which equal to roughly 60 hours of gameplay in a week and 240 hours in a month for me. Maybe I'll be able to reach 50 in a month.
I found this sentence as a concern:
“I actually had to skip about 1/2 the zone because leveling was so quick.”
I think if players can skip a zone because the leveling is too quick, they have to revamp the exp gained. just know it'll happen
I'm a speed runner (for the record I don't complain about lack of content in a game) in a few games and although I don't plan to buy TESO at release and it won't be a game I'm interested in speed running, if I was doing it I would guess a little less than 1 week should suffice considering those speed runs summaries. I have work too, but I usually take off a week once a year for a big release. 16 hours a day + 8 hours of sleep and I should be able to hit an 80 hour rate with those estimates.
I don't skip content, I come back and do it later if I skip anything because I am a rather insane achiever. In most games (doesn't apply to TESO in this case) I want to be raid ready as soon as possible so I can begin raiding with a guild of likeminded folks and go for server firsts.
From what others have said, this will kind of irk me greatly for ESO; it's not the fact that I don't have the time to play but it also means that it's really a game that's about the endgame and everything prior to it is like a giant "training session". I really don't know what happened to having a game that really immersed you in exploring it and got your attention. It's like FF14 with the whole comment being made by the game director however everything before endgame is really a "training tutorial". Endgame is nice and all but I have to be one of those new breed of mmo players who just want to shoot the screen if all I do is an instanced dungeon every single friggin week....
Also, perspective wise, if you can get to the end level rather fast it also means crafting economy will be typically bad; if players can lvl up fast and get end game gear what incentive is there to make in-game currency for gear when your not at capped level. I know some players will want to go in fully geared regardless but we all do it; we all look at what gear we need in advance and end game gear is really the final look.
I'm somehow having more and more doubts of this game as time goes on...
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
No way they need to chance the xp rate. its not about doing every single quest in a game in order to level, its about doing every single quest in the game for the lore you get, the skill points the rare objects you find.
its for replay whit new characters , its for having fun..
This rewards the player that tries to do it all, he or she gets those extra 50 skill points and a mutch more diverse character then the power rusher who destroys their own fun and starts complaining after.
No rush at all. I think also that this Game is simply not made for "rush through it". It is an Adventure, a living breathing World and in my Eyes it would be a waste of not enjoying that. Then there is Cyrodil which does not need you to be 50 to enjoy that as well. Crafting, helping Guildmates and whatnot. I am not sure.
Even that i am one of the "have much time" (sadly) guys, i think i will need a Month or two. I can't say really. It's done when it's done i think fits best here
Aerowyn's Video Compilation of ALL things Guild Wars 2
prolly about a month for me but it depends on how much fun other stuff is to do that doesn't involve leveling up.
it will also depend how much fun i have playing the game. if i like it a lot i suspect i will get to level 50 much faster.
There will be people, possibly whole groups of people, who hit 50 very quickly as their objective will be PvP.
As far as people who are only interested in PvE - well Mythic was surprised at how quickly people got to level 50; something that doesn't seem to have changed!
I wonder how fast or slow it will be for people to level 10-50 entirely in Cyrodiil.