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59$ for the box. 59$ for max level. Hell yeah, cut the crap?

bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

Would you do it? New game, instant max for an extra fee? Skip all the questing and get right to the good stuff?


60$ for instant ESO/Wildstar max level? Yeah? image








  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    In an awful lot of games, that would basically amount to paying $59 to get the ability to play the game and then another $59 to skip actually playing it, as there's not much interesting to do after you hit max level.  You can get about the same effect for $118 cheaper.
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

    I hear you brother, but I think I would have to, just to get that early jump on the market. 


    What if it was 30$?image

  • srsnoobsrsnoob Member Posts: 44

    I wouldn't buy it but for a game designed like WoW, after being out for many years, it's beneficial to have a catch up mechanic to keep the population fresh. I don't like it being sold though. I think they should have just kept it as a free boost for those that buy the exp. One thing I'm wondering about though is that what is the argument against botting now? If I buy max level or bot to it, the result is the same. I got there without playing, so should it still be against the rules? 

    For a new game I actually think it would be harmful. If players get to max level instantly they will play the game less, meaning they might not subscribe as long or buy items from a cash shop.

  • DoogiehowserDoogiehowser Member Posts: 1,873
    Even if it was 5 bucks i wouldn't. I like leveling at my own pace. People have been buying max lvl characters from third party websites and pay lot more to gold sellers to level their characters. But hey its 'wow' so people have to overreact. 

    "The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
    -Jesse Schell

    "Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
    -Luke McKinney


  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by Doogiehowser
    Even if it was 5 bucks i wouldn't. I like leveling at my own pace. People have been buying max lvl characters from third party websites and pay lot more to gold sellers to level their characters. But hey its 'wow' so people have to overreact. 

    I'm talking any mmorpg. New mmorpgs, ESO, Wildstar. 60$ extra for instant max?? I think I would do it for both those game image

  • azzamasinazzamasin Member UncommonPosts: 3,105
    If the game was a traditional old school MMO I wouldn't because progression is my most enjoyable moment but if 99% of the developers focus is toward endgame and quick leveling to get there like most Themepark MMO's I would.

    Sandbox means open world, non-linear gaming PERIOD!

    Subscription Gaming, especially MMO gaming is a Cash grab bigger then the most P2W cash shop!

    Bring Back Exploration and lengthy progression times. RPG's have always been about the Journey not the destination!!!


  • 9Prejudice9Prejudice Member Posts: 30
    Guess what, if that option was available, you wouldn't have many people to play with anymore coz people will not buy the game. Everyone who's still playing will just be the max level like you.
  • DoogiehowserDoogiehowser Member Posts: 1,873
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by Doogiehowser
    Even if it was 5 bucks i wouldn't. I like leveling at my own pace. People have been buying max lvl characters from third party websites and pay lot more to gold sellers to level their characters. But hey its 'wow' so people have to overreact. 

    I'm talking any mmorpg. New mmorpgs, ESO, Wildstar. 60$ extra for instant max?? I think I would do it for both those game image

    I know. I mentioned WOW because that is where this topic came from. I was talking in general though. I wouldnt buy it even it is for 5 bucks.  However if you already 8 alts and all you want to do is raid and not bother to level again i can understand.

    "The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
    -Jesse Schell

    "Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
    -Luke McKinney


  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818

    I wouldn't do it but I don't see the big deal either.

    If someone power levels their character to max level in a week, they didn't want to see that content anyway. The argument has been made for a long time that raiders should just get to start at end game and raid. It's what they want to do.

    So if someone starting wow just wants to play end game....who cares. That game is FULL of people with max level characters that don't have any idea what they're doing. This just comes down to the tired old...I don't like what that guy is doing post.

  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by Doogiehowser
    Even if it was 5 bucks i wouldn't. I like leveling at my own pace. People have been buying max lvl characters from third party websites and pay lot more to gold sellers to level their characters. But hey its 'wow' so people have to overreact. 

    I'm talking any mmorpg. New mmorpgs, ESO, Wildstar. 60$ extra for instant max?? I think I would do it for both those game image

    I wouldn't do it in a new game. Maybe in an older game if I had already experienced the content before and it had a heavy end game. I feel like after doing content a few times or even twice it just gets stale unless it changes in some respect.

  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    If the content of the game was so bad that I would want to skip it, why the hell would I want to play the game in the first place.

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    In themeparks, the game always starts at max level so I'd gladly pay. Leveling, dailies, and gearing up are my least favorite things in themeparks.


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • ozmonoozmono Member UncommonPosts: 1,211

    For a game like WoW or wildstar I probably wouldn't and furthermore I wouldn't like people having the option if it meant that decent pick up groups were harder to come by because a lot of people never learnt to play their class.


    In a game like ESO, I would consider it because I'd primarily be interested in the end game pvp. That said I'm not even sure if I'll be playing ESO at all, let alone paying extra for a max character and I have no intention of picking WoW back up or playing wildstar.

  • plat0nicplat0nic Member Posts: 301
    That doesn't make any sense. It's not really an mmorpg then.  Although Guild Wars 1 comes to mind when you say that. If you consider that you could create max level PvP characters and get into the PvP right away.  Hmmmm....

    Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
    2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)

  • Ryoshi1Ryoshi1 Member Posts: 139
    I wouldn't do it (and it's sad blizz is taking this step but they're d3ers) I can go into powerleveling mode and speedrice to lvl 90 anyway :D But I don't like wow and why bother playing if you're all about zerging endgame D:
  • PurutzilPurutzil Member UncommonPosts: 3,048
    The fact this exists is pretty stupid. The fact WoW has it WITH a monthly sub and generally their overpriced services really rubs me (and has rubbed me) the wrong way. Its ridiculously greedy of them on so many levels.
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by Purutzil
    The fact this exists is pretty stupid. The fact WoW has it WITH a monthly sub and generally their overpriced services really rubs me (and has rubbed me) the wrong way. Its ridiculously greedy of them on so many levels.

    It's coming though man. The rest of the industry will follow. All it will take is one company to offer the  "New Release Max Edition."

  • DoogiehowserDoogiehowser Member Posts: 1,873
    Originally posted by Purutzil
    The fact this exists is pretty stupid. The fact WoW has it WITH a monthly sub and generally their overpriced services really rubs me (and has rubbed me) the wrong way. Its ridiculously greedy of them on so many levels.

    Actually the price should be even higher. The high price is on purpose so that less people buy it. WOW is 9 years old game. Now if a new MMO does this just after a month or two after release i would understand the anger.


    "The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
    -Jesse Schell

    "Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
    -Luke McKinney


  • tindeathtindeath Member UncommonPosts: 6
    I personally would not pay or want to level without playing my toon. I feel sorry for the folks that group with those that pay to level as I do not believe they will be able to play their toons as well as those who level it up through normal progression.
  • ozmonoozmono Member UncommonPosts: 1,211
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Originally posted by Purutzil
    The fact this exists is pretty stupid. The fact WoW has it WITH a monthly sub and generally their overpriced services really rubs me (and has rubbed me) the wrong way. Its ridiculously greedy of them on so many levels.

    It's coming though man. The rest of the industry will follow. All it will take is one company to offer the  "New Release Max Edition."

    From what I understand this is another case of WoW following in EQII's footsteps but EQII somehow living in WoWs shadow. Funny thing is people will probably condemn WoW for setting the trend just like they do when they say WoW simplified the genre.

  • Rollcage8Rollcage8 Member Posts: 63

    $60 to not see thousands of hours of developer produced content.

    $60 to not see the storyline and become familiar with why you are doing what you are doing at max level. 

    WoWs max level offer is completely disgusting, they already bend their playerbase over a barrel with thier rediculous subscription fee for no content for 8 months then release an expansion pack that costs to buy it anyways. 

    Whole genre is a total money sink for no content. 

  • JemAs666JemAs666 Member UncommonPosts: 252
    Originally posted by laserit
    If the content of the game was so bad that I would want to skip it, why the hell would I want to play the game in the first place.

    Pretty much this ^  

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

    good point
  • CazNeergCazNeerg Member Posts: 2,198
    Only game where I would even consider an option to pay to skip the progression elements is Landmark, and only there because (in it's current alpha state) all the progression is a way of making it take longer before you can participate fully in the actual content. (Building.)  In most games, most of the content is experienced during progression, not after it effectively ends.

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Force shall free me.

  • sethman75sethman75 Member UncommonPosts: 212

    I would pay $60 if they promised me there was no crappy endgame.

    For me and many others, the progression of leveling from level one to cap IS the game.

    The part where you repeat the same dailies, dungeons, raids is where the game turns to crap.

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