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Copyrighting Username

Is there a way to reserve a username created in an mmo game so nobody else uses it to create the same username in another mmo?

Hence the creator of the username will confident that he/she won't get a message like "Usename is already taken" when he tries to register with the same username in another online game.




  • Aliantha_AngelAliantha_Angel Member UncommonPosts: 225
    You would have to have a database that game makers would be willing to tap into and program their software to reserve your name for you.  And if you don't play that game, nobody else can still use it?  Unlikely to happen IMO.
  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476
    Yes, Its called Death.
    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • OmiragOmirag Member UncommonPosts: 276

    If they do I have dibs on Legolas, Cloud, Cloud Strife, Bacon, Sephiroth...

    this is a long list, I'll cut it short and say I am copyrighting every name that ever existed and I'll charge you 100 bucks if you want to buy the rights to it from me for 1 year.


  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657

    You can probably copyright it.  Then you'll have to protect it by suing anyone and everyone who uses it in order to protect your copyright and not lose it. I hope you've got a defense fund of several million dollars and a very large legal team.

    No one will protect your copyright but you. No one will do anything for you in your defense of your copyright without some compensation.

    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • Beta_PlayerBeta_Player Member Posts: 4

    Taking into consideration the difficulties mentioned above a more reasonable approach would be  trademarking a username rather than copyrighting it, Since another  person can't use a trademark to register for a new account (Example: a person can't use Microsoft as a username), so now the main issue is changed to:

    Is trademarking a reasonable way to protect a Username?

  • RusqueRusque Member RarePosts: 2,785
    Originally posted by Beta_Player

    Taking into consideration the difficulties mentioned above a more reasonable approach would be  trademarking a username rather than copyrighting it, Since another  person can't use a trademark to register for a new account (Example: a person can't use Microsoft as a username), so now the main issue is changed to:

    Is trademarking a reasonable way to protect a Username?


    Why not come up with a unique username that others don't generally use - you might find that you don't get that message when creating characters/accounts for new mmos.

    I mean, if you're hellbent on calling yourself Fred, then you're probably going to keep running into this.

  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by Rusque
    Originally posted by Beta_Player

    Taking into consideration the difficulties mentioned above a more reasonable approach would be  trademarking a username rather than copyrighting it, Since another  person can't use a trademark to register for a new account (Example: a person can't use Microsoft as a username), so now the main issue is changed to:

    Is trademarking a reasonable way to protect a Username?


    Why not come up with a unique username that others don't generally use - you might find that you don't get that message when creating characters/accounts for new mmos.

    I mean, if you're hellbent on calling yourself Fred, then you're probably going to keep running into this.

    /like /agree /winner

    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
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  • Beta_PlayerBeta_Player Member Posts: 4
    The real problem is that: if i use a unique username and that username gets popular in any mmo game (Example: Being in the Top ten of The Elder Scrolls Online) then some players might take the oppurtunity and use that username to register in another mmo. Therefore is there any REASONABLE way to overcome this problem? 
  • VideoJockeyVideoJockey Member UncommonPosts: 223
    Originally posted by Beta_Player
    The real problem is that: if i use a unique username and that username gets popular in any mmo game (Example: Being in the Top ten of The Elder Scrolls Online) then some players might take the oppurtunity and use that username to register in another mmo. Therefore is there any REASONABLE way to overcome this problem? 

    Yes, it's called getting over yourself.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,263
    Originally posted by Beta_Player
    The real problem is that: if i use a unique username and that username gets popular in any mmo game (Example: Being in the Top ten of The Elder Scrolls Online) then some players might take the oppurtunity and use that username to register in another mmo. Therefore is there any REASONABLE way to overcome this problem? 

    Yes. Always make sure to pay for early access to any game you wish to play, take advantage of any offers to reserve names due to pre-order bonuses or what have you, and make sure when the servers go live (and names become permanent) you are always one of the first to log in, even if you have to take a day off from work to do it.

    Any other suggestion is just unreasonable.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • tawesstawess Member EpicPosts: 4,227

    The most resonable... And that is stretching the meaning of the word... Is to set your self up with a one of a kind username and then simply register it with EVERY game that is and every new one that pops up.


    It would be way way cheaper then any of your current ideas.


    Beyond that... You are SoL.

    This have been a good conversation

  • Agnostic42Agnostic42 Member UncommonPosts: 405
    Originally posted by Beta_Player
    The real problem is that: if i use a unique username and that username gets popular in any mmo game (Example: Being in the Top ten of The Elder Scrolls Online) then some players might take the oppurtunity and use that username to register in another mmo. Therefore is there any REASONABLE way to overcome this problem? 

    You can technically copyright anything, the kicker is, whether or not the copyright is enforceable. You can freely use all names in literature, but when you start to use those same names in the same context as the original, that is where you cross the line and face problems. I.E. You can write a book with a character named Gandalf, albeit bad form, you can still do it, but if you make this character a wizard in either gray or white robes who helps a group cross a vast landscape in order to save the world from war, you have just violated copyright and will either be asked to stop, or sued.


    You can (probably) copyright an MMO username(meaning they will take your money), but I seriously doubt if it will be enforceable, and anything other than a waste of your funds and become an internet joke, the whining video might go viral though, so that's a plus. If you make the name 'Iswiminpoo" as a character name in game X, then someone else uses the same name in a different game, or even on a different server, it can be argued that unless they copy you exactly in the game(Items, builds, skills, literally a perfectly exact match), then no, they violated nothing, as they used it in a different context.


    There is also the EULA's in MMO's that state that anything you make inside their product becomes their property. You own the account rights and the right to access that account on their servers.

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Originally posted by Beta_Player
    The real problem is that: if i use a unique username and that username gets popular in any mmo game (Example: Being in the Top ten of The Elder Scrolls Online) then some players might take the oppurtunity and use that username to register in another mmo. Therefore is there any REASONABLE way to overcome this problem? 


    If you can show a game company you have a name trademarked they'll just ban the name so they don't have to deal with any legal issues. So even you wouldn't be able to use it. Trademarking doesn't work in such a way that you can use it in games and no one else can. You could use it in your own game an no one else could...but that doesn't help you.

    The only reasonable way to get your name is to pick a rather unique one and get in first.

  • goblagobla Member UncommonPosts: 1,412
    Originally posted by Beta_Player

    Example: a person can't use Microsoft as a username

    You can.

    Neither trademark nor copyright is some sort of "you can't use this word anymore" rule.

    You can't create a company called Microsoft within the IT sector. But you are allowed to use it as a username, hell you'd even be allowed to use it as a company name for soft-drinks (albeit Microsoft would probably still sue you and with the power of money potentially win, in the US at least).

    We are the bunny.
    Resistance is futile.
    ( o.o) ( o.o) ( o.o)

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156
    Originally posted by VideoJockey
    Originally posted by Beta_Player
    The real problem is that: if i use a unique username and that username gets popular in any mmo game (Example: Being in the Top ten of The Elder Scrolls Online) then some players might take the oppurtunity and use that username to register in another mmo. Therefore is there any REASONABLE way to overcome this problem? 

    Yes, it's called getting over yourself.

    lol. Great answer.


  • Beta_PlayerBeta_Player Member Posts: 4
    OK. Undestood
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Originally posted by gobla
    Originally posted by Beta_Player

    Example: a person can't use Microsoft as a username

    You can.

    Neither trademark nor copyright is some sort of "you can't use this word anymore" rule.

    You can't create a company called Microsoft within the IT sector. But you are allowed to use it as a username, hell you'd even be allowed to use it as a company name for soft-drinks (albeit Microsoft would probably still sue you and with the power of money potentially win, in the US at least).

    Lol, like Dumb Starbucks Inc.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • MW2KMW2K Member UncommonPosts: 1,036
    Which is why you don't go throwing about your prospected user name and/or guild sig for an upcoming MMO. You can almost guarantee some smartass will log in before you and take it. Especially if you make waves on various forums, big note yourself etc.
  • AcidonAcidon Member UncommonPosts: 796

    This reminds me, is it wrong that I have God™ as a username on YouTube / Google+ ?

    I get mixed reactions..  *whistles innocently*

  • Kevyne-ShandrisKevyne-Shandris Member UncommonPosts: 2,077
    Originally posted by PeterRJG
    Which is why you don't go throwing about your prospected user name and/or guild sig for an upcoming MMO. You can almost guarantee some smartass will log in before you and take it. Especially if you make waves on various forums, big note yourself etc.

    Fine by me more advertizement for my domain. ;)


    The big problem is not trademarking names, it's using the names independently from the GAME'S own copyrights. Fine print in WoW, for example, is any user created name there is copyrighted by Blizzard.


    If you luck up and got a RL name (e.g., John/Jake/Jane, or Kevyne, etc) as a character, then you can reference that character as "common" names can't be trademarked. Otherwise, DON'T use a name from that novel you wrote or cartoon series you drew, as another company can own it.

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