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WoW subscribers may be on the Up

ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,660

The data below shows WoW subscribers may be up, but are certainly not falling like a stone as some forum pundits on here would have you think.

I take all these figures with a pinch of salt and set no store by them. But as we have posters who like to come on here and tell us how P2P is dead and WoW is losing millions of subscribers every year I thought some data that showed the opposite needed to be shared.

In his article Richard Aihoshi (or Mr Free to Pay as I think of him) casts some doubts on the figures, which I share, as I said I never take such figures as the final word. The problem is I wish he would be as critical of the figures from F2P MMOs, which he just waves through as solid evidence.


  • SoulTrapOnSelfSoulTrapOnSelf Member Posts: 190
    ya, same stuff, new expansion comes, then subs go up, nothing new; the game is old and eventually WILL die
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,660
    Everything in the universe will eventully die, so I do agree with you. :)
  • squalleonahasqualleonaha Member Posts: 211
    recent MMO release failed + new expansion coming soon so the sub going up for short time. it'll drop more after expansion. common business trend
  • SawlstoneSawlstone Member Posts: 301

    I know they are down one sub :)

    Wow has forever been a constant for me personally. I know for certainty it is for a lot of people too. Just this week, a bunch of my guildies came back from hiatus yet again as my gametime was about to expire. I didn't feel the need to resub just because they came back which was the case many times over in the past. For now, my subbing fees will await ESO. And I'll pass time in EQNL alpha.

    So to you point. I don't think sub model is dead. What I wish was dead is the tired argument regarding it. I will always feel since its entertainment that if its of a quality, you should pay for it. It should not be free.

  • squalleonahasqualleonaha Member Posts: 211

    the sub model never dead. its the good game was dead b/c they havent made any true good game yet.

    these dark time cant come pare to Everquest, WOW....time 10 years ago

  • SoulTrapOnSelfSoulTrapOnSelf Member Posts: 190

    I think the new expansion will bring more subs than Pandaria did due to level 90 deal. For many players it's the real new start they were waiting for.


    edit: new expansion is like an Outland part 2; many loved that x-pack including myself

  • PurutzilPurutzil Member UncommonPosts: 3,048

    Its called trends. New Expasnion coming, plus the fact they are removing scroll of resurrection (prompting people to jump back in) , plus having preorders get boosted to 90 instantly all tend to help increase its sub numbers a little before the expansion then it otherwise might of gotten. 


    As any savey individual knows, its not about the short term trends, but the long term, and in long term standards wow is slowly dropping down as anything that grows in age and makes bad decision after bad decision. Its natural, dont be afraid of it, its how things work. Embrace the truth and just go with the flow. 

  • Kevyne-ShandrisKevyne-Shandris Member UncommonPosts: 2,077
    Originally posted by Sukiyaki
    Your "shared" source which everyone had already discussed last week doesn't contradict the fact that WoW lost millions of subscriber and sales have significantly dropped over the past years.

    That was due to this...



    And this...



    The saying goes like this: the only entity that can kill WoW is Blizzard...and they shot themselves in the foot 4 years running, now.


    Blew up the world, and made a Panda PvP expansion...way to NOT go Blizzard! -_-

  • plat0nicplat0nic Member Posts: 301
    Will be interesting to see how much of WoW goes to Wildstar. It seems like it's looking for the same target market. I see ESO as having a player base separate from WoW, although I'm sure they are looking for a piece of their pie as well.  Anyways the two together around the same time will most likely have an impact to say the least.

    Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
    2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)

  • RydesonRydeson Member UncommonPosts: 3,852
    Originally posted by Scot
    Everything in the universe will eventully die, so I do agree with you. :)

         True.. I played WoW since the beginning when I left EQ2's terrible launch.. Always enjoyed it.. till the last part of LK era..  I'm tired of vertical progression, and end game hamster wheel grinding for gear.. Have I thought about coming back for a bit.. YES, as soon as I think about bringing all my characters up from 80 to whatever cap is now doing the SAME content over again.. I immediately say NO F'ing WAY am I doing that..  WoW is top heavy, I'm not in the mood to deal with that..  That was one of the biggest reasons I gave up on EQ too when PoP came out..  I can take a little vertical progression, but there needs to be horizontal as well..  (AND) adding a zone for goblins doesn't cut it.. lol

  • VarossVaross Moderator UncommonPosts: 11,414

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